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IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
A Novel Backoff Scheme and Its Throughput Analysis for Full Duplex MAC Protocols in Wireless LANs
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2020 Volume E103.B Issue 9 Pages 989-1001


Wireless full duplex (FD) communication can double the point-to-point throughput. To fully realize the benefits of the FD technique in wireless local area networks (WLANs), it is important to design the medium access control (MAC) protocols for FD communications. In FD MAC protocols, when a node wins the channel contention and transmits a primary transmission, its destination node can start a secondary transmission triggered by the primary transmission. Each secondary transmitter transmits a data frame even if its backoff timer is not zero. However, the backoff scheme in the FD MAC protocols follows the conventional scheme based on the distributed coordination function (DCF). Therefore, the nodes with FD MAC initialize the contention window (CW) size to minimum CW (CWmin) after their successful secondary transmissions. Therefore, CW initialization in the FD MAC causes further collisions at stations (STAs), which degrades network throughput. This paper proposes a novel backoff scheme for FD MAC protocols. In the proposed scheme, the CW size and backoff timer are not initialized but kept the current value after secondary transmissions. The proposed scheme can mitigate frame collisions at STAs and increase FD-transmission opportunity in the network, and then enhance the throughput significantly. This paper presents comprehensive performance evaluation in simulations, including non-saturation and saturation conditions, and co-existence conditions with legacy half duplex (HD) STAs. For performance analysis, this paper establishes Markov-chain models for the proposed scheme. The analytical results show theoretically that the operation of the proposed scheme enhances network throughput. The simulation results and analytical results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

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© 2020 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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