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Curriculum Vitae

University of Tennessee Knoxville, Department of Classics, Faculty Member
John Tristan Barnes Education Ph.D. University of Missouri, 08/2007 – 07/2016 Classical Archaeology, Dissertation: A Cultural Geography of the Southeast Aegean from the Late Helladic IIIB to the Late Protogeometric Periods Graduate Minor in Ancient Studies Student Associate Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2011-2012 Regular Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2010-2011 M.A. University of Missouri, 08/2009 – 05/2010 Ancient Greek M.A. University of Missouri, 08/2005 – 05/2008 Classical Archaeology, Thesis: Painting the Wine Dark Sea: Traveling Aegean Fresco Artists in the Middle and Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean B.A. Centre College, 09/2001 – 05/2005 Classical Studies and Anthropology, Graduated Cum Laude Study Abroad through Centre College, Strasbourg, France, Fall 2003 Teaching Experience Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Tennessee Knoxville (2020 – present) CLAS 253: Greek and Roman Literature in English Translation CLAS 273: Medical and Scientific Terminology (online) CLAS 436: Cities and Sanctuaries in the Greek and Roman World (run through CSU Chico) Study Abroad in Greece: The History, Archaeology and Culture of Greece (program co-director and instructor of record for HIST 301: Ancient History: Greece; run with D. DeForest, Department of History, CSU Chico) Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of World Languages and Cultures, Old Dominion University (2017 – 2018) World Cultural Studies 100L: Introduction to World Literatures and Cultures Instructor, Maclay Upper School, Tallahassee (Fall 2014) Latin 1 Latin 2 Latin 3 AP Latin Instructor, Department of Art History and Archaeology, University of Missouri (2010) AHA 1120: Renaissance through Modern Art Teaching Assistant, Department of Art History and Archaeology, University of Missouri (2005 – 2010) AHA 1120: Introduction to Western Art II: Renaissance through Modern Art, Writing Intensive (two sections each spring) AHA 1110: Introduction to Western Art I: Prehistoric through Medieval Art, Writing Intensive (two sections each fall) ART 1020: Art Appreciation, Writing Intensive (for the Department of Art, Fall 2005 – Spring 2006) Teaching Interests Mediterranean and Near Eastern art, archaeology, and societies Ancient Greek and Latin languages and texts in context Mythology and the construction of social history and identity Ancient astronomy The environment and social change Trade and gift-exchange in ancient economies The role of archaeology and cultural heritage in modern politics and societies Other Professional Employment and Experience Research Assistant, Corinth XIX web-based publication (Dr. Kathleen Slane director, 2016 – present) Edit databases of archaeological material to prepare them for additional analysis and initial upload onto the University of Chicago’s OCHRE database management system, organize and link material after upload Copy-editing Free-lance editorial work for professional publications including copy-editing and indexing Professional Skills R programming language; web design photogrammetry; object photography; Adobe Photoshop Public / Guest Lectures fall 2020. “Written in the Stars: Practical Astronomy in Ancient Greece.” Paper to be read for the East Tennessee chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America, date TBA, Knoxville. 2020. “Back to Basics: Ancient Technologies and Invisible Histories.” Invited paper for the panel “Going beyond the text: Incorporating experiential learning in Classics courses,” to be read at the 116th Annual Meeting of the Classical Society of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), 28 March, Birmingham. 2020. “Practical Astronomy in Ancient Greece.” Paper read for the Smokey Mountain Astronomical Society, 10 January, Knoxville. [invited community lecture] 2019. “Penelope Polutropos and the Bow of Odysseus.” Paper read at the 115th Annual Meeting of the Classical Society of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), 6 April, Lincoln. 2018. “An LM IA Metal Workshop at Gournia.” Paper read at the 119th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America / Society for Classical Studies (AIA/SCS), 7 January, Boston. 2017. “Early Constellations and Astronomical Knowledge in Ancient Greece.” Invited paper read for the Art History Association at Old Dominion University, 28 November, Norfolk. 2017. “Thoughts on the Appearance of Carian Social Groups in the Early Iron Age Bodrum Peninsula.” Paper read at the 118th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America / Society for Classical Studies (AIA/SCS), 8 January, Toronto. 