New limits on hidden photons from past electron beam dumps

S Andreas, C Niebuhr, A Ringwald - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields …, 2012 - APS
S Andreas, C Niebuhr, A Ringwald
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology, 2012APS
Hidden sectors with light extra U (1) gauge bosons, so-called hidden photons, have recently
attracted some attention because they are a common feature of physics beyond the
Standard Model like string theory and supersymmetry and additionally are
phenomenologically of great interest regarding recent astrophysical observations. The
hidden photon is already constrained by various laboratory experiments and presently
searched for in running as well as upcoming experiments. We summarize the current status …
Hidden sectors with light extra U(1) gauge bosons, so-called hidden photons, have recently attracted some attention because they are a common feature of physics beyond the Standard Model like string theory and supersymmetry and additionally are phenomenologically of great interest regarding recent astrophysical observations. The hidden photon is already constrained by various laboratory experiments and presently searched for in running as well as upcoming experiments. We summarize the current status of limits on hidden photons from past electron beam dump experiments including two new limits from such experiments at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization in Japan (KEK) and the Laboratoire de l’accelérateur linéaire (LAL, Orsay) that have so far not been considered. All our limits take into account the experimental acceptances obtained from Monte Carlo simulations.
American Physical Society