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Curriculum Vitae

University of Idaho, Psychology & Communication Studies, Faculty Member
RAJAL G. COHEN Phone: (208) 885-4102 Email: Web: 863 East 7th St. Moscow, ID 83843 PRESENT POSITION Assistant Professor, University of Idaho, Department of Psychology and Communication Studies Chair: Todd Thorsteinson 2012- PREVIOUS POSITIONS Postdoctoral Researcher, Oregon Health & Science University Department of Neurology, Balance Disorders Laboratory Supervisor: Fay Horak 2008-2012 Instructor, T.A., and Research Assistant; Pennsylvania State University 2003-2007 Departments of Psychology and Kinesiology Supervisors: David Rosenbaum (Psychology) and Dagmar Sternad (Kinesiology) Teacher of the Alexander Technique Blacksburg, Floyd, and Roanoke, VA Self-employed (references available on request) 1997-2003 EDUCATION AND TRAINING PhD The Pennsylvania State University, Psychology Major Advisor: David A. Rosenbaum Minor Advisor (Kinesiology): Dagmar Sternad 2008 MS The Pennsylvania State University, Psychology 2005 BS Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 2002 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION AmSAT Virginia School for the Alexander Technique 1997 HONORS AND AWARDS Awards to Students Jordan Becker: Undergraduate Research Award Jason Baer: William Reese Award for Outstanding Student Research Addison Johnson: Phil Mohan Award for Academic Excellence Kennedy Woods: Undergraduate Research Award Isabella Orr: William Reese Award for Outstanding Student Research Ryan Seymore: Phil Mohan Award for Academic Excellence 2016-2017 2015-2016 2015-2016 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 1 Fellowships and Honors Finalist, OHSU post-doc paper of the year 2011 Post-Doctoral Fellowship: CAM Training in Neuroscience & Stress, OHSU 2010-2011 Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Neurological Sciences Institute, OHSU 2008-2010 Penn State College of Liberal Arts Dissertation Award 2008 Penn State University Graduate Fellowship 2002-2005 Travel & Training NIH award to fMRI training in Ann Arbor, MI Penn State Travel Award to European Workshop on Movement Science CMU Young Scientist Travel Award to Carnegie Symposium on Cognition Penn State Psychology Department Travel Award to Psychonomics Undergraduate Scholarships Wesleyan University A.L. Brown Scholarship Wesleyan University Johnston Trust Scholarship National Elks Foundation Scholarship National Merit Scholarship 2009 2007 2006 2004 1989-1990 1987-1990 1987-1988 1987-1988 RESEARCH FOCUS Planning, preparation, and control of human movement Contributions of cognition to posture, gait, and action Cognitive/motor changes due to age, experience, training, and neurological disorders GRANT APPLICATIONS (FUNDED) University of Idaho Key Fund The effects of postural instruction on muscle activation. $1500 (Rajal Cohen, PI) 7/1/2016-6/30/2017 Mountain West Research Consortium CTR-IN Pilot Grant Modifying postural state to reduce fall risk in older adults $61,982 direct costs (Rajal Cohen, PI) 2015-2016 University of Idaho College of Letters & Social Sciences Summer Research Grant A non-exercise intervention to improve balance in the elderly $5000 (Rajal Cohen, PI) Kurt Olsson Early Career Research Fellowship A non-exercise intervention to improve balance in the elderly $6,060 (Rajal Cohen, PI) National Institute on Aging, MERIT Award Peripheral & Central Postural Disorders in Elderly (Fay Horak, PI) $12,000 direct costs (Rajal Cohen, subcontract) University of Idaho Seed Grant Cognition, Posture, and Action 2015 2014-2015 2014 2013-2014 Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 2 $12,000 (Rajal Cohen, PI) University of Idaho Key Fund Grant Cognition, Posture, and Action $1827 (Rajal Cohen, PI) 2013-2014 National Institute on Aging, MERIT Award Peripheral & Central Postural Disorders in Elderly (Fay Horak, PI) $12,000 direct costs (Rajal Cohen, subcontract) 2013 Medical Research Foundation of Oregon, Early Clinical Investigator Award Posture and gait stability in Parkinson's disease $20,000 direct costs (Rajal Cohen, PI) 2011-2012 Pacific Northwest Udall Center, Pilot Award & Renewal 2010-2012 Which executive dysfunctions are most associated with freezing of gait in