CSCI 1302
February 25, 2025
Course: CSCI 1302 - Sections B (29171), Spring 2025.
Instructor: Dr. Clément Aubert,
Meeting Time: Tues./Thurs., 5:30–6:45pm in University Hall 328
A continuation of problem solving methods and algorithm development. Topics include data structures and their implementation, algorithm development and programming. The emphasis is on program development and style.
To enroll in this course, you must have a minimum grade of C in CSCI 1301 or CSCI 2060.
Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:
or the list
C# implementation methods.This course does not use a traditional textbook; instead, it uses a collection of open-source learning resources available at, where content will be added through the semester.
An excellent reference is C# 12 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference by Joseph Albahari (978-1098147440). AU students can access this resource using Safari Books Online.
Since this is a computer programming class with online resources, you will need to have access to a reliable Internet connection and a computer on which you can install software. It can be either a PC running Windows, a Mac running MacOS, or a PC running Linux (most major distributions); notably, however, Chromebooks are not supported. Please, find more details (e.g., on the hardware requirements) at if needed.
This class will be conducted face-to-face, unless there are unforeseen changes during the semester. You are expected to attend all classes and complete all assignments. We recognize that sometimes you will need to miss class due to unexpected circumstances (illness, injury, etc.). Understand, however, that you are still responsible for all course material, whether or not you attend class, and missing class may make it easy to fall behind. Note that students that stop attending may be withdrawn by the instructor.
Important class information will be shared in class and over email. Note that Brightspace/D2L/LMS will primarily serve as a platform to share your project and access your grade, but that no major announcements will be made exclusively on Brightspace/D2L/LMS.
Students will be evaluated by the following measures:
Projects: Five times (plus/minus one) time during the semester, students will have to return C# projects following precise prompts and instructions shared at You can browse previous projects to get a sense of their difficulty and requirements.
Exams: There will be two in-class exams, held during the regular class periods. They will require you to write programs on paper, without the help of any reference material, as well as answer questions about programming concepts.
Final: The final exam will be similar in content to the midterm exams, except that it will be 2 hours long.
Refer to the planned schedule for estimated dates, and to Brightspace/D2L/LMS to get your current grades.
Your grade will be computed as follows:
Projects (×5±1) | 10% |
In-class Exams (×2) | 50% |
Final Exam | 40% |
using the following course grade scale:
Below 65 | 65–70 | 70–79 | 80–89 | 90–100 |
F | D | C | B | A |
Refer to the Course Policies for information about late or missed evaluations.
Date | Topic | Assignments (project timeline tentative) |
Tue, Jan 07 | Syllabus & C# review | |
Thu, Jan 09 | C# review (contd) & class properties | |
Tue, Jan 14 | Class properties (contd) | |
Thu, Jan 16 | Exceptions | |
Tue, Jan 21 | Exceptions & 1D arrays | Project #1: Dice Throws Counter (refresher) |
Thu, Jan 23 | 1D arrays (contd) – remote learning | |
Tue, Jan 28 | 1D arrays (contd) – remote learning | |
Thu, Jan 30 | 1D arrays | |
Tue, Feb 04 | 2D arrays | |
Thu, Feb 06 | 2D arrays (contd) | Project #2: Bookmarker (properties & exceptions) |
Tue, Feb 11 | Generic Type Parameter, Ref. vs Value arg. types | |
Thu, Feb 13 | Exam # 1 review | |
Tue, Feb 18 | - | Exam #1 |
Thu, Feb 20 | Inheritance | |
Tue, Feb 25 | Polymorphism | |
Thu, Feb 27 | Abstract | |
Tue, Mar 04 | Interface | |
Thu, Mar 06 | Spring pause - no class | |
Tue, Mar 11 | Review on OOP Design | |
Thu, Mar 13 | Files | Project #3 (inheritance, polymorphism) |
Tue, Mar 18 | Files (contd) | |
Thu, Mar 20 | Recursion | |
Tue, Mar 25 | Recursion (contd) | |
Thu, Mar 27 | Recursion & Files | |
Tue, Apr 01 | Exam #2 review | |
Thu, Apr 03 | Exam #2 | |
Tue, Apr 08 | Spring break - no class | |
Thu, Apr 10 | Spring break - no class | |
Tue, Apr 15 | Exam #2 return | |
Thu, Apr 17 | .Net list & Custom List | |
Tue, Apr 22 | Custom List (contd) | |
Thu, Apr 24 | Course Review | Project #4 (files) |
Tue, Apr 29 | Preparing for the final exam | |
Tue, May 06 | Final Exam (08–10pm) |
If there are any major changes, an announcement will be made in class and via email.
