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Curriculum Vitae

University of Oslo, RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion, Post-Doc
Dr. Ximena Alarcón - Research Fellow, CRiSAP - Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice Basic and most recent education 2007 PhD in Music, Technology and Innovation, De Montfort University 1997 MA Communication and Education,Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 1992 BA Social Communication,Universidad Externado de Colombia 2012 – Deep Listening Certificate. Awarded in May 2012 by the Deep Listening Institute Summer 2010 Network Musical Performance Workshop: Technical and Artistic Strategies to Perform around the Globe. Tutor: Juan Pablo Cáceres. CCRMA, University of Stanford 2009/2010 Deep Listening Retreats (19th and 20th) Tutors: Pauline Oliveros, IONE, Heloise Gold. Aune Arts, Dartington College;La Nau Coclea, Camallera, Cataluña Academic employment 10/2011 – Present: Research Fellow, CRiSAP LCC, University of the Arts London Responsibilities: To lead the project: “Networked Migrations: Listening to and performing the in-between space” - Creation, full development and dissemination of two telematic sonic performances in the context of migration. Writing of funding applications. Reviewer for International Computer Music Conference–ICMC, 2012 02/2010 – 12/2010: Research Fellow, Programme Leader Masters in Creative Technologies. Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University Responsibilities: To coordinate the modules of the Masters Programme; to teach and to supervise Students’ Major Projects; to recruit students and lead the marketing for the programme. 10/2009 – 07/2010: Research Fellow, Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University Responsibilities: Dissemination of “Sounding Underground”, through conferences, installations and academic papers; to be a reviewer for papers and performances for Sound, Sight, Space and Play - Postgraduate Conference 10/2009 – 04/2011: Tutor Sound creation and Audio Tools, for E-Creativity Module. Faculty of Business and Law, De Montfort University. 10/2007 – 10/2009: The Leverhulme Trust - Early Career Fellowship Award. Research Fellow, Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University. Research project “Linking urban soundscapes via commutersʼ memories” Responsibilities: Create and conduct research in Mexico and Paris, for the creation of Sounding Underground. To teach in different Faculties as a form of academic training: Tutor for Media Seminars of Media, Culture and Society, New Media Seminars, Introductory workshops of Dreamweaver and CSS, Tutorials in Creative Digital Media Design and Design Processes for MA students; Tutor and Supervisor for students’ Major Projects MA/MSc in Creative Technologies. 04/2007 – 06/2007: Literature Reviewer. Soundscape in Mental Hospitals. The University of Nottingham 10/2006 - 11/2006: AHRC Researcher in Residence. Babington Community College, Leicester 01/1999 - 12/2001: Multimedia Lecturer and Thesis supervisor. Semester 6th and 9th, Faculty of Social Communication, Universidad Externado de Colombia Awards and Mentions The Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship 2007-2009 Honorable Mention for New Genre Prize for “Sounding Underground”, in the IAWM (International Alliance of Women in Music) Search for New Music 2011 Competition. Innovation in form or style, including improvisation, multimedia, use of non-traditional notation. Sounding Underground featured on Java Museum NewMediaFest 2010 Cologne - Global Heritage Digital Culture Special Mention for Soundscape work “Sounding Underground”, International Festival of Image, University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia, 2010 Special Mention for Soundscape work “Interactive Sonic Environment: London Underground”, International Festival of Image, University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia, 2009 Selected Papers International Conferences “From Sounding Underground to Networked Migrations”, Internet Auditoriums Symposium, LOCUS SONUS, Nantes – France, 26 March 2012 “The migratory band – Deep musical and cultural explorations”. INTIME Symposium. Coventry University, 25 September 2011 “Justo en el Medio” (Just in the middle) – Making Art and teaching in higher education with transdisciplinary trends. Summit of Transversal Art 