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Curriculum Vitae

The University of RomaTre, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Comunicazione e Spettacolo, Faculty Member
  Paolo Pecere Curriculum vitae 1. Education 2. Positions / scholarships 3. Teaching 4. Research 5. Publications 6. Talks 7. Organized conferences 8. Memberships/peer reviews 1. Education 2000: Degree (BA+MA) in Philosophy (110/110 with honours) at the University «La Sapienza» of Rome. 2004: PhD in “Logic and Epistemology” at the University «La Sapienza» of Rome. During his PhD Programme, I attended classes at the Faculty of Physics of University «La Sapienza» of Rome and participated to the summer school of “Philosophy of Physics” organized in Cesena at the San Biagio Centre. 2.a Positions 2004/2005: Contracted professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Cassino 2005: Assistant professor of History of Philosophy (M-FIL/06), University of Cassino 2008–: Confirmed Assistant professor of History of Philosophy, University of Cassino and Southern Latium (permanent position) 2010: Visiting Professor at Sharif University Tehran, Dept. of Physics 2013: Qualification for Associate professorship (History of Philosophy M-FIL/06) 2016-17: Fulbright Scholar at New York University, Dept. of Philosophy (6 months) 2018: Visiting Scholar at Unifesp (São Paulo), March-April 2018: Visiting Scholar at New York University, Dept. of Philosophy (August-September) 2018: Assistant professor of History of Philosophy (M-FIL/06), University of Roma TRE 2.b Scholarships and awards Fulbright Research Scholarship (awarded for the Academic Year 2016/2017) 3. Teaching Since 2004, I have taught classes of “Logic and Philosophy of Science”, “History of Ideas”, “History of Philosophy”, “History of modern Philosophy”, “History of contemporary philosophy” and “Modern Philosophy and Humanities” at the University of Cassino In the years comprised between 2000 and 2004, I have held seminars for the MA training in Psychology at the "Institute for the Study of Psychotherapies" (ISP) in Rome. I have given invited lectures at the degree course in Philosophy at the University of Roma TRE (2004), and for PhD programmes at the Universities of Cassino (PhD in Philosophical Studies,2004), Roma Tor Vergata (Philosophy, 2009), Tehran, Sharif University (PhD in Physics, 2010), Roma TRE (2013), São Paulo (2018). 4. Research My research activity focuses on the relations among philosophy, physics and psychology in the centuries comprised between XVIIth and XXth, with particular emphasis on the metaphysical elements of scientific theories. I have written on: Kant's critical philosophy and metaphysics of nature, the "critique of knowledge" of the Neo-Kantian School of Marburg and Ernst Cassirer, the Neo-Kantian trend in contemporary American philosophy, the history of philosophical debates concerning quantum theory, the problem of consciousness in modern philosophy and in contemporary philosophy of mind and cognitive science. Regarding the relations between philosophy and psychology I carried out research on the works of Freud, De Martino, Foucault, Ricoeur and the contemporary debate on phenomenology and neurosciences. In this disciplinary domain, in the years 2007-2008, I participated the PRIN project “Logics of corporeity”, as a member of the research unit of Cassino University. In years 2009-2012 I conducted a research on the history of the philosophy of quantum mechanics, focusing on the works of Cassirer, Popper, Feyerabend and the contemporary debate on “quantum theories without the observer”. I participate the PRIN research program on “Galileo’s legacy” (2016-2018), as a member of the research unit of Roma TRE University. Since 2012 I am working on the history of physiology mind-body theories in XVIII-XX centuries between philosophy and natural science, focusing on the Kantian tradition and the history and taxonomy of antireductionist arguments about consciousness and the brain. 