PD? $50,000 direct costs (Rajal Cohen, PI) [this led to a VA award for Fay Horak] GRANT APPLICATIONS (REJECTED - SINCE 2012) Michael J Fox Foundation, Therapeutic Pipeline Project (pre-proposal) Alexander technique and exercise for Parkinson’s disease motor symptoms $641,753 direct costs (Rajal Cohen, PI) 2016 National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIH) 2016 Predicting and preventing neck pain in computer users: postural dynamics, psychosocial factors, and postural interventions Total federal funds requested: $1,717,017 (Anita Vasavada, PI) $100,568 direct costs (Rajal Cohen, subcontract) Office Ergonomics Research Council The cost of biofeedback: Cognitive involvement in postural correction $25,268 direct costs (Rajal Cohen, PI; Jason Baer, Co-I) 2016-2017 Northwest Center for Occupational Health & Safety 2017 - Professional Training Opportunities Program The effects of group lessons in the Alexander Technique on neck pain in office workers Total direct costs requested: $10,000 (Rajal Cohen, PI; Jordan Becker, Co-I) GRANT APPLICATIONS (AWAITING DECISION) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH) 2017-2020 Attention and multi-limb control: Implicit and explicit cues in Parkinson’s disease Total direct costs requested: $300,000 (Tara L McIsaac, PI) $11,000 direct costs (Rajal Cohen, subcontract) United States Department of Defense (DoD) CSF Flow Biomarkers in Parkinson’s Disease Total direct costs requested: $300,000 (Bryn Martin, PI; Rajal Cohen, co-I) 2017-2020 Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 3 PUBLICATIONS Peer Reviewed Publications: (*students mentored by Dr. Cohen) Cohen, R.G., Nutt, J.G., Horak, F.B. (2017) Recovery from multiple APAs delays gait initiation in Parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 60. de Lima-Pardini, A.C., de Azevedo Neto, R.M., Coelho, D.B., Boffino, C.C., Shergill, S.S., de Oliveira Souza, C., Brant, R., Barbosa, E.R., Cardoso, E.F., Teixeira, L.A., Cohen, R.G., Horak, F.B., Amaro, E. Jr. (2017). An fMRI-compatible force measurement system for the evaluation of the neural correlates of step initiation. Scientific Reports, 7, 43088. PMID: 28230070. Mancini, M., Smulders, K., Cohen, R.G., Horak, F.B., Giladi, N., Nutt, J.G. (2016). The clinical significance of freezing while turning in Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience, 343, 222-228. PMID: 27956066. Cohen, R.G., Vasavada, A.N., Wiest, M., Schmitter-Edgecombe, M. (2016). Mobility and upright posture are associated with different aspects of cognition in older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 8:257. PMID: 27877123. Peterson, D.S., King, L.A., Cohen, R.G., Horak, F.B. (2015). Cognitive contributions to freezing of gait in Parkinson disease - Implications for physical rehabilitation. Physical Therapy Journal, 96, 659-670. PMID: 26381808. Cohen, R.G., Gurfinkel, V.S., *Kwak, E., *Warden, A.C., Horak, F.B. (2015). Lighten up: Specific postural instructions affect axial rigidity and step initiation in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair, 29, 878-888. PMID: 25665828. Peterson, D.S., Fling, B.W., Mancini, M., Cohen, R.G., Nutt, J.G., Horak, F.B. (2014). Dual-task interference and brain structural connectivity in people with Parkinson's disease who freeze. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, & Psychiatry, 86, 786-792. PMID: 25224677. Fling, B.W., Cohen, R.G., Mancini, M., Carpenter, S.D, Fair, D.A., Nutt, J.G., Horak, F.B. (2014). Functional reorganization of the locomotor network in Parkinson patients with freezing of gait. PLoS One, 17; 9(6):e100291. PMID: 24937008. Cohen, R.G., Klein, K.A., *Nomura, M., *Fleming, M., Mancini, M., Giladi, N., Nutt, J.G., Horak, F.B. (2014). Inhibition, executive function, and freezing of gait. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, 4, 111-122. PMID: 24496099 Lomond, K.V., Henry, S.M., Jacobs, J.V., Hitt, J.R., Horak, F.B., Cohen, R.G., DeSarno, M. (2013). Protocol to assess the neurophysiology associated with multi-segmental postural coordination. Physiological Measurement, 34, N97–N105. PMID: 24065623 Fling, B.W., Cohen, R.G., Mancini, M., Nutt, J.G., Fair, D.A., Horak, F.B. (2013). Asymmetric pedunculopontine network connectivity in parkinsonian patients with freezing of gait. Brain. 