Papers by taufik budhi pramono

ABSTRAK Status dan potensi sumberdaya iktiofauna perairan air tawar utamanya bagian hilir sungai ... more ABSTRAK Status dan potensi sumberdaya iktiofauna perairan air tawar utamanya bagian hilir sungai harus sering dimonitoring dan dievaluasi.Tata guna lahan sepanjang hilir sungai seringkali dijadikan kegiatan pertambangan dan industri. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahuisumberdaya ikan di bagian hilir Sungai Klawing Purbalingga Jawa Tengah. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari-Maret 2017 dengan metode deskriptif eksploratif.Pengambilan sampel menggunakan jaring insang dengan bantuan nelayan setempat.Ikan yang diperoleh diidentifikasi dan dikelompokan berdasarkan famili hingga tingkat spesies. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan di hilir Sungai Klawing terdapat keanekaragaman spesies terdiri dari 13 spesies, 7 famili dan 13 genera. Iktiofauna dari famili Cyprinidaemendominasi sebanyak 6 spesies diikuti famili Bagridae 2 spesies.Ditemukan satu spesies introduksi Osphronemus gouramy dan satu spesies ikan asing invasif Hypostomus plecostomus dan spesies lainnya merupakan spesies ikan asli. Kata Kunci : Sungai Klawing, iktiofauna, spesies asli, spesies invasif ABSTRACT The status and potential of ichtyofauna resources in freshwaters, especially downstream of the river, must be monitored and evaluated frequently. Land use along the downstream river is often used as mining and industrial activities. The purpose of this study was to find out ichtyofauna in down stream of the Klawing Purbalingga River in Central Java. The study was conducted in January-March 2017 with descriptive exploratory method. Sampling using gill nets with the help of local fishermen. The fish obtained were identified and grouped by family to the species level. The results showed that in the down stream of the Klawing River there were species diversity consisting of 13 species, 7 families and 13 genera. Ichtyofauna from Cyprinidae family dominate as many as 6 species followed by Bagridae family 2 species. One introduced species of Osphronemus gouramy and one invasive alien fish species Hypostomus plecostomus and other species were indigenous species. PENDAHULUAN Inventarisasi sumberdaya ikan atau iktiofauna perairan tawar di Indonesia telah dilakukan sejak pertengahan abad 19 oleh beberapa peneliti seperti Saanin (1986), Kottelat et al.,(1993) dan peneliti lainnya. Status sumberdaya ikan perairan tawar Indonesia yang terkini telah dilaporkan oleh Hubert et al., (2015) yang mencatat bahwa terdapat 1218 spesies yang terdiri dari 84 famili termasuk diantaranya sebanyak 1172 adalah spesies asli (native species) dari 79 famili dan 630 spesies ikan bersifat endemik. Eksistensi keanekaragaman sumberdaya ikan di perairan umum Samakia: Jurnal Ilmu Perikanan

This research is aimed to know the functioning of the test results and find social approach desig... more This research is aimed to know the functioning of the test results and find social approach design communicative for dissemination process aquaponic technology in the mix environmentally friendly farming. The research method used is a descriptive case study with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Location of the study are set intentionally in District Kutasari , Purbalingga , Central Java. The type of data needed include primary and secondary. Determination of the source of the data is done by purposive sampling technique. All of the data collected was processed and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively.. Based on the results's result revealed that the process of dissemination of technology in the management aquaponic technology in the mix farming of environmentally friendly have significant value in the development of productive livelihood diversification. Dissemination aquaponic technology gives the feasibility of social and economic functions for the villagers in an effort to increase revenue and meet the consumption needs household more independently. Some patterns of social and communicative approach needs to be used effectively to support the dissemination of aquaponic technology the scope of villagers audience wider. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberfungsian dan menemukan pendekatan komunikasi desain sosial untuk diseminasi teknologi akuaponik yang ramah lingkungan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian ini di Kecamatan Kutasari, Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Penentuan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebaran teknologi manajemen akuaponik yang ramah lingkungan memiliki nilai yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan keberagaman mata pencaharian penduduk menjadi lebih produktif. Penyebaran teknologi akuaponik layak secara sosial dan ekonomi. Penduduk desa menjadikan usaha ini untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi rumahtangga secara mandiri. Beberapa cara pendekatan sosialisasi dan komunikasi yang efektif sangat dibutukan untuk menyebarkan teknologi akuaponik kepada masyarakat desa secara lebih luas. Kata kunci : keberfungsian, pendekatan social, diseminasi, teknologi akuaponik PENDAHULUAN Masyarakat di pedesaan mempunyai ketergantungan nafkah pada satu sumber saja. Pola nafkah mayoritas masyarakat desa dari waktu ke waktu tidak berubah terkonsentrasi mengelola usahatani berteknologi tradisional dan sederhana. Realitas sosial yang ditemukan

