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Curriculum Vitae

Utah State University, Geology, Faculty Member
Benjamin John Burger Curriculum Vita Education Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - 2009 Geological Science University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Advisor: Dr. Jaelyn Eberle Dissertation title: Mammalian faunal change across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Piceance Creek Basin, Western Colorado Masters of Science (MS) - 1999 Anatomical Science State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY Advisors: Dr. David Krause and Dr. Catherine Forster Thesis title: The systematics and phylogeny of the fossil Hyopsodontidae (Mammalia, "Condylarthra"). Bachelor of Arts (Magna Cum Laude) (BA) - 1997 Geological Science University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Professional Experience 2011 – Present: Utah State University, Uintah Basin, Vernal Utah Assistant Professor of Geology I teach courses in paleontology, stratigraphy, and geology, as well as mentor graduate students at the Uintah Basin campus of Utah State University. I oversee the geology research laboratory at the Vernal campus. 2009-2011: SWCA Environmental Consultants Vernal, Utah Paleontology Specialist Conducted paleontology surveys and fossil salvage operations during the construction of industry infrastructure for oil and gas development on public lands within northeastern Utah and western Colorado. 2004-2008: Department of Geological Sciences University of Colorado at Boulder Lead Graduate Teacher and Graduate Instructor 1999-2004: Division of Paleontology American Museum of Natural History, NYC. Director of Databases and Network Systems Inventoried and imaged one of the largest collections of fossils in North America. 965 N. 2250 W. Vernal, Utah 84078 C: 303-818-1408 H: 435-789-2228 Page | 1 Curriculum Vita Benjamin John Burger Curriculum Vita Courses Taught Vertebrate Paleontology (Utah State University) -An advanced graduate level course on the fossil record of fossil vertebrates (Spring 2013) Invertebrate Paleontology (Utah State University) -An advanced graduate level course on marine invertebrate paleontology and terrestrial paleobotany, taught using interactive broadcast across Utah. (Fall 2012, Fall 2013) Natural History of Dinosaurs (Utah State University) -A depth physical science course on dinosaur paleontology (Spring, 2014) Sedimentary Petrology (Utah State University) -An advanced graduate level course on sedimentary rocks under thin section (Fall 2012) Earth Through Time (Utah State University) -An in depth class that explores the history of planet Earth, including its geological and paleontological history, taught using interactive broadcast to Price Utah. (Spring 2012) Integrative Physical Science (Utah State University) -An introductory science course that fulfills undergraduate breadth credit for non-major undergraduate students, taught using interactive broadcast across Utah (Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013) Integrative Physical Science—Online Course (Utah State University) -An introductory fully online science course that fulfills undergraduate breadth credit for non-major undergraduate students. (Fall 2013; Spring, 2014) Advanced Stratigraphy (Utah State University) -Advanced graduate level stratigraphic geology course that covers concepts of sequence stratigraphic models, and application of facies analysis in petroleum exploration (Fall 2011, Fall 2013) Geology Field Camp (Utah State University) -Taught 1 week in a 6 week field course on geology, as part of Utah State’s capstone field geology class for undergraduate majors. (Summer 2013) The Dynamic Earth (Utah State University) -An introductory physical geology course taught as an adjunct instructor at the Vernal campus. (Fall 2010) Global Change (University of Colorado at Boulder) - A course utilizing an earth systems approach, with an emphasis on global climate change throughout time. (Spring 2008) Introduction to Geology Laboratory (University of Colorado) - A field based geology course that introduced students to the geologic history of the Front Range of Colorado. (Fall 2004, Spring/Fall 2005, Fall 2008) Human Anatomy (State University of New York at Stony Brook) - Laboratory portion of a course on human anatomy directed toward pre-med and pre-dentistry students. (Fall 1998) 965 N. 2250 W. Vernal, Utah 84078 C: 303-818-1408 H: 435-789-2228 Page | 2 Curriculum Vita Benjamin John Burger Curriculum Vita Paleontology Field Experience Washakie Formation, Wyoming (2013) Collection of fossil Eocene mammals from the Abode Town Member, Southwestern Wyoming. Repository: Utah Field House Museum of Natural History Browns Park Formation, Colorado (2013) Collection of fossil mammals from the Miocene strata in Northwestern Colorado. Repository: Utah Field House Museum of Natural History Morrison Formation, Utah (2012-2013) Screen washing for Jurassic mammals along the Split Mountain Anticline, Northeastern Utah Repository: Utah Field House Museum of Natural History Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming (2009-2010) Collection of fossils in the Paleogene rocks exposed along the margins of the Washakie Basin. Repository: University of Colorado Museum. Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado (2005-2011) Collection of fossil mammals across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in western Colorado. Collaborators: Jaelyn Eberle and James Honey (UCM) Repository: University of Colorado Museum. Uinta Basin, Utah (2007-2013) Collection of vertebrate fossils primarily in the Uinta and Duchesne River Formations. Collaborators: Beth K.E. Townsend (Midwestern), Paul Murphey (SDNHM) and Alex Dutchak (UC) Repository: San Diego Museum of Natural History and Utah Field House Museum of Natural History San Juan Basin, Colorado (2003) Collection of vertebrate fossils in the Animas and San Jose Formations in southwestern Colorado. Collaborators: Matthew Tornow (St. Cloud) and Jin Meng (AMNH) Repository: American Museum of Natural History. Fayum Depression, Egypt (2001 & 2002) Collection of fossils in the Birket Qarun and Qasr el-Sagha Formations. Led by: Elwyn Simons, Prithijit Chatrath (Duke) and Erik Seiffert (SUNY) Repository: Duke University Lemur Center and Cairo Geological Museum Bridger Basin, Wyoming (1995-1999) Collection of fossil vertebrates in the Eocene Bridger Formation, southwestern Wyoming. Led by: Paul Murphey (UCM) and John Alexander (AMNH) Repository: University of Colorado and American Museum of Natural History. Piñon Canyon, Southeastern Colorado (1997) Recording Mesozoic fossils, including dinosaur sites in the Morrison Formation. Led by: Emmett Evanoff (UNC) 965 N. 2250 W. Vernal, Utah 84078 C: 303-818-1408 H: 435-789-2228 Page | 3 Curriculum Vita Benjamin John Burger Curriculum Vita Grants and Awards GAANN fellowship recipient - $93,992 (2005-2007) (U.S. Department of Education, Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need) Jeff Deen Memorial Fund, University of Colorado -$1,000 (2007) Visiting Scientist Fellowship, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago -$1,200 (2007) Shell Research Grant - $1,200 (2007) Ogden Tweto Award, Colorado Scientific Society - $800 (2006) Geological Society of America - $1,500 (2006) William Burt Grant, University of Colorado - $2,500 (1996 & 2005) Estwing Award, University of Colorado (1997) Professional Society Memberships Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Paleontology Society Geological Society of America Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections Utah Friends of Paleontology Publications (copies can be downloaded from my website Peer-reviewed Articles Burger, B.J. and Tackett, L. In review: The Stratigraphic Importance of the Brontothere (cf. Diplacodon elatus) in the Brennan Basin Member of the Duchesne River Formation of Utah. PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology Burger, B.J. 2013. A new species of the archaic primate Zanycteris from the late Paleocene of western Colorado and the phylogenetic position of the family Picrodontidae. PeerJ 1:e191;DOI 10.7717/peerj.19 Burger, B.J. 2012: Northward range extension of a diminutive-sized mammal (Ectocion parvus) and the implication of body size change during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 363-364:144-150. Burger, B.J. 2010: The skull of the Eocene Primate Omomys carteri from western North America. Paleontological Contributions, vol. 2 p. 1-19. Burger, B.J. and Honey, J. 2008: Plesiadapidae (Mammalia, Primates) from the Late Paleocene Fort Union Formation of the Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(3):816-825. Burger, B.J. 2007: A new late Paleocene vertebrate fauna from the Ohio Creek Formation of western Colorado. The Mountain Geologist, vol 44, No. 3 pp. 41-51. Alexander, J.P. and Burger, B.J. 2001: Stratigraphy and Taphonomy of Grizzly Buttes, Bridger Formation, Middle Eocene of Wyoming in G. F. Gunnell (ed.) Eocene Biodiversity. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishing, New York. pp. 165-196. 