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Curriculum Vitae

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Sociology, Faculty Member
October 2020 Scott Duxbury University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill Department of Sociology Email: 163 Pauli Murray Hall Website: Google Sites Chapel Hill, NC GitHub: Positions University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Assistant Professor of Sociology, 2020 - present Education The Ohio State University Ph.D., Department of Sociology, 2020. M.A., Department of Sociology, 2017. Western Michigan University B.A., Sociology, Anthropology (double major), 2015. summa cum laude Research interests Crime, law, and deviance Sociology of punishment Race and ethnicity Public opinion Computational social science Social networks Methodology Media and technology Peer-reviewed Publications Forth. Duxbury, Scott W. Forthcoming. Fear or Loathing in the US? Public Opinion and the Rise of Racial Disparity in Mass Incarceration, 1978 - 2015. Social Forces. Duxbury, Scott W. Forthcoming. The Problem of Scaling in Exponential Random Graph Models. Sociological Methods & Research. [R package] Duxbury, Scott W. 2021. Who Controls Criminal Law? Racial Threat and the Adoption of State Sentencing Law, 1975 - 2012. American Sociological Review 86(1). 2020 Duxbury, Scott W. 2020. Social Network Analysis: People and Places. Oxford Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, ed. Henry Pontell. Duxbury, Scott W, and Dana L. Haynie. 2020. The Responsiveness of Criminal Networks to Intentional Attacks: Disrupting Darknet Drug Trafficking. PLOS One 15(9): e0238019. Duxbury, Scott W. 2020. Identifying Key Players in Bipartite Networks. Network Science 8 (1): 42 - 61. [R function] Duxbury, Scott W., and Dana L. Haynie. 2020. School suspension and social selection: Labeling, network change, and adolescent academic achievement. Social Science Research 85: 102365. 1 October 2020 2019 Duxbury, Scott W., and Dana L. Haynie. 2019. Criminal Network Security: An Agent-Based Approach to Evaluating Network Resilience. Criminology 59(2): 314 - 342. Schoon, Eric and Scott W. Duxbury. 2019. Robust Discourse and the Politics of Legitimacy: Framing International Intervention in the Syrian Civil War, 2011 - 2016. Sociological Science 6:635 - 660. 2018 Duxbury, Scott W. 2018. Diagnosing Multicollinearity in Exponential Random Graph Models. Sociological Methods & Research. [R function].[Accepted July 5th, 2018] ASA section on Methodology Clifford C. Clogg Graduate Student Paper Award ASA section on Mathematical Sociology Graduate Student Paper Award Duxbury, Scott W., and Dana L. Haynie. 2018. The Network Structure of Opioid Distribution on a Darknet Cryptomarket. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 34(4): 921 - 941. Duxbury, Scott W., and Dana L. Haynie. 2018. Building them up, breaking them down: Topology, vendor selection, and a digital drug market’s robustness to disruption. Social Networks 52(1): 238 - 250. Duxbury, Scott W., Laura Frizzell, and Sade L. Lindsay. 2018. Mental Illness, the Media, and the Moral Politics of Mass Violence: The Role of Race in Mass Shootings Coverage. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 55(6): 766 - 797. ASA section on Media Sociology Graduate Student Paper Award Midwest Sociological Society Graduate Student Paper Award (second place) Clyde Franklin Award for outstanding graduate student research. Duxbury, Scott W. 2018. Information Creation on Online Drug Forums: How drug use becomes moral on the margins of science. Current Sociology 66(3): 431 – 448. [Accepted June 18, 2015] Under Review Duxbury, Scott W, and Dana L. Haynie. Shining a Light on the Shadows: Endogenous Trade Structure and the Growth of Online Illegal Markets. Revise & resubmit, American Journal of Sociology. Duxbury, Scott W. and Dana L. Haynie. Overembeddedness in Illegal Online Markets: Endogenous Sources of Pricing and Profit in Anonymous Criminal Drug Trade. Revise & resubmit, Socio-Economic Review. Duxbury, Scott W. Random Effects Within Estimators for Panel Analysis with Application to the Politics of Mass Incarceration. Revise & resubmit, Sociological Methodology. [R package] Demarco, Laura, and Scott W Duxbury (equally co-authored). Denial of Shelter and the Shifting Dimensions of Social Control. Under review. Duxbury, Scott W. Whose Vote Counts for Crime Policy? Group Opinion and Public Representation in Mass Incarceration, 1970 - 2015. Under review. Duxbury, Scott W. Left Truncation in Relational Event Models: Consequences and Corrections for Network Parameter Inference. Under review. 