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Curriculum Vitae

Rice University, Anthropology & Earth Science, Adjunct
Curriculum Vitae November 10, 2014 August Gerald Costa 22807 Radrick Ln. Katy, TX 77450 Rice University Keith-Wiess Geology Labs, 104 (832) 437-6291(home) 713-348-6826 (office) (281) 202-8806 (cell) Email:, Education: Ph.D. Department of Anthropology (Paleoanthropology, Geosciences), Indiana University Bloomington (May, 2012) Thesis - A Pleistocene Passage to India: the Paleoanthropology of Early Human Settlement in Coastal Western India M.A. Department of Anthropology (Paleoanthropology, Geosciences), Indiana University Bloomington (December, 2008) B.Sc. Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute, Mercyhurst College Erie, Pennsylvania (2004) Pedagogy for Anthropologists, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University (2006) Indiana University Geologic Field School: G429e Field Geology in the Rocky Mountains (Environmental Option), (June-August 2009). First Class Pass, Limpopo River Valley Paleoarchaeology Field School. University of Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Dr. Kathy Kuman PI. (July-August 2004). Buckaloons Prehistoric Archaeological Field School, Irvine Flats, Warren County, PA. Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute. Dr. James Adovasio PI. (June-July 2002). Cliffside Lithic Technology Workshop with Dr. Errett Callahan, Lynchburg, VA. (June 14-20, 2008). Basic and Intermediate Italian. Societa Dante Alighieri, Siena, Italy (Summer 2001 & 2003). Peer Reviewed Publications: Vrba, E., F. Bibi, and A. G. Costa, (2014 Accepted) First Asian record of a late Pleistocene reduncine (artiodactyla, bovidae, reduncini), Sivacobus sankaliai, gen. et sp. nov. from Gopnath (Miliolite Formation) Gujarat, India and a revision of the Siwalik genus Sivacobus, Pilgrim, 1939. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Costa, A. G. (Forthcoming) First Late Pleistocene fossil fauna from the dry coastal zone of tropical southwestern Asia: Implications for early human dispersals along inundated coastal corridors. Costa, A.G. 2013. Were there Indian Neanderthals? On the probable affinities of the South Asian Middle to Late Pleistocene paleodeme. Indian Journal of Physical Anthropology and Human Genetics 32(1): 13-18. Costa, A.G. 2012. Were there stone-tipped armatures in the South Asian Middle Paleolithic? Quaternary International, DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2011.01.044, 269, 22-30. Costa, A.G., Ajithprasad, P. and B. Sharma, 2011. Tracking Early Humans in coastal western India: the Gujarat Palaeoanthropology Project. Antiquity 85 (327). Costa, A.G. 2010. A geometric morphometric assessment of plan shape in bone and stone Acheulean bifaces from the Middle Pleistocene site of Castel di Guido, Latium, Italy. In Lycett, S.J. & Chauhan, P.R. (Eds.) New Perspectives on Old Stones: Analytical Approaches to Palaeolithic Technologies. Springer Press, New York. pp.23-41. Honors and Grants: Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship (Institute of International Education). “Uncovering the First South Asians: The Prehistoric Colonization of Coastal Western India.” (2009-10). National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant: “Uncovering the First South Asians: The Prehistoric Colonization of Coastal Western India.” (amount $12,581 Grant No: BCS-0932235, 2009). L.S.B. Leakey Foundation General Grant. In support of doctoral dissertation research project. Establishing Evidence of Modernity: The Paleolithic of Coastal Western India. (2008) Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Society, Grant in Aid of Research. In support of doctoral dissertation research (2008) Pass with Distinction. Doctoral Qualifying Exams, Department of Anthropology Indiana University (November 2008) Scholarship Recipient. Cliffside Workshop on Lithic Technology with Dr. Errett Callahan. June 14-20, 2008. Lynchburg, VA. Skomp Pre-Doctoral Dissertation Travel Award, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University (2008) David Bidney Graduate Paper Prize Recipient, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University (2007 & 2006) 2006-2007 Graduate Fellowship, Stone Age Institute, Gosport, IN 2004: cum laude, B.Sc., liberal arts, Mercyhurst College. 