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Anonymous 12/12/24(Thu)20:30:15 with 105 notes No.769710793833988096 [Reply]


oh shit dude posting...

who will you choose? CORKSCREW RULES or CAN OPENER LOSER and yet many people nowadays will choose the latter. and they won't even blink an eye!!!! Is this the kind of country you want??!! Comrades, let's show them what our strength and pride are! GOIDAAAAAAAAAAAA (c) one particular translate appALT
text on right side where 1st and 2nd dudes are: 18-25 y/o: I wanna die :( 30+ y/o: when the crack pipe's coming??????  also I liked that one meme with aphex dude, and drew it too. not mine. I don't remember who did it first(?)ALT

(btw this post further contains selfharm, selfinserts, and texts about it, all that shit. I warn you)

it's a sketch for my headcanon that dude before and maybe during the events of the first postal was mostly a danger for himself literally, and only when he completely went off rails - for others too. he was harming himself badly: cutting, hitting, living burns in his skin, even stabbing himself in psychosis I suppose. but when some time passed, he moved out of the city, got married and stuff, he quit it, now mostly hitting on drugs and CRACK, leaving that "cutting stabbing" form of selfharm. he was probably thinking, remembering how he was doing back then, like maaan how cringe I was! total edgy dumbass :D can't even believe I did THAT shit.


torn that wound the fuck up > is stitched already!

Keep reading

Anonymous 12/12/24(Thu)20:26:18 with 369 notes No.769710546194923520 [Reply]



um. Idk what possessed me to draw this

Actually the pov is theyre in front of the mirror, p2 is looking at p3 in the reflection. Idk if i rly captured it lmfao

no theyre not doing anything nasty ok p3 is just messin w p2. ok maybe its in a suggestive context