One hundred thirty-four germ line PU.1 variants and the agammaglobulinemic patients carrying them. Blood. 2025 Jan 24.
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Cilia defects upon loss of WDR4 are linked to proteasomal hyperactivity and ubiquitin shortage. Cell Death Dis. 2024 Sep 09; 15(9):660.
Burkhalter MD, Stiff T, Maerz LD, Casar Tena T, Wiese H, Gerhards J, Sailer SA, Vu LAT, Duong Phu M, Donow C, Alupei M, Iben S, Groth M, Wiese S, Church JA, Jeggo PA, Philipp M. PMID: 39251572; PMCID: PMC11384789.
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Neurocognitive Functioning is Impaired in Perinatally HIV-Infected Youth. medRxiv. 2024 Aug 29.
Welikson T, Sarma MK, Keller M, Sayre J, Walot I, Michalik DE, Hayes J, Nielsen-Saines K, Deville J, Kovacs A, Operskalski E, Church JA, Thomas MA, Ventura J. PMID: 39252890; PMCID: PMC11383456.
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Outcomes after right-sided colon surgery in Crohn's disease versus cancer. Tech Coloproctol. 2024 Aug 28; 28(1):116.
Choi B, Church J, Khoshknabi D, Jabi O, Kiran RP. PMID: 39198315.
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Clinical and functional spectrum of RAC2-related immunodeficiency. Blood. 2024 04 11; 143(15):1476-1487.
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Achievement of Target Gain Larger than Unity in an Inertial Fusion Experiment. Phys Rev Lett. 2024 Feb 09; 132(6):065102.
Abu-Shawareb H, Acree R, Adams P, Adams J, Addis B, Aden R, Adrian P, Afeyan BB, Aggleton M, Aghaian L, Aguirre A, Aikens D, Akre J, Albert F, Albrecht M, Albright BJ, Albritton J, Alcala J, Alday C, Alessi DA, Alexander N, Alfonso J, Alfonso N, Alger E, Ali SJ, Ali ZA, Allen A, Alley WE, Amala P, Amendt PA, Amick P, Ammula S, Amorin C, Ampleford DJ, Anderson RW, Anklam T, Antipa N, Appelbe B, Aracne-Ruddle C, Araya E, Archuleta TN, Arend M, Arnold P, Arnold T, Arsenlis A, Asay J, Atherton LJ, Atkinson D, Atkinson R, Auerbach JM, Austin B, Auyang L, Awwal AAS, Aybar N, Ayers J, Ayers S, Ayers T, Azevedo S, Bachmann B, Back CA, Bae J, Bailey DS, Bailey J, Baisden T, Baker KL, Baldis H, Barber D, Barberis M, Barker D, Barnes A, Barnes CW, Barrios MA, Barty C, Bass I, Batha SH, Baxamusa SH, Bazan G, Beagle JK, Beale R, Beck BR, Beck JB, Bedzyk M, Beeler RG, Beeler RG, Behrendt W, Belk L, Bell P, Belyaev M, Benage JF, Bennett G, Benedetti LR, Benedict LX, Berger RL, Bernat T, Bernstein LA, Berry B, Bertolini L, Besenbruch G, Betcher J, Bettenhausen R, Betti R, Bezzerides B, Bhandarkar SD, Bickel R, Biener J, Biesiada T, Bigelow K, Bigelow-Granillo J, Bigman V, Bionta RM, Birge NW, Bitter M, Black AC, Bleile R, Bleuel DL, Bliss E, Bliss E, Blue B, Boehly T, Boehm K, Boley CD, Bonanno R, Bond EJ, Bond T, Bonino MJ, Borden M, Bourgade JL, Bousquet J, Bowers J, Bowers M, Boyd R, Boyle D, Bozek A, Bradley DK, Bradley KS, Bradley PA, Bradley L, Brannon L, Brantley PS, Braun D, Braun T, Brienza-Larsen K, Briggs R, Briggs TM, Britten J, Brooks ED, Browning D, Bruhn MW, Brunner TA, Bruns H, Brunton G, Bryant B, Buczek T, Bude J, Buitano L, Burkhart S, Burmark J, Burnham A, Burr R, Busby LE, Butlin B, Cabeltis R, Cable M, Cabot WH, Cagadas B, Caggiano J, Cahayag