Wannarexics listen up!
If you want to lose weight FASt,use this post
- drink 500 ml of warm water before every meal
- cut your food into tiny bites (try cutting a cake into half, then cut that half into quarter,then cut the quarters,etc)
- drink at least 3 liters of warm water daily
- eat fiber! Forget protein and focus on fiber
- go on the treadmill either every day and burn 200-300 cals OR every other day and burn 400-500 calories
- do workouts you can STICK with! Not ones that burn the most calories
- I took this tip from a book (if you know you know lol which one) buy 2 scales, tamper with one to show you a fake weight (this tip is for if your parents are suspicious,pick a high weight like 55-60 kg if you’re like 40-45 kg ya know?)
- don’t purge! The only way to effectively get rid of all calories is to burn it all off
- always check your weight FIRST thing in the morning
- distract your self as much as you possibly can
- do omads
- follow diets like the ABC diet or the 5 bite diet
- read books focused on anaorezia for motivation
- put your legs on the wall after eating for about 15 minutes (you can read it go on TikTok or tumblr while waiting)
- choose your fruits WISELY! Avoid high calorie ones like banana(100) and mangoes (200) and focus on low calorie ones raspberry and blueberries (one calorie each)
- always cut your crust of bread ( I didn’t know this b it before I got an ed I always cut it and I realized it reduces cals by 40/50 percent!)
- try to have a type of workout ritual like maybe 100 jumping jacks right when you wake up or sit-ups
Raspberries,blueberries,oatmeal (made with water),teas, coffees(without milk and sugar),bread without crust,low calorie energy drinks,ice water or cold water,halo top,soups of all kinds really(just try to use 5-10 spoonfuls of it only),tuna fish,salmon,chicken breast or leg,popcorn,carrots,Diet Coke,yogurt,strawberries,watermelon,rice cakes,et. Anything low calorie,easy to make,higher in protein and fiber but lower in carbs and sugar!
So try to only eat these foods
Mangoes,fast food,ice creams like Ben and Jerry’s or non low calorie ice creams,non diet sodas,all fast food chains,Starbucks,cakes like carrot cake,chocolate,etc (all types),cupcakes,cookies,all types of chips,frostings or creams,pizza if not homemade,burgers if not homemade,pb and j sandwiches,cereal,protein bars,all types of chocolate,noodles if they are higher than 200/300 calories,waffles,biscuits,
These foods can be high calorie OR low calorie
-Try to eat in front of your family
It dialect need join have to eat a lot no just show people your are eating!
(If it helps try to schedule your meals AROUND the time you know your siblings or parents will be at the dinner table or kitchen)
- make food,learn how to bake because people assume that if you make food then obviously you age it! Plus if you have cravings you can smell and touch and look at the food but know how in control you are by not eating and actively making others eat it?? Total power move
Go on the 5 bite diet I promise you it made me lose 5-7 kg in one week! It works by shrinking your stomach! If you guys do it then your stomach is shrink so much that you will barely eat and then you can’t binge!!
Thank you so much!