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Curriculum Vitae

University of California, Irvine, African American Studies, Faculty Member
Sandra Harvey, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of African American Studies University of California, Irvine 3000 Humanities Gateway Irvine, CA 92697 EDUCATION Ph.D. Politics, University of California, Santa Cruz, Emphasis in Feminist Studies & History of Consciousness, 2017. M.A., Sociology, Universidad de Chile, 2005. B.A., Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, 2000. APPOINTMENTS 2018 – Present Assistant Professor, Department of African American Studies, UC Irvine 2017-18 UC Irvine Chancellor’s ADVANCE Postdoctoral Fellow, Departments of Criminology, Law & Society and African American Studies REFEREED ARTICLES Harvey, Sandra. 2016. "The HeLa Bomb and the Science of Unveiling." Special Issue: Nothing/more: Black Studies and Feminist Technoscience. In Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 2.2. Kimberly Juanita Brown & Jared Sexton, Eds. BOOK CHAPTERS Harvey, Sandra. “'What' s Past Is Prologue': Black Native Refusal and the Colonial Archive.” In Otherwise Worlds: Against Settler Colonialism and Anti-Blackness. Tiffany King, Jenelle Navarro, and Andrea Smith (eds.) Duke University Press. Under Contract. PUBLIC SCHOLARSHIP Harvey, Sandra. 2018. “What Must Be Done With Sovereignty? Rejecting Recognition and the Ruse of Participation.” Race/isms Book Forum. Public Seminar. September 7, 2018. FELLOWSHIPS, GRANTS, AND HONORS Harvey - CV 1   UC Consortium for Black Studies in California Research Grant, 2016-17. Catalyst, Feminism, Theory, Technoscience Award, Honorable Mention, 2015. Ford Foundation Dissertation Year Fellowship, Honorable Mention, 2015. Graduate Fellow, UC Santa Cruz Science and Justice Research Center, 2014-2015. Social Science Division Summer Research Funding Grant, UC, Santa Cruz, 20142016. Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship, UC, Santa Cruz, 2009-2014. INVITED TALKS “Agency, Unveiling, Grammar, Refusal.” Invited Talk for Black Techno Science “Here.” University of Toronto. Sandra Harvey in conversation with Nicole Charles & Omisoore Dryden. October 15, 2018. “On the Aesthetics of Fugitivity: Blackness and the Threat of Health.” Invited Talk for Bodies of Knowledge Working Group. Princeton University. November 30, 2017. “Abakuá and the Special Period: Reflections on the Art of Belkis Ayón, Colonialism, and the Cuban Revolution.” Invited talk for Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy Conference. October 19, 2017. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS "Figuring, Fugitivity, and Futurity: What the Politics of Refusal in Toni Morrison's Beloved Offers Black Feminist Science Studies." Black Portraiture{s} IV: The Color of Silence. Harvard University. March 22, 2018. “’Transits of Empire’ and ‘Black Fungibility’: The Co-production of Black and Native Women Objectivities through Choctaw Sovereignty Claims.” National Women’s Studies Association. November 17, 2017. “Counting in the Interval of Exposure: Temporalities of Black Misery on the Streets and in the Lab.” The 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders, and Sexuality. June 1-4, 2017. “The Settler’s Episteme: Politics of Racial Passing, Black Freedom, and Native Sovereignty.” Western Political Science Association. April 13-15, 2017. “’Goin to the Nation, Goin to the Terr’tor’: The Politics of Racial Passing, Black Freedom, and Native Sovereignty.” Association of Black Sociologists. October 6-8, 2016. Harvey - CV 2   "'#ThankyouHenrietta': Reflections on Science, Justice, and the Politics of Refusal." Gender, Bodies, and Technology. April 23, 2016. “In the Interval of Surveillance, Contagion, and Immortality: Temporalities of Misery and Resistance in HeLa Research.” American Studies Association Conference, Toronto, Canada. October 9, 2015. “Passing for Free, Passing for Sovereign: The Black Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes, 1898-1914.” Native American and Indigenous Studies Annual Conference, Washington D.C. June 6, 2015. “Adrian Piper’s 'Food For the Spirit': A Queer, Black reading of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.” Exploring Collaborative Contestations and Diversifying Philosophy, Hypatia Conference, Villanova, PA. May 21, 2015. “Critical Pedagogy in a Neoliberal Age.” Cultural Studies Association Conference, Riverside, CA. May 23, 2015. TEACHING EXPERIENCE AFAM 163 “Policing Black Lives.” University of California, Irvine. AFAM 155 “Black and Indigenous.” University of California, Irvine. CRES 180 “Race, Gender, and Science.” University of California, Santa Cruz. POL 105C “Modern Political Thought: Political Theories of Difference.” University of California, Santa Cruz. CRES 185D “Black Diasporas and Indigeneity in the Americas.” University of California, Santa Cruz. ADDITIONAL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH COLLABORATIONS Research Development Fellow for Institute for Humanities Research and Arts Division, UC, Santa Cruz, 2016-2017. Graduate Student Researcher for the Center for Cultural Studies, UC Santa Cruz, 2014- 2016. Member, Race, Genomics, and Media Working Group, UC Santa Cruz, 2013-2017. Member, Research Cluster for Women of Color in Collaboration and Conflict, UC Santa Cruz, 2009-2017. Harvey - CV 3   SERVICE TO THE DISCIPLINE Committee Member, Race & Ethnic Diversity Committee, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, 2017-20. UNIVERSITY SERVICE Committee Member, National Endowment for the Humanities Next Generation Humanities Ph.D., UC Santa Cruz, 2016-2017. Student-Faculty Liaison, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Program, UC Santa Cruz, 2011-2016. Graduate Student Representative and Admissions Committee Member, Feminist Studies Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2013-2014. SAMPLE POLICY RESEARCH Principle Investigator, “Evaluation of Youth Together Student Activism Program,” Oakland, CA. Social Policy Research Associates, 2008-2009. Interim Project Manager/Lead Researcher for Qualitative Study, “Newark Prisoner Reentry Initiative,” U.S. Department of Labor & Social Policy Research Associates, 2007-2009. Harvey - CV 4