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torchwood100: Torchwood Logo (Torchwood Logo)

torchwood100's Journal

Exploring the World of Torchwood One Drabble At A Time

This journal should be viewed with discretion.

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Created on 2022-02-28 09:58:17 (#3890039), last updated 2024-11-23 (4 hours ago)

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Name:Torchwood 100
Posting Access:All Members
Community Description:Drabble writing challenge community for Torchwood fandom
A weekly drabble (that's 100 words exactly) challenge for stories set in the Torchwood universe in the tradition of the trend-starting drabble community wednesday100 and companion to the dw100.

This comm replaces the original Livejournal comm

Every Monday a new challenge is set forth.

Drabbles about other fandoms are not allowed except as a crossover with Torchwood. And yes, this does include Doctor Who.


1. Every Monday, a challenge is posted. You may post as many drabble responses to that challenge as you like. You MUST be a member to post. Each story should be posted as its own post and not in the comments to the challenge post.

1a. Because we wish to promote as much writing and posting as possible, the rule about only posting for the current challenge has been removed. All previous challenges are now open - all 600+ of them - to be used whenever you wish. Feel free to write and post drabbles for any previous challenge that inspires you, just make sure you label it with the appropriate challenge tag.

Format your posts with the following:

Author: This would be you.
Characters: Major characters or pairings used. You don’t have to name everyone, just the most significant players.
Challenge: Which challenge you are submitting for. These should be just the current week’s challenge, but things happen, so it can’t hurt to list them.
Rating: We’re using the American film rating system here. If you aren’t sure, check them out.
Words: 100/200 words exactly, remember? So you don’t need to include this.
Notes: Include any spoiler warnings here. Be as specific as you can be. “Spoilers for 1x3” is going to be more useful than “Spoilers for S1”.

USE TAGS. Please tag each entry with the challenge and characters/pairings. This way people can find your story again if they liked it but can’t remember your name.

2. Each challenge consists of a theme to write your drabble around. Themes will range from single word prompts to dialogue from the show to random song lyrics to pictures. You must respect that theme, in whatever way you want. Thinking outside the box is, of course, encouraged.

3. Each story must be exactly 100/200 words. That’s the definition of drabble/double drabble and the name of the community. The title does not count in the word count for the story.

4. Each story must be Torchwood centered, but it can be a crossover with another show.

5. If a story is R or above (sexual content, graphic violence), label it clearly and use a cut-tag.

6. If you post more than one drabble in a post, please use cut-tags for each drabble to keep people's friends pages from getting unwieldy.

7. You can suggest any challenges for coming weeks in the current week's challenge post. We don’t guarantee to use them, but it’s interesting to see what people come up with…

8. Any rating is welcome and any pairing: het, slash, gen. Please put entries with anything graphic (language or sexual) behind a cut, for the more sensitive among us.

9. No flaming, trolling, anti-racial/orientation/religous, hateful posts. No children under 16 portrayed in a sexual situation.

10. If there are spoilers for recent releases (e.g. Big Finish / Titan Comics) or any crossovers, please clearly mark them in the subject and use a cut-tag. (Check here if you need any help with this.)

11. Please no pimping for other communities. If you have a community to pimp, please contact your mods about other community promotions.

Rules can change at any time.

Helpful Note: If you're looking for feedback consistently, it's always helpful to GIVE it consistently. That's what a community is all about. The more you give feedback, chances are you'll recieve it more as well.
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