Before you read Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination or explore this web site, take a snapshot of your current thinking. Then return afterward to see if your thinking has changed. |  |

Judge a series of advertisements to see which ones, if any, involve prejudice or discrimination. Best taken right after the Baseline Survey. |  |

When is something prejudiced? Our partner site, eInterview.org, will "listen" to what you think and ask some tough questions in response. |  |

As you'll see from this demonstration, there's more to sexism than negativity toward women. To learn more, take the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory. |  |
Which president owned the most slaves? What did the presidents think of slavery, and how did they treat their slaves? You may be surprised... |  |

Take an eye-opening 10-item quiz to see how much you know about Native American history and contemporary life. Comes with a free gift at the end. |  |
See a dramatic demonstration of how social preferences at the individual level can lead to startling patterns of segregation at the group level. |  |