2000-2004 Presidential Grant. Mercyhurst College. Areas of Special Interest: Archaeology and Earth Science Education, Geoarchaeology and Quaternary Geology, Human Evolution and Prehistory, Paleolithic archaeology, Vertebrate paleontology, flintknapping, perishable and bone technologies, taphonomy, provenance studies, hominid dispersals, modern human origins, ape nesting behavior, hominin trace fossils, geometric morphometrics, computer applications in archaeology, India, Italy, Spain, Africa, Texas. Present Positions: Adjunct Assistant Professor, Rice University Department of Earth Science (July 2014-Present) Adjunct Lecturer, Rice University Department of Anthropology (October 2013-Present). Geoarchaeologist at HRA Gray and Pape, LLC (May 2013-Present) Owner/Manager – The Flintstone Factory. Archaeology Education Services (July 2013-Present) Boy Scout (BSA) Instructor: Indian Lore and Archaeology Merit Badges, Houston Museum of Natural Science (2012-Present) Volunteer Docent, Paleontology and Anthropology Divisions: Houston Museum of Natural Science (2012-Present) Former Positions: MARGINS Education and Outreach Coordinator, Rice University Department of Earth Science (September 2013-Jan 2015) GeoPRISMS Science Coordinator, Rice University Department of Earth Science (August 2012-September 2013) Senior Field Technician HRA Gray and Pape, LLC (May-Dec 2012) Research Affiliate, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. Vadodara, India (2009-2012). Analytical Geochemistry Lab Assistant, Department of Geosciences, Indiana University (September 2008-April 2009) Dr. Erika Elswick supervisor Crew Chief, Glenn Black Lab of Archaeology, Indiana University. Bradford Woods Phase I Archaeological Survey (August-September 2008). Graduate Research Assistant, Dr. Jeanne Sept, Indiana University (Fall 2007) Graduate Research Assistant, Stone Age Institute (June 2005-August 2006) Assistant Editor: Editorial, Graphics and Production Lab. Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute (November 2004 – June 2005) Lab Assistant, Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute, (May-June 2002) Volunteer Lab assistant, Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute, Lithics Lab. (2001-2004) Volunteer Lab assistant, Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute, Textiles Lab. (September-December 2003) Volunteer Lab assistant. Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute. Processing Lab (May-June 2002) Teaching Experience: I’ve provided more than 35 flintknapping demonstrations and primitive technology workshops at universities, museums and special events for more than ten years (since 2005). 2015 Lecturer. Paleontology: Written in Stone FWIS166. Rice University Spring Semester 2014 Adjunct Lecturer. Geoarchaeology ANTH/ESCI 330. Rice University Fall Semester 2013 Instructor. Reinventing Stone Age Tools. Adult Education Course. Houston Museum of Natural Science. (Dec, 4 2013, March 29, 2014, Oct 11, 2014, Dec 4, 2014) 2010 Guest Lecturer. M.S. University of Baroda Department of Archaeology and Ancient History. Workshop on replicating stone tools for the archaeologist. 2008 Grader, Online Course. A105: Human Origins and Prehistory. Department of Independent Studies, Indiana University (January 2007-December 2008) 2008 Lecturer/Instructor A105: Human Origins and Prehistory, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University Summer 2008 2008 Lecturer/Instructor A105: Human Origins and Prehistory, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University Spring 2008 2007 Assistant Instructor G105: Earth Our Habitable Planet, Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University Spring 2007 (Lecturer Dr. Jurgen Scheiber) 2006 Assistant Instructor A105: Human Origins and Prehistory, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University Fall 2006 (Lecturer Dr. Jeanne Sept) Teaching assistant, Paleoanthropology I and II. Mercyhurst College. Dr. Dennis C. Dirkmaat and Dr. James Adovasio, Professors. Teaching assistant, Physical Geology. Mercyhurst College. Dr. David Hock, Professor. 