965 N. 2250 W. Vernal, Utah 84078 C: 303-818-1408 H: 435-789-2228 Page | 4 Curriculum Vita Benjamin John Burger Curriculum Vita Dissertation and Thesis Burger, B.J. 2009. Mammalian faunal change across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Piceance Creek Basin, western Colorado. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Colorado, Boulder. pp. 834. Burger, B.J. 1999: The systematics and phylogeny of the fossil Hyopsodontidae (Mammalia, "Condylarthra"). Unpublished masters thesis, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York. pp. 66. Book Reviews Burger, B.J. 2012. A review of Prothero, D.R. 2009. Greenhouse of the Dinosaurs: Evolution, Extinction and the Future of our Planet. Columbia University Press, New York, NY. 288 pp. Priscum Summer edition, p. 31. Meeting Abstracts Burger, B.J. 2013: Mammal species durations in the fossil record: answering the question, which species has the longest duration in the fossil record? 125th annual meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts Paper No. 30-12 Burger, B.J. 2011: Diversity, Extinction, and Gaps: An overview of the mammalian record during the late Paleocene and Eocene in the Rocky Mountain Region of North America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology November meeting abstracts. Burger, B.J. 2011: Fossil mammals from the late Eocene Brennan Basin Member of the Duchesne River Formation in Utah. Rocky Mountain 63rd Annual and Cordilleran 107th joint meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts 43:78 Burger, B.J. and Murphey, P.C. 2010: Is there a mammalian faunal turnover associated with the MECO global warming event in the Duchesne River Formation in northeastern Utah? Evaluation of new fossil discoveries from the Brennan Basin Member. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology October meeting abstracts 67A. Burger, B.J. 2010: Fossil primates of the early Cenozoic in North America: A piece of our family tree preserved in the badlands of our backyards. Presented at the Utah Friends of Paleontology annual meeting in Vernal, Utah. Burger, B.J. 2008: Extinction, migration, and the effects of global warming on fossil mammals across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in western Colorado, U.S.A. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(3) supplement 58A. Burger, B.J. 2008: Evolution’s tempo and mode during the Eocene Epoch: comparison of two long contemporaneous records of the fossil mammal Hyopsodus in the American West; pp. 41-58, in M. Connely (ed.) The Eocene Epic- Life, Death and Conquest in the Early Tertiary the 14th Annual Symposium on Paleontology and Geology at the Tate Museum, Casper College, Casper Wyoming p. 101. Burger, B.J. 2007: Discovery of the carbon isotope excursion (CIE) at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Piceance Creek Basin, western Colorado. Geological Society of America. Paper No. 70-2 965 N. 2250 W. Vernal, Utah 84078 C: 303-818-1408 H: 435-789-2228 Page | 5 Curriculum Vita Benjamin John Burger Curriculum Vita Burger, B.J. 2006: A new late Paleocene vertebrate fauna from the Ohio Creek Conglomerate of western Colorado. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26(3) supplement. Burger, B.J., Eberle, J., and Honey, J. 2005: Mammalian faunal change in the Paleocene-Eocene boundary spanning DeBeque Formation, Northern Piceance Creek Basin, western Colorado: Preliminary study of fossil ungulates. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25(3) supplement: 41A. Burger, B.J. 2004: New fossil vertebrates from the Tiffany Member of the Late Paleocene Animas Formation of Southwestern Colorado, and the P/E boundary on the margin of the San Juan Basin. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24(3) supplement: 42A. Burger, B.J. 2003: Stacking cladograms: a new method to model temporal and sister-group relationships of fossils. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 23(3) supplement. Burger, B.J. 2001: The humeral morphology of the "Condylarthra" and its implications for the evolution of cursorial mammals . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21(3) supplement: 37A. Burger, B.J. 2000: The next generation collection database at the American Museum of Natural History. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(3) supplement. Burger, B.J. 1999: The skeletal anatomy of Hyopsodus and its bearing on the origin of modern ungulate mammals. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 19(3) supplement 34A. Burger, B.J. and Alexander, J.P. 1997: A new skeleton of Hyopsodus from the Eocene of Wyoming Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 18(3) supplement: 30A. Burger, B.J. 1997: Detailed Stratigraphy of the Bridger B fossil beds of East Grizzly Buttes. Geological Society of America 29(2) p.5. Paleontology Technical Reports (abbreviated list) Burger, B.J., Murphey, P.C., Strauss, J.J., and Temme, T. 2010: Paleontology resources mitigration monitoring report for Berry Petroleum Oil and Gas infrastructure construction on Ashley National Forest. Prepared for the Ashley National Forest United States Department of Agriculture. SWCA #UT10-14635-31 p. 1-31. Burger, B.J. and Murphey, P.C. 2010: Paleontological assessment for State Bridge Lodge Eagle County, Colorado. Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management Kremmling Field Office. SWCA #CO10-16841-03. Burger, B.J., Strauss, J.J. and Murphey, P.C. 2010: Paleontological Assessment for the Questar Main Line 103 Pipeline Upgrade, Uinta County. Prepared for Uintah County, Bureau of Land Management, and State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration. SWCA #UT09-16018-97 p. 1-39. Murphey, P.C., Strauss, J., Burger, B.J., Imhof, M. and Knauss, G. 2009: Final Report: Paleontological Block Surveys of Ute Tribal lands for Newfield Production Company. Prepared for the Ute and Ouray Indian Tribe. SWCA #UT09-14273-85 p. 1-29, Appendix A, B, & C. Burger, B.J., and Murphey, P.C. 2009: Paleontological Assessment for The Alternate Truck Route Study, Uintah County, Utah. Prepared for Uintah County, Bureau of Land Management, and State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration. SWCA #UT09-14870-84 p. 1-52. 965 N. 2250 W. Vernal, Utah 84078 C: 303-818-1408 H: 435-789-2228 Page | 6 Curriculum Vita Benjamin John Burger Curriculum Vita Burger, B.J., Murphey, P.C., Strauss, J., and Imhof, M. 2009: Paleontological Resources Monitoring and Mitigation Report for Utah Department of Transportation US-6, MP200 Bridge Replacement. Prepared for the Utah Department of Transportation. SWCA #UT09-14501-83 p. 1-71. Burger, B.J., and Murphey, P.C. 2009: Paleontological Assessment for Questar Gas/Pipeline Company Clay Basin Water Storage Tank. Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Vernal Field Office. SWCA # UT09-15881-81 p. 1-9. Burger, B.J., and Murphey, P.C. 2009: Paleontological Assessment for Summit Gas Gathering, LLC. Riverbend Dehydration facility at RBU 6-15E. Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Vernal Field Office. SWCA #UT09-15814-79 p. 1-12. Burger, B.J., and Murphey, P.C. 2009: Paleontological Assessment for XTO Energy's Tap #5 Booster Site. Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Vernal Field Office. SWCA #UT09-15669-78 p. 1-13. Burger, B.J., and Murphey, P.C. 2009: Paleontological Assessment for Newfield Production Company Sand Wash Water Injection Pipeline. Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Vernal Field Office. SWCA # UT09-14273-73 p. 1-10. Burger, B.J., and Murphey, P.C. 2009: Paleontological Assessment for Newfield Production Company Boundary Pipeline. Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Vernal Field Office. SWCA # UT09-14273-70 p. 1-36. Burger, B.J., and Murphey, P.C. 2009: Paleontological Monitoring Report for Construction of Newfield Pipeline in the Gilsonite and Blackjack Units. Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Vernal Field Office. SWCA # UT09- 14273-69 p. 1-11. Burger, B.J., Strauss, J. and Murphey, P.C. 2009: Paleontological Assessment for PacifiCorp / Rocky Mountain Power Line UTU 84810/ Myton Oil. Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Vernal Field Office. SWCA # UT09-15481-68 p.1-21. Burger, B.J. 2008: Paleontological Technical Report: Interstate 76 improvements between the towns of Fort Morgan and Brush, Morgan County, Colorado. Prepared for Smith Environmental and Engineering. p. 1-11. Service and Outreach (last 3 years) January 2014 – Uintah County Middle School tours of Geology Lab June-July 2013- Uintah Undergraduate Research Institute mentoring program April 2013- Uintah County Gifted and Talented Program at Dinosaur National Park April 2013- Uintah Basin Research Conference presenter February 2013 – AGI geology fieldstrip workshop January 2013 – Uintah County Middle School tours of Geology Lab November 2012—Access Friday Utah, Utah Public Radio program on my research in the Uinta Basin October 2012 – Uintah County Middle School tours of Geology Lab August 2012- NSF Messenger Science Communication Workshop in Salt Lake City May 2012 – Uintah County Summer Science Camp September 2011— KVEL 920 AM Radio Talk Show Interview 965 N. 2250 W. Vernal, Utah 84078 C: 303-818-1408 H: 435-789-2228 Page | 7 Curriculum Vita