Dates are just estimates (the pace will be adjusted to the class as necessary), but exam dates will not change.
Projects are (generally) due at 11:59pm on the assigned due date, and no late assignments will be accepted. There will be plenty of time to complete the projects, so plan ahead for the possibility of illness, car malfunctions, power outages, or other setbacks.
Exams must be taken in person on the date of the exam. In extenuating circumstances, such as unavoidable work commitments or the need to quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure, the instructor may give permission to make up the exam on an alternate date or to place the weight of the missed exam onto the weight of another exam.
Any request to miss a scheduled exam must be made prior to the exam and accompanied by documentation of the extenuating circumstances, unless of course it is an emergency, in which case the student is asked to inform the instructor as soon as they can, preferably over email. Missing an exam without making prior arrangements nor submitting documentation proving the nature of the emergency will result in a grade of zero.
It is the student’s responsibility to initiate a withdrawal before midterm in order to receive a grade of W rather than WF. Although instructors have the right to withdraw a student who has stopped attending class or submitting assignments, you should not assume that you will automatically be withdrawn if you stop attending.
Any student not withdrawn from the course who misses the final exam without a documented excuse (as described in the Late Policy section) will receive an F. In case of an documented emergency at the time of the final, the student may be allowed to receive a grade of I.
You are expected to come to class on time and stay until the end of the lecture: late arrivals and early departures disturb the learning experience for everyone. No cell phones or other visible distractions are allowed during lectures. Paying attention to the lecture, taking notes, and participating in in-class activities will help increase your retention of the material and improve your confidence on the exams. Asking questions in class is encouraged; your instructor would much rather stop the lecture to answer a question than continue on while the class is still confused.
Augusta University believes academically qualified individuals with disabilities should have equal opportunity and access to a quality education. We have been actively involved in fostering an environment that encourages full participation by students with disabilities in every segment of the University.
Accommodations for students with disabilities are made on an Individual basis. Students must register and request services from the Director of Testing and Disability Services. In order to receive services, students must provide current documentation of their disability from a qualified health professional. (visit for documentation criteria)
Appointments can be made by calling The Office of Testing and Disability Services at (706) 737-1469 or by emailing It is the student’s responsibility for initiating an appointment and following “How to Receive Service” instructions found at:
The Office of Testing and Disability Services is located at 2500 Walton Way Galloway Hall Room 101 Augusta, GA 30904.
If the student does not obtain academic accommodations through The Office of Testing and Disability Services, it is assumed no special accommodations or modifications will be necessary to meet the requirements of this course.
Honesty and integrity are essential to an academic community if the honors and credentials it awards are to receive respect. The responsibility for the practice and preservation of honesty must be equally assumed by all of its members. Any type of dishonesty in securing those credentials therefore invites serious sanctions, up to and including a WF or F in the course, and expulsion from the institution. Augusta University’s academic regulations, as well as the student’s manual, provide specific definitions of cheating and plagiarism and describe the consequences for engaging in this kind of misconduct.
Unethical behavior of students in any form is not acceptable and will not be tolerated in the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences. Academic dishonesty – cheating on exams, plagiarism of the work of others, unapproved collaboration on graded work, and the like – will be dealt with immediately and with clear consequences. Depending on the nature and severity of the problem, a student who is guilty of any such violation may be: 1) withdrawn from the course with a grade of WF (counted as an F in the GPA); 2) given a grade of zero on the assignment; 3) given a grade of F in the course; or 4) otherwise penalized, at the discretion of the faculty member. Two occurrences of a WF grade for academic dishonesty will result in a student being expelled from the University, per current University policy as described in the University Catalog.
In general, all work you submit for this class must be entirely your own and must not be shared with anyone else. If you are unsure about whether or not certain kinds of collaboration are permissible, please ask your instructor.
Please be aware of the USG guidance on House Bill 280. Note that you may not carry a handgun if high school students are enrolled in the class, and that it is your responsibility to visit the registrar to determine whenever this is the case or not.