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Drew my OC Avatar

Name :Joanna Haruki

Gen :female (but no feminine features)

Age :14

From :Yu-Gi-Oh ArcV

Ace monster: Scar-eye wolf flower dragon (pendulum,scale 4,2500 attack,2000 defense)

Deck :Elemebeast

Ok still drawing the full design but here, Joanna Haruki is a hybrid of a okami dragon. like Yuya Sakaki she a hybrid cause she a reincarnated of another OC Eleko. She can turn full human with pale skin and full cyan eyes able to see and talk to duel spirits also have very strong Senses(hearing,sight,touch,smell)also sense aura, having enhanced strength and speed.

Personality:Joanna can be sarcastic and mischievous at times , she a fun-loving energetic youth who believe dueling is fun and can bring smiles ( like Yuya,but in her own way)but want to break all limits and knows when to get serious as in some situations , in times she can be shy and quit with to much people around except for friends,in action duels Joanna is skilled and quite clever able to go through situations.Joanna is friendly to others though she tries to calm her emotions in dire situations but giving her all to help her friends and others , never giving up on friends, she does tend to hide her expression with her white hood out of habitats as while covering her ears with her headphone’s , but does have the confidence to talk about with her closet friends if she wants to.

The Goggles on her head are actually her glasses cause she became near sighted as she grew up but only seem to use them in duels.


Just realized. I have a bit of an aversion to hearing Dearly Beloved, and now I think I know why.

You know how you put a song as your alarm clock and then you associate it with that yucky feeling of waking up to it and it ruins the song for you?

Well, I realized that because Dearly Beloved elicits such strong, intense, often even sad or melancholic emotions from me, I've Pavlov's doged myself into avoiding it, since it's such a strong emotional trigger

actually, that the reason why I love the song 🎶 because it’s sad or the overall tone of it ? I don’t know I guess it makes me sympathize or empathize;even if I listen to more upbeat theme and songs, the lyrics are sad and I guess some times you even hear it within the singer

themselves, so yeah I just never got sick off it nor just avoid it ( if I remember or hear again I hyper fixated it right away!) i don’t know, can you relate?


*leans in close to the mic* Vanitas does not have Xehanort’s eyes. Exposure to darkness causes eyes to turn golden. Xehanort’s eyes were originally silver, as seen in dark road. As a being of pure darkness, Vanitas is the one character where his eyes were probably yellow from the beginning (excluding the LN of course).

True but Vanitas is also negative right?which from what I’ve remember is connected by entirely a separate thing from darkness ( i mean why unversed eyes are red not yellow like the heartless if he was pure darkness) so him having red eyes because he is also negativity, also makes sense but also he could have central heterochromia meaning he could have golden yet little red around his pupils or the other way round ( heck that what I was thinking sometime when mentally designing my Avatar but probably take years before I explain more on that because that changed completely) anyway I’m ramble pretty long enough about it, Vanitas having red eyes because is someway to connect himself with his unversed. I love Vanitas with red eyes as much as Ventus having green eyes.❤️❤️❤️❤️


sighs dreamily thinking about the idea of ven’s darkness having at least partially told the truth about his will. sighs dreamily thinking about the recurring theme of ‘my friends are my power’ juxtaposed with ‘what he wished for was power’ (he actually wished for friends) (and being a union leader got him friends) (plus like. it got him to survive the fall of daybreak town). sighs dreamily thinking about them having some sort of symbiosis even before it later became truly part of him and a human with a heart (vanitas). sighs dreamily thinking about it doing what it did out of love for him or at least darkness’ twisted understanding of love. yayyy 🌸🌸🌸

Love something like this ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Art by: fire_star_animations from instagram

My name is mahmoud mohammed jaafar jaafar i studied computer engineering and graduated from university in 2023 i worked as a software engineer in a local company here in gaza unit the war started, then the company got destroyed and became unemployed and our house is destroyed partially and became inhabitant to live in but nevertheless we stayed in it because we do not else to go i currently live in north gaza where is a scarcity of food and i have 3 brothers and 4 sister one of them died while he was trying to find food for the family so i am the eldest in my family now i have to provide a living for them
Any amount you give me will help me a lot in supporting my family in Gaza in light of the fear and lack of food, medicine and drink
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #388 )✅️

Any amount you give me will help me a lot, even if it is $10.