2 October 2020 Duxbury, Scott W. Longitudinal Network Models. Book prospectus for SAGE: Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences. In progress Savelsberg, Joachim J., Scott W. Duxbury, and Hollie Nyseth-Brehm. Who informs about genocide–and how? World actors, Darfur and mediation through news reporting.” Duxbury, Scott W. Early 20th Century Prejudice and The Growth of Racial Disparity in U.S. Prisons: A Computational Model of Mass Incarceration. Steidley, Trent, and Scott W Duxbury. Racial Threat and Preparedness for Extra-legal Social Control: A Test of the Minority Threat Thesis. Duxbury, Scott W. Average Structural Effects: A Postestimation Method for Interpreting the Effect of Endogenous Graphic Statistics in Statistical Network Models. Awards Funding Co-PI (with Dana Haynie and Srinivasan Parthasarathy). The Construction and Evaluation of Trust in Online Cryptomarkets. National Science Foundation, 2020 - 2023. ✩453,535 (✩62,909 to UNC). Proposal ID: 1949037. Presidential Fellowship, The Ohio State University, 2020. ✩32,100. Project Manager. Online Criminal Drug Networks. National Science Foundation, 2017 - 2020. ✩310,975. Proposal ID: 1729067. PI: Dana Haynie. Designed data collection, storage, and coding protocol, recruited/trained/oversaw undergraduate and graduate research assistants, determined analytic strategies and research questions, drafted grant proposal, cleaned data, conducted all analyses, drafted manuscripts. Grant-in-Aid of Research, Sigma Xi International Scientific Research Honor Society, 2017. ✩1,000. Clifford C. Clogg Scholarship, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, 2017. ✩2,500 for tuition coverage (Declined). Social and Behavioral Sciences ICPSR Summer Scholarship, The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences, 2017. ✩2,500 for tuition coverage. Summer Methods Workshop Award, The Ohio State University Sociology Department, 2017. ✩1,500. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2017 (Honorable Mention). University Fellowship, The Ohio State University, 2015. ✩24,000. Undergraduate Research Award, Western Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences, 2014. ✩500. 3 October 2020 Honors Clifford C. Clogg Graduate Student Paper Award, ASA section on Methodology, 2018. Graduate Student Paper Award, ASA section on Mathematical Sociology, 2018. Graduate Student Paper Award, ASA section on Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology, 2018. Outstanding Masters Student Award, Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University, 2018. Clyde Franklin Award for outstanding graduate student research, The Ohio State University, 2017. Graduate Student Paper Award (second place), Midwest Sociological Society, 2017. Presidential Scholar Award: Anthropology, Western Michigan University, 2015. Sociology Scholar Award, Western Michigan University, 2015. American Sociological Association Honors Program, 2015. Erica Loeffler Academic Achievement Award, Western Michigan University, 2015. Phi Beta Kappa, 2015. Dean’s List, Western Michigan University, 2012 - 2015. Other awards Sociology Open Access Recognition Award, SocArxiv, 2018. ✩250 Criminal Justice Research Center Travel Award, Criminal Justice Research Center, The Ohio State University, 2016 - 2018. Three awards totaling ✩1,500 Honors Program Travel Award, American Sociological Association, 2015. ✩250 Undergraduate Travel Grant Award, Western Michigan University Sociology Department, 2015. Two awards totaling ✩1,000 Maher Conference Travel Award, Western Michigan University, 2015. ✩500 Lee Honors College Student Travel Award, Western Michigan University, 2015. ✩250 Software Author ergMargins: R package for calculating marginal effects and assessing mediation and moderation in exponential random graph models. [CRAN] [GitHub] rewie: R package to fit random effects within-idiosyncratic estimators for panel data. [CRAN] [GitHub] 4 October 2020 vif.ergm & vif.saom: R functions to assess collinearity in exponential random graph models ([GitHub]) and stochastic actor-oriented models ([GitHub]). keyplayers.bipartite: R functions to identify key players in bipartite networks. [GitHub] Contributor xergm: Extensions to ergm R package. [CRAN] [GitHub] btergm: R package for fitting temporal exponential random graph models. [CRAN] [GitHub] Presentations Invited The Responsiveness of Criminal Networks to Intentional Attacks. University of Maryland, iSchool College of Information Sciences/Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. December 2nd, 2019. Fear or Loathing in the US? Public Opinion and the Rise of Racial Disparity in Mass Incarceration, 1978 - 2015. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Department of Sociology. November 18th, 2019. Fear or Loathing in the US? Public Opinion and the Rise of Racial Disparity in Mass Incarceration, 1978 - 2015. University of Maryland, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. November 4th, 2019. 2018 Attack Tolerance of Dynamic Networks. Workshop on Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Networks, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus OH. November 7th, 2018. Darknet Drug Markets. Presentation to the Ohio State Department of Sociology Alumni Board, Columbus OH. October 5th, 2018. Online Criminal Drug Networks. Coalition for National Science Funding Annual Meeting on Capitol Hill 24th Exhibition and Reception, Washington D.C. May 9th, 2018. Featured exhibition, co-presenter with Dana Haynie. Conferences Duxbury, Scott W. Racial Threat and the Adoption of State Sentencing Policy, 1975 - 2012. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. November 2020. Accepted, but conference was cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak. Duxbury, Scott W. Dealing with Unobserved Heterogeneity in Exponential Random Graph Models. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco CA. August 2020. Accepted, but conference was cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak. Duxbury, Scott W and Dana L. Haynie. Shining a Light on the Shadows: Social Networks and the Growth of Criminal Markets. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco CA. August 2020. Accepted, but conference was cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak. 2019 Duxbury, Scott W. The Growth and Proliferation of Illegal Drug Markets: A Relational Event Model. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco CA. November 13th, 2019. 5 October 2020 Ramey, David M., Trent Steidley, and Scott W. Duxbury A Comprehensive Assessment of Economic and Political Minority Threat Responses. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco CA. November 13th, 2019. Duxbury, Scott W. Fear or Loathing in the US? Public Opinion and the Rise of Racial Disparity in Mass Incarceration, 1978 - 2015. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, NYC NY. August 12th, 2019. Demarco, Laura C., and Scott W Duxbury. Denial of Shelter and the Shifting Dimensions of Social Control: The Case of Court-ordered Eviction. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, NYC NY. August 10th, 2019. Duxbury, Scott W, and Dana L. Haynie. The responsiveness of criminal networks to intentional attacks. International Network for Social Network Analysis Annual Meeting, Montreal CA. June 19th, 2019. 2018 Duxbury, Scott W. Fear or Loathing in the US? Fear of crime, racial animus, and discriminatory punishment, 1978 - 2015. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta GA. November 16th 2018. Duxbury, Scott W. Fear of Crime and Racial Disparity in US Incarceration, 1985 – 2011. American Sociological Association, Philadelphia PA. August 2018. Duxbury, Scott W. Diagnosing Multicollinearity in Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models. American Sociological Association, Philadelphia PA. August 2018. Duxbury, Scott W, and Dana L. Haynie. Building them up, breaking them down: Topology, vendor selection, and a digital drug market’s robustness to disruption. American Sociological Association, Philadelphia PA. August 2018. Schoon, Eric, and Scott W. Duxbury. Robust Discourse and the Politics of Legitimacy: Framing International Intervention in the Syrian Civil War. International Studies Association Annual Conference, San Francisco CA. April 5th, 2018. 2017 Duxbury, Scott W. and Dana L. Haynie. Comparing Approaches to Network Disruption. Criminal Networks Workshop/Policing Network Flows Joint Conference, Adelaide SA (South Australia). December 12th, 2017. Duxbury, Scott W. Police Killings and Perceived Threat: What ideological mechanisms connect population change to internal state violence? American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia PA. November 17th, 2017. Duxbury, Scott W. Diagnosing Multicollinearity in Exponential Random Graph Models. American Sociological Association Annual Conference, Montreal QC. August 15th, 2017. Duxbury, Scott W., Laura Frizzell, and Sade Lindsay. Mass shootings, medicine, and the media: The role of whiteness in violent crime coverage. American Sociological Association Annual Conference, Montreal QC. August 13th, 2017. 