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@nyancrimew / nyancrimew.tumblr.com

maia (not maya and also not mia, but it is pronounced the same as maya (i cant believe i need this to be so verbose for people to get it)) it/its you should watch ghost in the shell [tumblr] [tumblr] [tumblr]
Anonymous asked:

How should one get involved in hacktivism?

scroll down like 5 posts on my profile

Anonymous asked:

maia, I'm not sure if you're the right person to ask about this, but:

I'm currently in uni studying bio, and I'm quite set on going into forensics. I like everything about the field and I'm good at it as well. the only thing is that I'm really worried I'm gonna just.... come out of school and spend my entire life supporting unjust law enforcement and like.... giving corrupt policemen the excuse to be violent. to be clear, I don't live in america and probably never will.

any advice?

if ur already feeling guilty about it now i don't think it's worth it lol


Y'all be like "be a freaky queer" and then have a problem with polyamory, premarital Sex and being attracted to gnc Trans people 😭

Oh really the freaky queers are into weird shit? Really theyre into piss kink and roleplaying as siblings? Really they like to suck on a binky? Are you gonna make a post about how disgusted you are now? Are you gonna spend actual years obsessing over every move this real person is doing as to find the pedophilia particles? But youre not transphobic right? You aren't using social disgust at fetishes to drive a hate and harassment campaign and try to ruin a problematic queer's life for no reason? You'd never do that right? You'd never use american puritan culture rooted in white supremacy and fascism? You'd never...


love saying "well that just happened" after having sex w someone for the first time, but maybe next time i should go for "just made a fans day" instead


my digital footprint is so big and massive it could literally stomp all over yours

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