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Curriculum Vitae

Universitat de València, Prehistory and Archaeology, Faculty Member
- 1REGISTRATION NUM.: 00186 SURNAMES: GOMEZ BELLARD NAME: CARLOS GENDER: Male ID number: 02507831A DATE OF BIRTH: 25/04/1956 Number of employee: 0250783146 A050 Personal address: CL/ 10, N.1 City: La Cañada POSTAL CODE: 46182 PHONE NUMBER: ORCID Code: 0000-0003-0173-4674 Researcher ID: O-6968-2018 Scopus Author ID: SPECIALIZATION (UNESCO CODES): THESIS DIRECTOR: Milagro Gil-Mascarell Boscá CURRENT PROFESSIONAL STATUS AND STARTING DATE: CATEDRÁTICO DE UNIVERSIDAD - 10/05/2011 ORGANIZATION: Universitat de València Center: FACULTAT DE GEOGRAFIA I HISTÒRIA DEPT./SECT./STR. UNIT: PREHISTÒRIA, ARQUEOLOGIA I HISTÒRIA ANTIGA POSTAL ADDRESS: Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 28 ( Valencia - 46010 ) PHONE NUMBER (Add number and extension): 963864242 ext. CONTRACT STAFF SCHOLARSHIP HOLDER TEMPORARY LEAVE OTHER SITUATION:............................................................ a) FULL TIME DEDICATION: b) PART TIME SPECIFY: Language skills Language French English Italian Listening C2 B2 B2 DATE OF FULFILLMENT: 03/10/2021 03/10/2021 Reading C2 C1 C1 Spoken Interaction Speaking C2 C2 C1 C1 B2 B2 Writing C2 C1 A1 SIGN: 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 2Academic Studies Key: Ph.D. Title: Historia Center: Universidad de Valencia Date: 26/10/1987 Official approval date: Center type: Titulation name: Titulation country: Titulation region: Mark: Academic file average qualification: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 3Former Activities Activity: Arqueólogo Institution: Museo Arqueológico de Ibiza Beginning date: 01/07/1981 Ending date: 15/10/1984 Order: 001 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 4Journal Publications Authors (signature): C.Gómez Bellard-V.Marí i Costa- R. Puig Moragón Title: Evolución del poblamiento rural en el NE de Ibiza en época púnica y romana (prospecciones sistemáticas 2001-2003) Journal: 000469 - Saguntum Number or authors: 3 Position in authors’ list: Volume: --- Number: 37 Pages, Initial: 27 final: 43 Year: 2005 Place of publication: SPAIN ISSN: 0210-3729 Key: Article article code: 044314 Order: 001 Relevance order: National / International: National Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: Authors (signature): E.Díes Cusí-C.Gómez Bellard- R. Puig Moragón Title: Fondeaderos secundarios y explotación rural en la isla de Ibiza Journal: 030294 - Mayurqa Number or authors: 3 Position in authors’ list: Volume: 30 Number: --- Pages, Initial: 729 final: 751 Year: 2006 Place of publication: SPAIN ISSN: 0301-8296 Key: Article article code: 044316 Order: 003 Relevance order: National / International: National Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: Authors (signature): Gómez Bellard, Carlos Title: La explotación rural fenicia y púnica en el Mediterráneo occidental Journal: 307732 - Mainake Number or authors: 1 Position in authors’ list: Volume: XXVIII Number: (2006) Pages, Initial: 177 final: 187 Year: 2008 Place of publication: SPAIN ISSN: 0212-078X Key: Article article code: 045319 Order: 004 Relevance order: National / International: National Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: Authors (signature): P. van Dommelen-C.Gómez Bellard-C.Tronchetti Title: Excavacions en la granja púnica de Truncu’e Molas (Terralba, Cerdeña) Journal: 307969 - Informes y trabajos (Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España) Number or authors: 3 Position in authors’ list: Volume: 1 Number: --- Pages, Initial: --- final: --- Year: 2007 Place of publication: SPAIN ISSN: 2444-8087 Key: Article article code: 051964 Order: 005 Relevance order: National / International: International Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 5Authors (signature): P. van Dommelen-C.Gómez Bellard-C.Tronchetti Title: The Punic Farmstead at Truncu’e Molas (Sardinia, Italy): excavations 2007 Journal: 913330 - Antiquity Number or authors: 3 Position in authors’ list: Volume: 82 Number: 315 Pages, Initial: --- final: --- Year: 2008 Place of publication: ENGLAND ISSN: 0003-598X Key: Article article code: 051965 Order: 006 Relevance order: National / International: International Link: http://http.// Indexing Database: Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) Impact factor: 0.844 Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: ANTHROPOLOGY, 24 de 61 Quality indicators: Comments: Authors (signature): P. van Dommelen-C.Gómez Bellard-C.Tronchetti Title: La excavación de la granja púnica de Truncu’e Molas (Terralba, Cerdeña) Journal: 000469 - Saguntum Number or authors: 3 Position in authors’ list: Volume: 39 Number: --- Pages, Initial: 179 final: 183 Year: 2008 Place of publication: SPAIN ISSN: 0210-3729 Key: Article article code: 051966 Order: 007 Relevance order: National / International: National Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: Authors (signature): P. van Dommelen;C.Gómez Bellard;G.Pérez Jordà Title: Produzione agraria nella Sardegna punica: fra cereali e vino Journal: 305314 - L’Africa romana Number or authors: 3 Position in authors’ list: 02 Volume: XVIII Number: --- Pages, Initial: 1187 final: 1202 Year: 2010 Place of publication: ITALY ISSN: Key: Article article code: 066504 Order: 008 Relevance order: National / International: International Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: Authors (signature): C.Gómez Bellard; Title: Algunas reflexiones sobre la identidad púnica Journal: 307732 - Mainake Number or authors: 1 Position in authors’ list: 00 Volume: XXII(I) Number: --- Pages, Initial: 571 final: 576 Year: 2010 Place of publication: SPAIN ISSN: 0212-078X Key: Article article code: 066505 Order: 009 Relevance order: National / International: National Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 6Authors (signature): E.Díes Cusí;P.van Dommelen;C. Gómez Bellard Title: Excavaciones en la granja púnica de Pauli Stincus (Terralba, Cerdeña) Journal: 000469 - Saguntum Number or authors: 3 Position in authors’ list: 03 Volume: 42 Number: --- Pages, Initial: 123 final: 127 Year: 2011 Place of publication: SPAIN ISSN: 0210-3729 Key: Article article code: 076178 Order: 010 Relevance order: National / International: National Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: Authors (signature): P.van Dommelen; C.Gómez Bellard; G.Pérez Jordá Title: Produzione agraria nella Sardegna punica fra cereali e vino Journal: 305314 - L’Africa romana Number or authors: 3 Position in authors’ list: 02 Volume: XVIII Number: --- Pages, Initial: 1187 final: 1202 Year: 2010 Place of publication: ITALY ISSN: Key: Article article code: 076179 Order: 011 Relevance order: National / International: International Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: Authors (signature): G.Pérez Jordá; J.V. Morales Pérez; R.Marlasca Martín; C.Gómez Bellard; P.van Dommelen Title: La alimentación en una granja púnica de Cerdeña Journal: 000469 - Saguntum Number or authors: Position in authors’ list: Volume: extra Number: 9 Pages, Initial: 295 final: 302 Year: 2010 Place of publication: SPAIN ISSN: 0210-3729 Key: Article article code: 087100 Order: 012 Relevance order: National / International: National Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: Authors (signature): Cristiano Nicosia, Roger Langohr, Pilar Carmona González,Carlos Gómez Bellard, Emily B. Modrall, José Miguel Ruíz Pérez, Peter van Dommelen Title: Land Use History and Site Formation Processes at the Punic Site of Pauli Stincus in West Central Sardinia Journal: 912730 - Geoarchaeology-An International Journal Number or authors: Position in authors’ list: Volume: 28 Number: --- Pages, Initial: 373 final: 393 Year: 2013 Place of publication: UNITED STATES ISSN: 0883-6353 Key: Article article code: 104244 Order: 013 Relevance order: National / International: International Link: Indexing Database: Science Citation Index (SCI) Impact factor: 1.672 Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 76 de 173 Quality indicators: Comments: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 7Authors (signature): J.M. Ruiz; P. Carmona; C. Gómez Bellard; P. van Dommelen Title: Geomorfología y cambio ambiental en el entorno de los yacimientos arqueológicos púnicos de la llanura de Terralba (Golfo de Oristano, isla de Cerdeña, Italia) Journal: 000090 - Boletín Geológico y Minero de España Number or authors: Position in authors’ list: Volume: 129 Number: 1 Pages, Initial: 331 final: 352 Year: 2018 Place of publication: SPAIN ISSN: 0366-0176 Key: Article article code: 116490 Order: 014 Relevance order: National / International: National Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: Authors (signature): Carlos Gómez Bellard Title: Recensión de la obra:Oswald LORETZ, Sergio RIBICHINI, Wilfred G. E. WATSON & José Á. ZAMORA (éd.), Ritual, Religion and Reason. Studies in the Ancient World in Honour of Paolo Xella (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 404), Münster, Ugarit Verlag, 2013, 25 cm, XXXII + 677 p., ISBN : 9783868350876. Journal: 003491 - Syria Number or authors: Position in authors’ list: Volume: 91 (2014) Number: --- Pages, Initial: 483 final: 484 Year: 2014 Place of publication: ISSN: 0039-7946 Key: Other publications in journals article code: 116574 Order: 015 Relevance order: National / Internatio Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: Authors (signature): Peter van Dommelen- Carlos Gómez Bellard Title: Le anfore, il vino e l’orto: per una archeologia dei paessagi rurali ed agrari nel mondo punico Journal: 020144 - Rivista di Studi Fenici Number or authors: 2 Position in authors’ list: Volume: 40 Number: 2 Pages, Initial: 251 final: 266 Year: 2012 Place of publication: ITALY ISSN: 0390-3877 Key: Article article code: 141895 Order: 016 Relevance order: National / International: International Link: Indexing Database: Impact factor: Number of citations: Subject and Position within it: Quality indicators: Comments: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 8Book Publications Authors (signature): Gómez,C. Title: Colonos sin indígenas: el campo ibicenco en época fenicio-púnica Book: Ecohistoria del paisaje agrario. La agricultura fenicio-púnica en el Mediterráneo. Publisher: Universitat de València Number or authors: Volume: 95 Number: --- Pages, Initial: 219 final: 235 Year: 2003 Place of publication: Valencia (SPAIN) ISBN: 84-370-5508-3 Legal Deposit: Z-352-2003 Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 001297 Order: 001 Relevance order: Publisher: National Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): Gómez,C. Title: Cartago en Iberia. Book: Túnez tierra de culturas Publisher: Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània Number or authors: 1 Volume: --- Number: --- Pages, Initial: 56 final: 59 Year: 2003 Place of publication: Valencia (SPAIN) ISBN: 84-7795-345-7 Legal Deposit: V-2178-2003 Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 001298 Order: 002 Relevance order: Publisher: International Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): Gómez,C. Title: Ibiza cartaginesa Book: Túnez tierra de culturas Publisher: Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània Number or authors: 1 Volume: --- Number: --- Pages, Initial: 66 final: 69 Year: 2003 Place of publication: Valencia (SPAIN) ISBN: 84-7795-345-7 Legal Deposit: V-2178-2003 Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 001299 Order: 003 Relevance order: Publisher: International Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): Puig Moragón,R.M.; Dies Cusí,E. y Gómez Bellard,C. Title: Can Corda. Un asentamiento rural púnico-romano en el suroeste de Ibiza. Book: Publisher: Museu Arqueològic d’Eivissa i Formentera Number or authors: 3 Volume: 53 Number: --- Pages, Initial: 1 final: 175 Year: 2004 Place of publication: Eivissa (SPAIN) ISBN: 84-87143-34-2 Legal Deposit: I-122-2004 Key: **Llibre de contingut científic Publication code: 007953 Order: 004 Relevance order: Publisher: Nationa Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): Pérez Ballester, J. y Gómez Bellard,C. Title: Imitaciones de vasos plásticos en el mundo ibérico Book: La vajilla ibérica en época helenística Publisher: Casa de Velazquez Number or authors: 2 Volume: 89 Number: --- Pages, Initial: 31 final: 47 Year: 2005 Place of publication: Madrid (SPAIN) ISBN: 84-9555-66-2 Legal Deposit: M-53055-2004 Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 024988 Order: 005 Relevance order: Publisher: National Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 9Authors (signature): Gómez Bellard,C.- V. Marí i Costa-R. Puig Moragón Title: La ocupación rural en el NE de Ibiza a través de las prospecciones recientes Book: Sitios e Paisagens Rurais do Mediterrâneo Púnico Publisher: Universidade de Lisboa Number or authors: 3 Volume: 3 Number: --- Pages, Initial: 87 final: 103 Year: 2007 Place of publication: Lisboa (PORTUGAL) ISBN: 978-989-95653-0-2 Legal Deposit: 269268/07 Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 024989 Order: 006 Relevance order: Publisher: International Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): Gómez Bellard, Carlos Title: Aportaciones recientes al estudio del mundo rural fenicio-púnico Book: A. Rodríguez Díaz-I.Pavón Soldevila (Ed.): Arqueología de la tierra Publisher: Universidad de Extremadura Number or authors: 1 Volume: --- Number: --- Pages, Initial: 373 final: 383 Year: 2007 Place of publication: Cáceres (SPAIN) ISBN: 978-84-7723-770-9 Legal Deposit: M-40.135-2007 Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 024990 Order: 007 Relevance order: Publisher: International Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): P.van Dommelen- C.Gómez Bellard Title: Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Book: Monographies in Mediterranean Archaeology, 11 Publisher: Equinox Number or authors: 2 Volume: --- Number: --- Pages, Initial: 1 final: 268 Year: 2008 Place of publication: Londres (UNITED KINGDOM) ISBN: 9781845532703 Legal Deposit: --Key: **Llibre de contingut científic Publication code: 030789 Order: 008 Relevance order: 01 Publisher: Intern Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): Pérez Ballester, J; Gómez Bellard, Carlos Title: El depósito rural púnico de Can Vicent d’en Jaume (Santa Eulària des Riu, Ibiza) Book: Publisher: Museu Arqueològic d’Eivissa i Formentera Number or authors: 2 Volume: 63 Number: --- Pages, Initial: 1 final: 174 Year: 2009 Place of publication: Ibiza (SPAIN) ISBN: 978-84-87143-44-1 Legal Deposit: V-2390-2009 Key: **Llibre de contingut científic Publication code: 035996 Order: 009 Relevance order: Publisher: Nationa Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): Gómez Bellard, Carlos Title: Une île, une ville. Esquisse de topographie urbaine de l’Ibiza phénico-punique Book: Phönizisches und punisches Städtwessen Publisher: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Number or authors: 1 Volume: Iberia Archaeol Number: 13 Pages, Initial: 473 final: 484 Year: 2009 Place of publication: Maguncia (GERMANY) ISBN: 978-3-8053-4111-0 Legal Deposit: --Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 035997 Order: 010 Relevance order: Publisher: International Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 10Authors (signature): Gómez Bellard, Carlos Title: Hermanfrid Schubart y el Montgó Book: Arqueología en Alicante. Homenaje a Hermanfrid Schubart Publisher: MARQ.Alicante Number or authors: 1 Volume: --- Number: --- Pages, Initial: 58 final: 67 Year: 2010 Place of publication: Alicante (SPAIN) ISBN: 978-84-96979-71-0 Legal Deposit: --Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 041140 Order: 011 Relevance order: Publisher: National Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): Gómez Bellard, Carlos; Enrique Díes Cusí; Vicent Marí i Costa Title: Tres paisajes ibicencos: un estudio arqueológico Book: Publisher: Universitat de València Number or authors: 3 Volume: 10 Number: --- Pages, Initial: 3 final: 217 Year: 2011 Place of publication: Valencia (SPAIN) ISBN: --- Legal Deposit: V-841-1995 Key: **Llibre de contingut científic Publication code: 046988 Order: 012 Relevance order: Publisher: Nationa Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): C.Gómez Bellard-P.van Dommelen-C.Tronchetti Title: Une ferme