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lightning straight to my heart

@anahilation / anahilation.tumblr.com

resources by ana, she/her! please read my pinned post before using my stuff.

˙ ˖ ✶ welcome to anahilation // a no-frills roleplay resource blog by ana, she/her, cst, 26+. here you'll find gif packs, colorings, graphic templates, and anything else i feel like making & sharing!

all of my work is free for the rpc to enjoy! but if you'd like to tip me, you can do so at my ko-fi here.


— credit isn't necessary, but a like & reblog is appreciated. — please don't claim my work as your own. — editing resources for your personal use is okay, but please don't redistribute, share them with others, or charge others a fee.


˙ ˖ ✶ ANAHILATION GRAPHIC TEMPLATE #019 — just like magic !!

  • fonts to have: verdana (on your system), the constellation (download on dafont)
  • i make all of my resources for free and always will, but if you’d like to leave a tip my ko-fi is ANAHILATION. enjoy!!
  • feel free to edit however you like for personal use. please do not redistribute, claim as your own, or sell to others.
  • credit is not necessary, but always appreciated! a like & reblog if you’re using is the cherry on top. and also feel free to mention me, i’d love to see what you come up with!
  • my askbox is always open for any questions or suggestions on resources.
  • head to the source link to download on google drive!!

˙ ˖ ✶ ANAHILATION GRAPHIC TEMPLATE #018 — hypnotized !!

  • fonts to have: arial, times new roman, cooper black (on system)
  • i make all of my resources for free and always will, but if you’d like to leave a tip my ko-fi is ANAHILATION. enjoy!!
  • feel free to edit however you like for personal use. please do not redistribute, claim as your own, or sell to others.
  • credit is not necessary, but always appreciated! a like & reblog if you’re using is the cherry on top. and also feel free to mention me, i’d love to see what you come up with!
  • my askbox is always open for any questions or suggestions on resources.
  • head to the source link to download on google drive!!
Anonymous asked:

Hi! I hope you are having a fantastic start to your day and/or evening. I was curious if you ever will or are doing commissions for Tumblr Themes as well?

hi, thank you so much for reaching out!! are you thinking a custom theme with matching graphics for a specific rp character, or a generic theme that can be used on any blog (like the ones i’ve posted so far)? i can accept theme commissions on a case by case basis, depending on my availability!! i would say reach out via tumblr ims so we can chat more. :) have a great day!!

Anonymous asked:

hello! i'm thinking of getting back into the rpc and i wasn't sure if i should commission or just ask, but is there any way you could do a tenth doctor (doctor who) gif pack or psd??? or even inspired template?? i love ur work so i'd love to see what you would do for him. thank you!

hi there!! tysm for reaching out, i hope you keep enjoying my work <3 i'm not currently doing gif packs unfortunately, sorry about that! if you'd like something specifically created for you using a chara you like or roleplay as, it would be best to commission me if it's within your means or keep a lookout for any giveaways i do in the future!! if there is a template i have released that you like and just need customized, reach out! i would love to set something up for you for a very small fee :) <3


all your stuff is so gorgeous! you make arial look like a totally different font. can’t wait to use some of your resources. ☺️


ahhh i'm so sorry that i didn't see this earlier!! thank you so much :3 that is such a nice compliment, i am floored!!! i hope you enjoy, and feel free to show me what you create, i am so excited!!! <333


˙ ˖ ✶ ANAHILATION GRAPHIC TEMPLATE #017 — what's your eta !!

  • fonts to have: arial, times new roman (on system)
  • i make all of my resources for free and always will, but if you’d like to leave a tip my ko-fi is ANAHILATION. enjoy!!
  • feel free to edit however you like for personal use. please do not redistribute, claim as your own, or sell to others.
  • credit is not necessary, but always appreciated! a like & reblog if you’re using is the cherry on top. and also feel free to mention me, i’d love to see what you come up with!
  • my askbox is always open for any questions or suggestions on resources.
  • i'm now offering commissions! head to my blog for more details.
  • head to the source link to download on google drive!!

