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A downloadable game for Windows

SAI is a third person action game exploring Celtic folklore and deforestation. Set in a magical forest, players will discover an environment damaged and destroyed by onslaughts of machines. These metallic creatures wreck their way through the land to get to the core of its magic, the Heart Tree. Though its presence is now but a lost memory, the machines remain, determined to find this all powerful entity. As a Druid, protector of the natural world, you must explore this beautiful realm, harness the power that still lingers here, and uncover its dark past. Stop the machines. Protect the land. Save the forest.

SAI is Studio Mutiny's first game. As an eco-conscious Indie Games Development Studio, we made SAI because we want to make a difference. We want to reawaken the love and respect for nature we are all capable of. 

A little update:
80% of all revenue made has been split between Woodland Trust UK to protect our local forests & wildlife, and Rainforest Trust UK where our donation has been matched & doubled through their SAVES challenge to protect the Maya Wildlife Corridor in Belize! THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING THIS HAPPEN.

We are so humbled and overwhelmed by all the things we have been able to achieve throughout this journey, but the team have now decided to go our separate ways. Thanks to all of you this small team of graduates got to fight for the environment & speak out about climate emergency. And we won't stop.
To bring this journey to a close, SAI is now free!

Please consider donating to your local conservation charities anyway or take a look at the projects Rainforest Trust UK are supporting and keep the SAI legacy alive. The fight against climate emergency is far from over.
Peace and love to you all,
Studio Mutiny

Woodland Trust UK
Rainforest Trust UK

 Follow us on social media for more updates  - @studiomutiny

Estimated playtime: 40 min - 1 hour


Sai.zip 1.6 GB

Install instructions

Download the .zip and extract it.

To delete or reset the save files: Locate the "Sai" Folder in ( C:\...\AppData\Local) and delete it.

To report a bug or ask a question contact us at: studiomutiny@gmail.com

Website: https://www.studiomutiny.com/

Development log


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amazing just amazing sat down and played it all the way through the sound is phenomenal love the game

Hi, I'm unable to shoot because I use my keyboard's mouse, is there any way that you could implement the option to change the controls ?


It's compressed. It's a gigabyte and its compressed. It's a (compressed) gigabyte demo. most games are less than a gig for a full game, much less a demo. If you have a "slow" connection you might just want to watch/stream the game because a gig is fairly large and (may) take a long time to download.


Unfortunately, this game is unplayable for me without the ability to invert the mouse.


tight, satisfying game. looking forward to your next project!

How can I put the subtitles in Spanish?


great fun, satisfying skillful combat and a really beautiful world. almost feels like the demo for a great AAA game.

however, there are definitely things that could be improved. it would be nice to be able to edit keybindings for instance, and while i love how intuitive a lot of the combat strategy is, it's often unclear whether your shots have actually hit their target, or even whether the hits are actually having any effect on the enemies, until they blow up. maybe some bolder sound cues or a particle effect or something would make things clearer. I agree with other commenters that a little aim assist might improve the gamefeel somewhat but on the other hand i actually really enjoyed the feeling and challenge of having to be really precise.

also i think i collected all the flowers but nothing happened? not sure if something is supposed to but it would be nice to at least get an acknowledgement or a clearer progress indicator.

(1 edit) (+1)

So I tried streaming and I got to that dear, then I couldn't pregress and I just had to halt. I could do nothing, not even the interact key worked. I'm gonna keep trying

Edit: So I restarded game and I played it. Absolutely stunning, I love the combat and the message, the lore and short story was wonderful. I just wish there was more!


So sorry you encountered this bug! But I am so happy that you were able to play through it and enjoyed it so much! <3


Saw this at EGX 2019 and couldn't stop playing, I have a top end PC now so I cant help but download it!


