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Moto (kureva fire) kana muriro, ndicho chiitiko chinoonekwa kana gasi rinonzi oxygen richipfutidza chinhu chiri kubvira. Kuti kuonekwe moto panofanirwa kuva nezvitatu zvinoti: hujoto hwakafanira; oxygen; nechinhu chinobvira. Runambi, murazvo wemoto kana rimi romoto rinosimuka kubva pari kubvira, rimi rine magasi anopisa.

Kuti moto usapise misha kana minda vanhu vanokura nzvimbo yakakomberedza misha zvoita kuti moto ukauya hauchapise dzimba kana mbesa. Maitiro aya anonzi kudzimurira kana kuvavira.

Moto Wauya Sei

  • Kugoka moto kana kupara moto (borrow ambers to light another fire) zvinoreva kunongera mazimbe achiri kupfuta kuti unotanga moto kune imwe nzvimbo.
  • Kuvesa kana kuvasa moto (start a fire from nothing) zvichireva kuvamba moto panga pasina.
  • Kutapidza (to light fire or lamp) zvinoreva kubatidza moto kana mwenje.
  • Kusika moto (create fire by friction) apa zvichireva moto unopfuta nokukweshanisa chimuti pachikwati chemuti.

Kurerutsa Mutauro

  • Ambura (Ignite. Get on fire). Imba yaambura: the house is on fire.
  • Kugota moto kana kugomba moto (to warm one's self at the fire; take warmth from fire) apa kureva kudziya moto.
  • Gombe Fever, or after-effects of fever especially desire for warmth). Sokuti - Ane gombe; he is feverish.
  • Kupfuta (to burn like a fire) kubvira semoto.
  • Ifaniro yemoto kupisa: it is the property of fire to burn.
  • Kubaritsa kana (spark or cause to spark) zvichireva kubarika Moto kubva muchoto, apo mabanzu emazimbe anosimuka kubva muchoto.
  • Kukutidzira; kukuchidzira; kukunhidzira, (stock or stir up fire) zvichireva kuchovhera huni momoto kuti dzibvire.
  • Kupfutidza kana kupfutsa (blow a fire) zvichireva kufuridza moto kuti huni dzibate moto.
  • Kusika (kindle fire by rubbing sticks together) kuvesa moto uchikwesha chimuti pahuni yakafukidzwa nehuswa hunokasira kubvira.
  • hwatsa (Diminish the flame of a grass torch - generally by pressing hard near the burning end; 2. Lower) zvichireva kuderedza. Hwatsa rusero kuti rukweza rurege kupupurutswa: hold the winnowing-basket less high in the air so that the grain will not be carried away by the wind.
  • Kumhoka, kumhova, kurota kana kunhoka (die down -fire). Moto wamhova - the fire has died down.
  • Kudyodyomedza (Pour - hot liquid).
  • Chinyuka chomuriro chakabuda chechibva pamberi pake: (Daniel 7:10 Bhaibheri reChiNdau).
  • Rutsva runomerera nokuona rumwe. One (veld) fire grows at the sight of another
  • Rutsva runovira nokuona rumwe. One (veld) fire spreads at the sight of another.
  • Moto wakanakira kubika zvinhu kana kuri kupisa chikamukira. Fire is goed for cooking but dangerous when it (just) burns.
  • Pabva utsi pane moto. The smoke comes from where there is fire.
  • Chiutsi hachipfungairi pasina moto. Smoke does not rise where there is no fire.
  • Chikuni chinoda mukuchidziri. A piece of wood (on the fore) needs a stoker.
  • Tamba nezvimwe moto ndimashonongore. Play with other things, fire is disasterous.

Mitauro yeBantu
