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Where Crystals Get Their Energy From

How Do We Know This?

Vanita Cyril
The Taoist Online


Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Ever wondered how those pretty little crystals sitting on your shelf work? How do they bring the calm, protection, or love they’re famous for? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of crystal energy and break down what gives these natural beauties their power.

The Science Behind Crystals: Everything is Energy

First off, let’s talk science. Everything in the universe, including crystals, is made up of energy. The chair you’re sitting on, the phone in your hand, even you — it’s all just energy vibrating at different frequencies. This concept isn’t just some new-age mumbo jumbo; it’s rooted in physics. Albert Einstein said it best: “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.”

Crystals, unlike us, have a unique advantage. While human energy is constantly shifting — affected by emotions, thoughts, and external factors — crystals maintain a stable vibrational frequency. Why? Because they’re structured in a way that creates a fixed, geometric pattern. This stable energy makes them powerful tools for influencing the more chaotic energy around them, like ours.

Crystals and Your Chakras: The Energy Connection



Family Woman | Website and Digital Assets Designer | Shamanic Practitioner | Ordained Esoteric Minister | Crystal Addict (no, not the Meth kind) (sheesh)