R, Caldwell SE, Calkins S, Callahan DA, Calleja-Aguirre J, Camara L, Camp D, Campbell EM, Campbell JH, Carey B, Carey R, Carlisle K, Carlson L, Carman L, Carmichael J, Carpenter A, Carr C, Carrera JA, Casavant D, Casey A, Casey DT, Castillo A, Castillo E, Castor JI, Castro C, Caughey W, Cavitt R, Celeste J, Celliers PM, Cerjan C, Chandler G, Chang B, Chang C, Chang J, Chang L, Chapman R, Chapman TD, Chase L, Chen H, Chen H, Chen K, Chen LY, Cheng B, Chittenden J, Choate C, Chou J, Chrien RE, Chrisp M, Christensen K, Christensen M, Christiansen NS, Christopherson AR, Chung M, Church JA, Clark A, Clark DS, Clark K, Clark R, Claus L, Cline B, Cline JA, Cobble JA, Cochrane K, Cohen B, Cohen S, Collette MR, Collins GW, Collins LA, Collins TJB, Conder A, Conrad B, Conyers M, Cook AW, Cook D, Cook R, Cooley JC, Cooper G, Cope T, Copeland SR, Coppari F, Cortez J, Cox J, Crandall DH, Crane J, Craxton RS, Cray M, Crilly A, Crippen JW, Cross D, Cuneo M, Cuotts G, Czajka CE, Czechowicz D, Daly T, Danforth P, Danly C, Darbee R, Darlington B, Datte P, Dauffy L, Davalos G, Davidovits S, Davis P, Davis J, Dawson S, Day RD, Day TH, Dayton M, Deck C, Decker C, Deeney C, DeFriend KA, Deis G, Delamater ND, Delettrez JA, Demaret R, Demos S, Dempsey SM, Desjardin R, Desjardins T, Desjarlais MP, Dewald EL, DeYoreo J, Diaz S, Dimonte G, Dittrich TR, Divol L, Dixit SN, Dixon J, Do A, Dodd ES, Dolan D, Donovan A, Donovan M, Döppner T, Dorrer C, Dorsano N, Douglas MR, Dow D, Downie J, Downing E, Dozieres M, Draggoo V, Drake D, Drake RP, Drake T, Dreifuerst G, Drury O, DuBois DF, DuBois PF, Dunham G, Durocher M, Dylla-Spears R, Dymoke-Bradshaw AKL, Dzenitis B, Ebbers C, Eckart M, Eddinger S, Eder D, Edgell D, Edwards MJ, Efthimion P, Eggert JH, Ehrlich B, Ehrmann P, Elhadj S, Ellerbee C, Elliott NS, Ellison CL, Elsner F, Emerich M, Engelhorn K, England T, English E, Epperson P, Epstein R, Erbert G, Erickson MA, Erskine DJ, Erlandson A, Espinosa RJ, Estes C, Estabrook KG, Evans S, Fabyan A, Fair J, Fallejo R, Farmer N, Farmer WA, Farrell M, Fatherley VE, Fedorov M, et al. PMID: 38394591.
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Human PIK3R1 mutations disrupt lymphocyte differentiation to cause activated PI3Kδ syndrome 2. J Exp Med. 2023 06 05; 220(6).
Nguyen T, Lau A, Bier J, Cooke KC, Lenthall H, Ruiz-Diaz S, Avery DT, Brigden H, Zahra D, Sewell WA, Droney L, Okada S, Asano T, Abolhassani H, Chavoshzadeh Z, Abraham RS, Rajapakse N, Klee EW, Church JA, Williams A, Wong M, Burkhart C, Uzel G, Croucher DR, James DE, Ma CS, Brink R, Tangye SG, Deenick EK. PMID: 36943234; PMCID: PMC10037341.
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BT595, a 10% Human Normal Immunoglobulin, for Replacement Therapy of Primary Immunodeficiency Disease: Results of a Subcohort Analysis in Children. J Clin Immunol. 2023 Apr; 43(3):557-567.
Kriván G, Borte M, Soler-Palacin P, Church JA, Csurke I, Harris JB, Lieberman JA, Melamed IR, Moy JN, Simon R, Aigner S, Lentze S, Staiger C. PMID: 36383294; PMCID: PMC9958146.
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Detrimental NFKB1 missense variants affecting the Rel-homology domain of p105/p50. Front Immunol. 2022; 13:965326.
