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Query : 2006ApJ...649.1048C

2006ApJ...649.1048C - Astrophys. J., 649, 1048-1063 (2006/October-1)

Dynamics and disequilibrium carbon chemistry in hot Jupiter atmospheres, with application to HD 209458b.


Abstract (from CDS):

Chemical equilibrium considerations suggest that, assuming solar elemental abundances, carbon on HD 209458b is sequestered primarily as carbon monoxide (CO) and methane (CH4). The relative mole fractions of CO(g) and CH4(g) in chemical equilibrium are expected to vary greatly according to variations in local temperature and pressure. We show, however, that in the p=1-1000 mbar range, chemical equilibrium does not hold. To explore disequilibrium effects, we couple the chemical kinetics of CO and CH4to a three-dimensional numerical model of HD 209458b's atmospheric circulation. These simulations show that vigorous dynamics caused by uneven heating of this tidally locked planet homogenize the CO and CH4concentrations at p<1 bar, even in the presence of lateral temperature variations of ∼500-1000 K. In the 1-1000 mbar pressure range we find that over 98% of the carbon is in CO. This is true even in cool regions where CH4is much more stable thermodynamically. Our work shows, furthermore, that planets 300-500 K cooler than HD 209458b can also have abundant CO in their upper layers due to disequilibrium effects. We demonstrate several interesting observational consequences of these results.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Atmospheric Effects - Methods: Numerical - Stars: Planetary Systems - Planets and Satellites: General - planets and satellites: individual (HD 09458b)

Simbad objects: 10

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Number of rows : 10
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 42581B BD* 06 10 34.80 -21 52 00.0           T6.5 510 0
2 NAME OGLE-TR-113b Pl 10 52 24.2810533560 -61 26 48.845675976           ~ 119 1
3 NAME OGLE-TR-111b Pl 10 53 17.8069115424 -61 24 20.607791112           ~ 114 1
4 HD 149026b Pl 16 30 29.6185771608 +38 20 50.308980864           ~ 360 1
5 NAME OGLE-TR-10b Pl 17 51 28.2593510544 -29 52 35.231024064           ~ 89 1
6 NAME OGLE-TR-56b Pl 17 56 35.5016678064 -29 32 21.479240220           ~ 202 1
7 NAME V672 Lyr b Pl 19 04 09.8515616256 +36 37 57.446680296           ~ 342 1
8 HD 189733b Pl 20 00 43.7129433648 +22 42 39.073143456           ~ 1474 1
9 HD 209458b Pl 22 03 10.7727465312 +18 53 03.549393384           ~ 1901 1
10 HD 209458 V* 22 03 10.7727465312 +18 53 03.549393384   8.21 7.63     F9V 1128 1

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