About Us

Deaf, queer, autistic, and in our 20s.

We are plural; different people in a single body. Occasionally, we switch 'fronts' to share our life evenly.

Helpful to know before browsing our site:

  • You may refer to us as "Scoliwings", "the Scolis", or "the wingmates". If you are responding to an individual's post, please call them by their own name and pronouns.
  • "Ve" is a pronoun ve made up in place of a "we" that refers to our own system. Tl;dr, ve = us, and we = us and anyone outside the system. That, or ve may occasionally use "we" in order to not refer to our entire system.
  • "Wingmate" is a term ve use to refer to each other. "Headmate" or "alter" doesn't feel quite as comfortable for us because of the formality of the terms - ve like being wingmates and it feels comfortable to use that.