📚*207,396 MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED (Last Year 426,631)
Across the globe in multiple languages to thousands of non-Muslims to help better understand the peaceful message of Islam. In the upcoming year, we’ll be placing QR codes on all of our materials to track the analytics and improve engagement. There will be a more meaningful follow up in place — connecting the interested non-Muslim with one of our Duaat.
👥*109 DAWAH TEAMS CREATED (Last Year 125)
empowered to engage non-Muslims and share Islam with them effectively.
Alhamdulillah - the support from the Ummah has been incredible
have accepted Islam with the permission of Allah through our efforts funded by our donors in 2021, and we still have over two months to go.
An online Dawah service which was put together as a campaign at the beginning of the Covid Pandemic early year (April 2020) and now is an integral component of iERA’s Dawah Strategy. This volunteer led chat system allows Duaat from all over the world to volunteer for iERA as long as they complete and pass The GORAP Training Course and New Muslim Mentorship on iERA’s online training platform training.iera.org.
Over the upcoming year we will be translating several courses into several languages which will open our training up to hundreds of thousands of Muslims and New Muslims alike on a global stage: Spanish, Tagalog, Bahasa, German, French and Swahili.
*The coronavirus pandemic had a negative impact on some of the statistics above, therefore we did not experience growth in some areas.