Texting slang is defined as a language that is commonly used in messaging as a medium of an inter... more Texting slang is defined as a language that is commonly used in messaging as a medium of an interaction among people. However, this language does not include emoticons. The examples of texting slang are LOL, ROFL, TTYL, etc. Texting slang is highly recognized as a language that is used by users on social media. However, miscommunication and misunderstanding are bounded to be happened to those who are new to the culture or certain groups. The objectives for this research are to check the proportion of users' current knowledge in texting slang and to identify the relationship between knowledge of texting slang and misinterpretation. The study was conducted in a public university in the east coast of Malaysia, to see if texting slang is widely used among students and staff in this institution. During the survey, questionnaire was distributed in the campus in order to collect the data. The data collected using stratified sampling with the total of 335 respondents out of 2765 total population. Based on the findings, in terms of the users' knowledge in texting slang, the results for the interpretation of the abbreviations and acronyms show that not all respondents know what the actual meaning of each abbreviation and acronym that were used. Next, it can be seen that there is a significant relationship between the knowledge of texting slang creates the misinterpretation of the text content among users. Thus, further research in terms of the users' knowledge and misinterpretation regarding texting slang and how these two elements affect in users' communication whether written and spoken, could be carried out in order to understand texting slang better and thoroughly.
Reading has always been considered a crucial contributing factor in human advancement which is at... more Reading has always been considered a crucial contributing factor in human advancement which is at the same time affecting one's intellectual and emotional growth. However in Malaysia, reading culture has seemingly not significantly changed as it was observed in the study of Pandian (2000) that only 20% are 'regular readers' and the rest of Malaysian populations are 'reluctant readers'. It was also found that when they were preparing for examinations, only then they spent time reading various materials. Nevertheless, with rapid development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) taking place, it has impacted education system centred particularly on reading exercise. This is established by Hooper & Herath (2014) that reading habit has been affected by the technology which has changed the pattern of brain absorption of information. However, adolescents are reported devoting much more time reading digital resources and spending extra time to skim, download and browse information on the Internet (Liu, 2005). Therefore, current study aimed primarily at comparing reading habit percentage between print and screen-based of the respondents as well as investigating relationship between numbers and types of print-based materials. Quantitative data were collected and a questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. A total of 61 diploma students from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Pahang Branch, Raub Campus, Malaysia were chosen and Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient was employed to analyse their views. The results revealed students' preferences in using traditional paper materials and how ICT has presented possibilities in encouraging students' reading habits to develop. It is anticipated that future researches in the area will benefit from the findings and suggestions provided in this study.
International journal of academic research in business & social sciences, Nov 4, 2021
Educators of second and foreign languages have paid close attention to the use of media specifica... more Educators of second and foreign languages have paid close attention to the use of media specifically in English teaching and learning. The use of media includes watching movies, listening to music, watching films, and using other types of entertainment-related learning resources. The objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of English movies in second language learning acquisition. A quantitative research method was used to collect the data, with a questionnaire administered to 102 registered students of semester two and three from different non-English diploma programmes at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Raub, Pahang. Based on the findings, language learners believe that movies are authentic sources of language learning and that they can be used effectively to improve their language skills such as speaking, listening and reading. Not only that, movies are also helpful for increasing student awareness of culture. More research is suggested to examine the types of movies on which language learners can rely in order to improve their language skills, compare groups learning English movies and control groups without movies using role-play activity, and assess the stress level of learning English through traditional classroom methods and watching movies. Hence, it would be understandable how movies can be used as educational tools in ESL classrooms.
COVID-19 pandemic has caused nearly all face-to-face classes in all schools and institutions of h... more COVID-19 pandemic has caused nearly all face-to-face classes in all schools and institutions of higher education around the world to stop temporarily, including Malaysia to curb the spread of the virus. As an initiative to that, the Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia has ordered all schools and higher education institutions to conduct e-learning sessions to practice the new normal and to obey the Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented in Malaysia. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the preparedness factors of the open and distance learning (ODL) among the lecturers in Universiti Teknologi MARA (Pahang). A simple random sampling technique was used to distribute the questionnaires to 126 lecturers on demographic characteristics and how ODL did affect them positively or negatively. A descriptive statistics was used in representing the demographic characteristics of the lecturer and a new analysis model was built based on the determination of the preparedness factors using logistic regression analysis. Based on the finding, five factors influenced the preparedness of ODL among the lecturers; 1) teaching experience, 2) number of family members, 3) enough number of devices, 4) enough internet data and 5) convenience in ODL. Besides, the overall model explained further that 93.65% of the sample was classified correctly.