˙ ˖ ✶ ANAHILATION GRAPHIC TEMPLATE #016 — double back !!

  • fonts to have: camera obscura, carolissa (dafont); arial (on system)
  • i make all of my resources for free and always will, but if you’d like to leave a tip my ko-fi is ANAHILATION. enjoy!!
  • feel free to edit however you like for personal use. please do not redistribute, claim as your own, or sell to others.
  • credit is not necessary, but always appreciated! a like & reblog if you’re using is the cherry on top. and also feel free to mention me, i’d love to see what you come up with!
  • my askbox is always open for any questions or suggestions on resources.
  • i'm now offering commissions! head to my blog for more details.
  • head to the source link to download on google drive!!

˙ ˖ ✶ ANAHILATION COLORING PSD #004 — sapin-sapin !!

  • i make all of my resources for free and always will, but if you’d like to leave a tip my ko-fi is ANAHILATION. enjoy!!
  • feel free to edit however you like for personal use. please do not redistribute, claim as your own, or sell to others.
  • credit is not necessary, but always appreciated! a like & reblog if you’re using is the cherry on top. and also feel free to mention me, i’d love to see what you come up with!
  • my askbox is always open for any questions or suggestions on resources.
  • i'm now offering commissions! head to my blog for more details.
  • head to the source link to download on google drive!!

anahilation is now open for commissions!

˙ ˖ ✶ hi friends! i'm ana, 26, she/her, cst + i've been in and out of the commission game over the last few years. i used to offer custom tumblr themes but am now opening up with a focus on offering blog graphics like promos, mobile headers, and more. please like & reblog to spread the word! thank you soso much!!

  • view commission info such as guidelines, examples, pricing, and how to submit a form in the source link! 💌
Source: anahilation

˙ ˖ ✶ ANAHILATION COLORING PSD #003 — rocket pop !!

  • i make all of my resources for free and always will, but if you’d like to leave a tip my ko-fi is ANAHILATION. enjoy!!
  • feel free to edit however you like for personal use. please do not redistribute, claim as your own, or sell to others.
  • credit is not necessary, but always appreciated! a like & reblog if you’re using is the cherry on top. and also feel free to mention me, i’d love to see what you come up with!
  • my askbox is always open for any questions or suggestions on resources.
  • i'm now offering commissions! head to my blog for more details.
  • head to the source link to download on google drive!!

˙ ˖ ✶ ANAHILATION GRAPHIC TEMPLATE #015 — it's maniac (night and day versions) !!

  • fonts to have: adoha (day version), glass houses (night version) - both found on dafont
  • i make all of my resources for free and always will, but if you’d like to leave a tip my ko-fi is ANAHILATION. enjoy!!
  • feel free to edit however you like for personal use. please do not redistribute, claim as your own, or sell to others.
  • credit is not necessary, but always appreciated! a like & reblog if you’re using is the cherry on top. and also feel free to mention me, i’d love to see what you come up with!
  • my askbox is always open for any questions or suggestions on resources.
  • i'm now offering commissions! head to my blog for more details.
  • head to the source link to download on google drive!!

˙ ˖ ✶ ANAHILATION GRAPHIC TEMPLATE #014 — an uninvited guest !!

  • fonts to have: the scary movie, tall films (both on dafont - use tall films expanded)
  • comes with four movie rating options - nc-17, r, pg-13, and pg!
  • i make all of my resources for free and always will, but if you’d like to leave a tip my ko-fi is ANAHILATION. enjoy!!
  • feel free to edit however you like for personal use. please do not redistribute, claim as your own, or sell to others.
  • credit is not necessary, but always appreciated! a like & reblog if you’re using is the cherry on top. and also feel free to mention me, i’d love to see what you come up with!
  • my askbox is always open for any questions or suggestions on resources.
  • i'm now offering commissions! head to my blog for more details.
  • head to the source link to download on google drive!!
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