This study was aimed to analyze the growth performance of African catfish Clarias gariepinus cult... more This study was aimed to analyze the growth performance of African catfish Clarias gariepinus cultured in the biofloc system at high stocking density. African catfish with an average weight of 1.85±0.09 g were cultured in four units of tarpaulin tank at a diameter of 1.72 m and a height of 1.05 m with a volume of ±2,000 L at the different density of 1,000 fish/m 3 ; 1,500 fish/m 3 ; 2,000 fish/m 3 ; 2,500 fish/m 3. During rearing period, fish were given the artificial feed with protein contents of 28.75% with the frequency of twice a day, as much as 3% of the body weight. The results showed that different treatment of high stocking density in the biofloc system had a significant effect on the absolute growth rate, lipid retention and energy retention (P<0.05) but not significant effect on daily growth rate. The results showed that the highest lipid retention and energy retention were found in the group of fish treated at a stocking density of 2,500 fish/m 3 but declining protein retention and growth in fish occurred. The highest absolute growth rate and daily growth rate were shown by treatment with a stocking density of 1,500 fish/m 3. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis performa pertumbuhan ikan lele dumbo Clarias gariepinus yang dipelihara pada sistem bioflok dengan padat penebaran tinggi. Ikan uji memiliki berat rata-rata 1,85±0,09 g yang dipelihara pada kolam terpolin berdiameter 1,72 m dan tinggi 1,05 m dengan volume air ±2.000 L sebanyak empat unit dengan kepadatan yang berbeda yaitu 1.000 ekor/m 3 , 1.500 ekor/m 3 , 2.000 ekor/m 3 , 2.500 ekor/m 3. Selama 40 hari masa pemeliharaan, ikan diberi pakan buatan berkadar protein 28,75% dengan frekwensi dua kali sehari, sebanyak 3% dari berat tubuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan perbedaan padat penebaran tinggi pada sistem bioflok memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan mutlak, retensi lemak dan retensi energi (P<0,05) namun tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap laju pertmbuhan harian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi padat penebaran terjadinya peningkatan retensi lemak dan retensi energi yaitu pada perlakuan padat penebaran 2.500 ekor/m 3 tetapi terjadi penurunan nilai retensi protein dan pertumbuhan pada ikan. Nilai pertumbuhan mutlak tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh perlakuan dengan padat penebaran 1.500 ekor/m 3 .

ABSTRAK Ikan-ikan dari Famili Bagridae di Indonesia mencapai 60 jenis dan salah satunya dari genu... more ABSTRAK Ikan-ikan dari Famili Bagridae di Indonesia mencapai 60 jenis dan salah satunya dari genus Msytus. Metode yang digunakan untuk identifikasi ikan yang sangat cepat dan akurat sangat diperlukan. DNA barcoding adalah teknik identifikasi baru dengan pendekatan molekular. Gen CO1 diamplifikasi dan produk PCR disekuensing serta dianalisis dengan menggunakan software bioinformatika. Pengeditan hasil sekuensing dan penentuan komposisi nukleotida dianalisis dengan software Mega5. Urutan DNA disejajarkan dengan ClustalW vers. 1.4. Sekuens dibandingkan dengan data GenBank menggunakan BLAST (Basic Local Aligment Search Tools) dan BOLDSystems. Pohon filogenetik dibuat dengan menggunakan metode Neighbor_Joining. Salah satu contoh identifikasi ikan dari genus Mystus yang telah dikonfirmasi adalah Mystus nigriceps menjadi Mystus singaringan. ABSTRACT The fish of the Bagridae Family in Indonesia reach until 60 species and one of them is from the genus Msytus. The method is used for fast and accurate species identification was needed. DNA barcoding was a new identification method with molecularly approach. The CO1 gene was amplified and PCR products were sequenced and analyzed using bioinformatics software. Editing of sequencing results and determining the nucleotide composition were analyzed with Mega5 software. The DNA sequence was aligned with ClustalW vers. 1.4. Sequences are compared with GenBank data using BLAST (Basic Local Aligment Search Tools) and BOLDSystems. Phylogenetic tree was made using Neighbor_Joining method. One example of the identification of fish from the confirmed Mystus genus is Mystus nigriceps being the Mystus singaringan.