punique en Sardaigne: fouilles sur le site de Truncu’e Molas (Terralba, Oristano) Book: Atti della Giornata di Studi in Onore di Antonella Spanò Publisher: Università degli Studi di Palermo Number or authors: 3 Volume: --- Number: --- Pages, Initial: 99 final: 109 Year: 2010 Place of publication: Palermo (ITALY) ISBN: 978-88-905208-0-8 Legal Deposit: --Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 049846 Order: 013 Relevance order: Publisher: International Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): G.Pérez Jordà-J.V.Morales-R.Marlasca-C.Gómez Bellard-P.van Dommelen Title: La alimentación en una granja púnica de Cerdeña Book: De la cuina a la taula Publisher: Universitat de València Number or authors: 5 Volume: --- Number: --- Pages, Initial: 295 final: 302 Year: 2010 Place of publication: Valencia (SPAIN) ISBN: --- Legal Deposit: V-841-1995 Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 049847 Order: 014 Relevance order: Publisher: National Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): P.van Dommelen; C.Gómez Bellard; C.Tronchetti Title: Insediamento rurale e produzione agraria nella Sardegna punica: la fattoria di Truncu’e Molas (terralba, OR) Book: C. del Vais (coord.):Epi Oinopa Ponton. Studi sul Mediterraneo antico in ricordo di Giovanni Tore Publisher: S’Alvure Number or authors: Volume: --- Number: --- Pages, Initial: 501 final: 516 Year: 2012 Place of publication: Oristano (ITALY) ISBN: 978-88-95701-31-8 Legal Deposit: --Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 054986 Order: 015 Relevance order: Publisher: International Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 11Authors (signature): C. Gómez Bellard Title: Death among the Punics Book: The Punic Mediterranean. Identities and Identification from Phoenician Settlement to Roman Rule Publisher: Cambridge University Press Number or authors: 1 Volume: --- Number: --- Pages, Initial: 69 final: 75 Year: 2014 Place of publication: Cambridge (UNITED KINGDOM) ISBN: 9781107055278 Legal Deposit: --Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 063683 Order: 016 Relevance order: Publisher: International Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): Carlos Gómez Bellard; Peter van Dommelen Title: Granjas y vida campesina en la Cerdeña púnica Book: IN Amicitia Publisher: Museu Arqueològic d’Eivissa i Formentera Number or authors: 2 Volume: 73 Number: --- Pages, Initial: 269 final: 279 Year: 2014 Place of publication: Ibiza (SPAIN) ISBN: 978-84-87143-53-3 Legal Deposit: I-186-2014 Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 070527 Order: 017 Relevance order: Publisher: National Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): Carlos Gómez Bellard Title: Agriculture Book: OXFORD HANDBOOK OF THE PHOENICIAN AND PUNIC MEDITERRANEAN Carolina López-Ruiz, Brian Doak eds Publisher: Oxford University Press Number or authors: 1 Volume: --- Number: --- Pages, Initial: 453 final: 462 Year: 2019 Place of publication: (ENGLAND) ISBN: 978-0-19-049934-1 Legal Deposit: --Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 071629 Order: 018 Relevance order: Publisher: International Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): Carlos Gómez Bellard Title: L’alimentazione Book: Carthago. Il mito immortale Publisher: Electa (Mondadori) Number or authors: 1 Volume: --- Number: --- Pages, Initial: 161 final: 162 Year: 2019 Place of publication: (ITALY) ISBN: 978-8891825247 Legal Deposit: --Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 085565 Order: 019 Relevance order: Publisher: International Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: Authors (signature): Carlos Gómez Bellard Title: Les Phéniciens Book: L’aventure phocéenne Publisher: Silvana Editoriale Number or authors: 1 Volume: --- Number: --- Pages, Initial: 30 final: 32 Year: 2019 Place of publication: (ITALY) ISBN: 978-8836640959 Legal Deposit: --Key: **Capítol de llibre Publication code: 085277 Order: 020 Relevance order: Publisher: International Link: Institutional Repository URL: Comments: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 12Research stays abroad Center: Université Paris I La Sorbonne Place: Paris Country: FRANCE Year: 2012 Duration: 1 Months Issue: Arqueología fenicio púnica en Ibiza y Cerdeña Key: **Convidat 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 13Research topics Line: Estudio de los modelos de implantación rural en el mundo fenicio-púnico, con especial incidencia en Ibiza Center: Universitat de València Dates: 01/01/2000 - 31/12/2008 Keywords: 001461 - Mundo rural / 213936 - Arqueología fenicio-púnica / 008772 - Ibiza 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 14Ph.D.