Fliegauf M, Kinnunen M, Posadas-Cantera S, Camacho-Ordonez N, Abolhassani H, Alsina L, Atschekzei F, Bogaert DJ, Burns SO, Church JA, Dückers G, Freeman AF, Hammarström L, Hanitsch LG, Kerre T, Kobbe R, Sharapova SO, Siepermann K, Speckmann C, Steiner S, Verma N, Walter JE, Westermann-Clark E, Goldacker S, Warnatz K, Varjosalo M, Grimbacher B. PMID: 36105815; PMCID: PMC9465457.
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Lawson Criterion for Ignition Exceeded in an Inertial Fusion Experiment. Phys Rev Lett. 2022 Aug 12; 129(7):075001.
Abu-Shawareb H, Acree R, Adams P, Adams J, Addis B, Aden R, Adrian P, Afeyan BB, Aggleton M, Aghaian L, Aguirre A, Aikens D, Akre J, Albert F, Albrecht M, Albright BJ, Albritton J, Alcala J, Alday C, Alessi DA, Alexander N, Alfonso J, Alfonso N, Alger E, Ali SJ, Ali ZA, Alley WE, Amala P, Amendt PA, Amick P, Ammula S, Amorin C, Ampleford DJ, Anderson RW, Anklam T, Antipa N, Appelbe B, Aracne-Ruddle C, Araya E, Arend M, Arnold P, Arnold T, Asay J, Atherton LJ, Atkinson D, Atkinson R, Auerbach JM, Austin B, Auyang L, Awwal AS, Ayers J, Ayers S, Ayers T, Azevedo S, Bachmann B, Back CA, Bae J, Bailey DS, Bailey J, Baisden T, Baker KL, Baldis H, Barber D, Barberis M, Barker D, Barnes A, Barnes CW, Barrios MA, Barty C, Bass I, Batha SH, Baxamusa SH, Bazan G, Beagle JK, Beale R, Beck BR, Beck JB, Bedzyk M, Beeler RG, Beeler RG, Behrendt W, Belk L, Bell P, Belyaev M, Benage JF, Bennett G, Benedetti LR, Benedict LX, Berger R, Bernat T, Bernstein LA, Berry B, Bertolini L, Besenbruch G, Betcher J, Bettenhausen R, Betti R, Bezzerides B, Bhandarkar SD, Bickel R, Biener J, Biesiada T, Bigelow K, Bigelow-Granillo J, Bigman V, Bionta RM, Birge NW, Bitter M, Black AC, Bleile R, Bleuel DL, Bliss E, Bliss E, Blue B, Boehly T, Boehm K, Boley CD, Bonanno R, Bond EJ, Bond T, Bonino MJ, Borden M, Bourgade JL, Bousquet J, Bowers J, Bowers M, Boyd R, Bozek A, Bradley DK, Bradley KS, Bradley PA, Bradley L, Brannon L, Brantley PS, Braun D, Braun T, Brienza-Larsen K, Briggs TM, Britten J, Brooks ED, Browning D, Bruhn MW, Brunner TA, Bruns H, Brunton G, Bryant B, Buczek T, Bude J, Buitano L, Burkhart S, Burmark J, Burnham A, Burr R, Busby LE, Butlin B, Cabeltis R, Cable M, Cabot WH, Cagadas B, Caggiano J, Cahayag R, Caldwell SE, Calkins S, Callahan DA, Calleja-Aguirre J, Camara L, Camp D, Campbell EM, Campbell JH, Carey B, Carey R, Carlisle K, Carlson L, Carman L, Carmichael J, Carpenter A, Carr C, Carrera JA, Casavant D, Casey A, Casey DT, Castillo A, Castillo E, Castor JI, Castro C, Caughey W, Cavitt R, Celeste J, Celliers PM, Cerjan C, Chandler G, Chang B, Chang C, Chang J, Chang L, Chapman R, Chapman T, Chase L, Chen H, Chen H, Chen K, Chen LY, Cheng B, Chittenden J, Choate C, Chou J, Chrien RE, Chrisp M, Christensen K, Christensen M, Christopherson AR, Chung M, Church JA, Clark A, Clark DS, Clark K, Clark R, Claus L, Cline B, Cline JA, Cobble JA, Cochrane K, Cohen B, Cohen S, Collette MR, Collins G, Collins LA, Collins TJB, Conder A, Conrad B, Conyers M, Cook AW, Cook D, Cook R, Cooley JC, Cooper G, Cope T, Copeland SR, Coppari F, Cortez J, Cox J, Crandall DH, Crane J, Craxton RS, Cray M, Crilly A, Crippen JW, Cross D, Cuneo M, Cuotts G, Czajka CE, Czechowicz D, Daly T, Danforth P, Darbee R, Darlington B, Datte P, Dauffy L, Davalos G, Davidovits S, Davis P, Davis J, Dawson S, Day RD, Day TH, Dayton M, Deck C, Decker C, Deeney C, DeFriend KA, Deis G, Delamater ND, Delettrez JA, Demaret R, Demos S, Dempsey