COVID-19 pandemic has caused nearly all face-to-face classes in all schools and institutions of h... more COVID-19 pandemic has caused nearly all face-to-face classes in all schools and institutions of higher education around the world to stop temporarily, including Malaysia to curb the spread of the virus. As an initiative to that, the Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia has ordered all schools and higher education institutions to conduct e-learning sessions to practice the new normal and to obey the Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented in Malaysia. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the preparedness factors of the open and distance learning (ODL) among the lecturers in Universiti Teknologi MARA (Pahang). A simple random sampling technique was used to distribute the questionnaires to 126 lecturers on demographic characteristics and how ODL did affect them positively or negatively. A descriptive statistics was used in representing the demographic characteristics of the lecturer and a new analysis model was built based on the determination of the preparedness factors using logistic regression analysis. Based on the finding, five factors influenced the preparedness of ODL among the lecturers; 1) teaching experience, 2) number of family members, 3) enough number of devices, 4) enough internet data and 5) convenience in ODL. Besides, the overall model explained further that 93.65% of the sample was classified correctly.
Texting slang is defined as a language that is commonly used in messaging as a medium of an inter... more Texting slang is defined as a language that is commonly used in messaging as a medium of an interaction among people. However, this language does not include emoticons. The examples of texting slang are LOL, ROFL, TTYL, etc. Texting slang is highly recognized as a language that is used by users on social media. However, miscommunication and misunderstanding are bounded to be happened to those who are new to the culture or certain groups. The objectives for this research are to check the proportion of users' current knowledge in texting slang and to identify the relationship between knowledge of texting slang and misinterpretation. The study was conducted in a public university in the east coast of Malaysia, to see if texting slang is widely used among students and staff in this institution. During the survey, questionnaire was distributed in the campus in order to collect the data. The data collected using stratified sampling with the total of 335 respondents out of 2765 total population. Based on the findings, in terms of the users' knowledge in texting slang, the results for the interpretation of the abbreviations and acronyms show that not all respondents know what the actual meaning of each abbreviation and acronym that were used. Next, it can be seen that there is a significant relationship between the knowledge of texting slang creates the misinterpretation of the text content among users. Thus, further research in terms of the users' knowledge and misinterpretation regarding texting slang and how these two elements affect in users' communication whether written and spoken, could be carried out in order to understand texting slang better and thoroughly.
Mathematics performance especially in the statistical field is still an issue among students in h... more Mathematics performance especially in the statistical field is still an issue among students in higher learning institution. Students have learnt probability topic in the mathematics subject since SPM level, but they have a bad perception towards the statistics subject at higher learning institutions because of their bad experiences before. Therefore, the main focus of this paper is to examine the statistics anxiety level and its association with probability topic. 103 students from the science stream who were studying at one of the public universities in Malaysia were selected. The findings show that there is an association between students’ opinion towards probability topic and the four predictors; students’ self-confidence, class environment, self-concept and study techniques, with 63.50% of total variation. In addition, it was found that any positive improvement in any of the predictors will lead students to have better opinion towards the probability topic in the statistics cou...
Reading has always been considered a crucial contributing factor in human advancement which is at... more Reading has always been considered a crucial contributing factor in human advancement which is at the same time affecting one’s intellectual and emotional growth. However in Malaysia, reading culture has seemingly not significantly changed as it was observed in the study of Pandian (2000) that only 20% are ‘regular readers’ and the rest of Malaysian populations are ‘reluctant readers’. It was also found that when they were preparing for examinations, only then they spent time reading various materials. Nevertheless, with rapid development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) taking place, it has impacted education system centred particularly on reading exercise. This is established by Hooper & Herath (2014) that reading habit has been affected by the technology which has changed the pattern of brain absorption of information. However, adolescents are reported devoting much more time reading digital resources and spending extra time to skim, download and browse informati...
COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost all sectors in the world, including education. As an effort... more COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost all sectors in the world, including education. As an effort to break the chain of virus spreading, schools and higher institutions in most countries have stopped all physical classes for a while. Ministry of Education has directed a virtual learning to be conducted in schools and higher education during Movement Control Order was implemented in Malaysia to proceed the teaching and learning process. The virtual learning included online and offline learning which is called as open distance learning. Hence, the main objective of this study is to identify the factors that influence the Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang Branch students to continue practicing the open and distance learning. A set of questionnaires was disseminated to all 7,363 students of Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, where a number of 1,181 responses had been received from the survey conducted with a responding rate of 16%. The demographic aspects of the students were represented ...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
Educators of second and foreign languages have paid close attention to the use of media specifica... more Educators of second and foreign languages have paid close attention to the use of media specifically in English teaching and learning. The use of media includes watching movies, listening to music, watching films, and using other types of entertainment-related learning resources. The objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of English movies in second language learning acquisition. A quantitative research method was used to collect the data, with a questionnaire administered to 102 registered students of semester two and three from different non-English diploma programmes at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Raub, Pahang. Based on the findings, language learners believe that movies are authentic sources of language learning and that they can be used effectively to improve their language skills such as speaking, listening and reading. Not only that, movies are also helpful for increasing student awareness of culture. More research is suggested to examine the types of movies on which language learners can rely in order to improve their language skills, compare groups learning English movies and control groups without movies using role-play activity, and assess the stress level of learning English through traditional classroom methods and watching movies. Hence, it would be understandable how movies can be used as educational tools in ESL classrooms.
Black garlic is a functional food produced from fresh garlic (Allium sativum) through fermentatio... more Black garlic is a functional food produced from fresh garlic (Allium sativum) through fermentation process with temperature of 600-900C and humidity 70-90%. It normally used in Asian cuisine, and is made by heating the whole bulb of garlic over a period of several weeks. In Korea, black garlic was developed as a health product and it is still perceived as such. It is sometimes added to energy drinks, and in Thailand, black garlic is claimed to increase the consumer's longevity. Black garlic has many health benefits such as can reduce homocysteine levels in the bloodstream and can boost blood circulation by increasing the production of hydrogen sulphide. Garlic contains numerous sulphur compounds that can maintain healthy blood pressure levels and aid normal clotting. It can also stimulate white blood cell activity required by the immune system for fighting infections including colds and fungal infections. It believed to be of benefit in normalising blood sugar levels and it is t...
The fuzzy conjoint method (FCM) based on fuzzy set has been applied in many areas such as educati... more The fuzzy conjoint method (FCM) based on fuzzy set has been applied in many areas such as education, management and business. However, the FCM uses the fuzzy set to define the membership function of the linguistic values, which the score of weight and overall attribute for different degrees of confidence that cannot be obtained. Besides, the fuzzy set which is in discrete form does not clearly represent human judgement. Thus, in this study, a fuzzy number conjoint method (FNCM) based on triangular fuzzy number is developed. The fuzzy similarity measure based on distance, height and area was used in the procedure. The FNCM was implemented to analyse students' perception in the learning of calculus at one selected government institution in Selangor, Malaysia. The study involved a set of 5-options Likert scale questionnaire which is in linguistic values of strongly disagree, disagree, indifferent, agree and strongly agree. All the questions were on various items related to the learning of calculus. The findings showed that overall, students agreed at above 0.85 degree of similarity that they perceived positively in the learning of Calculus. The developed FNCM with a degree of agreement for each linguistic value can successfully evaluate the students' perceptions in the learning of calculus. This study will be as assistance and guidance to academicians and mathematics educators to enhance students' achievement in the learning of calculus.