-Theses, Degree Theses and Research Reports Title: Can Corda. Un asentamiento rural púnico-romano en el S.O. de Ibiza. Author: Puig,R. University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Facultat de Geografia i Història Year: 2003 Mark: Excellent Key: Research work of 12 credits Situation: Advisorship Title: L’Avinguda d’Espanya 3 (Eivissa). Un taller púnic de producció ceràmica Author: Duarte Martínez, F. University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Facultat de Geografia i Història Year: 2005 Mark: Excellent Key: Research work of 12 credits Situation: Advisorship Title: Estructura de la ciudad de Gadir en el entorno de la Bahía Author: Rodríguez Muñoz, Raquel University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Facultat de Geografia i Història Year: 2005 Mark: Excellent Key: Research work of 12 credits Situation: Advisorship Title: El olivo y la producción de aceite en la Antigüedad Author: Bonora Andújar, Isabel University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Facultat de Geografia i Història Year: 2006 Mark: Excellent Key: Research work of 12 credits Situation: Advisorship Title: El Tossal del Mortòrum (Cabanes, La Plana Alta, Casrelló): estudi preliminar d’un poblat del Ferro Antic Author: Miralles Peñarrocha, J.L. University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Facultat de Geografia i Història Year: 2007 Mark: Notable Key: Research work of 12 credits Situation: Advisorship Title: Género y actividad económica en el Egipto Antiguo Author: López Díaz, S. University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Facultat de Geografia i Història Year: 2009 Mark: Notable Key: Research work of 12 credits Situation: Advisorship Title: le terracotte Author: Poma, Luana University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Geografía e Historia Year: 2010 Mark: Excellent Key: Research work of 12 credits Situation: Advisorship Title: Las necrópolis fenicias del Sulcis y del Campidano (Cerdeña) Author: Menduni, A. University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Facultat de Geografia i Història Year: 2010 Mark: Excellent Key: Research work of 12 credits Situation: Advisorship Title: Religiosidad en la Ibiza púnica Author: Antón Peset, María University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Facultat de Geografia i Història Year: 2012 Mark: Excellent Key: Working Master or third cycle over 12 credits Situation: Advisorship Title: Inhumaciones infantiles en ámbito doméstico en la ’cultura’ del Soto de Medinilla Author: Andrés Reyes, Carmen University: Universidad de Valencia Faculty / School: Fac. Geografían e Historia Year: 2013 Mark: Notable Key: Working Master or third cycle of less than 12 credits Situation: Advisorship 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 15Title: Alimentació a l’Eivissa púnica (segles V a II a.E.) Author: Alicia Vendrell Betí University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Facultat de Geografia e Historia Year: 2015 Mark: Excellent Cum Laude Key: Doctoral Thesis Situation: Advisorship Title: El cultivo del olivo y la producción de aceite entre el Neolítico y el Imperio romano: el caso particular de la península Ibérica Author: Isabel Bonora Andújar University: Universidad de Valencia Faculty / School: Facultad de Geografía e Historia Year: 2015 Mark: Excellent Cum Laude Key: Doctoral Thesis with International Mention Situation: Advisorship Title: La Arqueología egipcia: ayer y hoy Author: Isidro Romeu Mora University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Facultat de Geografia e Historia Year: 2016 Mark: Notable Key: Working Master or third cycle over 12 credits Situation: Advisorship Title: Terracotas figuradas griegas en el mundo púnico (s.VI-IV A.C.). Importaciones, imitaciones y reelaboraciones Author: Luana Poma University: Universitat de Valencia Faculty / School: Geografía e Historia Year: 2017 Mark: Suitable cum laude Key: Doctoral Thesis Situation: Advisorship Title: El templo de Astarté en Kition Author: María Kokkinou University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Geografía e Historia Year: 2018 Mark: Excellent Key: Working Master or third cycle over 12 credits Situation: Advisorship Title: Estado de la cuestión: Arqueología de la Guerra Civil y del Franquismo Author: René della Canonica Fernández University: Universitat de València Faculty / School: Geografía e Historia Year: 2020 Mark: Notable Key: Working Master or third cycle over 12 credits Situation: Advisorship 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 16Other Activities Activity: Secretario del departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología, U. de Valencia Dates: 01/09/2002 - 31/08/2005 Scope: National Classification: **Academic Position Organization: Universidad de Valencia Activity: Excavaciones en la granja púnica de Truncu’e Molas (Terralba, Cerdeña) (Co-director) Dates: 01/06/2007 - 10/07/2007 Scope: International Classification: Trips and Scientific/Archaeological Campaigns Organization: Universidad de Valencia/University of Glasgow Activity: Excavaciones en la granja púnica de Pauli Stincus (Terralba, Cerdeña) (Co-director) Dates: 01/06/2010 - 10/07/2010 Scope: International Classification: Trips and Scientific/Archaeological Campaigns Organization: Universidad de Valencia/University of Glasgow Activity: Director del Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología Dates: 10/06/2011 - 09/06/2014 Scope: National Classification: **Academic Position Organization: Universitat de València Activity: Coordinador Erasmus de la titulación de Historia Dates: 25/05/2006 Scope: International Classification: **Academic Position Organization: Universitat de València 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 17Lectures Title: La ruralidad en la Protohistoria mediterránea Place: Castuera (Badajoz) Country: SPAIN Date: 08/07/2005 Name of the event: Arqueología de la Tierra; Curso de Verano de la Universidad de Extremadura Title: Asentamientos y paisajes rurales en el mundo púnico:Ibiza Place: Madrid Country: SPAIN Date: 06/04/2006 Name of the event: Navegantes y granjeros en la colonización fenicia Seminario organizado por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid Title: La mort chez les Puniques Place: Roma Country: ITALY Date: 07/11/2008 Name of the event: Identifying the Punic Mediterranean Title: El mundo rural de la Cerdeña púnica Place: Madrid Country: SPAIN Date: 01/12/2016 Name of the event: Los jueves Fenicio-púnicos Title: Arqueología de las islas, Arqueología en las islas Place: Marsala (Sicilia) Country: ITALY Date: 08/03/2018 Name of the event: Mediterraneo e mondo punico Title: Excavaciones en la granja púnica de Pauli Stincus (Terralba, Cerdeña) Place: Madrid Country: SPAIN Date: 08/05/2018 Name of the event: II Ciclo de Conferencias ’Arqueología Española en el Exterior’ Museo Arqueológico Nacional Title: Celia Topp (1915-1992) y la Arqueología de Ibiza y Formentera Place: Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza, Country: SPAIN Date: 18/10/2018 Name of the event: Cicle de conferències 3-4-20 Title: Excavando granjas púnicas en Cerdeña Place: Madrid Country: SPAIN Date: 09/05/2018 Name of the event: Excavaciones Arqueológicas en el Exterior, Museo Arqueológico Nacional Title: Celia Topp (1915-1992), una arqueóloga inglesa en las Pitiusas Place: Ibiza Country: SPAIN Date: 06/03/2020 Name of the event: Els nostres personatges, Ciclo de conferencias 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 18Conference Contributions Authors: Aranegui Gascó,C. y Gómez Bellard,C. Title: El paisaje de Lixus (Larache,Marruecos) a la luz de las excavaciones recientes. Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: Fenicios y Púnicos en el Atlántico Publication: Number or authors: National / International: International Organizer Entity: City: Santa Cruz de Tenerife Country:: SPAIN Year: 2004 Comments: Keywords: 008771 - Fenicios / 009144 - Marruecos / 210541 - Púnicos Code: 015184 Order: 001 Relevance order: Authors: Gómez Bellard,C. Title: Espacios sagrados en la Ibiza Púnica Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: Saturnia Tellus. Definizione de lo spazio consacrato Publication: Number or authors: National / International: International Organizer Entity: City: Roma Country:: ITALY Year: 2004 Comments: Keywords: 001840 - Religión / 008772 - Ibiza / 210541 - Púnicos Code: 015185 Order: 002 Relevance order: Authors: Gómez Bellard,C.-Marí i Costa, V.-Puig Moragón, R. Title: La ocupación rural en el NE de la isla de Ibiza a través de las prospecciones recientes Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: VIº Congresso Internacional de Estudos Fenicio e Punicos Publication: Paisagems Number or authors: 3 National / International: International Organizer Entity: City: Lisboa Country:: SPAIN Year: 2005 Comments: Keywords: 008772 - Ibiza Code: 046572 Order: 003 Relevance order: Authors: Alvarez, N.-Gómez Bellard,C.-M.Habibi-J-L. de Madaria Title: El horizonte fenicio de Lixus (Larache, Marruecos) Type of participation: Communication Conference: V Congresso Internazionale di Studi Fenici e Punici (Palermo, 2000) Publication: Actas del V CISFP, vol. I, 369-380, Palermo 2006 Number or authors: 1 National / International: International Organizer Entity: City: Palermo Country:: ITALY Year: 2006 Comments: Keywords: 008771 - Fenicios / 021336 - Cerámica fenicia / 214981 - Arqueología fenicia en Marruecos Code: 046573 Order: 004 Relevance order: Authors: Gómez Bellard, C. Title: Une île, une ville: esquisse de topographie urbaine de l’Ibiza phénico-punique Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: Phönizisches und Punisches Städtewesen Publication: Madrider Beitrage, en prensa Number or authors: 1 National / International: International Organizer Entity: City: Roma Country:: ITALY Year: 2007 Comments: Keywords: 008772 - Ibiza / 219107 - urbanismo fenicio púnico / 213936 - Arqueología fenicio-púnica Code: 046574 Order: 005 Relevance order: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 19Authors: Gómez Bellard, C.-P.van Dommelen-C.Tronchetti Title: Une ferme punique en Sardaigne: fouilles sur le site de Trunc’e Molas (Terralba, Oristano) Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: Coloquio ’Ommagio a Antonella Spanó’ Publication: Univresitá di Palermo, e.p. Number or authors: 3 National / International: International Organizer Entity: City: Palermo Country:: ITALY Year: 2008 Comments: Keywords: 028961 - Arqueología rural / 030270 - Cerdeña / 204762 - Agricultura fenicio-púnica Code: 056229 Order: 007 Relevance order: Authors: Gómez Bellard, C. Title: La mort chez les Puniques Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: Identifying the Punic Mediterranean Publication: Papers of the British School in Rome, e.p. Number or authors: 1 National / International: International Organizer Entity: City: Roma Country:: ITALY Year: 2008 Comments: Keywords: 212968 - Arqueología Funeraria / 213936 - Arqueología fenicio-púnica Code: 056230 Order: 008 Relevance order: Authors: Gómez Bellard, C.