SM, Desjardin R, Desjardins T, Desjarlais MP, Dewald EL, DeYoreo J, Diaz S, Dimonte G, Dittrich TR, Divol L, Dixit SN, Dixon J, Dodd ES, Dolan D, Donovan A, Donovan M, Döppner T, Dorrer C, Dorsano N, Douglas MR, Dow D, Downie J, Downing E, Dozieres M, Draggoo V, Drake D, Drake RP, Drake T, Dreifuerst G, DuBois DF, DuBois PF, Dunham G, Dylla-Spears R, Dymoke-Bradshaw AKL, Dzenitis B, Ebbers C, Eckart M, Eddinger S, Eder D, Edgell D, Edwards MJ, Efthimion P, Eggert JH, Ehrlich B, Ehrmann P, Elhadj S, Ellerbee C, Elliott NS, Ellison CL, Elsner F, Emerich M, Engelhorn K, England T, English E, Epperson P, Epstein R, Erbert G, Erickson MA, Erskine DJ, Erlandson A, Espinosa RJ, Estes C, Estabrook KG, Evans S, Fabyan A, Fair J, Fallejo R, Farmer N, Farmer WA, Farrell M, Fatherley VE, Fedorov M, Feigenbaum E, Feit M, Ferguson W, Fernandez JC, Fernandez-Panella A, Fess S, Field JE, Filip CV, Fincke JR, Finn T, Finnegan SM, Finucane RG, Fischer M, Fisher A, Fisher J, Fishler B, et al. PMID: 36018710.
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Impact of a standardized management guideline for infants with CDH: A single-center experience. J Pediatr Surg. 2023 Mar; 58(3):389-396.
Lichtsinn K, Waltz PK, Azzuqa A, Church J, Graham J, Troutman J, Mahmood B. PMID: 35965150.
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Treatment of STAT3-deficient hyper-immunoglobulin E syndrome with monoclonal antibodies targeting allergic inflammation. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2022 05; 10(5):1367-1370.e1.
James AE, West L, Schloss K, Nataraj P, Urban A, Hirsch A, Krausz M, Kumar S, Raasch J, Risma K, Church JA, Grimbacher B, Bergerson JRE, Chong H, Freeman AF. PMID: 35085810.
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Pre-operative lumbar drain placement: A technique for minimizing ischemic spinal cord injury during neuroblastoma resection. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 07; 57(7):1443-1445.
Fu W, Church J, Garton H, Geiger J, Newman E. PMID: 34903356.
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Undetectable NK Cells due to the FCGR3A Variant, L66H, Which May Not Be Directly Disease-Causing. J Clin Immunol. 2021 11; 41(8):1957-1959.
Izadi N, Sun M, Mace EM, O'Gorman MRG, Church JA. PMID: 34448085; PMCID: PMC9095344.
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NBAS Variants Are Associated with Quantitative and Qualitative NK and B Cell Deficiency. J Clin Immunol. 2021 11; 41(8):1781-1793.
Lenz D, Pahl J, Hauck F, Alameer S, Balasubramanian M, Baric I, Boy N, Church JA, Crushell E, Dick A, Distelmaier F, Gujar J, Indolfi G, Lurz E, Peters B, Schwerd T, Serranti D, Kölker S, Klein C, Hoffmann GF, Prokisch H, Greil J, Cerwenka A, Giese T, Staufner C. PMID: 34386911; PMCID: PMC8604887.
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White matter of perinatally HIV infected older youths shows low frequency fluctuations that may reflect glial cycling. Sci Rep. 2021 02 04; 11(1):3086.
Sarma MK, Pal A, Keller MA, Welikson T, Ventura J, Michalik DE, Nielsen-Saines K, Deville J, Kovacs A, Operskalski E, Church JA, Macey PM, Biswal B, Thomas MA. PMID: 33542389; PMCID: PMC7862588.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Bronchiectasis and Bronchiolectasis With Severe Herniating Pattern Associated With STAT1 Gain-of-Function Mutation: Detailed Clinicopathological Findings. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2021 Mar-Apr; 24(2):131-136.