Aims: Calculus course plays an important role in the success of science and technology as it comp... more Aims: Calculus course plays an important role in the success of science and technology as it compounds knowledge, performances and understanding developed in the fundamental stages for other mathematical, science and technology courses. Previous studies claimed that integration is a difficult topic as compared to the other topics in Calculus course. However, studies on how far the integration performance contributes to the overall performance of the subject itself are remained unanswered. Thus the objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between students' integration performance with their performance in Intermediate Calculus (known as Calculus I) course. Place and Duration of Study: 676 students' examination papers from two consecutive semesters for Original Research Article Ujang et al.; ARJOM, 5(4): 1-16, 2017; Article no.ARJOM.35425 2 year 2016 at the Diploma level in one higher institution in the East Coast of Malaysia were analyzed in this study. Marks obtained from each question were used as the performance indicator. Methodology: The descriptive analysis was used to compare the performance of two consecutive semesters of students in their final exam for Calculus I. The students who scored less than half of 33 marks (less than 16.5) in integration topic were deemed as having low integration performance. Otherwise they were considered as having high integration performance. By using the cross-tabulation and Chi-Square correlation, the relationship between the scores obtained in integration topic and final examination results were investigated. Results: The findings revealed students with low integration performance have high tendencies to fail the final examination and students with high integration performance have more chances to pass the final examination. In addition, the result showed that more than half of the repeaters have the tendency to fail the course again. Meanwhile, the result also showed that students who remained weak in the previously taught concept were also unable to solve the problem posed to them in the integration topic. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that educators need to plan effective strategies such as organizing the diagnostic test at prior to the Calculus class, promoting actively the mathematics clinic, organizing workshop for the diagnosed weak students or peer group discussion, and sharing materials with the students through the online learning platform.
The study aimed to determine which type of school appeared to be better because it has been a con... more The study aimed to determine which type of school appeared to be better because it has been a concern for parents when choosing schools for their children. The study also compared pupils’ socio-emotional, peer victimization, extracurricular achievements, academic performance, and career aspirations in three types of schools in Kuantan, Pahang. Data from three different schools were collected using a single cross-sectional with probability sampling design and analyzed using R programming. The result showed that pupils in girls’ schools performed better in mathematics and science than in boys’ and coeducational schools. Furthermore, pupils in boys’ schools were more interested in extracurricular activities than in coeducational schools. However, it was found that pupils in girls’ schools were more inspired to determine their future careers as compared to pupils in boys’ schools. Therefore, the study concluded that single-sex school was better regarding academic performance, career asp...
Aims: Calculus course plays an important role in the success of science and technology as it comp... more Aims: Calculus course plays an important role in the success of science and technology as it compounds knowledge, performances and understanding developed in the fundamental stages for other mathematical, science and technology courses. Previous studies claimed that integration is a difficult topic as compared to the other topics in Calculus course. However, studies on how far the integration performance contributes to the overall performance of the subject itself are remained unanswered. Thus the objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between students' integration performance with their performance in Intermediate Calculus (known as Calculus I) course. Place and Duration of Study: 676 students' examination papers from two consecutive semesters for Original Research Article Ujang et al.; ARJOM, 5(4): 1-16, 2017; Article no.ARJOM.35425 2 year 2016 at the Diploma level in one higher institution in the East Coast of Malaysia were analyzed in this study. Marks obtained from each question were used as the performance indicator. Methodology: The descriptive analysis was used to compare the performance of two consecutive semesters of students in their final exam for Calculus I. The students who scored less than half of 33 marks (less than 16.5) in integration topic were deemed as having low integration performance. Otherwise they were considered as having high integration performance. By using the cross-tabulation and Chi-Square correlation, the relationship between the scores obtained in integration topic and final examination results were investigated. Results: The findings revealed students with low integration performance have high tendencies to fail the final examination and students with high integration performance have more chances to pass the final examination. In addition, the result showed that more than half of the repeaters have the tendency to fail the course again. Meanwhile, the result also showed that students who remained weak in the previously taught concept were also unable to solve the problem posed to them in the integration topic. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that educators need to plan effective strategies such as organizing the diagnostic test at prior to the Calculus class, promoting actively the mathematics clinic, organizing workshop for the diagnosed weak students or peer group discussion, and sharing materials with the students through the online learning platform.