136, 2405-2418. PMID: 23824487 Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 4 *Papegaaij, S., Smith, B., de Lima, A.C., Cohen, R.G., Horak, F.B. (2012) Keeping your balance while balancing a cylinder: Interaction of voluntary and postural goals. Experimental Brain Research. 223, 79-87. PMID 22965549; PMCID: PMC3474899 *deLima-Pardini, A.C., Papegaaij, S., Cohen, R.G., Teixeira, L.A., Smith, B.A., Horak, F.B. (2012). The interaction of postural and voluntary strategies for stability in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurophysiology, 108, 1244-1252. PMID: 22673326 Cohen, R.G. & Sternad, D. (2012). State space analysis of timing: Exploiting task redundancy to reduce sensitivity to timing. Journal of Neurophysiology, 107, 618627. PMID: 22031769 Cohen, R.G., *Chao, A., Nutt, J.G. & Horak, F.B. (2011). Freezing of gait is associated with a mismatch between motor imagery and motor execution, not with failure to judge doorway passability. Neuropsychologia 49, 3981-3988. PMID: 22027173 Cohen, R.G., Nutt, J., & Horak, F.B. (2011). Errors in initial postural preparation lead to increased choice reaction times for step initiation in older adults. Journal of Gerontology A: Biological and Medical Sciences, 66, 705-713. PMCID: PMC3110912 Cohen, R.G. & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2011). Prospective and retrospective effects in human motor control: Planning grasps for object rotation and translation. Psychological Research. 75, 341-349. PMID: 20941504 Cohen, R.G., *Biddle, J., & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2009). Manual obstacle avoidance takes into account visual uncertainty, motor noise, and biomechanical costs. Experimental Brain Research, 201, 587-592. PMID: 19851762 Cohen, R.G. & Sternad, D. (2009). Variability in motor learning: Relocating, channeling and reducing noise. Experimental Brain Research, 193, 69-83. PMID: 18953531; PMCID: PMC2756422 Cohen, R.G., & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2007). Directional bias of limb tremor prior to voluntary movement. Psychological Science, 18, 8-12. PMID: 17362370 Weigelt, M., Cohen, R., Rosenbaum, D.A. (2007). Returning home: location memory versus posture memory in object manipulation. Experimental Brain Research, 179, 191-198. PMID: 17119941. Rosenbaum, D.A., *Halloran, E.S, & Cohen, R.G. (2006). Grasping movement plans. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 13, 918-922. PMID: 17328395 Cohen, R.G. & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2004). Where objects are grasped reveals how grasps are planned: Generation and recall of grasps. Experimental Brain Research, 157, 486495. PMID: 15071711 Invited Publications: Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 5 Cohen, R.G. (2015). Postural Homeostasis [Review of the book Postural homeostasis: Papers and letters on the Alexander Technique by Wilfred Barlow]. AmSAT Journal, 7, 48-49. Cohen, R.G., Horak, F.B., Nutt, J.G. (2012). Peering through the FoG: Visual manipulations shed light on freezing of gait. Movement Disorders, 27, 470-472. PMID: 22488859 Rosenbaum, D.A., Vaughan, J., Meulenbroek, R.G.J., Jax, S. & Cohen, R.G. (2008). Smart moves: the psychology of everyday perceptual-motor acts. In P. M. Gollwitzer, J. A. Bargh, & E. Morsella (Eds.), Oxford Handbook Of Human Action. pp. 121-135. Oxford University Press. Rosenbaum, D.A., Cohen, R.G., Dawson, A.M., Jax, S.A., Meulenbroek, R.G., van der Wel, R., & Vaughan, J. (2008). The posture-based motion planning framework: new findings related to object manipulation, moving around obstacles, moving in three spatial dimensions, and haptic tracking. In D. Sternad (Ed.), Progress in Motor Control- A Multidisciplinary Perspective (pp. 485-497). Springer. Rosenbaum, D.A., Cohen, R.G., Jax, S., Weiss, D. & van der Wel, R.G.J. (2007). The problem of serial order in behavior: Lashley’s Legacy. Human Movement Science, 26, 525–554. Rosenbaum, D.A., Cohen, R.G., Meulenbroek, R.G. J., & Vaughan, J. (2006). Plans for grasping objects. In M.L. Latash & F. Lestienne (Eds.), Progress in Motor Control (pp 9-25). Springer-Verlag. Rosenbaum, D., Augustyn, J., Cohen, R., & Jax, S. (2006). Perceptual-motor expertise. In