I'm an associate professor at the school of information science at JAIST.

Before joining JAIST, I was a postdoctoral researcher at NII, Tokyo hosted by Prof. Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi. Before coming to Japan, I completed my PhD at the Technion under the supervision of Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel.

My main research field is graph algorithms, but I also have a broad interest in theoretical computer science. 

I am currently supported by the following JSPS KAKENHI grants: 21KK0204, 21K17703, and 21H05850.

dblpGoogle Scholargreg@jaist.ac.jp

Academic Activities
Conference Publications (Author order is alphabetical unless marked with *)


(*) Coreset Spectral Clustering. ICLR 2025 (poster) 

Stochastic Distance in Property Testing. RANDOM 2024 

Local Max-Cut on Sparse Graphs. ESA 2024

Mini-batch k-means terminates within O(d/ε) iterations. ICLR 2023 (poster) 

Fully Polynomial-Time Distributed Computation in Low-Treewidth Graphs. SPAA 2022 

Smoothed Analysis of Population Protocols. DISC 2021

Finding Subgraphs in Highly Dynamic Networks. SPAA 2021

On the Complexity of Load Balancing in Dynamic Networks. SPAA 2021

Models of Smoothing in Dynamic Networks. DISC 2020 

Fast and Simple Deterministic Algorithms for Highly-Dynamic Networks. OPODIS 2020 

Invited as an hour-long presentation to DiADN workshop @ DISC 2019.

Improved Distributed Approximation to Maximum Independent Set. DISC 2020

Also appeared in: PODC 2020 (Brief announcement).

Optimal Distributed Covering Algorithms. DISC 2019

Invited to Distributed Computing special issue

Also appeared in: WOLA 2019, HALG 2019 (contributed),  PODC 2019 (Brief announcement).

Parameterized Distributed Algorithms.  DISC 2019

Adapting Local Sequential Algorithms to the Distributed Setting. DISC 2018

A Deterministic Distributed 2-Approximation for Weighted Vertex Cover in O(log n logΔ/ log2 logΔ) Rounds. SIROCCO 2018

A (2 + ε)-Approximation for Maximum Weight Matching in the Semi-Streaming Model. SODA 2017

Best student paper award and best paper award

Invited to TALG special issue, invited to HALG 2017

Distributed Approximation of Maximum Independent Set and Maximum Matching. PODC 2017

Invited to Distributed Computing special issue

Derandomizing Local Distributed Algorithms under Bandwidth Restrictions. DISC 2017

Invited to Distributed Computing special issue

A Distributed (2+ε)-Approximation for Vertex Cover in O(logΔ / ε log logΔ) Rounds. PODC 2016

Best student paper award

Invited to JACM special issue

Fast Distributed Algorithms for Testing Graph Properties. DISC 2016

Journal Publications 

Derandomizing Local Distributed Algorithms under Bandwidth Restrictions. Distributed Computing 33(3-4): 349-366 (2020)

Fast Distributed Algorithms for Testing Graph Properties.  Distributed Computing 32(1): 41-57 (2019)

A Distributed (2+ε)-Approximation for Vertex Cover in O(logΔ / ε log logΔ) Rounds.  J. ACM 64(3): 23:1-23:11 (2017)