-P.van Dommelen-C. Tronchetti Title: Excavaciones en la granja púnica de Truncu’e Molas (Terralba, Cerdeña) Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: Excavaciones arqueológicas españolas en Italia Publication: e.p. Number or authors: 3 National / International: International Organizer Entity: City: Roma Country:: ITALY Year: 2008 Comments: Keywords: 028961 - Arqueología rural / 030270 - Cerdeña / 210272 - arqueologia punica Code: 056231 Order: 009 Relevance order: Authors: Gómez Bellard,C.y van Dommelen, P. Title: Paisajes rurales del mundo púnico Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: XVII Congreso Internacional de Arqueología Clásica Publication: en prensa Number or authors: 2 National / International: International Organizer Entity: City: Roma Country:: ITALY Year: 2008 Comments: Keywords: 028961 - Arqueología rural / 210272 - arqueologia punica Code: 056232 Order: 010 Relevance order: Authors: Gómez Bellard,C. Title: La ocupación de los espacios rurales en la Ibiza púnica Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: Ebushim. Viejas y nuevas lecturas sobre la Ibiza púnica Publication: en prensa Number or authors: 1 National / International: National Organizer Entity: City: Sevilla Country:: SPAIN Year: 2009 Comments: Keywords: 008772 - Ibiza / 028961 - Arqueología rural / 210272 - arqueologia punica Code: 066213 Order: 011 Relevance order: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 20Authors: Gómez Bellard,C. Title: Algunas reflexiones sobre la identidad púnica Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: VI Coloquio Internacional del Centro de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos Publication: en prensa Number or authors: 1 National / International: International Organizer Entity: City: Sevilla Country:: SPAIN Year: 2009 Comments: Keywords: 015614 - Identidad cultural / 206539 - Representación social / 210272 - arqueologia punica Code: 066214 Order: 012 Relevance order: Authors: Carlos Gómez Bellard- Peter van Dommelen Title: Conclusioni Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: La Sardegna nel Mediterraneo occidentale dalla fase fenicia all’egemonia cartaginese: il problema del V secolo Publication: Number or authors: 2 National / International: International Organizer Entity: 10401 - Brown University City: Santadi, Cerdeña Country:: ITALY Year: 2013 Comments: Keywords: 213936 - Arqueología fenicio-púnica / 030270 - Cerdeña Code: 125654 Order: 013 Relevance order: Authors: Carlos Gómez Bellard Title: Les paysages phéniciens: un aperçu des recherches Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: Les paysages phéniciens: recherches sur le contexte spatial des établissements phéniciens en péninsule Ibérique Publication: en prensa Number or authors: 1 National / International: International Organizer Entity: UNTO - Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail (Francia) City: Toulouse Country:: FRANCE Year: 2016 Comments: Keywords: 215415 - Colonización fenicia Code: 151851 Order: 014 Relevance order: Authors: Carlos Gómez Bellard Title: Archéologie des îles, archéologie dans les îles Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: Insularidad, îléité, insularización en el Mediterráneo fenicio y púnico Publication: e.p. Number or authors: 1 National / International: International Organizer Entity: UNTO - Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail (Francia) City: Ibiza Country:: SPAIN Year: 2017 Comments: Keywords: 215545 - Arqueología del Paisaje / 225581 - Arqueología mediterránea Code: 155692 Order: 015 Relevance order: Authors: Carlos Gómez Bellard Title: Panes y tortas: de nuevo sobre el tannur Type of participation: Paper Conference: LA ALIMENTACIÓN EN EL MUNDO PÚNICO: PROCESOS, PRODUCTOS Y CONSUMOS Publication: e.p. Number or authors: 1 National / International: International Organizer Entity: UNVA - Universitat de València City: Valencia Country:: SPAIN Year: 2017 Comments: Keywords: 213936 - Arqueología fenicio-púnica / 226300 - Estudio de las formas de alimentación y del hecho social que Code: 155691 Order: 016 Relevance order: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 21Authors: Carlos Gómez Bellard Title: Arqueología de las islas, arqueología en las islas Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: Mediterraneo e mondo punico Publication: e.p. Number or authors: 1 National / International: International Organizer Entity: 10245 - Università degli Studi di Palermo City: Marsala (TP), Sicilia Country:: ITALY Year: 2018 Comments: Keywords: 044008 - Arqueología de las islas Code: 156459 Order: 017 Relevance order: Authors: Carlos Gómez Bellard Title: Pas seulement des galettes. L’alimentation phénicienne et punique Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: Archéologie du goût en Méditerranée occidentale dans les sociétés phénicienne et punique: les habitudes alimentaires Publication: Number or authors: National / International: International Organizer Entity: City: Roma Country:: ITALY Year: 2020 Comments: Keywords: 218474 - Arqueologia fenicia i púnica / 226300 - Estudio de las formas de alimentación y del hecho social que Code: 183460 Order: 018 Relevance order: Authors: Carlos Gómez Bellard Title: Archéologie des îles, archéologie dans les îles Type of participation: Invited paper Conference: Insularidad, îléité e insularización en el Mediterráneo fenicio y púnico Publication: Treballs del Museu Arqueològic d’Eivissa i Formentera, vol. 78, pp.27-38 ISBN: 978-84-87143-60-1 Number or authors: 1 National / International: International Organizer Entity: 7464 - Museu Arqueològic d’Eivissa i Formentera City: Ibiza Country:: SPAIN Year: 2020 Comments: Keywords: 218474 - Arqueologia fenicia i púnica / 044008 - Arqueología de las islas Code: 597423 Order: 019 Relevance order: 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 22Projects Title of the project / contract: Implantación rural en la Ibiza púnica: paisaje, estructuras y producción. Type of contract/Program: CITE - Ciencia y