👋 Welcome!

This is my personal site where I note down my thoughts. Enjoy!

Accessibility overlays

I signed the Accessibility Overlay Fact Sheet a couple of years ago.

I am happy to report that my employer has recently put out the following statement on accessibility overlays:

The legal accessibility requirements in the EU are underpinned by technical criteria specified in the harmonised European standard EN 301 549 v3.2.1. Accessibility are tools that can be added to websites with the aim of improving accessibility. Overlays, or any other tools which do not ensure the website itself meets the detailed criteria of the standard, are not an appropriate solution. It is best to fix accessibility issues at their source.

Another good practice is to provide feedback on accessibility issues to those developing or maintaining digital tools, to ensure that those responsible learn about digital accessibility and avoid future problems. To ensure that websites are genuinely accessible, it is important to always involve persons with disabilities in testing.

Well done!



In the spirit of the Indie Web, I've decided to document my home brew php script that generates this site.

Let a hundred blogging tools bloom; let a hundred schools of thought blog.

-- With apologies to Mao Zedong

It's quite a powerful little script. In under 500 lines of actual code it provides:

  • Blog posts
  • Pages
  • Content written in Markown
  • Front Matter support
  • Tagging
  • Post collections
  • Themes
  • Menus
  • Shortcodes
  • Drafts
  • Powerful templating
  • Simple YAML based site configuration

Maybe it can be useful to others. Let me know if you use it.


To blog or not

I came across these thoughts on blogging:

It’s cool to maintain a blog, even it’s only from the technical perspective. The feeling of complete ownership over something is really fulfilling, even if it’s just some bytes on a remote server in this ethereal world.

You can say whatever the heck you want. It’s your blog, you don’t need to follow any rules. I just cursed and you can’t do nothing about it, because this is my blog and I do what I want. This will give you a sense of freedom that’s really cool imho.

The first point is why I ended up with my own custom script to generate this site after using "self-hosted" as well "as a service" Wordpress and then eleventy. It's very satisfying.

The second point is a modified version of the original thought because, like, I can. Whilst I have no problem if others do, I don't swear on this blog!

Thanks to FlamedFury for the link.
