When you asked this bot politely to send you a picture of something it would do its best to find it in the collection of the Cooper Hewitt museum. If nobody asked it anything it used to get bored. It would start changing its profile pictures.
All images are archived here. You can read more about this polite bot here.
A synonym of yesterday’s word. Updated every day. It started with the word random which turned into connectedness in 3461 days.
You can follow along on Mastodon
Every hour it is 13:37 somewhere. This is documented here.
Monthly archives can be bought or downloaded in magazine form.
Updated regularly on Mastodon as well.
Three times a day a random graphic design is selected from the Cooper Hewitt collection by generating two random colours.
The world has ended many times. This site documents that fact every day
Updated every night on Mastodon as well.
Every day a white image of random size is added to this page.
Updates are also posted to this Mastodon account.
Every day a new rectangle is generated.
Progress can be followed on Mastodon. And you can buy them as well.
Time is different in Greece. This is a Greek time clock. It shows you the exact time, give or take an hour. Updated every two minutes.
This clock shows you how long it takes until it’s 13:37. Or how long ago it was 13:37
Don’t forget to look at the ceiling every two hours
Every day a random blob, indeed.
You can order one as a print
Random blobs that turn into rectangles with different ratios.
Slices of random blobs that turn into rectangles. Lots of random stuff in these things.
Today is the 70th day of the year. This daily number is used as a hue for these squares.
Different colours with different blend-modes on top of each other.
Every day my server generates a book with 100 random rectangles. You should buy one for every birthday of every person you know.
Every day my server generates a book with 100 random blobs. Excellent Wiedergutmachung presents for those birthdays you forgot.
Every day my server generates a book with 100 random blobs that turn into rectangles. You should buy one every now and then. They’re beautiful.
Every day my server generates a book with 100 slices of random blobs that turn into rectangles. You could buy one if you want to remember a special day.
Today is the 70th day of the year. This daily number is used as a hue for colours. And it’s used to calculate each next colour on each next page. On certain dates this results in wonderful patterns. Beautiful books.
In one of his essays Jan Tschichold describes the Van De Graaf Canon. All rectangles in these books are laid out according to these canons. Theoretically perfect. Practically nice.
There are a twelve so called excellent orthogons. These books use these ratios to generate random three column layouts. Great if you like weird logic.