On commensurability of fibrations on a hyperbolic 3-manifold

H Masai - Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2013 - msp.org
H Masai
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2013msp.org
We discuss fibered commensurability of fibrations on hyperbolic 3-manifolds, a notion
introduced by Calegari, Sun, and Wang (Pacific J. Math. 250: 2 (2011), 287–317). We
construct manifolds with nonsymmetric but commensurable fibrations on the same fibered
face, and prove that if a given manifold M does not have hidden symmetries, then M does
not admit nonsymmetric but commensurable fibrations.
We discuss fibered commensurability of fibrations on hyperbolic 3-manifolds, a notion introduced by Calegari, Sun, and Wang (Pacific J. Math. 250: 2 (2011), 287–317). We construct manifolds with nonsymmetric but commensurable fibrations on the same fibered face, and prove that if a given manifold M does not have hidden symmetries, then M does not admit nonsymmetric but commensurable fibrations.
Mathematical Sciences Publishers