Pramono TB, Arfiati D, Widodo MS, Yanuhar U. 2019. Sexual dimorphism in morphometric characters o... more Pramono TB, Arfiati D, Widodo MS, Yanuhar U. 2019. Sexual dimorphism in morphometric characters of Mystus singaringan from Klawing River in Central Java, Indonesia: Strategic instruction for conservation development. Biodiversitas 20: 1133-1139. This study aims to determine the sexual dimorphism of Mystus singaringan (Senggaringan fish) based on morphometric characters. The measurement of 24 morphometric characters in 30 M. singaringan from Klawing River was carried out using a digital caliper (0.01 mm). Morphometric data of M. singaringan analyzed using t-test have showed significant difference in 12 morphometric characters between sexes, such as standard length, head height, distance of the tip of the muzzle to eyes, distance of the tip of the muzzle to adipose fin, height of dorsal fin, height of pectoral fin, basic length of adipose fin, height of adipose fin, maximum height, length of first nasal barbel, length of first mandibular barbel, and length of second mandibular barbel. Analysis of growth of morphometric characters shows that there is a linear relationship between all morphometric characters and total length. The type of growth of all morphometric characters in both male and female M. singaringan is negative allometric.

The purpose of this activity is to increase knowledge, skills and fishery production, especially ... more The purpose of this activity is to increase knowledge, skills and fishery production, especially Tilapia. Methods of implementation include technology transfer, training and demonstration activities as well as applications and technical assistance of production technology. The results of the transfer of technology showed an increase in participants' understanding of biofloc technology. Furthermore, as an application used 3 pieces of each pond filled with tilapia fish with a density of 150kor / m3, pond 1 given the addition of carbon treatment in the form of molasses, pool 2 sources of carbon in the form of tapioca starch and pond 3 in the form of control without the addition of carbon source. The results showed that the addition of carbon source in the form of tapioca flour showed the best absolute growth rate of 9,14g. FCR values range from 0.4 to 0.7. Survival is 90-95%. The highest production is generated by pond 2 with the addition of carbon source in the form of tapioca starch. Water quality that includes temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen is in optimal condition for the maintenance of Tilapia fish. ABSTRAK Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan meningkatkan pendapatan serta produksi perikanan khususnya komoditas Nila. Metode pelaksanaan meliputi kegiatan alih teknologi, pelatihan dan percontohan serta aplikasi dan pendampingan teknologi produksi. Hasil pelaksanaan alih teknologi menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman peserta mengenai teknologi bioflok. Selanjutnya sebagai aplikasi digunakan 3 buah kolam masing-masing diisi ikan nila dengan kepadatan 150ekor/m 3 , kolam 1 diberi diberi perlakuan penambahan sumber karbon berupa molase, kolam 2 sumber karbon berupa tepung tapioka dan kolam 3 berupa kontrol tanpa penambahan sumber karbon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan sumber karbon berupa tepung tapioka menunjukkan laju pertumbuhan mutlak yang terbaik yaitu 9,14g. Nilai FCR berkisar 0,4-0,7. Kelangsungan hidup berkisar 90-95%. Produksi tertinggi dihasilkan oleh kolam 2 dengan perlakuan penambahan sumber karbon berupa tepung tapioka. Kualitas air yang meliputi temperatur, pH dan oksigen terlarut berada dalam kondisi yang optimal untuk pemeliharaan ikan Nila

