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姓名: 刘建熙






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刘建熙博士,现任广东外语外贸大学硕士生导师、教授。现任广东省工业与应用数学学会理事,数学与统计学院学术委员会副主任。2010年获南开大学应用数学专业博士学位。2014.09-2016.02美国佐治亚理工学院数学系访问学者。入选广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养计划、第八批广东省高校“千百十工程”校级培养对象;作为学术带头人主持完成学校科研创新团队项目一项,主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目一项、广东省自然科学基金项目面上项目一项、广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养计划项目一项、广东省教育厅育苗工程项目一项,主持学校《高等代数》和《线性代数》课程思政团队项目等项目多项;参与省部厅级科研项目多项。近年来在SCI 源杂志European Journal of Operational Research, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Applied Mathematical Letters, Linear Algebra and its Application 等发表论文多篇。Discrete Applied Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Applied Mathematical Letters,Linear Algebra and its Application, Journal of Graph Theory 等SCI杂志审稿人。荣获2010年度南开大学光华奖学金、2011年度广东外语外贸大学科研一等奖、2011年度广东外语外贸大学优秀教师、2013年度广东外语外贸大学优秀本科生导师、2022年度和2023年度广东外语外贸大学优秀本科论文指导教师。2010年获得南开大学应用数学专业博士学位,研究方向为图论及其应用,随机图论,随机矩阵,复杂网络社区挖掘,时间序列分析,自然语言处理。


1.刘建熙,黄豪杰. 线上线下混合式教学的大学生平时成绩评价体系探索——以线性代数课程为例,大学数学, 接收待发表.

2.刘建熙,林凡凯. 雨课堂混合式教学平时成绩评价体系探索—以高等代数课程为例,大学数学, 接收待发表.

3. Meili Liang, Jianxi Liu(通讯作者).Typical Structure of Oriented Graphs and Digraphs with Forbidden Blow-Up Transitive Triangles, Symmetry 2022, 14(12), 2551. (SCI收录)

4. 刘建熙,赵依虹,梁美丽. 基于分解–集成方法的铁路客运量预测,应用数学进展, 2022, 11(12), 8634-8649.

5. Yue Guan, Bo Cheng, Minfeng Chen , Meili Liang, Jianxi Liu(通讯作者), Jinxun Wang, Chao Yang and Li Zeng. The Spectral Distribution of Random Mixed Graphs, Axioms 2022,11,126.(SCI收录)

6. 梁美丽,张曼茵, 刘建熙(通讯作者). 异步SPOC学习者的在线学习行为研究 ——基于结构方程模型的实证分析, 教育进展, 2022, 12(1), 127-134.

7.Meili Liang, Bo Cheng, Jianxi Liu(通讯作者). Solution to the minimum Harmonic index of graphs with given minimum degree, Transactions on Combinatorics 7(2),25-33,2018.

8. Meili Liang, Jianxi Liu. Proofs of conjectures on the Randic index and average eccentricity, Discrete Applied Mathematics 202, 188-193, 2016. (SCI收录)

9. Jianxi Liu,Xueliang Li. Hermitian-adjacency matrices and Hermitian energies of mixed graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications 466, 182-207, 2016. (SCI收录)

10. Jianxi Liu. Harmonic index of dense graphs. Ars Combinatoria 12, 293-304, 2015. (SCI收录)

11. Jianxi Liu. On the variation of the Randic index with girth and leaves, Filomat. 28.#9, 2014. (SCI收录)

12.Jianxi Liu. The Randić index and girth of triangle-free graphs, Ars Combinatoria 113, 289-297, 2014. (SCI收录)

13.Jianxi Liu. On a conjecture of the Randić index and the minimum degree of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 161(16–17), 2544-2548, 2013. (SCI收录)

14. Bolian Liu, Lj. Pavlović, T.Divnić, Jianxi Liu, M. Stojanović. On the Conjecture of Aouchiche and Hansen about the Randić index, Discrete Mathematics 313(3), 225-235 ,2013. (SCI收录)

15. Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu, Jianxi Liu. On the spectral moments of unicyclic graphs with fixed diameter, Linear Algebra and its Applications 437, 1123–1131 (2012). (SCI收录)

16.Jianxi Liu, Meili Liang, Bolian Liu, Bo Cheng. A proof for a conjecture on the Randic index of graphs with diameter, Applied Mathematical Letters 24, 752-756, 2011,.(SCI收录)