5. Publications (downloads at: a) Books P. Pecere, Il meccanismo e la coscienza. Possibilità e limiti della fisiologia della mente da Descartes alle scienze cognitive, Carocci, Roma, 2019 (in preparation). P. Pecere, Dalla parte di Alice. La coscienza e l'immaginario, Mimesis, Sesto san Giovanni (MI) 2015, pp. 325. P. Pecere (with N. Argentieri, A. Bassi), Meccanica quantistica, rappresentazione, realtà: un dialogo tra fisica e filosofia, Bibliopolis, Napoli 2012, pp. 222. P. Pecere, La filosofia della natura in Kant, Edizioni di Pagina, Bari 2009, pp. xxiii/851. P. Pecere, Immanuel Kant: dinamica e metafisica, Roma 2004, pp. 215. I. Kant, Principi metafisici della scienza della natura (Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft), Introduction, translation and notes by P. Pecere, Bompiani, Milano 2003, pp. 422. b) Edited Volumes/Journal Issues P. Pecere (ed.), Il libro della natura. I. Scienze e filosofia da Copernico a Darwin, Carocci, Roma 2015 P. Pecere (ed.), Il libro della natura. II. Scienze e filosofia da Einstein alle neuroscienze contemporanee, Carocci, Roma 2015. L. Del Corso, P. Pecere (eds.), «Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica/Yearbook of the History of Metaphysics» (9/2011), Il libro filosofico: dall’antichità al XXI secolo/Philosophy and the Books: from Antiquity to the XXIth Century, Brepols-Edizioni di Pagina, Bari 2011. C. Cellucci, P. Pecere (eds.), Demonstrative and Non-demonstrative Reasoning in Mathematics and Natural Science, Edizioni dell’Ateneo, Cassino 2006, pp. 422. c) Textbooks R. Chiaradonna, P. Pecere, Filosofia. La ricerca della conoscenza, 6 volumes, Mondadori education, Milano, 2018 (a history of Western philosophy from the Presocratics to the present). I am general co-editor and author of the following chapters: The Scientific Revolution; Descartes; The Cartesian Age; Spinoza and Leibniz; Reason and Experience from Hobbes to Hume; The Enlightenment; Kant; Hegel (with F. Ferraguto); Epistemology from Helmholtz to Mach; Freud; Frege, Russell and Wittgenstein; XXth century Philosophy of Science; Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Mind. C. Cosmelli (with A. Capocci and P. Pecere), Fisica per filosofi, Carocci, Roma 2018 (in preparation). Historical chapters on the history and philosophy of physics. d) Book chapters – Lambert, Kant and solidity. A matter of method, in P. Rumore et al. (eds.), Johann Heinrich Lambert (in preparation). – Lois, sensations et nerfs. Possibilité et limites de la neurophysiologie des fonctions mentales de Kant à Helmholtz in Physique de l'esprit: empirisme, médecine et cerveau, ed. by C. Cherici, J.C. Dupont and C.T. Wolfe, Hermann, Paris 2018, pp. 161-180. – Concetto di natura e problema della conoscenza in Kant, in Natureza (prov. title), ed. by F. Ferraguto et al., 2017 (in preparation. Portuguese translation). – Kant’s Über das Organ der Seele and the limits of physiology: arguments and legacy, in Kant’s Shorter Writings. Critical Paths Outside the Critiques, ed. by R. Hanna, R. Louden, N. Sánchez Madrid, R. Orden, J. Rivera de Rosales, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2016, pp. 214-230. – La filosofia e la scienza moderna: una storia comune, in P. Pecere (ed.), Il libro della natura, vol. I, Carocci 2015, pp. 11-28. – A un secolo dalla “filosofia scientifica”: ripensare il rapporto tra scienza e filosofia, in P. Pecere (ed.), Il libro della natura, vol. I, Carocci 2015, pp. 13-34. – La meccanica quantistica tra realismo e positivismo: storia e sviluppi di una controversia, in P. Pecere (ed.), La filosofia e le scienze della natura: una guida storico-critica, Carocci 2015, pp. 171-204. - La coscienza come problema