ABSTRAK Ikan-ikan dari Famili Bagridae di Indonesia mencapai 60 jenis dan salah satunya dari genu... more ABSTRAK Ikan-ikan dari Famili Bagridae di Indonesia mencapai 60 jenis dan salah satunya dari genus Msytus. Metode yang digunakan untuk identifikasi ikan yang sangat cepat dan akurat sangat diperlukan. DNA barcoding adalah teknik identifikasi baru dengan pendekatan molekular. Gen CO1 diamplifikasi dan produk PCR disekuensing serta dianalisis dengan menggunakan software bioinformatika. Pengeditan hasil sekuensing dan penentuan komposisi nukleotida dianalisis dengan software Mega5. Urutan DNA disejajarkan dengan ClustalW vers. 1.4. Sekuens dibandingkan dengan data GenBank menggunakan BLAST (Basic Local Aligment Search Tools) dan BOLDSystems. Pohon filogenetik dibuat dengan menggunakan metode Neighbor_Joining. Salah satu contoh identifikasi ikan dari genus Mystus yang telah dikonfirmasi adalah Mystus nigriceps menjadi Mystus singaringan. ABSTRACT The fish of the Bagridae Family in Indonesia reach until 60 species and one of them is from the genus Msytus. The method is used for fast and accurate species identification was needed. DNA barcoding was a new identification method with molecularly approach. The CO1 gene was amplified and PCR products were sequenced and analyzed using bioinformatics software. Editing of sequencing results and determining the nucleotide composition were analyzed with Mega5 software. The DNA sequence was aligned with ClustalW vers. 1.4. Sequences are compared with GenBank data using BLAST (Basic Local Aligment Search Tools) and BOLDSystems. Phylogenetic tree was made using Neighbor_Joining method. One example of the identification of fish from the confirmed Mystus genus is Mystus nigriceps being the Mystus singaringan.

The aims of this study was to get local raw material of feed fish able to improve growth and deve... more The aims of this study was to get local raw material of feed fish able to improve growth and development of gonads and composition of the artificial feed and feed supplement that can improve the reproductive performance of gouramy fish. The method used is the method of completely randomized. The research was used completly randomized design with four treatments and four repetition. The treatmens tested were four kinds, pellet commercial (60%) additional sprouts mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus L), fruit peel papaya (Carica papaya) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea L) by 40%, and a pelleted commercial (100%) as control. Absolute growth ranges from 6-425 g, the relative growth of 3.7 to 22.1%, the growth day 1-7,1 g / day, feed efficiency from 7.8 to 29.33%, GSI 0.1 to 1.1% and HSI 0.8 to 1.7%. Temperatures ranging from 23-31,5⁰C, pH 6.6 to 7.5, Oxygen 5.0-6.2 ppm , ammonia 0-0.25 ppm. Supplemental feed mixture (40%) and commercial pellets (60%) can improve the growth and reproductive performance brood gouramy. Results of measurement of temperature, pH and ammonia still qualify live gouramy.

The purpose of this studied to determine the effect of feeding raw flour made from fermented cass... more The purpose of this studied to determine the effect of feeding raw flour made from fermented cassava leaves (Manihot utilissima) on the growth and food convertion ratio and its substitution percentage of feed in providing the best growth of Tilapia fish (Oreochromis sp.). An experimental method used a completely randomized design applying 5 treatments in quadruplicates. The treatments were different percentages of fish meal and cassava leaf in feed rations i.e. P1: 100% and 0%, P2: 75% and 25%, P3: 50% and 50%, P4: 25% and 75%, P5: 0% and 100%. The main parameters were absolute growth, specific growth, daily growth, feed efficiency. Water qualit y parameters were temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen. Fermented cassava leaf flour (Manihot utilissima) in different percentages affected absolute growth rate, specific growth rate. However, feed convertion rate (FCR) of Tilapia fish (Oreochromis sp.) were not affected. Fermented cassava leaf flour at 25% enabled to provide the best growth and food convertion rate (FCR). Water quality parameters were in optimal conditions for Tilapia fish (Oreochromis sp.) fry.

