The goal of this thesis is the study of double-parton scattering (DPS) in four-jet events with the
ATLAS experiment. In order to extract DPS in this channel, a good understanding of the reconstruc-
tion and calibration of jets is needed. A comprehensive framework exists in ATLAS for this purpose,
featuring two main calibration schemes, referred to as the electromagnetic (EM) and the local-hadron
(LCW) calibrations. These rely on extensive test-beam and simulation campaigns, which are the re-
sult of the efforts of a large number of individual researchers and analysis subgroups.
Test-beam data taken during 2004 served to test the detector performance and to validate the
description of the data by simulations. Due to changing software models, these data became incom-
patible with current ATLAS reconstruction tools. In order to maintain future access, the information
had to be made persistent, i.e., compatible with all future software. The first project which had been
undertaken by the author of this thesis in ATLAS, was persistification of the test-beam data. This
was followed by continued support and maintenance of the ATLAS calorimeter reconstruction soft-
ware, as part of the operational contribution of the author to the experiment.
One of the major challenges in the calibration of jets in ATLAS, is the existence of pile-up,
additional proton-proton (pp) collisions, which coincide with the hard scattering of interest. The
effects of pile-up on final states which involve jets are complicated. Pile-up tends to both bias
the energy of jets which originate from the hard interaction, and to introduce additional jets which
originate from the extraneous pp collisions. The current pile-up subtraction method in ATLAS in-
volves a simulation-based scheme; it affects an average correction for jet energies, based on the
instantaneous luminosity and on the number of reconstructed vertices in an event. An alternate,
event-by-event-based correction, has been developed by the author for the LCW calibration scheme.
In the new correction, referred to as the jet area/median method, the area of a given jet and the
“local” energy-density, are used in order to subtract pile-up energy from the jet. The method takes
advantage both of the average response of the calorimeter to pile-up energy, and of the observed
energy in the vicinity of the jet of interest. The median method is completely data-driven. Con-
sequently, compared to the nominal pile-up correction, the uncertainties on the energy correction
associated with the simulation of pile-up were reduced.
The new pile-up correction was developed by the author, initially by using the ATLAS detector
simulation. It was subsequently validated by the author with the 2011 ATLAS dataset, in which
the rate of pile-up is high. The validation included in-situ measurements of several observables,
one of which was the invariant mass of dijets, the system of the two jets with the highest transverse
momentum in an event. The author also performed measurements of the dijet double-differential
cross section for different center-of-mass jet rapidities, as a function of the invariant mass of dijets.
The invariant mass spectra had previously been measured in ATLAS using the 2010 data. The new
measurements, performed for the first time on the 2011 data, were found to be compatible with
the previous observations, showing that the pile-up corrections were under control. In addition, the
measurement using the larger dataset recorded during 2011, served to extend the experimental reach
to higher values of the invariant mass.