2004 Tutor in Geography and Paleoanthropology. Mercyhurst College (2002-2004). Course/Teaching Materials Development: 2015 “Experiments in Archaeological Science: Arrowhead Crash testing” Two week module for Introduction to Archaeoogical Science course at Rice University (Spring 2015). Applies “Mythbuster” scientific method to the problem of impact damage. Students use a calibrated crossbow to test hypotheses of arrowhead use. 2013 MARGINS mini lesson development coordinator. Project Title: Collaborative Research: Bringing NSF MARGINS/GeoPRISMS Continental Margins Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum. This project brought together educators and researchers from multiple institutions to apply recent data and resources from the NSF funded GeoPRISMS-MARGINS program to teach undergraduate geoscience. 2013 Mini lesson “Understanding Flaked Stone Tools” developed along with interactive lithic teaching kits for Rice University Archaeology Course (with Jeffrey Fleisher). 2012 Developed Artifact replicas and a Flintknapping Touchcart – for the HMNS docent guild and the visiting Lascaux Cave Art exhibit. Houston Museum of Natural Science. 2012 Created a lithic reference collection for Indiana University Department of Anthropology Papers and Lectures Presented: 2014 A Pleistocene passage to India. Brown Bag Lecture Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University (Jan 27). 2012 Flintknapping 101: Docent workshop on basic flintknapping techniques at the Houston Museum of Natural Science (November 17). 2012 A Pleistocene passage to India: the paleoanthropology of early human settlement in coastal western India. Docent Lecture at the Houston Museum of Natural Science (Sept 20). 2010 Rediscovering Morton Mound 11: A Red Ochre cemetery from the Central Illinois River Valley. Paper presented at the Oct 2010 Midwest Archaeology Conference, Bloomington, IN. 2010. A Stone Age Passage to India: Tracking Early Humans in Coastal Gujarat. USIEF Fulbright Conference in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. 2007 The Oldowan: A Traditionally African Phenomenon. Paper presented at the Indiana University AGSA: Anthropology Graduate Student Association Symposium on Traditions. Posters Presented: 2013 New perishable cord and textile traces from Shikarpur, a Harappan site in Kutch, western India. Society of American Archaeology, 2013 Meeting Honolulu, Hawaii 2013 First Late Pleistocene fossil fauna from the dry coastal zone of tropical southwestern Asia: Implications for early human dispersals along inundated coastal corridors. Paleoanthropology Society Annual Conference Honolulu, Hawaii. 2011 A techno-typological reassessment of an alleged Upper Paleolithic assemblage from Visadi (northwestern India). Paleoanthropology Society Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. Book Reviews: 2009 Thinking Outside the Cradle. Review of Dennell, R. 2009, The Palaeolithic Settlement of Asia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Paleoanthropology 2009:179-181. Co-authored Archaeological Reports: 2013 Cultural Resources Survey for 123 Acres Proposed for the Fairway Farms Residential Development and National Register Eligibility for Site 41HR1140 in Harris County, Texas. HRA Gray and Pape, LLC (#830). Prepared for Berg-Oliver Associates Inc., Jim Hughley, principal investigator 2013 Archaeological and metal detector survey for the texas parks and wildlife department San Jacinto Battleground prairie restoration project Harris County, Texas. HRA Gray and Pape, LLC (#820) Prepared for Texas Parks and Wildlife by Tony Scott, Jim Hughley, principal investigator Edited, Formatted and Illustrated Archaeological Reports: 2005 Thomas, J.E., Vento, F.J. and J.M. Campbell, Historic Archaeological