Transcranial volumetric imaging using a conformal ultrasound patch. Nature. 2024 May; 629(8013):810-818.
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Caveat Emptor: Vasopressor Choice and Postoperative Delirium-A Complex Relationship Explored. Anesthesiology. 2024 Apr 01; 140(4):642-645.
Gaskell AL, Campbell D, Lam AM. PMID: 38470117.
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Macroglossia following intracranial injury. Can J Anaesth. 2020 09; 67(9):1300-1301.
Juan I, Nova A, Lemkuil B, Lam A, LaBuzetta JN. PMID: 32319027.
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A Case Report of Thalamic Infarction after Lumbar Drain: A Unique Cause of Perioperative Stroke? Case Rep Anesthesiol. 2019; 2019:8764706.
Kianpour DN, Nguyen TM, Lam AM. PMID: 31281676; PMCID: PMC6590593.
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Emergency Neurological Life Support: Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Neurocrit Care. 2017 Sep; 27(Suppl 1):89-101.
Claude Hemphill J, Lam A. PMID: 28913708.
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Perioperative Vision Loss in Cervical Spinal Surgery. Global Spine J. 2017 Apr; 7(1 Suppl):91S-95S.
Gabel BC, Lam A, Chapman JR, Oskouian RJ, Nassr A, Currier BL, Sebastian AS, Arnold PM, Hamilton SR, Fehlings MG, Mroz TE, Riew KD. PMID: 28451500; PMCID: PMC5400199.
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"Wave" of the Future in Neuroanesthesiology Too! Anesth Analg. 2017 01; 124(1):371.
Schmidt BE, Lam AM. PMID: 27984312.
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Venous air embolus during prone cervical spine fusion: case report. J Neurosurg Spine. 2016 12; 25(6):681-684.
Cruz AS, Moisi M, Page J, Tubbs RS, Paulson D, Zwillman M, Oskouian R, Lam A, Newell DW. PMID: 27448172.
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Monitoring for carotid endarterectomy: more or less? Anesth Analg. 2015 Jun; 120(6):1186-8.
Lam AM, Kianpour D. PMID: 25988628.
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Randomized pilot trial of intensive management of blood pressure or volume expansion in subarachnoid hemorrhage (IMPROVES). Neurosurgery. 2015 Feb; 76(2):125-34; discussion 134-5; quiz 135.
Togashi K, Joffe AM, Sekhar L, Kim L, Lam A, Yanez D, Broeckel-Elrod JA, Moore A, Deem S, Khandelwal N, Souter MJ, Treggiari MM. PMID: 25549192.
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Plagiarism by any other name (author)? Anesth Analg. 2014 Sep; 119(3):749.
Lam AM. PMID: 25137008.
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An epidural blood patch causing acute neurologic dysfunction necessitating a decompressive laminectomy. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2014 Jan-Feb; 39(1):78-80.
Mehta SP, Keogh BP, Lam AM. PMID: 24310044.
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Ultrasound-based imaging in neurocritical care patients: a review of clinical applications. Neurol Res. 2013 Mar; 35(2):149-58.
Bilotta F, Dei Giudici L, Lam A, Rosa G. PMID: 23452577.
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Blood pressure and adverse perioperative neurologic outcomes: an uncomfortable position. Anesth Analg. 2012 Jun; 114(6):1156-9.
Lam AM, Baldwin G. PMID: 22615443.
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Clinical experience with transcranial Doppler ultrasonography as a confirmatory test for brain death: a retrospective analysis. Neurocrit Care. 2011 Jun; 14(3):370-6.
Sharma D, Souter MJ, Moore AE, Lam AM. PMID: 20694525.
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Cerebral blood flow and the injured brain: how should we monitor and manipulate it? Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2011 Apr; 24(2):131-7.
Dagal A, Lam AM. PMID: 21386665.
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Current practices of triple-H prophylaxis and therapy in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurocrit Care. 2011 Feb; 14(1):24-36.
Meyer R, Deem S, Yanez ND, Souter M, Lam A, Treggiari MM. PMID: 20838932.
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Adenosine-induced transient asystole for intracranial aneurysm surgery: a retrospective review. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2011 Jan; 23(1):35-40.
Guinn NR, McDonagh DL, Borel CO, Wright DR, Zomorodi AR, Powers CJ, Warner DS, Lam AM, Britz GW. PMID: 20706138.
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Paradoxical emboli secondary to hepatic pathology: common or coincidental? Case Rep Med. 2009; 2009:184192.
Gabikian P, Walker M, Chowdhary AM, Lam AM, Britz GW. PMID: 19997516; PMCID: PMC2786997.
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Cerebral autoregulation and anesthesia. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2009 Oct; 22(5):547-52.
Dagal A, Lam AM. PMID: 19620861.