6 October 2020 Duxbury, Scott W., and Dana L. Haynie. From the Back-alley to the Darknet: New Technological Capacities for the Efficient Organization of Crime. American Sociological Association Annual Conference, Montreal QC. August 12th, 2017. Duxbury, Scott W., Laura Frizzell, and Sade L. Lindsay. Good Guys and Gangsters: The impact of race on perspectives of mass shooters.” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Milwaukee WI. April 1st, 2017. 2016 Duxbury, Scott W. Using Drugs to Contest Medicalization?: Making Medical Knowledge on the Internet. American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, New Orleans LA. November 17th, 2016. Schoon, Eric and Scott W. Duxbury. Illegitimacy in International Conflict: Collective Reactions and the Failure of International Coordination. Central Eastern European International Studies Association/International Studies Association Joint Conference, Ljubljana Slovenia. June 24th, 2016. 2015 Duxbury, Scott W. Information Creation on Online Drug Forums: How drug use becomes moral on the margins of science. American Sociological Association Annual Conference, Chicago IL. August 22nd, 2015. Duxbury, Scott W. Information Creation on Online Drug Forums: How drug use becomes moral on the margins of science. National Conference of Undergraduate Research, Spokane WA. April 16th, 2015. Service Disciplinary Societies Chair, Student Paper Award committee, ASA section on Mathematical Sociology 2020 - 2021 Member, committee on nominations, ASA section on Mathematical Sociology, 2020 - 2021 Faculty mentor, ASA section on Law and Society, 2020. Graduate student representative, ASA section on Mathematical Sociology, 2019 - 2020. Committee member, ASA section on Media Sociology Outstanding Graduate student paper award, 2019. Represented ASA at the Coalition for National Science Funding Annual Meeting on Capitol Hill, May 9th 2018. Editorial board Social Forces (2020 - present). Social Science Research (2020 - 2023). Reviewer American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Criminology, Social Forces, Sociological Methods and Research, Sociological Methodology, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Social Psychology Quarterly, Social Science Research, Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency, Sociological Perspectives, PLOS One, Applied Sciences, Socius, Development and Psychopathology, International Journal of Drug Policy, Contemporary Drug Problems, Global Crime, Harm Reduction 7 Journal October 2020 Departmental UNC Social committee (2020 - 2021). OSU Co-organizer for the Criminology Working Group (2016 – 2020) Teaching Courses taught Undergraduate Advising Advisor Crime and Delinquency Supervised Undergraduate Research (OSU) Will Holtkamp (co-advisor with Andy Andrews) Experience Consulting Drug Enforcement Agency Special Division on Pharmaceutical, Chemical, and Internet Investigations Section. Expert on darknet drug market dynamics. October 2018 - present (ongoing, unpaid). Honda OnRamp Initiative Project on Sustainable Micro-Communities. Expert on trust and network dynamics, November 2018 (paid). External methods training Bayesian Analysis (ICPSR four-week course, 2017). Programming and software R, Python, Git Stata, HLM, BUGS, LATEX RA to Dana L. Haynie (2016 - 2019), The Ohio State University. Diffusion Processes in Social Networks (INSNA workshop, 2017). Memberships American Sociological Association American Society of Criminology International Network for Social Network Analysis Society for the Study of Social Problems Phi Beta Kappa Alpha Kappa Delta Media TV/video Sociological Insights Radio/podcast 8 O’Clock Buzz, All Sides with Ann Fisher Print/digital Salon, The Mic, The Conversation, Pacific Standard, Motherboard: VICE, Science Newsline, Inverse, Digital Trends, Global News, Trends, The Worldwide Times, Wired (Germany), Brisbane Times, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Western Australia Today, Canberra Times, World News. 8 October 2020 Other experience Archaeology Research Assistant at Western Michigan University, 2013-2014 Yielded a successful application to register field site in the National Register of Historic Places. Fitness Director, Compel Fitness, 2011-2012 Personal Trainer, Compel Fitness, 2011-2012 9