Investigations of the Dorn site (41CV1021), Fort Hood, Texas. (Annual U.S. Govt. Report) 2005 Measel, J.R. and J.E. Thomas, Phase I Archaeological Investigation of the Water Wheel Overlook, Findley Lake, Town of Mina, Chatauqua County, New York (NYSDEC-03PR3603) 2004 Quinn, A. L., Wilk, M. and D.R. Pedler, Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance, Hopwood-Coolspring Sanitary Sewer Project, North Union Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania (BHP ER # 02-2548-053-D). Organized Conferences and Workshops: 2015 Co-Program Chair, Texas Archaeological Society Annual Meeting Oct 23-25, 2015 (Houston, TX) 2014 Organizing Committee International Archaeology Day (Oct 18, 2014-2015) Houston Museum of Natural Science. Public outreach event. 2013 GeoPRISMS workshop for the New Zealand Primary Site. Wellington, NZ, April 15-17 2013 Four Mini-workshops and the GeoPRISMS Townhall meeting at the American Geophysical Union Annual Conference (Dec) 2012 GeoPRISMS workshop for the East African Rift System. Morristown, NJ Oct 25-27 2012 Three Mini-workshops and a Townhall meeting at the American Geophysical Union Annual Conference (Dec) Special Training and Skills: Scientific conference/workshop planning, organizing. Geochemisty Training: Eltra Total Carbon and Sulfur analysis, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS), IC Ion chemical analysis, X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) sample preparation (2008-2009). Petrographic thin-section preparation. Geological Sciences, Indiana University (2006) Website Development, STEPS Certificate - IT Training, Indiana University. Adobe Dreamweaver CS, Fireworks CS. UITS Indiana University (2008) Website Management - Joomla Content Management System Archaeological Report Preparation (Editorial skills) Proficiency with Corel Draw 11-12, Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Flash CS, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine, SPSS Proficiency with Geometric morphometric applications such as PAST and tpsRelWarp Field Based Work: 2013 Geoarchaeologist: Phase I Archaeological Survey – Deep Trenching, Sienna Planation, (#880) Dewalt, Ft. Bend County, Texas. HRA Gray and Pape, LLC. Jim Hughley, principal investigator 2013 Geoarchaeologist: Phase I, II & III Archaeological Investigations, Fairway Farms Development (#830), Harris County, Texas. HRA Gray and Pape, LLC. Jim Hughley, principal investigator 2013 Geoarchaeologist: Phase I Archaeological Survey (#820), San Jacinto Battleground State Park, Harris County, Texas . HRA Gray and Pape, LLC. Jim Hughley, principal investigator 2012 Senior Field Technician: Phase I Archaeological Survey, Aldine, Harris County, Texas. HRA Gray and Pape, LLC. Jim Hughley, principal investigator (2012) 2012 Senior Field Technician: Phase I Archaeological Survey, Lake Jackson, Brazoria County, Texas. HRA Gray and Pape, LLC. Jim Hughley, principal investigator (2012) 2012 Senior Field Technician: Phase I Archaeological Survey, Cloverview, Harris County, Texas. HRA Gray and Pape, LLC. Jim Hughley, principal investigator (2012) 2012 Senior Field Technician: Phase I Archaeological Survey, San Patricio County, Texas. HRA Gray and Pape, LLC. Jim Hughley, principal investigator (2012) 2010 Field technician. Paleontological Investigations in the Permian Red Beds, Seymour Texas. Dr. Bob Bakker, principal investigator. Houston Museum of Natural Science. 2010 Principal investigator: Paleoarchaeological fieldwork in Gujarat, Western India. 