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Postoperative cognitive dysfunction in the elderly. Anesthesiol Clin. 2009 Sep; 27(3):485-96, table of contents.
Ramaiah R, Lam AM. PMID: 19825488.
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Prolonged propofol anesthesia is not associated with an increase in blood lactate. Anesth Analg. 2009 Oct; 109(4):1105-10.
Rozet I, Tontisirin N, Vavilala MS, Treggiari MM, Lee LA, Lam AM. PMID: 19641048.
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Accuracy of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography and single-photon emission computed tomography in the diagnosis of angiographically demonstrated cerebral vasospasm. J Neurosurg. 2009 Jan; 110(1):67-72.
Kincaid MS, Souter MJ, Treggiari MM, Yanez ND, Moore A, Lam AM. PMID: 18821830.
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Editorial comment. Neuroanesthesia and neurocritical care. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2008 Oct; 21(5):529.
Lam AM. PMID: 18784474.
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Esmolol blunts postoperative hemodynamic changes after propofol-remifentanil total intravenous fast-track neuroanesthesia for intracranial surgery. J Clin Anesth. 2008 Sep; 20(6):426-30.
Bilotta F, Lam AM, Doronzio A, Cuzzone V, Delfini R, Rosa G. PMID: 18929282.
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Effects of anemia and hypotension on porcine optic nerve blood flow and oxygen delivery. Anesthesiology. 2008 May; 108(5):864-72.
Lee LA, Deem S, Glenny RW, Townsend I, Moulding J, An D, Treggiari MM, Lam A. PMID: 18431122.
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Propofol infusion syndrome or probable overinterpretation syndrome? Anesthesiology. 2008 Feb; 108(2):330; author reply 331-2.
Rozet I, Lam AM. PMID: 18212580.
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Hemispheric differences in cerebral autoregulation in children with moderate and severe traumatic brain injury. Neurocrit Care. 2008; 9(1):45-54.
Vavilala MS, Tontisirin N, Udomphorn Y, Armstead W, Zimmerman JJ, Chesnut R, Lam AM. PMID: 18084727.
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Endotracheal lidocaine in preventing endotracheal suctioning-induced changes in cerebral hemodynamics in patients with severe head trauma. Neurocrit Care. 2008; 8(2):241-6.
Bilotta F, Branca G, Lam A, Cuzzone V, Doronzio A, Rosa G. PMID: 17928962.
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Effect of equiosmolar solutions of mannitol versus hypertonic saline on intraoperative brain relaxation and electrolyte balance. Anesthesiology. 2007 Nov; 107(5):697-704.
Rozet I, Tontisirin N, Muangman S, Vavilala MS, Souter MJ, Lee LA, Kincaid MS, Britz GW, Lam AM. PMID: 18073543.
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Subarachnoid lumbar drains: a case series of fractured catheters and a near miss. Can J Anaesth. 2007 Oct; 54(10):829-34.
Olivar H, Bramhall JS, Rozet I, Vavilala MS, Souter MJ, Lee LA, Lam AM. PMID: 17934165.
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Pain and the craniotomy. J Neurosurg. 2007 Jun; 106(6):1136-7; author reply 1137.
Kincaid MS, Lam AM. PMID: 17564193.
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Early childhood gender differences in anterior and posterior cerebral blood flow velocity and autoregulation. Pediatrics. 2007 Mar; 119(3):e610-5.
Tontisirin N, Muangman SL, Suz P, Pihoker C, Fisk D, Moore A, Lam AM, Vavilala MS. PMID: 17283178.
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Neurointensive care; impaired cerebral autoregulation in infants and young children early after inflicted traumatic brain injury: a preliminary report. J Neurotrauma. 2007 Jan; 24(1):87-96.
Vavilala MS, Muangman S, Waitayawinyu P, Roscigno C, Jaffe K, Mitchell P, Kirkness C, Zimmerman JJ, Ellenbogen R, Lam AM. PMID: 17263672.
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Dexmedetomidine sedation during awake craniotomy for seizure resection: effects on electrocorticography. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2007 Jan; 19(1):38-44.
Souter MJ, Rozet I, Ojemann JG, Souter KJ, Holmes MD, Lee L, Lam AM. PMID: 17198099.
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Clinical experience with dexmedetomidine for implantation of deep brain stimulators in Parkinson's disease. Anesth Analg. 2006 Nov; 103(5):1224-8.
Rozet I, Muangman S, Vavilala MS, Lee LA, Souter MJ, Domino KJ, Slimp JC, Goodkin R, Lam AM. PMID: 17056959.
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The incidence and risk factors for hypotension during emergent decompressive craniotomy in children with traumatic brain injury. Anesth Analg. 2006 Oct; 103(4):869-75.
