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Understanding Prejudice
Understanding Prejudice
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Exercises and Demonstrations

Baseline Survey
Before you read Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination or explore this web site, take a snapshot of your current thinking. Then return afterward to see if your thinking has changed.Begin

Slide Tour of Prejudice
Judge a series of advertisements to see which ones, if any, involve prejudice or discrimination. Best taken right after the Baseline Survey.Begin

Where Do You Draw the Line?
When is something prejudiced? Our partner site, eInterview.org, will "listen" to what you think and ask some tough questions in response.Begin

Ambivalent Sexism
As you'll see from this demonstration, there's more to sexism than negativity toward women. To learn more, take the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory.Begin

Slavery and the U.S. Presidents Which president owned the most slaves? What did the presidents think of slavery, and how did they treat their slaves? You may be surprised...Begin

What's Your Native IQ?
Take an eye-opening 10-item quiz to see how much you know about Native American history and contemporary life. Comes with a free gift at the end.Begin

Can You Avoid Segregation? See a dramatic demonstration of how social preferences at the individual level can lead to startling patterns of segregation at the group level.Begin