2008 Field Assistant: pedological core sampling of terra rossa soils, Westley Chapel, Orange County, IN (August) 2008 GIS analysis of stream knickpoints. Griffy Lake Preserve, Bloomington, IN (Project: Geological Applications of GIS course, Indiana University) 2007 Co-PI. Archaeological reconnaissance in the Thar Desert Rajasthan, India. (July) 2004 Honors Thesis Research. Devonian Echinocarid Crustaceans of the Chagrin Formation of northeast Ohio. (Field collection and lab preparation of Paleozoic fossil invertebrates) 2004 Field Assistant: Paleontological investigations into the Pennsylvanian vertebrate fauna at Linton Coal Mine, Jefferson County, Ohio (Field collection and lab extraction of fossils) 2003 Turtle Hill excavations. Fairfax County, Virginia. Mike Johnson & Laura K. James principle investigators (August) 2003 Assistant Field Director. Paleoarchaeological excavations at Venta Micena. Orce, Spain. Earthwatch Expeditions: Early Man in Spain (June-August) 2002 Phase I Archaeological Survey, Ashbury Woods. Erie, Pennsylvania. Dr. James Adovasio, principal investigator. (September) 2002 Phase I Archaeological Survey, Tionesta, Pennsylvania. Dr. James Adovasio, principal investigator. (September) 2002 Excavation Co-Director: Paleontological excavations at the Late Pliocene site of Fuente Nueva 1, Orce, Spain. Earthwatch Expeditions: Early Man in Spain (July-August) 2002 Field Assistant: Magnetostratigraphic and Biostratigraphic sampling, Venta Micena, Fuente Nueva 1, Cortijo Angel and Cueva Victoria. Orce, Spain. Earthwatch Expeditions: Early Man in Spain (July-August) 2001 Field Technician: Phase I Archaeological Survey. Presque Isle Drive-In. Erie, Pennsylvania. Dr. James Adovasio, principal investigator. (November-December) 2001 Forensic Recovery of Human Remains. Butler County, Pennsylvania. 02-1 PSP Case No. DI-1033586, Dr. Dennis C. Dirkmaat, principal investigator (November) 2001 Field Assistant: Phase I Archaeological Survey. Presque Isle, Erie, Pennsylvania. Dr. James Adovasio, principal investigator. (April) 2000 Meadowcroft Rockshelter (36WH297) clean up and conservation (annually 2000-2004) Lab Based Research: 2011 Preparation and analysis of Late Pleistocene fossil vertebrate fauna from Gujarat, India. University of Baroda, India. 2010 Analysis of Paleolithic stone tool collections at the University of Baroda, Vadodara and Deccan College, Pune – India. 2008 Lab assistant: geochemical analyses of archaeological paleosols from Gona, Ethiopia, Ain Hanech, Algeria and Morphi, Greece (August-December) 2008 Analysis and Inventory of Human Remains from Morton F11- Early Woodland mortuary site (Fulton Co, Illinois) Human Osteology Lab, Indiana University, supervisor Dr. Della Cook 2007 Geometric morphometric analysis of Acheulean stone and bone bifaces from Castel di Guido, Italy 2007 Analysis of Paleolithic stone tool assemblages from the Narmada Valley, India. Research carried out at Punjab University. (July-August) 2007 Research on the taphonomy of hominin footprints and geometric morphometric analysis of 2D footprint morphology (April) 2005 Experimental Replication and Analysis of Flaked Bone Tools. William Adams Zooarchaeology Lab, Department of Anthropology Indiana University. 2003 Experimental replicative and use wear studies of Early Paleolithic tools. Orce, Spain. (June-August) Societies and Organizations: Register of Professional Archaeologists Society of American Archaeology American Association of Physical Anthropologists Paleoanthropology Society Society of Primitive Technology Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies Asian-Australasian Association of Paleoanthropology Houston Gem and Mineral Society Houston Archaeological Society References: Parth Chauhan Professor Indian Institute of Technology, Mohali TEL: (551) 358-0126 Jeanne Sept Professor, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University TEL: (812) 855-5395 Kevin Hunt Director HOPE Lab, Professor, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University TEL: (812) 855-3857 Lisa Pratt Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University TEL: (812) 855-9203 James Adovasio Director, Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute, Mercyhurst University TEL: (814) 824-2545 Juli Morgan Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Rice University TEL: (713) 348-6330 Jim Hughey Regional Manager, HRA Gray and Pape, LLC. (Houston, TX) TEL: (713) 542-0943 Linda Gorski President, Houston Archaeological Society TEL: (713) 557-1496 Jeffrey Fleisher Professor, Department of Anthropology, Rice University TEL: (713) 348-3482