[PDF][PDF] Knowledge graphs: Construction, management and querying.

M Kejriwal, JF Sequeda, V Lopez - Semantic Web, 2019 - semantic-web-journal.net
Semantic Web, 2019semantic-web-journal.net
Editorial Mayank Kejriwal a,*, Juan Sequeda b and Vanessa Lopez ca Information Sciences
Institute, University of Southern California, CA, United States E-mail: kejriwal@ isi. edu b
data. world, TX, United States E-mail: juan@ data. world c IBM, Dublin, Ireland E-mail:
vanlopez@ ie. ibm. com
Editorial Mayank Kejriwal a,*, Juan Sequeda b and Vanessa Lopez c a Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, CA, United States E-mail: kejriwal@ isi. edu b data. world, TX, United States E-mail: juan@ data. world c IBM, Dublin, Ireland E-mail: vanlopez@ ie. ibm. com
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