Cosmology with a stiff matter era

PH Chavanis - Physical Review D, 2015 - APS
Physical Review D, 2015APS
We consider the possibility that the Universe is made of a dark fluid described by a quadratic
equation of state P= K ρ 2, where ρ is the rest-mass density and K is a constant. The energy
density ε= ρ c 2+ K ρ 2 is the sum of two terms: a rest-mass term ρ c 2 that mimics “dark
matter”(P= 0) and an internal energy term u= K ρ 2= P that mimics a “stiff fluid”(P= ε) in which
the speed of sound is equal to the speed of light. In the early universe, the internal energy
dominates and the dark fluid behaves as a stiff fluid (P∼ ε, ε∝ a-6). In the late universe, the …
We consider the possibility that the Universe is made of a dark fluid described by a quadratic equation of state , where is the rest-mass density and is a constant. The energy density is the sum of two terms: a rest-mass term that mimics “dark matter” () and an internal energy term that mimics a “stiff fluid” () in which the speed of sound is equal to the speed of light. In the early universe, the internal energy dominates and the dark fluid behaves as a stiff fluid (, ). In the late universe, the rest-mass energy dominates and the dark fluid behaves as pressureless dark matter (, ). We provide a simple analytical solution of the Friedmann equations for a universe undergoing a stiff matter era, a dark matter era, and a dark energy era due to the cosmological constant. This analytical solution generalizes the Einstein–de Sitter solution describing the dark matter era, and the model describing the dark matter era and the dark energy era. Historically, the possibility of a primordial stiff matter era first appeared in the cosmological model of Zel’dovich where the primordial universe is assumed to be made of a cold gas of baryons. A primordial stiff matter era also occurs in recent cosmological models where dark matter is made of relativistic self-gravitating Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). When the internal energy of the dark fluid mimicking stiff matter is positive, the primordial universe is singular like in the standard big bang theory. It expands from an initial state with a vanishing scale factor and an infinite density. We consider the possibility that the internal energy of the dark fluid is negative (while, of course, its total energy density is positive), so that it mimics anti-stiff matter. This happens, for example, when the BECs have an attractive self-interaction with a negative scattering length. In that case, the primordial universe is nonsingular and bouncing like in loop quantum cosmology. At , the scale factor is finite and the energy density is equal to zero. The universe first has a phantom behavior where the energy density increases with the scale factor, then a normal behavior where the energy density decreases with the scale factor. For the sake of generality, we consider a cosmological constant of arbitrary sign. When the cosmological constant is positive, the Universe asymptotically reaches a de Sitter regime where the scale factor increases exponentially rapidly with time. This can account for the accelerating expansion of the Universe that we observe at present. When the cosmological constant is negative (anti–de Sitter), the evolution of the Universe is cyclic. Therefore, depending on the sign of the internal energy of the dark fluid and on the sign of the cosmological constant, we obtain analytical solutions of the Friedmann equations describing singular and nonsingular expanding, bouncing, or cyclic universes.
American Physical Society