Miller P, Mack CD, Sammer M, Rozet I, Lee LA, Muangman S, Wang M, Hollingworth W, Lam AM, Vavilala MS. PMID: 17000796.
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Impact of basilar artery vasospasm on outcome in patients with severe cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Stroke. 2006 Nov; 37(11):2738-43.
Sviri GE, Newell DW, Lewis DH, Douville C, Ghodke B, Chowdhary M, Lam AM, Haynor D, Zaaroor M, Britz GW. PMID: 17008630.
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Cerebral hyperemia and impaired cerebral autoregulation associated with diabetic ketoacidosis in critically ill children. Crit Care Med. 2006 Aug; 34(8):2217-23.
Roberts JS, Vavilala MS, Schenkman KA, Shaw D, Martin LD, Lam AM. PMID: 16763506.
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Transcranial Doppler grading criteria for basilar artery vasospasm. Neurosurgery. 2006 Aug; 59(2):360-6; discussion 360-6.
Sviri GE, Ghodke B, Britz GW, Douville CM, Haynor DR, Mesiwala AH, Lam AM, Newell DW. PMID: 16883176.
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A perfect storm. N Engl J Med. 2006 Mar 02; 354(9):977-8; author reply 977-8.
Lam AM. PMID: 16510757.
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Dynamic perfusion computerized tomography in cerebral vasospasm following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a comparison with technetium-99m-labeled ethyl cysteinate dimer-single-photon emission computerized tomography. J Neurosurg. 2006 Mar; 104(3):404-10.
Sviri GE, Mesiwala AH, Lewis DH, Britz GW, Nemecek A, Newell DW, Lam A, Cohen W. PMID: 16572653.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Cerebral autoregulation and CO2 reactivity in anterior and posterior cerebral circulation during sevoflurane anesthesia. Anesth Analg. 2006 Feb; 102(2):560-4.
Rozet I, Vavilala MS, Lindley AM, Visco E, Treggiari M, Lam AM. PMID: 16428561.
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Clinical features of fever associated with poor outcome in severe pediatric traumatic brain injury. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2006 Jan; 18(1):5-10.
Suz P, Vavilala MS, Souter M, Muangman S, Lam AM. PMID: 16369134.
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Intraoperative jugular bulb desaturation during acute aneurysmal rupture. Can J Anaesth. 2006 Jan; 53(1):97-100.
Rozet I, Newell DW, Lam AM. PMID: 16371617.
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Core curriculum and competencies for advanced training in neurological intensive care: United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties guidelines. Neurocrit Care. 2006; 5(2):159-65.
Mayer SA, Coplin WM, Chang C, Suarez J, Gress D, Diringer MN, Frank J, Hemphill JC, Sung G, Smith W, Manno EM, Kofke A, Lam A, Steiner T, Neurocritical Care Society, American Academy of Neuorology Section on Critical Care and Emergency Neurology, Society of Neurosurgical Anesthesia and Critical care. PMID: 17099263.
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Program requirements for fellowship training in neurological intensive care: United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties guidelines. Neurocrit Care. 2006; 5(2):166-71.
Mayer SA, Coplin WM, Chang C, Suarez J, Gress D, Diringer MN, Frank J, Hemphill JC, Sung G, Smith W, Manno EM, Kofke A, Lam A, Steiner T, Neurocritical Care Society, American Academy of Neuorology Section on Critical Care and Emergency Neurology, Society of Neurosurgical Anesthesia and Critical Care. PMID: 17099264.
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Influence of definition and location of hypotension on outcome following severe pediatric traumatic brain injury. Crit Care Med. 2005 Nov; 33(11):2645-50.
Coates BM, Vavilala MS, Mack CD, Muangman S, Suz P, Sharar SR, Bulger E, Lam AM. PMID: 16276192; PMCID: PMC1361352.
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Gender differences in cerebral blood flow velocity and autoregulation between the anterior and posterior circulations in healthy children. Pediatr Res. 2005 Sep; 58(3):574-8.
Vavilala MS, Kincaid MS, Muangman SL, Suz P, Rozet I, Lam AM. PMID: 16148076; PMCID: PMC1361350.
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The effect of hypocapnia on the autoregulation of cerebral blood flow during administration of isoflurane. Anesth Analg. 2005 May; 100(5):1463-1467.
McCulloch TJ, Boesel TW, Lam AM. PMID: 15845706.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Identification of pressure passive cerebral perfusion and its mediators after infant cardiac surgery. Pediatr Res. 2005 May; 57(5 Pt 1):749; author reply 749.
Vavilala MS, Lam AM. PMID: 15817492.
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Hyperemia and impaired cerebral autoregulation in a surgical patient with diabetic ketoacidosis. Can J Anaesth. 2005 Mar; 52(3):323-6.
Vavilala MS, Souter MJ, Lam AM. PMID: 15753506.