Help Hyam Shehab save her family

@hyamshehabfamile and her family are once again facing an unforgiving winter in the midst of ongoing oppression, disease, a lack of food and clean water, and inhumane conditions.

Their main goal is €60,000 to reach safety, but they are setting a temporary goal of €10,000 by the end of the week to cover the costs of warm clothes, food, and other immediate needs for 6 people.

As of December 2, 2024, this campaign has raised €3,443 / €10,000

Please donate if you can and share! This is a time sensitive short-term goal

This campaign is line 127 on the Gaza Vetters list

Thank you, my friends, for supporting my family and supporting them in their ordeal. There is little left for the interim target, €6500Thank you.

Donate and do not abandon my family and children.

We only need €569to reach €6500 We are now at €5931. We need a donation asap to save my children and family from genocidal war. Time is running out


Please take a few minutes to watch the video and read this post.

I am writing these words after losing hope in everyone… except for you, my friends. Tumblr has a very large number of users, estimated in the millions . That’s an enormous number! But imagine, with all those of people, how would you feel if people saw you and ignored you? You’d feel deeply disappointed, right? Or maybe you’d even wish for death.

Have you ever wished for death? For me, I feel like I’d rather die than be ignored by everyone. If I wasn’t in desperate need of help, I wouldn’t ask anyone for it. I really need help.

Imagine for a moment that you have a small child you love dearly, and you’re forced to watch her suffer in front of your eyes. This isn’t just an imagination for me; it’s my reality. My family and I live this pain every day.

The Rafah crossing will open its doors for travel a month from now. If we do not collect enough money for all of us to go out, we will be forced to separate and the family will be dispersed. Please stand with us and do not allow us to separate and our family to separate. We all want to get out of here.

Please, be our hope. Be our voice. Be the ones who save us from despair. Don’t ignore us. Donate, even if it’s just $5 .

There are so many people reading this post right now. I beg anyone who sees these words to donate if they can, and if not, to share this post. Please, don’t leave us behind.

Be our family, or think of us as members of your own family, and save us from this suffering.

No matter how small the amount, your help means the world to us. And if you can’t donate, share this post and add a few kind words to inspire others to help.

Thank you so much, everyone. I wish you all the best.

Currently at $7876 (CAD) Only $124 (CAD) away to 8k

Thank you my friends for helping me. Please continue to donate so I can reach my goal .We are close to the goal 10k. Your donations are what will save us. If we don't raise enough money, my family and I will have to separate, and we will be separated and far from each other. The family will be dispersed. We want to travel and leave Gaza together because my family cannot live without me. Our lives are in your hands. Please donate even a little, leave your beautiful mark in our lives. Please, everything helps and benefits us. Please donate, friends. We need all the support you can. Please help us and donate.

Please let us get to 8k as soon as possible. I am only $124 (CAD) away from the amount.

No donations since 12 hours. Please donate. Every donation counts.
Please help us survive. Donate.

Help Hyam Shehab save her family

@hyamshehabfamile and her family are once again facing an unforgiving winter in the midst of ongoing oppression, disease, a lack of food and clean water, and inhumane conditions.

Their main goal is €60,000 to reach safety, but they are setting a temporary goal of €10,000 by the end of the week to cover the costs of warm clothes, food, and other immediate needs for 6 people.

As of December 2, 2024, this campaign has raised €3,443 / €10,000

Please donate if you can and share! This is a time sensitive short-term goal

This campaign is line 127 on the Gaza Vetters list

Thank you, my friends, for supporting my family and supporting them in their ordeal. There is little left for the interim target, €6500Thank you.

Donate and do not abandon my family and children.

We only need €569to reach €6500 We are now at €5931. We need a donation asap to save my children and family from genocidal war. Time is running out


I just go all soft and warm when there a kingdom hearts AU with venvan while sora being cared for as a little brother both in and out his heart.❤️

And putting soroku in the mix makes it more amazing.❤️❤️❤️❤️

Please send me any content similar to this, it gives me joy.

And please share thoughts and opinions


I know union cross makes a lot of sense in the kh lore (especially in ddd) but the fact that ventus was a person of pure light in the first place? And vanitas is not actually the darkness half of ventus? It’s just wrong?, meh? I can’t explain what I feel about that.

I’m still confused

Wait does that mean Ventus was 1st princess of light or I guess prince of light.

I don’t know I forgotten some things and I’m still confused

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