This research is aimed to know the functioning of the test results and find social approach desig... more This research is aimed to know the functioning of the test results and find social approach design communicative for dissemination process aquaponic technology in the mix environmentally friendly farming. The research method used is a descriptive case study with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Location of the study are set intentionally in District Kutasari , Purbalingga , Central Java. The type of data needed include primary and secondary. Determination of the source of the data is done by purposive sampling technique. All of the data collected was processed and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively.. Based on the results's result revealed that the process of dissemination of technology in the management aquaponic technology in the mix farming of environmentally friendly have significant value in the development of productive livelihood diversification. Dissemination aquaponic technology gives the feasibility of social and economic functions for the villagers in an effort to increase revenue and meet the consumption needs household more independently. Some patterns of social and communicative approach needs to be used effectively to support the dissemination of aquaponic technology the scope of villagers audience wider. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberfungsian dan menemukan pendekatan komunikasi desain sosial untuk diseminasi teknologi akuaponik yang ramah lingkungan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian ini di Kecamatan Kutasari, Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Penentuan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebaran teknologi manajemen akuaponik yang ramah lingkungan memiliki nilai yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan keberagaman mata pencaharian penduduk menjadi lebih produktif. Penyebaran teknologi akuaponik layak secara sosial dan ekonomi. Penduduk desa menjadikan usaha ini untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi rumahtangga secara mandiri. Beberapa cara pendekatan sosialisasi dan komunikasi yang efektif sangat dibutukan untuk menyebarkan teknologi akuaponik kepada masyarakat desa secara lebih luas.

Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia, 2015
The objective of the research was to evaluate nutritional values of microencapsulated diet made f... more The objective of the research was to evaluate nutritional values of microencapsulated diet made from single cell protein of microalgae. Complete randomized design was applied using three different types of microalgae for inclusion trials i.e. (A) Nannochloropsis sp., (B) Chlorella sp., and (C) Spirulina sp. with five replications respectively. Microencapsulated diet was produced by a modification method based on thermal cross-linking with stable temperature. Phytoplankton was cultured in sea water for which fertilized by a modification of Walne and Guillard fertilizer. The results showed that the highest value of nutrition content was Spirulina sp. and the average composition of protein, crude lipid, carbohydrate, ash, nitrogen free extract, and water content was 34.80%, 0.30%, 18.53%, 20.09%, 26.29%, and 13.32%, respectively. Organoleptically, microcapsule showed that the color of capsule was dark green and smell fresh phytoplankton. \Keywords: microcapsule, single-cell protein, thermal cross-linking, microalgae, phytoplankton

The aims of this study was to get local raw material of feed fish able to improve growth and deve... more The aims of this study was to get local raw material of feed fish able to improve growth and development of gonads and composition of the artificial feed and feed supplement that can improve the reproductive performance of gouramy fish. The method used is the method of completely randomized. The research was used completly randomized design with four treatments and four repetition. The treatmens tested were four kinds, pellet commercial (60%) additional sprouts mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus L), fruit peel papaya (Carica papaya) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea L) by 40%, and a pelleted commercial (100%) as control. Absolute growth ranges from 6-425 g, the relative growth of 3.7 to 22.1%, the growth day 1-7,1 g / day, feed efficiency from 7.8 to 29.33%, GSI 0.1 to 1.1% and HSI 0.8 to 1.7%. Temperatures ranging from 23-31,5⁰C, pH 6.6 to 7.5, Oxygen 5.0-6.2 ppm , ammonia 0-0.25 ppm. Supplemental feed mixture (40%) and commercial pellets (60%) can improve the growth and reproductive performance brood gouramy. Results of measurement of temperature, pH and ammonia still qualify live gouramy.