scientifico tra filosofia e neuroscienze, in P. Pecere (ed.), Il libro della natura, vol. II, Carocci 2015, pp. 317-370. - Mechanism and Phenomenon of Consciousness. Remarks on Models and Ontology in Edelman and Dennett, in L. Magnani (ed.), Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Theoretical and Cognitive Issues, Series Sapere,  Springer, Heidelberg-Berlin 2013, pp. 141-157. - Fisica quantistica e realtà. Considerazioni storico-filosofiche, in N. Argentieri, A. Bassi, P. Pecere, Meccanica quantistica, rappresentazione, realtà. Un dialogo tra fisica e filosofia, Bibliopolis, Napoli 2012, pp. 69-177. - Il "platonismo" e il problema della conoscenza scientifica da Cohen a Cassirer, in: R. Chiaradonna (ed.), Il platonismo e le scienze, Carocci, Roma 2012, pp. 101-130. - Discussion of Donald Gillies’ “The Empiricist View of Logic”, in C. Cellucci, E. Grosholz, E. Ippoliti (eds.), Logic & Knowledge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge UK 2011, pp. 191-196. - Quantum Physics and Realistic Ontology. Historical and Critical Remarks, in: N. Gavriluta, P. Dunca (eds.), Knowledge and Action within the Knowledge Based Society, Institutul European, Iasi 2011, pp. 47-58. - Desiderio ed espressione. Sul passaggio tra fenomenologia e ermeneutica in Ricoeur, in R. Bruno (a cura di), Logiche della corporeità, Franco Angeli, Milano 2008, pp. 89-140. - Space, Aether, and the Possibility of Physics in Kant’s Late Thought, in C. Cellucci, P.Pecere (eds.), Demonstrative and Non-demonstrative Reasoning in Mathematics and Natural Science, Edizioni dell’Ateneo, Cassino 2006, pp. 237-306. e) Research papers – Reconsidering the “Ignorabimus”. Du Bois-Reymond, panpsychism and the problem of consciousness (submitted) – Physiological Kantianism and the “organization of the mind” (submitted) – La coscienza fenomenica tra neuroscienze e metafisica. L’Ignorabimus di du Bois-Reymond e il futuro della “science of consciousness”, in “Rivista di Filosofia” (2/2018), pp. 215-244. – Monadology, materialism and Newtonian forces: the turn in Kant’s theory of matter, in "Quaestio. Yearbook for the History of Metaphysics " 16 (2016), pp. 167-189. - The Systematical Role of Kant’s Opus postumum. “Exhibition” of Concepts and the Defense of Transcendental Philosophy, in “Con-textos kantianos”, 1 (2015), pp. 156-177. - Kant’s Newtonianism, in “Estudos Kantianos” (2014). - Kant e la monadologia di Leibniz: dall’“anfibolia” all’“apologia”, in «Fogli di filosofia» 4 (2013), - Naturalizing Intentionality Between Philosophy and Brain Science. A Survey of Methodological and Metaphysical Issues (1969-2011), in “Quaestio. Yearbook for the History of Metaphysics” 12 (2012). - (with L. Del Corso), Storia del libro e storia della filosofia, in “Quaestio. Yearbook for the History of Metaphysics” (9, 2011), pp. ix-xxiii. - The Book of Nature and the Books of Men. Idea and History of the Book in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy  and Science of Nature, in “Quaestio. Yearbook for the History of Metaphysics” (9, 2011), pp. 365-404. - La dissoluzione della materia in Cassirer, «Quaestio. Yearbook for the History of Metaphysics», 7 (2007), pp. 457-488. f) Encyclopedia entries: - A priori/a posteriori, in G. Bedeschi (a cura di), Dizionari Treccani. Filosofia, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma 2008, p. 60. g) Reviews: – C.T. Wolfe, Materialism. A Historico-critical Introduction, Springer 2015, «Rivista di filosofia» (2016) – Kant’s metaphysics of nature and mathematical construction (review of M. Friedman, Kant’s Construction of Nature, Cambridge University Press, 2013), «Con-textos Kantianos» (2016). - Friedman e l’unità della filosofia (review of M. Friedman, A Parting of the Ways. Carnap, Cassirer, and Heidegger, Open Court, 2000, and M. Friedman, Dynamics of Reason, Univ. of Chicago Press, 2001), «La Rivista dei Libri», XV, 3, Marzo 2005, pp. 34-37. h) Dissemination: Critical essays and reviews on different topics of philosophy, science and aesthetics on the blog ( and on different newspapers and magazines (“Orwell”, “Europa”, “IL”, "Internazionale" –, “Prismo”, “Il Tascabile - Treccani” I regularly hold philosophical seminars for teachers and students in Italian high schools. 