Incredible Game!! Best way to start off 2021 for my first game (it has a lot of potential if you develop it further) Did a complete walkthrough, shame it was short and I like the moral behind the game "Save the Planet"

Really nice graphics, excellent idea and with a good message. Really like the game! Playability works very well.

reviewed over at grouvee: https://www.grouvee.com/user/okdesuka/reviews/2233431/


Overall, this is a very good game. Moving and looking feels very smooth and rewarding. Shooting is fun. However, the combat got very repetitive even in a short game like this. And I wasn't able to hit moving targets even when I was leading my shots; probably could have used some aim assist or tweaks to the hit recognition. But overall, this was a really fun game to just move around and shoot in. Again, the movement itself felt and looked really good by itself. Great work.


I made two screenshots :D


Great game. Come again)))

(1 edit) (+1)

The game was so polished! Thanks for the game


I absolutely loved the game!

When I saw it on this page, I wasn't sure what to expect, but when I started playing it.. absolutely beautiful. Both the graphics, the combat, and the message behind it.

I've also made a video on my playthrough on the game, and to share the message of course! Hope you'll enjoy it! :)


I took a first look at this game, really interesting concept : 


Very satisfying combat. Fun little experience. :) Here's my playthrough. 


Really nice world. Combat was fun and looked epic.


I had so much fun with this game! its really gorgeous and in a way soothing to me. Only had a few stutters here and there during my playthrough. 


Easily my favorite game of all time now! Unforgettable. It would freeze a lot even on medium graphics level, but that may be my graphics card. I want sooo much more of this game. What an experience! Imagine it with classes and RPG style storyline, would compete with Skyrim easily.

The game is nice but it's too hard for me.


I just finished Sai and while I did enjoy it the bug where enemies don't spawn in the woodlot was frustrating. Just when I'd gotten immersed in the world, music and combat I had to reload my checkpoint multiple times. I actually restarted the game as well, replaying the first two parts to see if that would help.

I eventually got the enemies to spawn by immediately jumping down into the woodlot and skipping the path down to the second gate. I've seen the studio give the solution here of running up and down or reloading checkpoints but I really hope you'll consider fixing this bug in a future release.

The final battle was well done and quite tense. The bow mechanics worked well and felt as if there was some weight to your shooting. Activating the menhirs to see the forest bloom around you was satisfying.

The game is pretty short. I finished it in about 45 minutes which included a restart and some menu fiddling. I would've loved a few more levels of shooting at the machines before the ending, but I do think the ending rounded up the game very well.


A beautiful game with a beautiful story.


I came to this game with no expectations, and left pleasantly surprised. The core gameplay is solid and simple, and it's very pleasant to look at.

I'd love to see this game's potential played out with a full story mode and the visuals further refined. But it's fair to say that the game achieves what it sets out to do, and it's definitely worth your time.


Full Gameplay+Ending. 5/5


Are you using your own sound tracks??? is there any copyrighted music please let me know??

Can this game run at a good FPS in a 4gb ram laptop with intel 4400HD graphics?


A really interesting little game, less than an hour to complete and really enjoyed it. I did encounter one bug where enemies didn't spawn in an area, but otherwise the combat felt good and the areas were lovely to be in. A nice consistent aesthetic as well.

(1 edit) (+1)

Played it, took around 40 min, but it's truly just because I was always thinking to myself "What happened here?". Should take much, much less time if you don't trip. 20 min? I feel like this isn't a game for me. It has nice graphics (even though I had to put it on medium), but, personally, it just felt weird to play.  Also, had some problems: 

Nowhere to change mouse sensitivity, crosshair color/placement and third person view distance.

Had a bug in the woodlogs part, where the enemies didn't load. Just went from last checkpoint and this second time it was normal.

At the time I went "Oh, that's cool, a new enemy", but it's another bug: right after getting the first stone, while climbing the stairway to get to the door, the final boss appeared behind me and I had to fight him. He didn't have his health bar appearing. I died oneshot and he didn't appear again. (Only at the end, as the final boss)

Many times the crossbar seemed invis. Because of its color, when i tried to shoot the airborne thingys, couldn't see it.