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Blindness in the intensive care unit: possible role for vasopressors? Anesth Analg. 2005 Jan; 100(1):192-195.
Lee LA, Nathens AB, Sires BS, McMurray MK, Lam AM. PMID: 15616077.
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Comparison of endovascular and surface cooling during unruptured cerebral aneurysm repair. Neurosurgery. 2004 Aug; 55(2):307-14; discussion 314-5.
Steinberg GK, Ogilvy CS, Shuer LM, Connolly ES, Solomon RA, Lam A, Kassell NF, Baker CJ, Giannotta SL, Cockroft KM, Bell-Stephens TE, Allgren RL. PMID: 15271236.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Second annual meeting of the Neurocritical Care Society: San Diego, California February 7-8, 2004. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2004 Jul; 16(3):257-8.
Kofke WA, Lam AM. PMID: 15211166.
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CBF reactivity to changes in MAP (cerebral autoregulation) or CO2 (CO2 reactivity) is lost in hypotensive, ventilated, preterm infants. Pediatr Res. 2004 May; 55(5):898; author reply 898-9.
Vavilala MS, Lam AM. PMID: 15100394.
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Cerebral autoregulation in pediatric traumatic brain injury. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2004 May; 5(3):257-63.
Vavilala MS, Lee LA, Boddu K, Visco E, Newell DW, Zimmerman JJ, Lam AM. PMID: 15115564.
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Ophthalmic artery blood flow velocity increases during hypocapnia. Can J Anaesth. 2004 Apr; 51(4):388-92.
Lee LA, Vavilala MS, Lam AM, Douville C, Moore A, Visco E, Newell DW. PMID: 15064270.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Global cerebral edema and subarachnoid hemorrhage in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2004 Apr; 16(2):164-6.
Rozet I, Vavilala MS, Souter M, Lam AM. PMID: 15021288.
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Blood pressure and outcome after severe pediatric traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2003 Dec; 55(6):1039-44.
Vavilala MS, Bowen A, Lam AM, Uffman JC, Powell J, Winn HR, Rivara FP. PMID: 14676648.
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The lower limit of cerebral autoregulation in children during sevoflurane anesthesia. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2003 Oct; 15(4):307-12.
Vavilala MS, Lee LA, Lam AM. PMID: 14508171.
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SNACC should develop neuroanesthesia practice guidelines: the specialty needs it, the patient deserves it, and the third party will soon demand it. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2003 Oct; 15(4):334-6.
Lam AM. PMID: 14508178.
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Propofol decreases cerebral blood flow velocity in anesthetized children. Can J Anaesth. 2003 May; 50(5):527-8; author reply 528.
Vavilala MS, Lam AM. PMID: 12734174.
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The ISAT trial. Lancet. 2003 Feb 01; 361(9355):431-2; author reply 432.
Britz GW, Newell DW, West GA, Lam A. PMID: 12573405.
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Propofol: relation between brain concentrations, electroencephalogram, middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity, and cerebral oxygen extraction during induction of anesthesia. Anesthesiology. 2002 Dec; 97(6):1363-70.
Ludbrook GL, Visco E, Lam AM. PMID: 12459660.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
The use of transesophageal echocardiography to facilitate removal of a thoracic nail. Anesth Analg. 2002 Sep; 95(3):624-6, table of contents.
Boddu K, Vavilala MS, Stevenson JG, Lam AM. PMID: 12198049.
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Causes of elevated intraocular pressure during prone spine surgery. Anesthesiology. 2002 Sep; 97(3):759; author reply 760.
Lee LA, Lam AM, Roth S. PMID: 12218559.
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Multifactorial etiology of postoperative vision loss. Anesthesiology. 2002 Jun; 96(6):1531-2; author reply 1532-3.
Benumof JL, Mazzei W, Roth S, Barach P, Lam AM, Lee LA. PMID: 12170079.
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Cerebral blood flow and vascular physiology. Anesthesiol Clin North Am. 2002 Jun; 20(2):247-64, v.
Vavilala MS, Lee LA, Lam AM. PMID: 12165993.
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Chronic cocaine exposure alters carbon dioxide reactivity but does not affect cerebral blood flow autoregulation in anesthetized dogs. J Trauma. 2002 May; 52(5):912-21.
Bernards CM, Artru A, Visco E, Powers KM, Lam A. PMID: 11988659.
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Perioperative considerations in pediatric traumatic brain injury. Int Anesthesiol Clin. 2002; 40(3):69-87.
Vavilala MS, Lam AM. PMID: 12055513.
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Perioperative head injury management in the multiply injured trauma patient. Int Anesthesiol Clin. 2002; 40(3):31-52.
Lee LA, Sharar SR, Lam AM. PMID: 12055511.
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