2011, CENART/CEVART Mexico City and Veracruz, June 1 to 3 “Sounding Underground: perceiving the social, political and symbolic city” Annual American Anthropological Association Conference, New Orleans, Nov. 2010 “Sounding Underground: collective memory that you can listen to in the metro” IV Iberoamerican Summit of Soundscape, Fonoteca Nacional, México, Nov. 2010 Festival Visiones Sonoras, Morelia, México 2010 “Sounding Underground: listening, performing and transforming” Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, 2010. Sonic Methods in Geography “Identity, territory and social migration” Session IBM Summit 2010: The Social and the spatial unconference. Boston (MA), October 17th and 18th, 2010 “From the Underground to the Internet: issues of privacy and ethics” Web 2.0 The next leap, Qualitative Methods. Merlien Institute, Berlin, March 2010 “Listening and Remembering: networked off-line improvisation for four commuters”. Australasian Computer Music Conference, Brisbane, July 2-4, 2009 Highlighted Exhibitions Sounding Underground exhibited at: Le Lieu Unique, Locus Sonus Symposium, Nantes – France, March, 2012; INSPACE New Media Art Centre. University of Edinburgh. Sensory Worlds Conference, Edinburgh, December 2011; Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Tracing Mobilities/ Open Platform,  Berlin-Germany, November 2011; Cities Methodologies, Slade Centre, UCL. London 2011; Media Active Festival, Towson University, Towson, Maryland, USA 2011; Women and Identity – Group Exhibition. Deep Listening Institute, Kingston, NY 2011; Exhibition “Riders on the train”, Axiom Centre for New and Experimental Media, Boston MA, 2009 Collaborations and Partnerships Developed national and international collaborations and partnerships for support and dissemination of Creative Projects, with public and third sector organisations such as De Montfort University, Interact Gallery, City of Sanctuary Leicester and Resonance 104.4 FM in the UK; Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras - CMMAS, Centro Nacional de las Artes - CENART and Centro Veracruzano de las Artes - CEVART in Mexico; Deep Listening Institute in USA; Plate-forme, Arts, Sciences, Technologies, Maison des Sciences de lʼHomme, Saint Denis - France, and Plataforma Bogotá in Colombia. Publications Alarcón, Ximena (2011). "Listening and Remembering: Networked off-line improvisation for four commuters" in CITAR Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, Revista de Ciência e Tecnologias das Artes. Issue 3, Autumn 2011. Portuguese Catholic University:Porto  Alarcón, Ximena (2011) “Roots” Text score in Deep Listening Anthology, Deep Listening Publications, Vol 2 Alarcón, Ximena (2011). Sounding Underground: listening, performing and transforming the commuting experience. Sensate Journal. A Journal for Experiments in Critical Media Practice [on-line publication] Incubated at The Sensory Ethnography Lab and metaLAB (at) Harvard. Alarcón, Ximena (2007). “An Interactive Environment derived from commutersʼ memories of the soundscape: a case study of the London Underground.” PhD Thesis. De Montfort University:Leicester. Alarcón, Ximena (2007). “An Interactive Environment: London Underground.” [Internet Multimedia Artwork]. De Montfort University:Leicester. Outputs Migratory Dreams/Sueños Migratorios [Telematic Sonic Performance] London and Bogotá (Colombia), between Resonance 104.4FM and Plataforma Bogotá Project Networked Migrations, CRiSAP, UAL, August 3rd, 2012 Letters and Bridges [Telematic Sonic Performance] Leicester and Mexico City, between Interact Gallery and CENART Project Networked Migrations, CRiSAP, UAL, May 12th, 2012 Letters and Bridges Performed with The Migratory Band INTIME Symposium, Coventry University October 2011 Los metros del mundo (2011) 30 radio programs (5’) for Fonoteca Nacional de México Sounding Underground: London, Paris and Mexico [Internet Multimedia Artwork, 2009] Networked Improvisation “Listening and Remembering” (Three groups of four commuters from Paris Metro) Plate-forme, Arts, Sciences, Technologies, Maison des Sciences de lʼHomme, Saint Denis. January 24th, 2009 (Three groups of volunteers - musicians and children) Centro Mexicano para la música y las Artes Sonoras, Morelia, México July 30, 2008 (Four groups of four commuters from Mexico Metro) Centro Multimedia, Centro Nacional de las Artes, CENART, México, July 26, 2008