Mahadevan Ganesh
Mahadevan Ganesh (Devan Ganesh)
Professor, Colorado School of Mines (Mines)
Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics
Computer Science Department (Joint Faculty)
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External Positions
- Visiting Professorial Fellow, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia (2016-present)
- Honorary Professor, Macquarie University (MQ), Sydney, Australia (Nov. 2023-present)
- Senior Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL), WA, USA (July 2018-June 2023)
Research Interests [Via Visualization]
- Scientific machine learning and forward/inverse data-driven stochastic algorithms
- Quantification of uncertainties in parallel scientific computing models
- Computational electromagnetics & High-performance computing
- High-order, high-performance computing algorithms for wave propagation and absorption simulations in 3-D
- Efficient algorithms for atmospheric flows on rotating surfaces
- Quadrature finite element methods for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic problems
- Free surface nonlinear evolutionary systems with applications
- Hybrid Finite and Boundary Element Methods (FEM-BEM) for unbounded media models
- Parallel evolutionary computations and analysis
Supported (as a single-PI) with research funds from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), DoD Ordnance Technology Consortium (DOTC),Simons Foundation …
- PI/CO-PI of several grants funded by the ARC,DOTC, LANL, NREL, NSF and other agencies
- ARC — Australian Research Council (Australian equivalent of the NSF, USA)
- Current Grants: Simons Foundation (2021-2026, PI) and ARC (2023-2025, CO-PI)
Journal Publications (2011+)
[Author of over 100 research articles ( See ORCID)]
- A fully discrete Galerkin method for high frequency exterior acoustic scattering in three dimensions .
(With S. C. Hawkins .) J. Comp. Phys. , 230 (2011), 104-125. - An efficient algorithm for simulating scattering by a large number of two dimensional particles. (With S. C. Hawkins .) Aust. & NZ Indus. Appl. Math. (ANZIAM) J., 52 (2011), C139-C155.
- A pseudospectral quadrature method for Navier-Stokes equations on rotating spheres (With Q. T. Le Gia and I. H. Sloan .) Math. Comp. , 80 (2011), 1397-1430.
- A radial basis Galerkin method for spherical surface Stokes equations (With Q.T. Le Gia .) Aust. & NZ Indus. Appl. Math. (ANZIAM) J., 52 (2011), C58-C71.
- Convergence analysis with parameter estimates for a reduced basis acoustics scattering T-matrix method (With S. C. Hawkins and R. Hiptmair .) IMA J. Numer. Anal., 32 (2012), 1348-1374.
- A reduced basis method for electromagnetic scatttering by multiple particles in three dimensions (With J. Hesthaven and B. Stamm .) J. Comput. Phys., 231 (2012), 7756-7779
- A stochastic pseudospectral and T-matrix algorithm for acoustic scattering by a class of multiple particle configurations (With S. C. Hawkins .) J. Quant. Spect. Radiative Transfer, 123 (2013), 41-52
- Interpolation and cubature approximation and analysis for a class of wideband integrals on the sphere (With V. Dominguez .) Advances in Comput. Math., 39, 547-584, 2013.
- An efficient algorithm for simulation of stochastic scattering cross-sections (With S. C. Hawkins .) Aust. & NZ Indus. Appl. Math. (ANZIAM) J., 54 (2013), C119-C136.
- An all-frequency weakly-singular surface integral equation for electromagnetism in dielectric media: Reformulation and well-posedness analysis (With S. C. Hawkins and D. Volkov .) J. Math. Anal. & Appl., 412 (2014), 277-300.
- Spectral properties of Schrodinger operators on superconducting surfaces (With T. Thompson .) J. Spectral Theory, 4 (2014), 569-612.
- An efficient O(N) algorithm for computing O(N^2) acoustic wave interactions in large N-obstacle three dimensional configurations (With S. C. Hawkins .) BIT Numer. Math., 55(2015), 117-139.
- Schrodinger eigenbasis on a class of superconducting surfaces : Ansatz, analysis, FEM approximations and computations (With T. Thompson .) Appl. Numer. Math., 89 (2015), 45-75.
- A high performance computing and sensitivity analysis algorithm for stochastic many-particle wave scattering (With S. C. Hawkins .) SIAM J Scientific Computing, 37 (2015), A1475-A1503
- Sobolev estimates for constructive uniform-grid FFT interpolatory approximations of spherical functions (With V. Dominguez .) Advances in Comput. Math., 42 (2016), 843-887.
- Scattering by stochastic boundaries: hybrid low- and high-order quantification algorithms (With S. C. Hawkins .) Aust. & NZ Indus. Appl. Math. (ANZIAM) J., 56 (2016) C312-C338.
- High-order FEM-BEM computer models for wave propagation in unbounded and heterogeneous media: Application to time-harmonic acoustic horn problem (With C. Morgenstern .) J. Comp. Appl. Math., 307 (2016) 183-203.
- An offline/online algorithm for a class of stochastic multiple obstacle configurations in half-plane. (With S. C. Hawkins .) ) J. Comp. Appl. Math., 307 (2016) 52-64.
- Parallel mixed FEM simulation of a class of single-phase models with non-local operators (With A. Alyoubi .) J. Comp. Appl. Math., 307 (2016)106-118.
- An efficient multigrid algorithm for heterogeneous acoustic media sign-indefinite high-order FEM model (With C. Morgenstern .) Numer. Linear Algebra, 24 (2017), e2049 (
- Computing spatial correlation of ground motion intensities for shakeMap (With S. A. Verros, D. J. Wald, C. B. Worden, M. Hearne .) Computers & Geosciences, 37:106-118, 2017.
