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im just here


why don't you run to me when you need me most?

max/taxi || 21 || she/they || mathematics major

fandoms: maze runner, star wars/mandalorian, doctor who, beyblade metal fusion/masters


'the taxi has arrived' - personal musings

'the taxi delivers' - writing

'the taxi drives' - writing prompts (send prompt, post where it came from, and fandom/pairing. will only write for fandoms on this post)


⚠️ Little flash warning

Song: Slingshot - Good Kid

Hope you enjoy :3!!!!


I think we deserved some more silly episodes in mfb that allowed characters to bond, like the changing parts one with Kenta and Benkei in Fusion. Stuff that obviously shows off what beys can do but not in typical battle format

Like what if after the gang infiltrates Doji's place for the first time, after the Ryuga reveal and all that, Gingka brings up the fact they had to deal with insane obstacles and they're probably only gonna get more intense or weird if they wanna face the guy again. So he's like, "Why don't we do some special training?" and it's just stupid challenges. If you launch your bey vertically on a wall, how far could it go? If the ground was shaking beneath you or if you stood on a rolling log in water, how well could you hit targets? How well can your bey smash through different surfaces? Something unorthodox

But we know Gingka, Kenta and Benkei. They'll obviously make everything a competition. So it's just a whole comedic relief moment of them trying their damned hardest to pull off these challenges and claim that they're better. Kyoya eventually being like, move aside, I got this, and either smashing every challenge and fueling everyone's anger more or becoming just as invested as the others

Idk they just deserved more episodes that allowed them to be friends without worrying about the destruction of the world or some massive high stakes competition or something


GET. AI. OUT. OF. FANDOM. Stop making headcanons with it, stop making fanfic with it, stop making fanart with it. If I see one more "asking chatgpt *blank* about *character/characters in a fandom* I'm going to lose my goddamn mind. Use your own fucking brain, stop asking AI to do everything. You could even ask other real people what they think. Just. Stop. Using. AI. In. Creative. Spaces.


people who say ninerose is strictly platonic aren't realizing that they just have a hypocritical problem with age gap. i'm saying hypocritical because those people generally have no problem acknowledging tenrose as romantic just because david tennant's forehead isn't wrinkled. but they're forgetting that the doctor is still over 900 years old and even if he wasn't, tennant was still just a few years younger than eccleston. so if you have a problem with one, you should have a problem with the other.

and i'm saying this as a ninerose shipper cause if you think rose was too young and it's weird for them to be in a relationship? ok, fine. we all have our triggers. i personally have a problem with edward/bella (twilight) and stefan/elena/damon (the vampire diaries), because the age difference is fetishized, not really written as something as problematic as it should be, and also, elena and bella are teenagers.

and ok, rose might not be donna's age, but from 17 to 19 a lot happens in your head, especially for rose who already has a job and who takes care of her mum. bella and elena are both financially stable enough that they don't have to "grow up" faster and worry about if they can make ends meet. they're still in school.

and, moreover, the doctor doesn't make it weird. he doesn't obsess over her sexually, doesn't groom her, and is aware of the age difference.

but it's also not like he has a choice: his entire species was decimated, and even when the time lords were still here, they were pretentious, elitist puritans and the doctor was basically the autism specimen who was always more curious and open-minded than the rest of his peers. he always liked human beings in a totally healthy way (I'm talking about humanity as a species, not individually, cause i know he had some weird toxic friendships but it's not about that).

he likes humanity for how fleeting our lives are. we are ephemeral and it gives purpose to our life and the doctor loves how it acts on the way we live it.

he hates soldiers cause they go against what he thinks is our nature (a need to create and witness art, a need for the other) in favour of capitalism, stupid political conflicts. soldiering treats life as less important than those stupid and, in the end, useless concepts, and the doctor loves choosing and interacting in general with people who understand that. people whose curiosity exceeds their love of comfort and fame. like rose.

he didn't choose rose because she was pretty, or young, or because he fetishized her and was weirdly obsessed with her. which is not to say their relationship was without fault, cause it was (there's a reason rose got stuck in that parallel world in the first place and sorry to tell you this, but the reason is mainly the carelessness of tenrose), but it wasn't toxic in its essence.

so yeah, you're allowed not to ship ninerose, it's ok, but don't call it platonic or weird cause it's not (tenrose was actually way more toxic).

for starters, no one looks at their friends or, as people like to call them, "parental figure" the way she looked at him. then, people kept acknowledging their relationship as romantic (calling nine rose's boyfriend and calling rose nine's girlfriend). rose showed jealousy when women displayed romantic/sexual interest in nine (jabe, lynda etc...). they literally shared a kiss on the lips. even jackie ended up accepting the nature of this relationship, and she was very protective of rose. and to finish up, rose herself called their first adventure their first date: "our first date. we had chips".

so yeah anyway. they're in love. deal with it. if you don't have a positive opinion on them there's something very simple you can do about it: to keep it to yourself or if you really can't help it, you can also learn to tag it correctly so i and other ninerose shippers don't have to see it :)

thank you


It's worth noting that there are some extraordinary people in the world who have been quietly doing the work for decades, and they should be celebrated with all the fervor that we denounce the villains. I first read about Harrison twenty-odd years ago, when he'd already been doing this for about fifty years, and this is one of those guys whose life can, indeed, be summed up by his headline.

James Harrison saved millions of lives. Millions. Not with anything flashy or dramatic, not with profound speeches or brilliant strategy or any of the things we insist are the ways to impact the world. He simply kept himself as healthy as possible so that every few weeks he could go and sit quietly in a room and give away a fundamental part of himself — quite literally his lifeblood — to people he'd never meet, for no pay and no expectation of acknowledgement. (He was, it should be said, acknowledged quite a lot per this article, but that's beside the point.)

When we talk about the kind of people we want to elevate and celebrate in our societies, I often think of people like James Harrison. I hope we get more of him; not just for his blood, but for his heart.


There are two types of writers:

1. 'It's fiction, it doesn't need to make sense!'

2. 'I didn't account for the rotation of the planet and how that affects the constalations while my characters stargazed at different times of year, I have failed as a writer, and this entire thing is trash'


Sometimes you need to read something twice to get it. You might need to watch a movie three times to understand it. You might have to have that album on repeat for a week until the lyrics make any sense. You're allowed to engage with it and can keep engaging with it until it means something to you. People will see a painting at a museum and laugh about not getting what the big deal is but like you can come back, you can see it at another time, and maybe that next time it'll be different for you. I'm of the belief the "media literacy crisis" would solve itself if more people just sat down and did it again. Watched, read, played, listened, etc like I don't think people are getting more ignorant necessarily I just think we're not glorifying personally replaying things nearly as much as we should be.

Incidentally, one cannot read a book: one can only reread it. A good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is a rereader. And I shall tell you why. When we read a book for the first time the very process of laboriously moving our eyes from left to right, line after line, page after page, this complicated physical work upon the book, the very process of learning in terms of space and time what the book is about, this stands between us and artistic appreciation. When we look at a painting we do no have to move our eyes in a special way even if, as in a book, the picture contains elements of depth and development. The element of time does not really enter in a first contact with a painting. In reading a book, we must have time to acquaint ourselves with it. We have no physical organ (as we have the eye in regard to a painting) that takes in the whole picture and can enjoy its details. But at a second, or third, or fourth reading we do, in a sense, behave towards a book as we do towards a painting.

- Vladimir Nabokov, Lectures on Literature

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