K.A. Ericsson, N. Charness, P.J. Feltovich, R.R. Hoffman (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance (pp. 505-520). Cambridge University Press. PRESENTATIONS AND INVITED LECTURES Conference Presentations (*students mentored by Dr. Cohen) Cox, C., Cohen, R.G., Gross, M., *Kral, D. (2016). Thinking in action: Alexander technique for Parkinson’s disease. Poster at 4th World Parkinson Congress, Portland, OR, Sep 21. Cohen, R.G. (2016). Beyond exercise: Effects of postural instruction on balance and mobility. Round Table presentation at 4th World Parkinson Congress, Portland, OR, Sep 20. *Woods, K., Cohen, R.G. (2016). Measurement of Postural Control Associated with Fall Risk. University of Idaho Undergraduate Research Symposium, Moscow, ID, April 11. Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 6 Cohen, R.G., Gurfinkel, V.S., Horak, F.B. (2015). Lighten Up! Mindfulness-based approach to postural control improves coordination and reduces fall risk in older adults with and without Parkinson's disease. Oral presentation at 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, October 19. *Baer, J, *Johnson, A.Q., Cohen, R.G. (2015). Cognitive factors influence postural alignment. Poster presented at 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, October 19. Cohen, R.G., *Morrissey, E., Gurfinkel, V.S., Horak, F.B. (2015). Lighten Up! Brief exposure to Alexander Technique concepts improves mobility in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Poster presented at American Society for Alexander Technique, Boston, June 10-14. *Hoover, C., Werner, S., & Cohen R. (2014). Cognitive authentication and narrative passwords. In Proceedings of the 58th annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Chicago, IL, October 30. Cohen, R.G., *Smith, B.A., *Sanders, N., Johnson, K.N., Vasavada, A.N., SchmitterEdgecombe, M. (2014). Forward head posture in older subjects is associated with executive deficits. Poster presented at International Society for Posture and Gait, Vancouver, B.C., June 30. Fling, B., Cohen, R., Fair, D., Nutt, J., Horak, F. (2014). Functional reorganization of the locomotor network in Parkinson patients with freezing of gait. Poster presented at International Society for Posture and Gait, Vancouver, B.C., June 29-July 3. Peterson, D., Cohen, R., Fling, B., Mancini, M., Nutt, J., Horak, F. (2014). Dual-task interference is related to PPN structural connectivity in people with Parkinson disease who freeze. Poster presented at International Society for Posture and Gait, Vancouver, B.C., June 29-July 3. *Lima-Pardini, A., Teixeira, L. A., Horak, F.B., *Papegaaij, S., Cohen, R., Smith, B. (2013). Adapting postural responses on the basis of constraints imposed by a voluntary task in Parkinson's disease patients. Oral presentation at XX Congress on Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders, Geneva, Switzerland, December 8-11. Fling, B.W., Cohen, R.G., Carpenter, S.D., Fair, D.A., Nutt, J.G., Horak, F.B. (2013). Reorganization of the locomotor network in Parkinson’s patients with freezing of gait. Poster presented at American Society for Neurorehabilitation, San Diego, CA, November 7-8. Cohen, R.G., Klein, K., Nomura, M., Mancini, M., Fleming, M., Nutt, J.G., Horak, F.B. (2013). Inhibitory deficits are associated with freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease. Poster presented at the Joint World Congress of the International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR) and Gait and Mental Function, Akita, Japan, June 22-26. Mancini, M., Cohen, R.G., Klein, K., Nutt, J.G., Horak, F.B. (2013). Relationships between specific gait and balance aspects and cognition in Parkinson’s disease. Poster Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 7 presented at the Joint World Congress of the International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR) and Gait and Mental Function, Akita, Japan, June 22-26. Fling, B.W., Cohen, R.G., Nutt, J.G., Horak, F.B. (2013). Asymmetric pedunculopontine network connectivity in freezing of gait and Parkinson’s disease. Talk presented at the 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Sydney, Australia, June 16-20. *Kwak, E. & Cohen, R. (2012). A novel physical therapy for Parkinson’s disease. Macalester