Texting slang is defined as a language that is commonly used in messaging as a medium of an inter... more Texting slang is defined as a language that is commonly used in messaging as a medium of an interaction among people. However, this language does not include emoticons. The examples of texting slang are LOL, ROFL, TTYL, etc. Texting slang is highly recognized as a language that is used by users on social media. However, miscommunication and misunderstanding are bounded to be happened to those who are new to the culture or certain groups. The objectives for this research are to check the proportion of users' current knowledge in texting slang and to identify the relationship between knowledge of texting slang and misinterpretation. The study was conducted in a public university in the east coast of Malaysia, to see if texting slang is widely used among students and staff in this institution. During the survey, questionnaire was distributed in the campus in order to collect the data. The data collected using stratified sampling with the total of 335 respondents out of 2765 total population. Based on the findings, in terms of the users' knowledge in texting slang, the results for the interpretation of the abbreviations and acronyms show that not all respondents know what the actual meaning of each abbreviation and acronym that were used. Next, it can be seen that there is a significant relationship between the knowledge of texting slang creates the misinterpretation of the text content among users. Thus, further research in terms of the users' knowledge and misinterpretation regarding texting slang and how these two elements affect in users' communication whether written and spoken, could be carried out in order to understand texting slang better and thoroughly.
Reading has always been considered a crucial contributing factor in human advancement which is at... more Reading has always been considered a crucial contributing factor in human advancement which is at the same time affecting one's intellectual and emotional growth. However in Malaysia, reading culture has seemingly not significantly changed as it was observed in the study of Pandian (2000) that only 20% are 'regular readers' and the rest of Malaysian populations are 'reluctant readers'. It was also found that when they were preparing for examinations, only then they spent time reading various materials. Nevertheless, with rapid development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) taking place, it has impacted education system centred particularly on reading exercise. This is established by Hooper & Herath (2014) that reading habit has been affected by the technology which has changed the pattern of brain absorption of information. However, adolescents are reported devoting much more time reading digital resources and spending extra time to skim, download and browse information on the Internet (Liu, 2005). Therefore, current study aimed primarily at comparing reading habit percentage between print and screen-based of the respondents as well as investigating relationship between numbers and types of print-based materials. Quantitative data were collected and a questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. A total of 61 diploma students from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Pahang Branch, Raub Campus, Malaysia were chosen and Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient was employed to analyse their views. The results revealed students' preferences in using traditional paper materials and how ICT has presented possibilities in encouraging students' reading habits to develop. It is anticipated that future researches in the area will benefit from the findings and suggestions provided in this study.
International journal of academic research in business & social sciences, Nov 4, 2021
Educators of second and foreign languages have paid close attention to the use of media specifica... more Educators of second and foreign languages have paid close attention to the use of media specifically in English teaching and learning. The use of media includes watching movies, listening to music, watching films, and using other types of entertainment-related learning resources. The objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of English movies in second language learning acquisition. A quantitative research method was used to collect the data, with a questionnaire administered to 102 registered students of semester two and three from different non-English diploma programmes at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Raub, Pahang. Based on the findings, language learners believe that movies are authentic sources of language learning and that they can be used effectively to improve their language skills such as speaking, listening and reading. Not only that, movies are also helpful for increasing student awareness of culture. More research is suggested to examine the types of movies on which language learners can rely in order to improve their language skills, compare groups learning English movies and control groups without movies using role-play activity, and assess the stress level of learning English through traditional classroom methods and watching movies. Hence, it would be understandable how movies can be used as educational tools in ESL classrooms.
COVID-19 pandemic has caused nearly all face-to-face classes in all schools and institutions of h... more COVID-19 pandemic has caused nearly all face-to-face classes in all schools and institutions of higher education around the world to stop temporarily, including Malaysia to curb the spread of the virus. As an initiative to that, the Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia has ordered all schools and higher education institutions to conduct e-learning sessions to practice the new normal and to obey the Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented in Malaysia. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the preparedness factors of the open and distance learning (ODL) among the lecturers in Universiti Teknologi MARA (Pahang). A simple random sampling technique was used to distribute the questionnaires to 126 lecturers on demographic characteristics and how ODL did affect them positively or negatively. A descriptive statistics was used in representing the demographic characteristics of the lecturer and a new analysis model was built based on the determination of the preparedness factors using logistic regression analysis. Based on the finding, five factors influenced the preparedness of ODL among the lecturers; 1) teaching experience, 2) number of family members, 3) enough number of devices, 4) enough internet data and 5) convenience in ODL. Besides, the overall model explained further that 93.65% of the sample was classified correctly.
