Papers by Kazmer Ujvarosy
Allegedly UFOs, now called UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena), continue to defy explanation, an... more Allegedly UFOs, now called UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena), continue to defy explanation, and the U.S. Congress is seeking answers. Here I report that the explanation exists: Just as a tree is the seed's way of producing seeds in its own image, so likewise the universe is human life's way of producing humans in its own image. Thus human life is uncreated, it existed prior to the universe, and constitutes the universe's seed or human input and output. The pilots of UFOs are the reproductions of the universe's procreative seed or human input. Perfecting humans is their mission. The cosmic seed that created and powers the universe also powers UFOs. The cosmic seed's energy constitutes the existing cleanest power source.

Journal of Old Turkic Studies, 2022
The 'hollow tree' etymology for the ethnonym Kipchak is considered to be a folk etymology, and mo... more The 'hollow tree' etymology for the ethnonym Kipchak is considered to be a folk etymology, and most of the scholars who treat of this subject have given into this mistake. In their search for alternative etymologies they proposed numerous terms, but they remain unconvincing suggestions. Here I show, convincingly I think, that Kipchak indeed means 'hollow tree'. In Hebrew ּף ַ כ kaph means anything 'hollow', and ה ָ֔ ֵצ עe etsah or etzah means a 'tree'. Thus evidently the original form of the ethnonym Kipchak is the Hebrew term kaph tsah or kaph tzah, 'hollow tree'. Oghuz Khagan named the child Kipchak, Hollow Tree, because his mother gave him birth in the hollow of a tree. This etymology indicates that Oghuz Khagan and his people not only spoke Hebrew, but were of Hebrew descent as well. As for the Hun capital, Varachan, I propose the Város + Hun, i.e. 'Hun City' etymology. Finally in the Djagfar Tarihi the Türkic road is also the Silk Road, Turgu-yuly, indicating the Dargo or Turgu, drága, 'dear, expensive, precious' etymology for the ethnonym Turk.

The 'hollow tree' etymology for the ethnonym Kipchak is considered to be a folk etymology, and mo... more The 'hollow tree' etymology for the ethnonym Kipchak is considered to be a folk etymology, and most of the scholars who treat of this subject have given into this mistake. In their search for alternative etymologies they proposed numerous terms, but they remain unconvincing suggestions. Here I show, convincingly I think, that Kipchak indeed means 'hollow tree'. In Hebrew ּף ַ כ kaph means anything 'hollow', and ה ָ֔ ֵצ עe etsah or etzah means a 'tree'. Thus evidently the original form of the ethnonym Kipchak is the Hebrew term kaph tsah or kaph tzah, 'hollow tree'. Oghuz Khagan named the child Kipchak, Hollow Tree, because his mother gave him birth in the hollow of a tree. This etymology indicates that Oghuz Khagan and his people not only spoke Hebrew, but were of Hebrew descent as well. As for the Hun capital, Varachan, I propose the Város + Hun, i.e. 'Hun City' etymology. Finally in the Djagfar Tarihi the Türkic road is also the Silk Road, Turgu-yuly, indicating the Dargo or Turgu, drága, 'dear, expensive, precious' etymology for the ethnonym Turk.
Connecting our consciousness to the universe's consciousness is analogous to connecting t... more Connecting our consciousness to the universe's consciousness is analogous to connecting the seeds of a tree to the biofield or quantum field of the tree's parent seed.
Indications are that the human genome's biofield or quantum field constitutes the binding... more Indications are that the human genome's biofield or quantum field constitutes the binding energy in both quantum biology and quantum physics. Just as our body's parameters are precisely fine-tuned for the production of reproductive cells in the input human genome's image, so likewise the universe's parameters are precisely fine-tuned for the production of humans in the human input's image. While our body is the human genome's way of producing reproductive cells in its own image, our universe is a man's way of producing humans in his own image. Thus while our body has human genome input and output, our universe has human input and output. In the Bible the man who constitutes the phenotype universe's genotype or human input and output (Alpha and Omega) is Jesus Christ.
Just as a tree's seed output indicates its seed input, the Universe's human outpu... more Just as a tree's seed output indicates its seed input, the Universe's human output indicates its human input. KAZMER UJVAROSY Author of The Seed Cosmology (2019)
Information provided in the Bible allows us to infer that the sole origin of the universe is the ... more Information provided in the Bible allows us to infer that the sole origin of the universe is the procreative seed or spermatikos logos of the cosmos, which Universal Common Ancestor is Jesus Christ. Thus we may theorize that the sole cause of the phenotype universe is Jesus Christ's genotype, instead of a simple beginning, from which "endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved," as Charles Darwin proposed in his Origin of Species.
Indications are that the universe functions as a quantum information processor to produce output ... more Indications are that the universe functions as a quantum information processor to produce output in the input's image The 19 November 2021 article of London-based science writer Philip Balls in Nature, "First quantum computer to pack 100 qubits enters crowded race," calls our attention to the hunt for useful quantum computers. He reports that currently plans to create such machines are hampered by several problems, such as the chip challenges, error correction, and the use of signals for data input and output.
Just as a tree's seed output indicates its seed input, the Universe's human output indicates its ... more Just as a tree's seed output indicates its seed input, the Universe's human output indicates its human input. KAZMER UJVAROSY Author of The Seed Cosmology (2019) In 15 January 2014 Nature published an article showing that treesincluding California's giant redwoods-instead of decreasing increase their mass growth rate as they get older and bigger. The study's lead author, Nathan Stephenson, wrote: "… for most species mass growth rate increases continuously with tree size." 1
Papers by Kazmer Ujvarosy