Student Research Poster Presentation, St. Paul, MN, October 12. Horak, F.B., Mancini, M. Cohen, R.G., Nutt, J. (2012). Quantifying freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease during the instrumented timed up and go test. Poster presented at the 16th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Dublin, Ireland, June 17-21. Cohen, R.G., Mancini, M., Johnson, M.B., Horak, F.B. (2012). Alexander Technique is associated with increased use of degrees of freedom during quiet standing. Poster presented at Joint World Congress of the International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR) and Gait and Mental Function, Trondheim, Norway, June 24-28. *DeLima, A., *Papegaaij S., Teixeira, L., Cohen, R., Smith, B., Horak, F. (2012) Adapting postural responses on the basis of constraints imposed by a voluntary task in Parkinson's disease patients. Poster presented at North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 7-9. Cohen, R.G. (2012). Step initiation in freezing of gait. Basal Ganglia Coterie, Columbia Gorge Hotel, Hood River, OR, May 31. Cohen, R.G. & Johnson, M. (2011). Alexander Technique research update. Annual General Meeting of the American Society for the Alexander Technique, Las Vegas, NV, June 3. Cohen, R.G. (2011). A possible role for body schema in freezing of gait. Basal Ganglia Coterie, Columbia Gorge Hotel, Hood River, OR, May 19. Cohen, R.G. & Sternad, G. (2011). State space analysis of intrinsic timing in throwing. Poster presented at Neural Control of Movement, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Apr 26 May 1. Cohen, R.G., Johnson, M., Mancini, M., *Priest, K., Horak, F. (2011). Changes in coordination associated with long-term practice of the Alexander Technique are opposite those associated with Parkinson’s disease. Poster presented at Symposium for Portland Area Research on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Portland, OR, April 16. Cohen, R.G. & Sternad, G. (2011). State space analysis of intrinsic timing. Talk presented at New England Sequencing and Timing, Amherst, MA, March 5. Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 8 Cohen, R.G., Nutt, J., & Horak, F.B. (2010). Does faulty body schema contribute to freezing of gait in subjects with Parkinson's disease? Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November 17. Cohen, R.G., Nutt, J., & Horak, F.B. (2010). The role of executive function in step initiation in young and older healthy adults, and in subjects with Parkinson’s disease. Poster at Gait and Mental Function, Washington, D.C., Feb 22. Cohen, R.G., Nutt, J., & Horak, F.B. (2009). Failure to synchronize postural preparation and stepping may trigger freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease. Poster presented to the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, October 18. Cohen, R.G., Nutt, J., & Horak, F.B. (2009). Multiple APAs during voluntary step initiation in healthy subjects. Poster presented to the International Society for Gait and Posture Research, Bologna, Italy, June 25. Cohen, R.G. & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2008). Tremor as a window into the mind. Poster presented at Penn State Graduate Exhibition, Penn State University, University Park, PA, March 30. Cohen, R.G. & Sternad, D. (2007). Variability is more than just noise: quantification of exploration, sensitivity to error, and covariation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November 2-7. Abe, M., Cohen, R.G. & Sternad, D. (2007). Influence of success criteria on trial-to-trial fluctuations in a discrete goal-directed task. Poster presented at the annual meeting of The Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November 2-7. Cohen, R.G. & Sternad, D. (2007). Shift, shuffle, and shrink: Three components of performance improvement in a throwing task. Talk presented at European Workshop on Movement Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 31-June 2. Cohen, R.G. & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2007). Directionally specific preparatory activity. Poster presented at European Workshop on Movement Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2. Cohen, R.G. & Sternad, D. (2007). Skill learning and refinement in a redundant task: minimizing timing errors with an "equifinal trajectory." Talk presented at New England Sequencing and Timing, New Haven, CT, March 5. Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 9 Cohen, R.G. & Sternad, D. (2006). Skill learning and refinement: the role of timing, noise reduction, and equifinality in a throwing task. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA, October 14-18. Rosenbaum, D. A. & Cohen, R. G. (2005). Looking into the future: How we grasp objects reflects anticipation of future positions. Talk presented at the 46th annual meeting of The Psychonomics Society, Toronto, ONT, November 12. Cohen, R.G. & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2005). Are movement and stillness essentially the same? Poster presented at Progress in Motor Control V, University Park, PA, August 17-20. Cohen, R.G., *Ludwig, A., *McCullough, J., *New, A., *Parkins, A., Rosenbaum, D.A. (2005). Does the end-state comfort effect hold when objects are rotated? Talk presented at the Second International Workshop on Posture-Based Motion Planning, University Park, PA, April 4. Cohen, R.G. & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2005). Still moving. Talk presented at New England Sequencing and Timing, New Haven, CT, March 5. Cohen, R.G. & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2004). Moving and holding still: Two control systems or one? Poster presented at Psychonomics, Minneapolis, MN, November 18. Cohen, R.G. & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2003). The end-state comfort effect holds for continuous tasks. Talk presented at The Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS), Hamilton, ONT, October 16-18. Cohen, R. & King, J. (2002). How does Ritalin affect the electrical activity of the brain? An EEG study of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. Talk presented at Radford University Student Research Forum, Radford, VA, April 25. Invited Lectures From biomechanics to brains: A survey of research relevant to the Alexander technique (with Tim Cacciatore). Annual conference and general meeting of the American Society for Alexander Technique, Minneapolis, June 10, 2016. Emerging mechanisms of the Alexander technique (with Tim Cacciatore). Annual conference and general meeting of the American Society for Alexander Technique, Minneapolis, June 9, 2016. Mind in Movement. Palouse Biomechanics Retreat, Palouse Divide, ID, January 25, 2016. Clarifying the scientific foundations of the Alexander technique. Alexander Technique Training in Chicago, October 17, 2015. Clarifying the scientific foundations of the Alexander technique (with Molly Johnson). Annual conference and general meeting of the American Society for Alexander Technique, Boston, June 13, 2015. Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 10 Cognition, posture, and action: The art and science of connection. Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany, June 22, 2012. Executive dysfunction and freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease. Pacific Northwest Udall Center Retreat, Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, WA, June 18, 2011. Microkinematics of movement preparation: Tremor as a window into the mind. Action Club, Penn State University, University Park, PA, April 25, 2008. Why should cognitive psychologists care about motor control? Department of Psychology, Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland, May 20, 2005. TEACHING EXPERIENCE University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology & Communication Studies 2012-present  Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences: Almost every semester, I teach this undergraduate course averaging 60 students per semester. It includes weekly laboratory sections, taught by graduate students whom I supervise.  Biomechanics & Ergonomics: Every spring I teach this required course required for the Human Factors major, incorporating an online section and opening it to advanced undergraduate students.  Psychology of Action: Every two years I teach this seminar covering topics such as sensorimotor integration, skill acquisition, and neural bases of movement.  Physiological Psychology: Every two years I teach this upper level undergraduate course on the relation of the brain and nervous system to the mind.  