Divorce seems to radicalize american men in a way that needs to be studied
A divorced american man will join a right wing terror group because he didnt get custody of the kids he didnt take care of at all
An american man will have an affair with a colleague, get caught, get divorced, and join isis
Intelligent words from @junequeer
Hey, y'all! I made these today! I release them into the world to support the cause! They're sized for 8.5x11 printer paper. Take 'em. Print 'em. Post 'em EVERYWHERE.
saves you in any timeline
*Gently holds*
"The memo addressed only temporary seasonal employees. It said nothing about the roughly 1,000 members of the National Park Service’s permanent workforce who were fired Friday."
great progress has been made and there is still work to be done! the NPCA has a form email you can send to Congress. you can also use this text as a script when calling your reps. here is another script you can use, and another from 5calls.
I love how it takes Impossible Conceptualization to get this line.
Are you high-concept enough to know Jerry is a cool name?
Oh my god I fucked up these chocolate chip cookies UNBELIEVABLY badly.
They. Uh. Melted?
This brings a whole new meaning to "cookie sheets."
strict top/bottom takes in my fandom? in 2025?
obsessed that a french guy was like, hmmmmmm I wish to write a spanish-language musical about a mexican drug cartel crime lord transitioning. sure I can't write music, don't speak spanish, know nothing about mexico or the drug war, and also know nothing about being trans; but that shall not stop me
like sometimes we look at job applications and we're like "I'm not sure I'm qualified" and this guy meets 0% of the requirements and still has 13 academy award noms. when will it be my turn to have this extreme mediocre white man experience???
good news, you can! the company’s called Tony’s Chocolonely and their entire purpose is to make slave-free chocolate and reform the chocolate industry.
Whole Foods carries it. If you don’t want to support an Amazon-owned company, World Market carries it. You can also buy it directly from the company.
It’s the best chocolate I’ve ever had and it’s 100% slave free. Tony’s Chocolonely works really hard to push for transparency within the chocolate industry and actually has and is following an action plan to eliminate slavery within cocoa production. They’re good people who make good chocolate.
- Aldi
- Aloha Feels Chocolate
- Alma Chocolate
- Alter Eco Chocolate
- Amano Chocolate
- Askinoise Chocolate
- The Beach Chocolate Factory
- Belicious
- Black Mountain Chocolate
- Cacaoteca
- Caribeans Chocolate
- Castronovo Chocolate
- Charm School Chocolates
- Chocolate Cartel
- Chocolat Celeste
- Chocolate Tree
- Chocolate Troubadour
- Choconat
- Coco Chocolate
- Compartes Chocolates
- Dandelion Chocolate
- Dark Forest Chocolate
- Denman Island Chocolate
- Divine Chocolate Co.
- Eating Evolved
- Eat Your Hat
- El Ceibo
- The Endangered Species
- Equal Exchange
- Fairafric
- Forever Cocoa
- Fresco Chocolate
- Fruition Chocolate
- Gayleen’s Decadence
- GEPA Chocolate
- Giddy Yo Yo
- Grenada Chocolate Company
- Grocer’s Daughter Chocolate
- Guittard
- Habitual Chocolate
- Hagensborg Chocolates
- Health by Chocolate
- Hilo Shark Chocolate
- HNINA Gourmet
- Honest Artisan Chocolate
- Hooray Tuffles
- Ithaca Fine Chocolates
- L.A. Burdick Chocolates
- La Iguana Chocolate
- Lake Champlain Chocolates
- La Siembra Cooperative
- Lillie Belle Farms
- Madecasse
- Malagasy
- Maverick Chocolate Company
- Max Havelaar
- Mayan Monkey
- Mayordomo
- Mia Chocolate
- Montezuma’s Chocolates
- Nayah Amazon Chocolates
- Newman’s Own Organics
- Purdy’s Chocolate
- Omanahene Cocoa Bean Company
- Ombar
- OpuLux Fair Trade Chocolate
- Original Hawaiian Chocolate
- Parliament Chocolate
- Montevérgine
- Patric Chocolate
- Plamil Organic Chocolate
- Potomac Chocolate
- Pure Lovin’ Chocolate
- Rain Republic
- Rapunzel Pure Organics
- Ritual Chocolate
- Samaritan Xocolata
- Sappho Chocolates
- Seed & Bean Chocolate
- Shaman Chocolates
- Sibú Chocolate
- Solkiki Chocolate
- Sweet Earth Chocolates
- Sweet Impact Fudge
- Sweet Riot
- Sun Eaters Organics
- Taza Chocolate
- Terra Nostra Organic
- Terroir Chocolate
- The Chocolate Wave
- Theo Chocolate
- The Original Chocolate Bar (Houston, TX)
- Tobago Estate Chocolate
- Vivani Chocolate
- Vosges
- Wei of Chocolate
- Xocolatl Chocolate
- Zotter
Taza chocolate is really good
This is super important! Slave child labor is used in many many cocoa farms from big name companies like Nestle and Dove. Here is a good link discussing it: http://www.foodispower.org/slavery-chocolate/ .
And here is an easy score card to see who the worst offenders are/who to avoid most: https://www.greenamerica.org/end-child-labor-cocoa/chocolate-scorecard
Tony’s is delicious
my dual credit history professor brought this stuff in one time during a lecture on how prevalent slavery still is in the world and omg it’s like the best chocolate ever u guys :333
Also Bonus, the guy who made 50 Ways To Die In Minecraft sponsored Tony’s Chocoloney!
‘Free Luigi’ billboard has gone up in lower Manhattan the evening before his next court appearance.
“Humans are inherently selfish--" Then why do so many cultures value hospitality, to the point of dictating it in their religions? Why is it so common for hosts to offer their visitors their best food, and as much of it as they can? At some point, multiple cultures decided that they knew what it felt like to be alone and vulnerable, and promised each other to never let those who stay with them feel that way. That doesn't sound very "inherently selfish" to me.
"humans are the plague"
No. Humans are animals as much as the fish and the bear. We are pack animals who have survived by strong bonds and community.
Do not buy the lie that humans are inherently evil. Societies can trick you into believing this, but it's not the truth of humanity.
Humans crave being together, sharing together, and thriving together.
Capitalism just wants you to believe we're destined for selfishness.
Cause we can hear all of your internal monologues that even you don’t listen to, and we chatter hysterically to drown out the noise of your hatred for us (plus feeling everybody else’s feelings for them all the time is like doing emotional speedballs). We can’t help it, so just shut up and hate us like you always do since we can hear your thoughts anyway (you have that nose ring ‘cause your mother didn’t love you, but we love you, we have to)
Is this the same person lmao