6. Talks “Demonstrative and Non-Demonstrative Reasoning in Mathematics and Natural Science” (Conference, Univ. Roma, 2005): Ether proofs and the possibility of physics in Kant's Late Thought “La causalità nelle scienze fisiche” (seminar, Univ. Cassino, 15/5/2006): Kant e la meccanica newtoniana. “Logic & Knowledge” (International Conference, Univ. Roma, «La Sapienza», 2010): Is Logic Empirical? Comments on Gillies “Knowledge and Action” (International Conference, Univ. Baia Mare, Romania 2010): Quantum Mechanics and Realistic Ontology: Historical and Critical Remarks “Platonism and the Sciences” (Univ. Roma TRE, 2010): Platonism and the Sciences of Nature from Cohen to Cassirer “Quantum mechanics and Western Philosophy” (PhD Seminar, Sharif University, Tehran 2010: five lectures as visiting professor). “Il libro filosofico: dall’antichità a oggi” (International Conference, Univ. Cassino 2012, May 25-26, 2011, The Book of Nature and the Books of Men. Idea and History of the Book in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy  and Science of Nature “Leibniz e il meccanicismo” (Workshop, Biblioteca Malatesta, Cassino, October 20-21, 2011): Einstein e Weyl sulla teoria relativistica della materia “Human nature: Philosophical and Medical Perspectives from Antiquity to the Present” (International Conference, Roma, «La Sapienza», October 3-5, 2013): Kant and the limit between philosophy and physiology “Phenomenology and Naturalism” (International Conference, Univ. Johannesburg, April 11-13, 2014): Naturalizing Consciousness: metaphysical issues and phenomenological critique “Toward a Science of Consciousness” (International Conference, Univ. Tucson AZ, April 21-26, 2014): The “hard problem” of consciousness in XIXth Century Post-Kantian Thought “Yet another 18th century German Philosophy” (International Conference, Univ. Torino, June 5, 2014): Kant’s “Newtonian” Way Out of Metaphysical Controversies “V Multilateral Kant Colloquium” (International Conference, Univ. Complutense Madrid, September 11-13, 2014): Kant’s Über das Organ der Seele and its Legacy “Empirisme et fonction cérébrale à l’age Classique” (Workshop, Univ. Paris Diderot, March 5, 2015): Kantian arguments on the limit between psychology and neurophysiology and their legacy in XIXth Century Germany. “Theories of Matter and Modern Science” (Workshop, Univ. Roma TRE, 4/15/2015): Laws and colours: Kant’s critique of the physiology of mind and its legacy (1855-1875) “La vie et le vivant dans la philosophie moderne” (International Conference, Univ. Libre Bruxelles, 5/5-6/2015): Kant’s second thoughts on vitalism and the limits of physiology “Teorie del tempo dall’Antichità al XXI secolo” (PhD Seminar, Univ. Roma TRE, 5/11/2015), Tempo e permanenza: Kant e la sua eredità nel XX secolo “Nuove prospettive nella storia della scienza” (Workshop, Univ. Cagliari, 5/25/2015): Progresso o moto pendolare? Filosofia della mente contemporanea e storia della scienza moderna “Neo-Kantian Perspectives on the Exact Sciences” (International Conference, Univ. Konstanz, 1/22-24/2016): Neo-Kantianism and "Copenhagen" Quantum Mechanics: An 'Elective Affinity'? “Scienza e senso comune” (PhD Seminar, Univ. Roma TRE, 2/23/2016; 3/2/2016): La coscienza tra filosofia della mente e neuroscienze: origini e sviluppi del problema “Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777)” (Univ. Torino, 17-18/3/2016): Lambert, Kant e la solidità della