Half Day (Morning) workshop
Proceedings http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3565
The constant growth of Knowledge Graphs (KGs) on the Web raises new challenges for querying and integrating massive amounts of data across multiple KGs. Such KGs are available through various interfaces, such as data dumps, Linked Data Platform, SPARQL endpoints and Triple Pattern Fragments. In addition, various sources produce streaming data. Efficiently querying these sources is of central importance for the scalability of Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies. To exploit the massive amount of data to its full potential, users should be able to query and combine this data easily and effectively.
This workshop at the International Semantic Web Conference 2023 (ISWC 2023) seeks original articles describing theoretical and practical methods and techniques for fostering, querying, and consuming the Data Web. Topics relevant to this workshop include -- but are not limited to -- the following:
Representing and Storing the Web of Data as Knowledge Graphs
Efficient representation
Caching and replication
Storage techniques
Real-time data warehousing from Web data
Querying the Web of Data as Knowledge Graphs
Centralized, decentralized, federated, and distributed
Source selection
Lightweight Linked Data interfaces
Web streams processing
Big Data techniques
Entailment regimes
Read and write queries
Linked Data documents and embedded Linked Data
Query relaxation and rewriting
Spatial Knowledge Graphs and GeoSPARQL querying
Benchmarking the Web of Data as Knowledge Graphs
Measures and metrics
Performance evaluation
Integrating different sources
Querying non-Linked Data sources
Combining public and private Linked Data
Querying personal Linked Data stores
Query languages for the Web
Domain-specific query languages (e.g., temporal and spatial queries)
Alternative languages for representing and querying the Web of Data
GraphQL applications and optimizations
Submission: August 14th, 2023
Notification: September 18th, 2023
Camera-ready: September 25th, 2023
Presentation: November 6th, 2023
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
Long papers (up to 16 pages): Presenting novel scientific research pertaining to querying the Web of Data
Short papers (up to 8 pages): Position papers, System, Library, API and Dataset descriptions, relevant to the topics of interest.
Demo/Poster papers (up to 4 pages): Describe a demo or poster of a tool on the workshop topics.
We require that authors use the new CEUR-ART style for writing papers to be published with CEUR-WS. The style is available from Vol-XXX. An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is available at https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt. You can also download an offline version with the style files from http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip. It also contains DOCX template files. The authors must choose 1-column style.
Papers should be submitted through the EasyChair system https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=quweda2023 no later than August 14th, 2023. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the workshop program committee. Papers will be evaluated according to their significance, originality, technical content, style, clarity, and relevance to the workshop.