17.Xueliang Li, Bolian Liu, Jianxi Liu. Complete solution to a Conjecture on Randic index, European Journal of Operational Research, 200, 9-13, 2010.(SCI收录)

18.Xueliang Li, Jianxi Liu. Complete solution to a conjecture on the Randic index of triangle-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics 309, 6322-6324, 2011.(SCI收录)

19. Xueliang Li, Jianxi Liu, Lingping Zhong. Maximal general Randić index of trees with given matching, Discrete Mathematics 310, 2249-2257, 2010. (SCI收录)

20. Xueliang Li, Jianxi Liu. A proof of a Conjecture on the Randić index of graphs with given girth, Discrete Applied Mathematics 157, 3332-3335, 2009. (SCI收录)


1.刘建熙,黄豪杰. 线上线下混合式教学的大学生平时成绩评价体系探索——以线性代数课程为例大学数学, 接收待发表.

2.刘建熙,林凡凯. 雨课堂混合式教学平时成绩评价体系探索—以高等代数课程为例,大学数学, 接收待发表.

3. Meili Liang, Jianxi Liu(通讯作者).Typical Structure of Oriented Graphs and Digraphs with Forbidden Blow-Up Transitive Triangles, Symmetry 2022, 14(12), 2551. (SCI)

4. 刘建熙赵依虹,梁美丽. 基于分解–集成方法的铁路客运量预测,应用数学进展, 2022, 11(12), 8634-8649.

5. Yue Guan, Bo Cheng, Minfeng Chen , Meili Liang, Jianxi Liu(通讯作者), Jinxun Wang, Chao Yang and Li Zeng. The Spectral Distribution of Random Mixed Graphs, Axioms 2022,11,126.(SCI)

6. 梁美丽,张曼茵, 刘建熙(通讯作者). 异步SPOC学习者的在线学习行为研究 ——基于结构方程模型的实证分析, 教育进展, 2022, 12(1), 127-134.

7.Meili Liang, Bo Cheng, Jianxi Liu(通讯作者). Solution to the minimum Harmonic index of graphs with given minimum degree, Transactions on Combinatorics 7(2),25-33,2018.  

8.Meili Liang, Jianxi Liu. Proofs of conjectures on the Randic index and average eccentricity, Discrete Applied Mathematics 202, 188-193, 2016. (SCI收录)

9. Jianxi Liu,Xueliang Li. Hermitian-adjacency matrices and Hermitian energies of mixed graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications 466, 182-207, 2016. (SCI收录)

10. Jianxi Liu. Harmonic index of dense graphs. Ars Combinatoria 12, 293-304, 2015. (SCI收录)

11. Jianxi Liu. On the variation of the Randic index with girth and leaves, Filomat. 28.#9, 2014. (SCI收录)

12.Jianxi Liu. The Randić index and girth of triangle-free graphs, Ars Combinatoria 113, 289-297, 2014. (SCI收录)

13.Jianxi Liu. On a conjecture of the Randić index and the minimum degree of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 161(16–17), 2544-2548, 2013. (SCI收录)

14. Bolian Liu, Lj. Pavlović, T.Divnić, Jianxi Liu, M. Stojanović. On the Conjecture of Aouchiche and Hansen about the Randić index, Discrete Mathematics 313(3), 225-235 ,2013. (SCI收录)

15. Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu, Jianxi Liu. On the spectral moments of unicyclic graphs with fixed diameter, Linear Algebra and its Applications 437, 1123–1131 (2012). (SCI)

16.Jianxi Liu, Meili Liang, Bolian Liu, Bo Cheng. A proof for a conjecture on the Randic index of graphs with diameter, Applied Mathematical Letters 24, 752-756, 2011,.(SCI收录)

17.Xueliang Li, Bolian Liu, Jianxi Liu. Complete solution to a Conjecture on Randic index, European Journal of Operational Research, 200, 9-13, 2010.(SCI收录)

18.Xueliang Li, Jianxi Liu. Complete solution to a conjecture on the Randic index of triangle-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics 309, 6322-6324, 2011.(SCI收录)

19. Xueliang Li, Jianxi Liu, Lingping Zhong. Maximal general Randić index of trees with given matching, Discrete Mathematics 310, 2249-2257, 2010. (SCI收录)

20. Xueliang Li, Jianxi Liu. A proof of a Conjecture on the Randić index of graphs with given girth, Discrete Applied Mathematics 157, 3332-3335, 2009. (SCI收录)






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