materia: questioni fisiche e metodologiche “Il libro della natura. Scienze cognitive” (Univ. Roma TRE, 7/4/2016): Il problema “difficile” della coscienza: dalla Prussia del XIX secolo alle scienze cognitive “Il futuro prossimo della neuroetica e della filosofia delle neuroscienze” (Cassino, Sala degli Abati, 4/16/2016): Scienza e mitologia della coscienza “The Emotional and the Rational Brain. Frontiers in Neuroethics Meetings on Neuroscience and Society, VIII Edition” (Padua, 18/5/2016): The “old” and the “new” hard problem of consciousness “Seminario sulla Analitica dei Principi della Critica della ragion pura di Kant” (PhD Seminar, Univ. Roma TRE, 5/4/2017): Allgemeine Anmerkung zum System der Grundsätze “Seminario sui rapporti tra scienza e filosofia della scienza” (PhD Seminar, Univ. Roma TRE, 26/4/2017): Origini del problema della coscienza “Mind, Brain, and Body. A Neuroethical Perspective”, Meetings on Neuroscience and Society, IX Edition” (Padua, 18/5/2017): What Should We Expect from a Solution to the “Hard problem of Consciousness? A Historical Perspective. “I linguaggi della Rivoluzione” (Univ. Cassino, 24/10/2017): Dal simbolismo mitico-religioso al simbolismo mondano. Ernesto de Martino e la Rivoluzione d’Ottobre. Seminar on the History of Animism (Univ. Ghent, Sarton Centre for the History of Science, 24/11/2017): Kant on animism, monadology and virtual presence. “Defining Late Modern Philosophy” (Univ. Liège, 12-13/12/2017): XIXth century philosophy and the limits of natural science. The case of German physiology. Kantianism and physiology. From the organ of the soul to the organization of the mind, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), 2/4/2018. Method and metaphysics from Lambert to Kant, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), 3/4/2018 “Enlightenment vitalism and its futures” (CEU Budapest, May 24 2018): Scientific materialism and Lebenskraft. Some provocative post-Kantian scenarios HOPOS 2018 (Groningen, 9-12/7/2018): Kantianism and «organisation of the mind». A neglected aspect of Kant’s legacy in 19th century physiology of mind HOPOS 2018 (Groningen, 9-12/7/2018): «Stahl was often closer to the truth»: Kant on animism, monadology and hylozoism 7. Organized conferences 2011: Organizer (with L. Del Corso) of the International conference: “The Book of Philosophy: from Antiquity to the Present” at the University of Cassino, on May 25-26, 2011. The proceedings of the conference appeared as a monographic issue of "Quaestio. Yearbook for the history of metaphysics" (Brepols-Pagina 2012). 2013: Organizer (with N. Allocca and R. Chiaradonna) of the International conference “Human Nature. Philosophical and Medical Perspectives from Antiquity to the Present” in Rome (University “La Sapienza”) on October 3-5, 2013. 2014: Co-organization of the International Scientific Conference of Neuroethics and Ist Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroethics – SINE: “Uno sguardo da quale mente? La prospettiva neuroetica". 2015: Co-organization (with A. Clericuzio) of the International workshop on “Theories of Matter and Modern Science” at the university of Roma TRE. 2017: Co-organization (with M. Morganti and M. De Caro) of the International workshop “The Self and Free will”, June 20, University of Roma TRE (with B. Longuenesse, A. Mele). 2018/19: Co-organization (with A. Clericuzio and C.T. Wolfe) of the International conference “Mechanism, Life, Mind (1600-1900)”, University of Roma TRE, 16-18 April 2019  8. Memberships/peer reviews: 2004 – “Società italiana di Studi kantiani” 2013 – “Italian Society of Neuroethics and Philosophy of Neurosciences” (SINE) 2018 – HOPOS Peer reviews for the following journals: “Paradigmi”, “History and Philosophy of Life Sciences”, “British Journal for the History of Philosophy”, “Rivista di storia della filosofia”