Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Humanities and Letters of UNILAB - University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony. Professor at the Master's Program in Anthropology UFC-UNILAB. Coordinator of the Research Line " Identities
Address: Redenção,Ceará, Brazil
Address: Redenção,Ceará, Brazil
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Papers by Vera Rodrigues
This article results from the participation in the notice "Blacks in Science" , promoted by the Carlos Chagas Foundation in 2016, with the research project "Black Paths and Affirmative Actions at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul". characterize the demands and experiences of quota students and identify their good practices of permanence in the university, with emphasis on the strategies and challenges of admission, permanence and success in university life. With this focus, in the line "Experiences and good practices aimed at attracting and qualifying young people in the areas of Exact, Biological, Health and Technological Sciences", we carried out a qualitative research that included questionnaires and a focus group with black college students, not quota holders, from a public university in the south of Brazil (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul). In this article, we will present results that demonstrate obstacles experienced by students in their entrance, permanence and success in university life, such as coping with racism in the academic world, and at the same time strategies they create to deal with these challenges.
Palavras-chave: Bolsa Família; Mulheres, Pobreza, Preconceito.
Drafts by Vera Rodrigues
This article results from the participation in the notice "Blacks in Science" , promoted by the Carlos Chagas Foundation in 2016, with the research project "Black Paths and Affirmative Actions at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul". characterize the demands and experiences of quota students and identify their good practices of permanence in the university, with emphasis on the strategies and challenges of admission, permanence and success in university life. With this focus, in the line "Experiences and good practices aimed at attracting and qualifying young people in the areas of Exact, Biological, Health and Technological Sciences", we carried out a qualitative research that included questionnaires and a focus group with black college students, not quota holders, from a public university in the south of Brazil (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul). In this article, we will present results that demonstrate obstacles experienced by students in their entrance, permanence and success in university life, such as coping with racism in the academic world, and at the same time strategies they create to deal with these challenges.
Palavras-chave: Bolsa Família; Mulheres, Pobreza, Preconceito.