The successfull of student entrepreneurship program depends on the design of an integrated entrep... more The successfull of student entrepreneurship program depends on the design of an integrated entrepreneurship program, focused and systematic. Designing entrepreneurship programs have touched the cognitive, affective and psychomotoric. Entrepreneurial activity is also designed to allow students directly involved in business activities with reference to the core competencies of each department or business carried on through Ipteks bagi Kewirausahaan (IbK) programs. Strategy of IBK management include entrepreneurial training, the practice of entrepreneurship, internship in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), production of technical assistance, business development, promoting fairs / exhibitions, channeling the investor, production technology asistance, human resource development, accessing market, legal and others. IBK program on first years has successfully createdsix entrepreneurs of twentytenantwho attended onIBK program. The field of business is Graphic Design Services, Organic Vegetable Agribusiness, Bakery, Garut Sheep cultivation, and Mushroom and White Rat. ABSTRAK Keberhasilan program wirausaha mahasiswa sangat bergantung pada desain program kewirausahaan yang terpadu, terarah dan sistematis. Perancangan desain program kewirausahaan harus menyentuh aspek kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik. Kegiatan kewirausahaan juga dirancang agar memungkinkan mahasiswa terlibat langsung dalam kegiatan usaha dengan tetap mengacu pada kompetensi inti dari setiap fakultas atau usaha yang dijalankan melalui Program Ipteks bagi Kewirausahaan (IbK). Strategi pengelolaan IbK meliputi pelatihan kewirausahaan, praktek kewirausahaan, magang kerja di Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) yang sejenis, bantuan teknis pengembangan produksi, pengembangan
Kalau sampai ada desa/kelurahan sektor pertaniannya tidak maju, maka PPL nya akan saya "thutuki" ... more Kalau sampai ada desa/kelurahan sektor pertaniannya tidak maju, maka PPL nya akan saya "thutuki" (baca: dijitak kepalanya) kata Bupati Purbalingga (Suara Merdeka, 4 Juni 2008). Kata-kata bupati Purbalingga tersebut bila dilihat secara mendalam sudah barang tentu merupakan sebuah harapan besar adanya kemajuan pembangunan pertanian dengan ditunjang Petugas Penyuluh Lapangan (PPL), bukan untuk menakut-nakutinya. Harapan lebih jauh adalah adanya pemecahan persoalan pembangunan dalam meningkatkan taraf hidup dan kesejahteraan petani/pembudidaya ikan.
lsu kekhawatiran terhadap krisis lingkungan memang telah diprediksi sejak Malthus dengan postulat... more lsu kekhawatiran terhadap krisis lingkungan memang telah diprediksi sejak Malthus dengan postulatnya bahwa kemampuan penduduk untuk bertambah secara kuantitas adalah lebih besar dari kesanggupan sumber daya alam dalam menyediakan pangan sebagai kebutuhan pokok manusia. Menurutnya, secara matematis dapat
Berbicara mengenai kehidupan nelayan sudah barang tentu di benak kita adalah kehidupan para kaum ... more Berbicara mengenai kehidupan nelayan sudah barang tentu di benak kita adalah kehidupan para kaum pria yang seluruh atau sebagian hidupnya berada pada "jagad maritim', mengarungi samudra, menerjang ombak, badai dan angin kencang untuk memperoleh hasil tangkapan ikan. Pemikiran ini seolah-olah menandaskan bahwa kehidupan dan kesejahteraan rumah tangga nelayan sangat tergantung dari kontribusi kaum pria yang pergi melaut berhari-hari, berminggu-minggu bahkan berbulan-bulan.
berjudul "Menggugat World Class University" (SM,22/8) dengan segala standar yang ditetapkan pada ... more berjudul "Menggugat World Class University" (SM,22/8) dengan segala standar yang ditetapkan pada masing-masing lembaga sistem pemeringkatan sangatlah menarik. Gugatan Benni Setiawan akan perburuan Perguruan Tinggi (PT) untuk menjadi World Class University (WCU) hanya dipandang sebagai alat dari sistem yang kapitalis dimana PT dijadikan sebagai mesin produksi "sarjana-sarjana kertas" untuk "distempel". Selain itu, ada pula yang beranggapan bahwa WCU sama halnya dengan tren mode pakaian saja, sudah itu lenyap dan kemungkinan akan timbul lagi dengan desain baru. Dulu seluruh universitas mendewakan bahwa Universitas-nya adalah Universitas Riset dan kini "berburu" WCU. Seolah-olah WCU mejadi "Dewa" baru yang harus disembah. Namun pertanyaan mendasar adalah apakah WCU perlu bagi PT di Indonesia? Haruskah PT Indonesia berlari terengah-engah untuk pencapaian WCU?
Papers by taufik budhi pramono