Optimal transmission estimation with dark counts
AZ Goldberg, K Heshami - Measurement Science and …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
Measurement Science and Technology, 2023•iopscience.iop.org
Transmission measurements are essential from fibre optics to spectroscopy. Quantum theory
dictates that the ultimate precision in estimating transmission or loss is achieved using probe
states with definite photon number and photon-number-resolving detectors (PNRDs). Can
the quantum advantage relative to classical probe light still be maintained when the
detectors fire due to dark counts and other spurious events? We demonstrate that the
answer to this question is affirmative and show in detail how the quantum advantage …
dictates that the ultimate precision in estimating transmission or loss is achieved using probe
states with definite photon number and photon-number-resolving detectors (PNRDs). Can
the quantum advantage relative to classical probe light still be maintained when the
detectors fire due to dark counts and other spurious events? We demonstrate that the
answer to this question is affirmative and show in detail how the quantum advantage …
Transmission measurements are essential from fibre optics to spectroscopy. Quantum theory dictates that the ultimate precision in estimating transmission or loss is achieved using probe states with definite photon number and photon-number-resolving detectors (PNRDs). Can the quantum advantage relative to classical probe light still be maintained when the detectors fire due to dark counts and other spurious events? We demonstrate that the answer to this question is affirmative and show in detail how the quantum advantage depends on dark counts and increases with Fock-state-probe strength. These results are especially pertinent as the present capabilities of PNRDs are being dramatically improved.