COVID-19 pandemic has caused nearly all face-to-face classes in all schools and institutions of h... more COVID-19 pandemic has caused nearly all face-to-face classes in all schools and institutions of higher education around the world to stop temporarily, including Malaysia to curb the spread of the virus. As an initiative to that, the Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia has ordered all schools and higher education institutions to conduct e-learning sessions to practice the new normal and to obey the Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented in Malaysia. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the preparedness factors of the open and distance learning (ODL) among the lecturers in Universiti Teknologi MARA (Pahang). A simple random sampling technique was used to distribute the questionnaires to 126 lecturers on demographic characteristics and how ODL did affect them positively or negatively. A descriptive statistics was used in representing the demographic characteristics of the lecturer and a new analysis model was built based on the determination of the preparedness factors using logistic regression analysis. Based on the finding, five factors influenced the preparedness of ODL among the lecturers; 1) teaching experience, 2) number of family members, 3) enough number of devices, 4) enough internet data and 5) convenience in ODL. Besides, the overall model explained further that 93.65% of the sample was classified correctly.
Texting slang is defined as a language that is commonly used in messaging as a medium of an inter... more Texting slang is defined as a language that is commonly used in messaging as a medium of an interaction among people. However, this language does not include emoticons. The examples of texting slang are LOL, ROFL, TTYL, etc. Texting slang is highly recognized as a language that is used by users on social media. However, miscommunication and misunderstanding are bounded to be happened to those who are new to the culture or certain groups. The objectives for this research are to check the proportion of users' current knowledge in texting slang and to identify the relationship between knowledge of texting slang and misinterpretation. The study was conducted in a public university in the east coast of Malaysia, to see if texting slang is widely used among students and staff in this institution. During the survey, questionnaire was distributed in the campus in order to collect the data. The data collected using stratified sampling with the total of 335 respondents out of 2765 total population. Based on the findings, in terms of the users' knowledge in texting slang, the results for the interpretation of the abbreviations and acronyms show that not all respondents know what the actual meaning of each abbreviation and acronym that were used. Next, it can be seen that there is a significant relationship between the knowledge of texting slang creates the misinterpretation of the text content among users. Thus, further research in terms of the users' knowledge and misinterpretation regarding texting slang and how these two elements affect in users' communication whether written and spoken, could be carried out in order to understand texting slang better and thoroughly.
Mathematics performance especially in the statistical field is still an issue among students in h... more Mathematics performance especially in the statistical field is still an issue among students in higher learning institution. Students have learnt probability topic in the mathematics subject since SPM level, but they have a bad perception towards the statistics subject at higher learning institutions because of their bad experiences before. Therefore, the main focus of this paper is to examine the statistics anxiety level and its association with probability topic. 103 students from the science stream who were studying at one of the public universities in Malaysia were selected. The findings show that there is an association between students’ opinion towards probability topic and the four predictors; students’ self-confidence, class environment, self-concept and study techniques, with 63.50% of total variation. In addition, it was found that any positive improvement in any of the predictors will lead students to have better opinion towards the probability topic in the statistics cou...
Reading has always been considered a crucial contributing factor in human advancement which is at... more Reading has always been considered a crucial contributing factor in human advancement which is at the same time affecting one’s intellectual and emotional growth. However in Malaysia, reading culture has seemingly not significantly changed as it was observed in the study of Pandian (2000) that only 20% are ‘regular readers’ and the rest of Malaysian populations are ‘reluctant readers’. It was also found that when they were preparing for examinations, only then they spent time reading various materials. Nevertheless, with rapid development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) taking place, it has impacted education system centred particularly on reading exercise. This is established by Hooper & Herath (2014) that reading habit has been affected by the technology which has changed the pattern of brain absorption of information. However, adolescents are reported devoting much more time reading digital resources and spending extra time to skim, download and browse informati...
COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost all sectors in the world, including education. As an effort... more COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost all sectors in the world, including education. As an effort to break the chain of virus spreading, schools and higher institutions in most countries have stopped all physical classes for a while. Ministry of Education has directed a virtual learning to be conducted in schools and higher education during Movement Control Order was implemented in Malaysia to proceed the teaching and learning process. The virtual learning included online and offline learning which is called as open distance learning. Hence, the main objective of this study is to identify the factors that influence the Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang Branch students to continue practicing the open and distance learning. A set of questionnaires was disseminated to all 7,363 students of Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, where a number of 1,181 responses had been received from the survey conducted with a responding rate of 16%. The demographic aspects of the students were represented ...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
Educators of second and foreign languages have paid close attention to the use of media specifica... more Educators of second and foreign languages have paid close attention to the use of media specifically in English teaching and learning. The use of media includes watching movies, listening to music, watching films, and using other types of entertainment-related learning resources. The objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of English movies in second language learning acquisition. A quantitative research method was used to collect the data, with a questionnaire administered to 102 registered students of semester two and three from different non-English diploma programmes at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Raub, Pahang. Based on the findings, language learners believe that movies are authentic sources of language learning and that they can be used effectively to improve their language skills such as speaking, listening and reading. Not only that, movies are also helpful for increasing student awareness of culture. More research is suggested to examine the types of movies on which language learners can rely in order to improve their language skills, compare groups learning English movies and control groups without movies using role-play activity, and assess the stress level of learning English through traditional classroom methods and watching movies. Hence, it would be understandable how movies can be used as educational tools in ESL classrooms.
Black garlic is a functional food produced from fresh garlic (Allium sativum) through fermentatio... more Black garlic is a functional food produced from fresh garlic (Allium sativum) through fermentation process with temperature of 600-900C and humidity 70-90%. It normally used in Asian cuisine, and is made by heating the whole bulb of garlic over a period of several weeks. In Korea, black garlic was developed as a health product and it is still perceived as such. It is sometimes added to energy drinks, and in Thailand, black garlic is claimed to increase the consumer's longevity. Black garlic has many health benefits such as can reduce homocysteine levels in the bloodstream and can boost blood circulation by increasing the production of hydrogen sulphide. Garlic contains numerous sulphur compounds that can maintain healthy blood pressure levels and aid normal clotting. It can also stimulate white blood cell activity required by the immune system for fighting infections including colds and fungal infections. It believed to be of benefit in normalising blood sugar levels and it is t...
The fuzzy conjoint method (FCM) based on fuzzy set has been applied in many areas such as educati... more The fuzzy conjoint method (FCM) based on fuzzy set has been applied in many areas such as education, management and business. However, the FCM uses the fuzzy set to define the membership function of the linguistic values, which the score of weight and overall attribute for different degrees of confidence that cannot be obtained. Besides, the fuzzy set which is in discrete form does not clearly represent human judgement. Thus, in this study, a fuzzy number conjoint method (FNCM) based on triangular fuzzy number is developed. The fuzzy similarity measure based on distance, height and area was used in the procedure. The FNCM was implemented to analyse students' perception in the learning of calculus at one selected government institution in Selangor, Malaysia. The study involved a set of 5-options Likert scale questionnaire which is in linguistic values of strongly disagree, disagree, indifferent, agree and strongly agree. All the questions were on various items related to the learning of calculus. The findings showed that overall, students agreed at above 0.85 degree of similarity that they perceived positively in the learning of Calculus. The developed FNCM with a degree of agreement for each linguistic value can successfully evaluate the students' perceptions in the learning of calculus. This study will be as assistance and guidance to academicians and mathematics educators to enhance students' achievement in the learning of calculus.