Tecnología Financing Firm/administration: 0040 - Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Dirección General de Investigación Institutions participating: --Number of the project / contract: BHA2002-03432 Amount: 7.222,49 Duration, since: 2003 Until: 2005 Researcher/s in charge: Carlos Gomez Bellard Number of researchers participating: 4 Keywords: Code of the project / contract: 001103 Order: 001 Title of the project / contract: Elaboració d’un estudi d’investigació etnoarqueològic de tres àrees geogràfiques de l’illa d’Eivissa Type of contract/Program: 0000 - Codi sense especificar Financing Firm/administration: 0269 - Consell Insular de Eivissa i Formentera Institutions participating: --Number of the project / contract: 200/2002 Amount: 13.926,35 Duration, since: 2001 Until: 2003 Researcher/s in charge: Carlos Gomez Bellard Number of researchers participating: 6 Keywords: Code of the project / contract: 001104 Order: 002 Title of the project / contract: Mundo rural en la Ibiza púnica Type of contract/Program: 0000 - Codi sense especificar Financing Firm/administration: 0124 - Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica Institutions participating: --Number of the project / contract: HUM2006-7775/HIST Amount: 28.000,00 Duration, since: 2006 Until: 2009 Researcher/s in charge: Carlos Gomez Bellard Number of researchers participating: 5 Keywords: 204762 - Agricultura fenicio-púnica / 008772 - Ibiza Code of the project / contract: 013149 Order: 003 Title of the project / contract: Cerdeña e Ibiza: dos modelos de ocupación rural en época púnica Type of contract/Program: 0000 - Codi sense especificar Financing Firm/administration: MCNN - Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Institutions participating: --Number of the project / contract: HAR2009-11116 Amount: 30.000,00 Duration, since: 2009 Until: 2012 Researcher/s in charge: Carlos Gomez Bellard Number of researchers participating: 5 Keywords: 028961 - Arqueología rural / 008772 - Ibiza / 030270 - Cerdeña / 210272 - arqueologia punica Code of the project / contract: 018269 Order: 004 Title of the project / contract: Estudio de la granja púnica de Truncu’e Molas (Terralba, Cerdeña, Italia) Type of contract/Program: 0000 - Codi sense especificar Financing Firm/administration: 3541 - Ministerio de Cultura. Dirección General de Bellas Artes y Bienes Culturales Institutions participating: --Number of the project / contract: 880/2009 Amount: 11.000,00 Duration, since: 2009 Until: 2009 Researcher/s in charge: Carlos Gomez Bellard Number of researchers participating: 6 Keywords: 028961 - Arqueología rural / 030270 - Cerdeña / 204762 - Agricultura fenicio-púnica / 210272 arqueologia punica Code of the project / contract: 018270 Order: 005 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 23Title of the project / contract: Cerdeña e Ibiza: la ocupación rural en época púnica Type of contract/Program: 0000 - Codi sense especificar Financing Firm/administration: 7565 - Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Institutions participating: --Number of the project / contract: HAR2012-32488 Amount: 30.000,00 Duration, since: 2013 Until: 2015 Researcher/s in charge: Carlos Gomez Bellard Number of researchers participating: 5 Keywords: 210272 - arqueologia punica / 001461 - Mundo rural / 008772 - Ibiza / 030270 - Cerdeña Code of the project / contract: 025200 Order: 006 Title of the project / contract: S’Urachi y la implantación fenicio-púnica en el Sinis oriental (SIFSIO) Type of contract/Program: Financing Firm/administration: 7565 - Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Institutions participating: --Number of the project / contract: --- Amount: 24.000,00 Duration, since: 2017 Until: 2019 Researcher/s in charge: Carlos Gómez Bellard Number of researchers participating: 4 Keywords: 213936 - Arqueología fenicio-púnica / 030270 - Cerdeña / 239396 - Mundo rural púnico Code of the project / contract: 038972 Order: 007 Title of the project / contract: Excavación de los campos de cultivo púnicos de Pauli Stincus, Terralba (Oristano, Cerdeña) Type of contract/Program: Financing Firm/administration: 3541 - Ministerio de Cultura. Dirección General de Bellas Artes y Bienes Culturales Institutions participating: --Number of the project / contract: BB.AA. 2017-02 Amount: 6.680,00 Duration, since: 2017 Until: 2018 Researcher/s in charge: Carlos Gómez Bellard Number of researchers participating: 4 Keywords: 028961 - Arqueología rural / 210272 - arqueologia punica / 030270 - Cerdeña Code of the project / contract: 040601 Order: 008 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 24Organization of R+D activities Title: Yacimientos rurales del mundo púnico Activity model: Mesa redonda (co-organizada con P.van Dommelen) Scope: V Congresso Internacional de estudios Fenicios e Punicos, Lisboa Year: 2005 Title: Paisajes rurales del mundo púnico Activity model: Mesa redonda (co-organizada con P.van Dommelen) Scope: XVII Congreso Internacional de Arqueología Clásica (AIAC), Roma Year: 2008 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD - 25Other merits, achievements or comments you want to certify Other Merits - Miembro del Comité Científico de la revista ’Quaderns de Prehistòria i Arqueologia de Castellò’, Diputación de Castellón, desde 2007 - Miembro del Comité Científico de la ’Rivista di Studi Fenici’, del Centro Nazionale della Ricerca, Roma, desde 2012 03/10/2021 02507831 CARLOS GOMEZ BELLARD