An investigation of consumer online trust and purchase-repurchase intentions
There is little research on trust and satisfaction in the electronic commerce from a
longitudinal (pre-and postpurchase) perspective. Based on previous frameworks and
theories, this study developed a combined model of consumer trust and satisfaction in the
context of Internet shopping. From the valance framework and expectation-confirmation
theory, several prepurchase and post-purchase factors such as risk, benefit, consumer trust,
expectation, confirmation, and satisfaction are investigated as research variables affecting …
longitudinal (pre-and postpurchase) perspective. Based on previous frameworks and
theories, this study developed a combined model of consumer trust and satisfaction in the
context of Internet shopping. From the valance framework and expectation-confirmation
theory, several prepurchase and post-purchase factors such as risk, benefit, consumer trust,
expectation, confirmation, and satisfaction are investigated as research variables affecting …
There is little research on trust and satisfaction in the electronic commerce from a longitudinal (pre-and postpurchase) perspective. Based on previous frameworks and theories, this study developed a combined model of consumer trust and satisfaction in the context of Internet shopping. From the valance framework and expectation-confirmation theory, several prepurchase and post-purchase factors such as risk, benefit, consumer trust, expectation, confirmation, and satisfaction are investigated as research variables affecting consumer repurchase intention.
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