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SURROUND’s mission is to
harness carbon data insights

Limiting global warming to less than 2ºC will require the world to remove 0.96 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. The Australian Government has recently passed the Safeguard Legislation to reduce carbon emissions; and according to the Government will be ‘on track to achieving net zero emissions by 2050’. SURROUND data insights, transform decision making.

Carbon section



01/ Site Attractiveness Index

> Global ranking of high-quality, proven natural capital carbon sequestration sites

02/ Geospatial Field Analysis

> Capturing, harmonising and analysing geospatial data, models and standards

03/ Site Comparison

> Run cross comparisons, and analyse / rank two or more potential sites.

04/ Biomass Index

> Scientific assessment of the amount of carbon sequestration by a particular biomass

05/ Carbon Submitter

> Derive a valid carbon submitter dataset for carbon credit verification agencies

06/ Carbon Credit Preservation

> Manage compliance with the conditions attached to the carbon credit purchased


SURROUND takes data and information and transforms it into knowledge and insight. This helps decision makers to make informed choices that are low risk, traceable, and evidence based. When something as profoundly important as the future of our planet is at stake, better data makes the difference.

Semantic platform

  • Consultancy: Understanding the challenge
  • Discovery: Link structured and unstructured data
  • Connect: Make informed decisions
  • Harmonise: Eliminate gaps and unify the data
  • Optimise: Observe, recognise and enable data
  • Derisk: Holistic view to eliminate subjectivity

SURROUND Australia

SURROUND is an Australian technology company that develops advanced software systems and supplies consulting services.

Our forté is in working with complex, multi-dimensional data. Collectively we have over a century of software and data architecture, design and operations experience. Our staff include seasoned veterans of Australian government IT and international technology giants as well as internationally-renowned Semantic Web, spatial data and machine reasoning and conceptual modelling experts.

We solve complex problems


Data graphic

Case Study

Case study

Cadastral Standard

The Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) and Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) recently selected SURROUND NZ to lead the next phase of development of an Australian/New Zealand 3D Cadastral Survey
Data Model and Exchange (3D CSDM) programme.

The 3D CSDM work programme is creating a standard for adoption across Australia and New Zealand for exchanging digital cadastral survey data between the survey industry and government land administration agencies, aiming to achieve consistency in exchanging digital cadastral survey information between the survey industry and land administration agencies.


Department of agriculture, water and environment
Land information NZ
National Archives Australia
Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.
Queensland Government Department of Natural Resources
Australian Government The Treasury

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