Aims: Calculus course plays an important role in the success of science and technology as it comp... more Aims: Calculus course plays an important role in the success of science and technology as it compounds knowledge, performances and understanding developed in the fundamental stages for other mathematical, science and technology courses. Previous studies claimed that integration is a difficult topic as compared to the other topics in Calculus course. However, studies on how far the integration performance contributes to the overall performance of the subject itself are remained unanswered. Thus the objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between students' integration performance with their performance in Intermediate Calculus (known as Calculus I) course. Place and Duration of Study: 676 students' examination papers from two consecutive semesters for Original Research Article Ujang et al.; ARJOM, 5(4): 1-16, 2017; Article no.ARJOM.35425 2 year 2016 at the Diploma level in one higher institution in the East Coast of Malaysia were analyzed in this study. Marks obtained from each question were used as the performance indicator. Methodology: The descriptive analysis was used to compare the performance of two consecutive semesters of students in their final exam for Calculus I. The students who scored less than half of 33 marks (less than 16.5) in integration topic were deemed as having low integration performance. Otherwise they were considered as having high integration performance. By using the cross-tabulation and Chi-Square correlation, the relationship between the scores obtained in integration topic and final examination results were investigated. Results: The findings revealed students with low integration performance have high tendencies to fail the final examination and students with high integration performance have more chances to pass the final examination. In addition, the result showed that more than half of the repeaters have the tendency to fail the course again. Meanwhile, the result also showed that students who remained weak in the previously taught concept were also unable to solve the problem posed to them in the integration topic. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that educators need to plan effective strategies such as organizing the diagnostic test at prior to the Calculus class, promoting actively the mathematics clinic, organizing workshop for the diagnosed weak students or peer group discussion, and sharing materials with the students through the online learning platform.
The study aimed to determine which type of school appeared to be better because it has been a con... more The study aimed to determine which type of school appeared to be better because it has been a concern for parents when choosing schools for their children. The study also compared pupils’ socio-emotional, peer victimization, extracurricular achievements, academic performance, and career aspirations in three types of schools in Kuantan, Pahang. Data from three different schools were collected using a single cross-sectional with probability sampling design and analyzed using R programming. The result showed that pupils in girls’ schools performed better in mathematics and science than in boys’ and coeducational schools. Furthermore, pupils in boys’ schools were more interested in extracurricular activities than in coeducational schools. However, it was found that pupils in girls’ schools were more inspired to determine their future careers as compared to pupils in boys’ schools. Therefore, the study concluded that single-sex school was better regarding academic performance, career asp...
Aims: Calculus course plays an important role in the success of science and technology as it comp... more Aims: Calculus course plays an important role in the success of science and technology as it compounds knowledge, performances and understanding developed in the fundamental stages for other mathematical, science and technology courses. Previous studies claimed that integration is a difficult topic as compared to the other topics in Calculus course. However, studies on how far the integration performance contributes to the overall performance of the subject itself are remained unanswered. Thus the objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between students' integration performance with their performance in Intermediate Calculus (known as Calculus I) course. Place and Duration of Study: 676 students' examination papers from two consecutive semesters for Original Research Article Ujang et al.; ARJOM, 5(4): 1-16, 2017; Article no.ARJOM.35425 2 year 2016 at the Diploma level in one higher institution in the East Coast of Malaysia were analyzed in this study. Marks obtained from each question were used as the performance indicator. Methodology: The descriptive analysis was used to compare the performance of two consecutive semesters of students in their final exam for Calculus I. The students who scored less than half of 33 marks (less than 16.5) in integration topic were deemed as having low integration performance. Otherwise they were considered as having high integration performance. By using the cross-tabulation and Chi-Square correlation, the relationship between the scores obtained in integration topic and final examination results were investigated. Results: The findings revealed students with low integration performance have high tendencies to fail the final examination and students with high integration performance have more chances to pass the final examination. In addition, the result showed that more than half of the repeaters have the tendency to fail the course again. Meanwhile, the result also showed that students who remained weak in the previously taught concept were also unable to solve the problem posed to them in the integration topic. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that educators need to plan effective strategies such as organizing the diagnostic test at prior to the Calculus class, promoting actively the mathematics clinic, organizing workshop for the diagnosed weak students or peer group discussion, and sharing materials with the students through the online learning platform.
Papers by Suriyati Ujang