Topics in Neuroscience: In fall 2013, I taught half of this graduate seminar, with a focus on the senses.  Action Research: Every semester I enroll 4-6 undergraduate students in my laboratory. I teach them how to run experiments, analyze data, and critically read journal articles.  Practicum in Instruction: Every semester I enroll 2 undergraduate students to help me give feedback on homework, create new materials, run review sessions, etc. I work with them one-on-one to provide close supervision and training.  Survey of Contemporary Psychology: Every semester I give a lecture introducing undergraduate students to my research. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Graduate Instructor 2006-2007 Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 11  Cognitive Psychology: I developed this 120-person lecture course and taught it twice, covering topics such as attention, perception, mental representation, decision making, problem solving, and memory. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Teaching Assistant  2003-2008 Section Leader: I taught 2 weekly lab sections of Introduction to Research Methods and one weekly discussion section of Developmental Psychology. For the latter, I also coordinated grading and lesson plans with a team of 5 teaching assistants  Teaching Assistant: I helped with grading, made quizzes, review materials, and exams, and answered student questions for classes in Emotion, Advanced Learning and Conditioning, Biological Psychology, and MATLAB for Behavioral Scientists ADVISING AND MENTORING University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 2012-present Undergraduate Advising I have 32 junior-senior advisees with about 12 graduating per year. I mentor 4-6 undergraduate students per semester in my lab, as well as 1-2 undergraduate teaching assistants. In 2014, I hosted a visiting student from Germany for 3 months (Johanna Hoecketstaller), and she completed an independent project. I have served as a consultant to students writing newspaper articles on neuroscience-related topics. Graduate Advising I serve as major advisor for two Ph.D. students (Jason Baer and Daniel Kral). I served as short-term advisor for 4 other master’s students, generating one presentation or publication with each of them (Connor Hoover, Nicole Johnson, Amelia Warden, Erin Morrissey). Graduate Thesis Committees (*my advisee) Thomas Ulrich (Ph.D. Psychology) Jason Baer* (Ph.D. Neuroscience) Daniel Kral* (Ph.D. Psychology) Zachary Spielman (M.S., Psychology) Ezana Taddese (M.S. Psychology, WSU) Jason Baer* (M.S., Psychology) Connor Hoover (M.S., Psychology) Mark Meyer (M.S., Psychology) Missy Thompson (Ph.D., Neuroscience) date defended in progress in progress in progress in progress in progress May 2016 May 2015 December 2015 May 2014 Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR 2008-2012 I mentored full-time undergraduate students during two summers and generated publications with each of them (Amanda Chao and Elizabeth Kwak). I also served as a volunteer mentor for six months as part of an NSF program to increase participation in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) among high school students with disabilities. Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 12 The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA 2002-2008 As a graduate student, I supervised teams of 4-6 undergraduate students per semester. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Grant-writing: NIH Training in Grantsmanship for Rehab Research 5-day intensive Advising: University of Idaho advising symposium Laboratory Management: Workshop at Oregon Health & Science University Workshop the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience Writing: 6-week course at Oregon Health & Science University Teaching: graduate course in teaching psychology at Penn State 2014 2012 2012 2011 2010 2006 TECHNICAL SKILLS Measurement Systems Motion capture camera systems: Optotrak, Motion Analysis, Vicon Other: The MotionMonitor (multi-modal integration), APDM Opals (inertial sensors), Potentiometers, EMG, force plates, Twister (custom device to measure axial tone) Signal Processing and Statistics Matlab, The MotionMonitor, R, SPSS, Excel