I actually kinda liked this game, but not because of the mechanics, movement or exploration. The idea this game brings, and the scenery it depicts lets me go to another world:

Where the heck are the people and actual civilization signs? I mean, we could see living trees and flowers, so life still exists. It is clearly a worksite, so we could say almost exclusively robots were ever there. The camp was too full of wood, there were no robot workers, only defenders. Also, not a sign of these workers. Or are they the same as the defenders? If they are, and aren't working, the wood isn't transported and they were kept in a ghost duty, doing nothing. Is humanity extinct? Is humanity all there is? There was a "portal" before (don't remember if it was gone w/ the Tree or not). Did some fae stay here? And evaporate humanity when they destroyed the Tree? I mean, those things wouldn't be protecting unused resources in a abandoned land if they were in a crisis. If there wasn't much food left, power play would be more violent than politic, so these robots would make a difference in protecting from the masses while grabbing what's left to eat. I think this game is meant to be a metaphore, but I'd like to feel it's closer to reality. 


I'm really enjoying this! Love how minimal it is, and yet everything in it is done very well. Movement, camera, the dash, and using the charged shot feel great. Unfortunately I ran into an issue: While talking to the spirit in the third area, it stopped recogizing the mouse and I couldn't click on the dialog box arrow to continue. I couldn't figure out how to exit the dialog window, so I quit and relaunched and unfortunately it didn't keep my checkpoint.

I plan on returning to it shortly, just wanted to report my problem. (Sorry if this is not the place for bug reports.)


great game,great graphics 10/10


Beautiful 3D action adventure, where you explore and fight your way through a few well crafted areas. The bow combat mechanics are satisfying to use and the game tells the everimportant story of saving our nature. They clearly put a lot of love into this project and I absolutely recommend everyone to check it out. I encountered a game breaking bug unfortunately, where it didnt allow me to continue, so I will need to downrate it a good bit. I would love for the concept to be made into a meatier game, but as a slice of an idea, this is well done. 3/5

More Racial Justice bundle impressions and ranking:


In one word, this game is bittersweet; Though well done in its own right, I think it needs a bit more polish.  I appreciate the minimalistic approach to the HUD, but I think it could some kind of visual indicator to show when the dash is ready to use again, and hits on the enemies could use a bit more "crunch" to indicate you're actually hitting them.  The gameplay is tight overall but it tells a somewhat different story from what the plot is telling: the machines are being used to destroy the forest, and you are destroying them in order to restore the forest to its former glory.  Science and technology need not be in opposition to nature, perhaps machines of destruction can be adapted into a force for creation?

Either way this short game serves as a lovely prototype to a full-length game I would really love to play some day!


I knew I was probably going to enjoy this game, but I didn't expect to enjoy it to the level that I did. The combat is so fluid and fighting enemies is a lot of fun. You hit the nail on the head when it came to dodging, slow-mo impacts, and difficulty. By the time I reached the end of the game I desperately wanted there to be more so I could keep fighting Machines. The game is gorgeous, and the atmosphere you've created is fantastic. I always like games where I show up to a dark and murky atmosphere, kick the bad guys butt, and have the atmosphere do a quick 180 and the zone becomes beautiful. And you did a fantastic job at that.

I don't know if I just sucked at getting the story, but I wish there was more to it to get me hooked. The machines were voiceless, and while the lorebook helped give me background, it didn't instill any urgency into saving the forest. I felt like the bad guys were more like punching bags then actual villains/bad guys.

This is probably knit-picking, but the Forest Spirit deer's animations aren't great. Specifically the motion of his head going up and down. In comparison to the rest of the game this one stuck out like a sore thumb, and because of that I felt like I should mention it.

Overall I had a lot of fun with this game, and your message wasn't lost on me. I look forward to seeing what else you guys put out!


logo looks super similliar to a russian rock group "ЖЩ"


Super cool game, I ran into a bug after the second "level" where I couldn't find anymore enemies but the checkpoint said that there was one. I enjoyed the first couple levels though!!

Sorry to hear it! Try running up and down the stairs, reload the check point or run around to see if they spawn. 


Looks beautiful, but sadly cannot play through due to being on a laptop and both mouse buttons can't be pressed at once. From what I saw, beautiful, well made, and well researched. <3


Ogham! It's a super interesting script and I'm surprised it isn't more popular. 

Such a beautiful alphabet! 

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