- Algorithm 975: TMATROM — A T-matrix Reduced Order Model Software (With S. C. Hawkins .) ACM Trans. Math. Softw, 44: Article 9, 2017 (
- Sign-definite preconditioned high-order FEM. Part 1: Formulation and simulation for acoustic wave propagation in bounded homogeneous media. (With C. Morgenstern .) SIAM J Sci. Comput, 39 (2017), S563-S586.
- A spectrally accurate algorithm and analysis for a Ginzburg-Landau model on superconducting surfaces (With T. Thompson .) (SIAM) Multiscale Model. Simul., 16 (2018), 78-105.
- High-order FEM domain decomposition models for high-frequency wave propagation in heterogeneous media. (With C. Morgenstern .) Comp. Math. Appl. (CAMWA), 75 (2018), 1961-1972.
- An FEM-MLMC algorithm for a moving shutter diffraction in time stochastic model. (With B. Reyes and A. Purkayastha .) Discrete Cont. Dyn.-B, 24 (2019), 257-272.
- A fast high order algorithm for multiple scattering from large sound-hard configurations in three dimensions (With S.C. Hawkins .) J. Comp. Appl Math., 362 (2019) 324–340.
- An efficient algorithm for a class of stochastic forward and inverse Maxwell models in R^3.(With S.C. Hawkins and D. Volkov .) J. Comput. Phys., 398 (2019) 10881 (33-pages). (
- A coercive heterogeneous media Helmholtz model: Formulation, wavenumber-explicit analysis, and preconditioned high-order FEM (With C. Morgenstern .) Numer. Algorithms, 83 (2020), 1441-1487.
- A well-posed surface currents and charges system for electromagnetism in dielectric media (With S.C. Hawkins, C. Jeznach and D. Volkov .) J. Integ. Eqns. Appl., 32 (2020), 1-18.
- An overlapping decomposition framework for wave propagation in heterogeneous and unbounded media: Formulation, analysis, algorithm, and simulation. (With V. Dominguez and F.J. Sayas .) J. Comput. Phys., 403 (2020) 109052.
- Quasi-Monte Carlo finite element analysis for wave propagation in heterogeneous random media. (With F.Y. Kuo and I.H. Sloan .) SIAM/ASA J. Uncertainty Quantification, 9 (2021), 106-134
- An efficient multi-level high-order algorithm for simulation of a class of Allen-Cahn stochastic systems. (With B. Reyes .) J. Comp. Appl. Math., 401 (2022), 113765 (
- An Efficient Bayesian Neural Network Surrogate Algorithm for Shape Detection. (With S. C. Hawkins, N. Kordzakhia and S. Unicomb .) ANZIAM J., 62 (2022), C112-C127.
- Approximation of radiating waves in the near-field: Error estimates and application to a class of inverse problems. (With J.Barkhan and S.C. Hawkins .) J. Comp. Appl. Math., 401 (2022), 113769.
- Analysis and application of an overlapped FEM-BEM for wave propagation in unbounded and heterogeneous media. (With V. Dominguez .) Appl. Numer. Math., 171 (2022), 76-105. (
- A surrogate Bayesian framework for a SARS-CoV-2 data driven stochastic model. (With S. C. Hawkins .) Comp. Math. Biophysics, 10 (2022), 34-67. (
- A numerically stable T-matrix method for acoustic scattering by nonspherical particles with large aspect ratios and size parameters. (With S. C. Hawkins .) J. Acoust. Soc. Am (JASA), 151 (2022), 1978-1988. (
- A high-order algorithm for time-domain scattering in three dimensions.(With F. Le Louer .) Adv Comput Math 49, 46 (43 pages, 2023). ( ).
- A stochastic domain decomposition and post-processing algorithm for epistemic uncertainity quantification. Submitted. (With S. C. Hawkins, A.M. Tartakovsky, and R. Tipireddy .) Int. J. Uncertainty Quantification, 13 (2023), 1-22. ( )
- Data-informed uncertainty quantification for wave scattering by heterogenous media. (With S. C. Hawkins, N. Kordzakhia and L. Stals .) ANZIAM J., 64 (2023), C99-C115.
- A fast algorithm for the Helmholtz transmission problem with large multiple scattering configurations. (With S.C. Hawkins .) J. Acoust. Soc. Am (JASA), 158 (2024), 752-762.
- Evaluating the Impact of Uncertainty in Ground Motion Forecasts for Post-Earthquake Impact Modeling Applications. (With D. Engler and K. Jaiswal .) Earthquake Spectra, 2025 (to appear). (
- An all-frequency stable integral system for Maxwell’s equations in 3-D penetrable media: continuous and discrete model analysis. (With S.C. Hawkins and D. Volkov .) Adv. Comput. Math., 51 (2025) 6 (37-pages). (
- T-matrix computations for light scattering by penetrable particles with large aspect ratios. (With S.C. Hawkins.) J. Quant. Spect. Radiative Transfer, 334 (2025), 109346 (
Neural network-motivated regularity analysis of inverse problems and application to inverse scattering. (With S.C. Hawkins and D. Volkov .). Submitted, 2025.
- A fast algorithm for simulating finite scattering configurations featuring Rayleigh–Bloch waves. (With L. G. Bennetts, S. C. Hawkins and M. A. Peter). Submitted, 2025.
- An updated hierarchical Bayesian framework for earthquake fatality estimation (With D. Engler and K. Jaiswal .) Submitted, 2025.