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February 2023 - Format updates continue. I'll be switching from Tiddlywiki to HTML for the smaller conlangs.

Past Updates


This is where I share my constructed languages and associated text, art, etc.

The majority of my conlangs are Thundercats inspired, for different Thunderian cultures. Ylialis is the major lingua franca (like English is here) and so international standards, including language codes, are generally in Ylialis. To continue the immersion, the conlang pages are written from the point of view of an Ylialis speaker, including writing language and country names in Ylialis. Because, why not make my life that much more difficult?

In the Thunderian languages section, anything written in this font and color is out-of-character (related to the real world)

Dates are given in SE (sword era), dating from the forging of the Sword of Omens. The current year is 3504 SE. Pre-Sword is BSE (before sword era).

My Other Sites

88x31 Graphics

When known, sources are linked. 'No Pain, No Blinkies' 'Furry Yay' and the Thundercats 88x31 buttons are by me. Feel free to take, with or without credit.

Neocities - The Web is Yours Made with Notepadd++ No Nazi, No Fascism, No Racism No Pain, No Blinkies Furry Yay! Thundercats Ho! 1985 Thundercats

And if I'm making them, I of course needed one for my site.

Silvercats Conlangs

Conlang Resources

Sentences to Translate
Sentences and phrases to be used for translation, from various sources including proverbs, sayings, lyrics, random sentences, and quotes.
Semantic Domains
Word list designed for collecting (or creating) words related by meaning. Simplified from the list created by Ron Moe, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

Thunderian Languages


With permission of the Thundera Language Institute, these reference pages presented by Konkoler, to share with the interstellar linguistics community.

common Ylialis affixes:
-ali- = language (see below for examples)
-kuli- / -kusli- = speaker of a language, eg: Ylkulis, Okekuslen
-k- / -kus- = citizen, inhabitant / -ese, -ian, -er. Eg: Lunderka / Lunderkusa = Thunderian / Thunderians, Okekuslen = Okelenese
-aokwi = related or belonging to / -ish, -ian. eg: Ylialisaokwi = related to Ylialis language
vor- = family or group in Ravar / Ramalir. Written 'mor-' in Ylialis.


Ylialis is the language of the capital, where the Cats' Lair is located. Most Thunderians can speak Ylialis conversationally, at a minimum, and it is used for international standards, trade, administration, and politics. However, Ramalir is the traditional language of linguistics terminology and because of their long exploration and biological preservation, much scientific literature is in Okelealin.

All Thundercats speak Ylialis, but it is not the mother tongue of all of them. Tygra and Ben Gali were from Lapalidy-speaking counties. Lynx-o learned Balis before moving to the capitol. Pumyra's and Jaguara's families spoke Jagaolina, which Lord Jaga was also fluent in. Wilykit and Wilykat speak Nyjejualin, while Panthro's mother tongue is Paralido, and Cheetara's is Siliralin.

As with other Thunderian history, much linguistics knowledge is stored in the Book of Omens. However, the Book of Omens' records are dependent on the knowledge of the Thundercats of the past, and thus are not comprehensive. Even so, in many areas firm knowledge goes back farther than on those worlds without mystical knowledge.

All Thunderian languages are descendants of 22 language families, but the mostly widely spoken come from six.


There are a number of writing systems used on Thundera. One of the most common is the Omlirtaokwi alphabet, which borrowed characters from Ovim runes. Nyjejualin has its own alphabet in two forms. Okelealin is well known for its mixed system, combining phonetic and semantic charaters.


Konkoler is still gathering research about many of the languages on Thundera. This section will be divided into three based on how much information is currently collected. Please be patient as he works to assemble more.

In-Depth Information

Aronmalim / Tsɑkø

tsako language code dot

One of the influences on Nyjejualin, via trade. Contributed words for legal ideas, money, trade, manufactured goods, jewelry, cooking methods, food names, precious goods, and manufacturing methods. Has complex phonotactics and vowel harmony. Little is known. Presented here is the basic grammar with about 250 words.

Mankmusalide / Maanxmuʃt

maanxmusht language code dot

Historic relation to Ylialis, Lepalidy, and Ramalir. The other of the major influences on Nyjejualin, where it contributed words for adornment, clothes, grooming, and various other things through intermarriage. Has complex consonant clusters and phonotactics, two genders, 6 cases, and strong and weak nouns.

Nyjejualin / Ŋyjichɯn

nyji language code dot

This is the language of Wilykit and Wilykat. Features noun incorporation, flexible word order, paucals, reduplication, and non-gendered pronouns. Has a writing system with two forms.

Basic Information

Endukaliso / Ntwkso

Ntwkso language code dot

The source of Ovim runes, which contributed to modern alphabets. The early linguist Karakkil collected many examples of rune poems.