Course Management BbLearn, Angel, Turning Technologies PROFESSIONAL SERVICE University of Idaho Committees Committee on Creative and Scholarly Activity University Student Financial Aid Committee Psychology Department Outreach Committee Human Factors Graduate Faculty Committee Psychology Department Faculty Search Committees Advisor for Judo Club University of Idaho Ad Hoc Reviewer for Seed Grant Applications Reviewer for Olsson Grant Applications Judge for Three-Minute Thesis Competition Professional and Scholarly Organizations American Society for the Alexander Technique  Web Development Team  Government Relations Committee 2016 2013-2016 2012- 2013 2012-2016 2014-2015 2013-2015 2016 2016 2016 2010 2002-2005 The Poise Project Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 13  Scientific Consultant 2016- Peer Reviews for Journals (Ad Hoc Reviewer) Brain Brain Structure and Function Cognition Cognitive Brain Research Consciousness & Cognition European Journal of Neurology Experimental Brain Research Gait and Posture Journal of Biomechanics Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance Journal of Neurophysiology Journal of Motor Behavior Journal of Neurology Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry Journal of Neuroscience Journal of Psychophysiology Motor Control Movement Disorders Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair Neuroscience Letters Neuroscience Public Library of Science (PLoS) One Editorial work Articles co-editor, Communities Directory, 4th edition 2000 Grant Reviews National Science Foundation Israeli Science Foundation 2015 2015 COMMUNITY SERVICE Science Outreach Presentations  “AmSAT Huddle” continuing education webinar, April 17, 2016  Power & poise: Inhabiting your body every day (~60 in attendance) – Women’s Leadership Conference, University of Idaho, March 25, 2015  Balance, gait, and cognition in Parkinson’s disease (~100 in attendance) – Parkinson’s Power Summit, Northern Quest Resort & Casino, Spokane, WA, September 6, 2014  Balance in Parkinson’s disease: what it is, what goes wrong, and what you can do about it (~50 in attendance) – American Parkinson’s Disease Association, Clarkston, WA, January 20, 2014 Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 14     Balance control in Parkinson’s disease – Parkinson’s Disease Resource Center, Spokane, WA, November 7, 2013 Multisensory Balance Control – Senses and Reflexes, Family Science Saturday at Palouse Discovery Science Center, May 11, 2013 Multisensory Balance Control – Brain Week at OMSI, Portland, OR, Balance and falls – OASIS Education Center, Portland, OR, Sep 25, 2010 Alexander Technique Presentations  Dance Department, University of Idaho (Moscow, ID) 2013  Privately organized workshop for massage therapists (Beaverton, OR) 2010  The Pennsylvania State University Theatre Department (State College, PA) 2002  Blue Ridge School of Massage and Yoga (Blacksburg, VA) 1998-2002  Texas Tech University, Depts of Music, Theater & Dance (Lubbock, TX) 2001  Theater & Music Departments, University of the South (Sewanee, TN) 2000, 2001  Burrell Nursing Home Inservice (Roanoke, VA) 2000  Willow Ridge Horse Farm (Riner, VA) 2000  Virginia Nurses Association (Salem, VA) 2000  Simple Springs Horse Farm (Floyd, VA) 2000  Hollins University Dance Department (Roanoke, VA) 2000  The Yoga Center (Roanoke, VA) 1999-2002  Roanoke College Fine Arts (Roanoke, VA) 1999  Hollins University Music Department (Roanoke, VA) 1999  The Center of Dance (Blacksburg, VA) 1999  Virginia Tech Student Health Services Inservice (Blacksburg, VA) 1999  Southwest Virginia Dressage Association (Floyd, VA) 1999  Virginia Tech Women's Center Staff Retreat (Blacksburg, VA) 1998  Radford University Music Department (Radford, VA) 1998  Montgomery County Health Department Inservice (Christiansburg, VA) 1998  Virginia Tech Theater Department (Blacksburg, VA) 1998  Optimal Health Associates (Blacksburg, VA) 1997-1999 Media  interviewed by the Lewiston Tribune for article on cognitive aging: Use it or Lose it. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Society for the Alexander Technique Society for Neuroscience International Society for Posture and Gait Research since 1996 since 2005 since 2009 Rajal G. Cohen: CV - 15