2014. “Ancestors and Territory in the Funerary Landscape of the Late Bronze Age Southeast Aegean.” Paper read at the 115th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America / American Philological Association (AIA/APA), 4 January, Chicago. 2013. “Greece in the Ancient World and Today,” Invited guest lecture for ARH 3130: Survey of Greek Art and Archaeology at Florida State University, 30 August, Tallahassee. 2012. “An Early Astronomical Painting: Constellations on an Archaic Drinking Vessel,” Paper read at the 5th International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), 4 April, Athens. 2012. “Asteras Eipein: An Archaic View of the Constellations from Halai,” Paper read at the annual Tea Talk series, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 19 January, Athens. 2011. “‘Greece’ and Its Historical Context,” Invited guest lecture for ARH 3130: Survey of Greek Art and Archaeology at Florida State University, 2 September, Tallahassee. 2009. “The Best-Laid Plans of Men: Utopian Grids and Dystopian Rings,” Paper read at the Eugene Lane Occasional Papers in Ancient Studies, University of Missouri, 25 February, Columbia. 2008. “The Aegean Kingship: Views from the Bronze Age East,” Paper read at the 17th Art History and Archaeology Graduate Student Symposium, University of Missouri, 1 March, Columbia. 2008. “The Validity of Kingship: Perceptions of the Aegean in the Ancient Near East and Egypt,” Paper read at the Eugene Lane Occasional Papers in Ancient Studies, University of Missouri, 14 February, Columbia. Publications in progress. “Perceptions of Power Disparities: Once More on Ahhiyawa and the Southeast Aegean.” in progress. “The LM I Metal Workshop (Block Em),” to appear as chapter in Gournia site publication. in progress. “The Bow of Odysseus and Penelope Polutropos.” (co-author with R. Habib) 2019. (co-authored with D. Eveley, S. Gallimore, and M. Jansen). “Metals and Metallurgy in Neopalatial Gournia.” Kentro 22: 5-9. [invited submission] 2014. “Asteras Eipein: An Archaic View of the Constellations from Halai,” Hesperia 83: 257-276. covered by National Geographic, June, 2016 2013. “Gift-Exchange and Seaborne Contact in Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt: The Case of Keftiu Artists at Tell el-Dab‘a (Avaris),” Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 5.1: 1-13. [invited submission] 2010. Introduction to The Odyssey, translated by S. Butler, 7-21. Columbia: Mizzou Media, The University Bookstore. 2008. “Uncovering a Roman Artemis,” MVSE 36-8: 35-43. Languages Modern French (Speaking/Reading Knowledge) Greek (Speaking/Reading Knowledge) German (Reading Knowledge) Italian (Reading Knowledge) Ancient Greek (Reading Knowledge) Latin (Reading Knowledge) Hieroglyphic Egyptian (Reading Knowledge) Hittite in transliteration (Reading Knowledge) Field Experience Gournia Excavation Project (Crete), Publication Team (Dr. L. Vance Watrous director, 2015 – present) Gournia Excavation Project (Crete), Trench Master (Dr. L. Vance Watrous director, 2012 – 2013) Corinth, Theater Area, Trench Supervisor (Charles Williams II director, 2011) Coriglia (Umbria), Trench Supervisor (Dr. David George director, 2011 – 2012) Coriglia (Umbria), Assistant Trench Supervisor (Dr. David George director, 2010) Athenian Agora, Archaeologist (Dr. John Camp director, 2007 – 2008) Fellowships / Awards Ancient Studies Research Award, University of Missouri, (2013) Herbert Schooling Fellowship, University of Missouri (2012 – 2013) Gorham Phillips Stevens Fellowship, American School of Classical Studies at Athens (2011 – 2012) John Williams White Fellowship, American School of Classical Studies at Athens (2010 – 2011) Graves Griffiths Prize for Ancient Languages, Centre College, (2005) Robert Powell Jacobs Prize for Ancient Greek, Centre College, (2005) Departmental and Professional Service Vice President for the East Tennessee chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America (to begin fall 2020) Co-President, Art History and Archaeology Graduate Student Association (2007 – 2008) Symposium Planning Committee Co-President, Art History and Archaeology Graduate Student Association (2007 – 2008) Treasurer, Art History and Archaeology Graduate Student Association (2006 – 2007) Webmaster, Department of Classics, Florida State University (2015 – 2016) Webmaster, Art History and Archaeology Graduate Student Association (2008 – 2010) Professional Affiliations Archaeological Institute of America, Member (2005 – present) Vice President for the East Tennessee chapter (to begin fall 2020) Society for Classical Studies (formerly the American Philological Association), Member (2008 – present) Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Member (2018 – present) American Anthropological Association, Member (2009 – 2013) Athens Institute for Education and Research, Academic Member (2011 – 2012) John Tristan Barnes CV 4 John Tristan Barnes CV 1