Takeda MR, Bansal M, Kamerman-Kretzmer RJ, Church J, Ji J, Warren M. PMID: 33439110.
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Exclusive enteral nutrition induced sustained changes in the microbiota and improved inflammatory bowel disease in a pediatric patient with chronic granulomatous disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2021 02; 9(2):1011-1014.e2.
Falcone EL, Han Y, Kreuzburg S, Heller T, Church JA, Grou C, Calderon V, Subramanian P, Deming C, Conlan S, Segre JA, Holland SM, Zerbe CS. PMID: 33338684; PMCID: PMC7875062.
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Multiplexed Functional Assessment of Genetic Variants in CARD11. Am J Hum Genet. 2020 12 03; 107(6):1029-1043.
Meitlis I, Allenspach EJ, Bauman BM, Phan IQ, Dabbah G, Schmitt EG, Camp ND, Torgerson TR, Nickerson DA, Bamshad MJ, Hagin D, Luthers CR, Stinson JR, Gray J, Lundgren I, Church JA, Butte MJ, Jordan MB, Aceves SS, Schwartz DM, Milner JD, Schuval S, Skoda-Smith S, Cooper MA, Starita LM, Rawlings DJ, Snow AL, James RG. PMID: 33202260; PMCID: PMC7820631.
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CADINS in an Adult with Chronic Sinusitis and Atopic Disease. J Clin Immunol. 2021 01; 41(1):256-258.
Izadi N, Bauman BM, Dabbah G, Thauland TJ, Butte MJ, Snow AL, Church JA. PMID: 33057950.
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Diagnostic assay to assist clinical decisions for unclassified severe combined immune deficiency. Blood Adv. 2020 06 23; 4(12):2606-2610.
Bifsha P, Leiding JW, Pai SY, Colamartino ABL, Hartog N, Church JA, Oshrine BR, Puck JM, Markert ML, Haddad E. PMID: 32556280; PMCID: PMC7322955.
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Human SNORA31 variations impair cortical neuron-intrinsic immunity to HSV-1 and underlie herpes simplex encephalitis. Nat Med. 2019 12; 25(12):1873-1884.
Lafaille FG, Harschnitz O, Lee YS, Zhang P, Hasek ML, Kerner G, Itan Y, Ewaleifoh O, Rapaport F, Carlile TM, Carter-Timofte ME, Paquet D, Dobbs K, Zimmer B, Gao D, Rojas-Duran MF, Kwart D, Rattina V, Ciancanelli MJ, McAlpine JL, Lorenzo L, Boucherit S, Rozenberg F, Halwani R, Henry B, Amenzoui N, Alsum Z, Marques L, Church JA, Al-Muhsen S, Tardieu M, Bousfiha AA, Paludan SR, Mogensen TH, Quintana-Murci L, Tessier-Lavigne M, Smith GA, Notarangelo LD, Studer L, Gilbert W, Abel L, Casanova JL, Zhang SY. PMID: 31806906; PMCID: PMC7376819.
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Defining clinical subgroups and genotype-phenotype correlations in NBAS-associated disease across 110 patients. Genet Med. 2020 03; 22(3):610-621.
Staufner C, Peters B, Wagner M, Alameer S, Baric I, Broué P, Bulut D, Church JA, Crushell E, Dalgiç B, Das AM, Dick A, Dikow N, Dionisi-Vici C, Distelmaier F, Bozbulut NE, Feillet F, Gonzales E, Hadzic N, Hauck F, Hegarty R, Hempel M, Herget T, Klein C, Konstantopoulou V, Kopajtich R, Kuster A, Laass MW, Lainka E, Larson-Nath C, Leibner A, Lurz E, Mayr JA, McKiernan P, Mention K, Moog U, Mungan NO, Riedhammer KM, Santer R, Palafoll IV, Vockley J, Westphal DS, Wiedemann A, Wortmann SB, Diwan GD, Russell RB, Prokisch H, Garbade SF, Kölker S, Hoffmann GF, Lenz D. PMID: 31761904.
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Reference intervals for lymphocyte subsets in preterm and term neonates without immune defects. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 12; 144(6):1674-1683.
Amatuni GS, Sciortino S, Currier RJ, Naides SJ, Church JA, Puck JM. PMID: 31220471; PMCID: PMC6900445.
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HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
Lentiviral Gene Therapy Combined with Low-Dose Busulfan in Infants with SCID-X1. N Engl J Med. 2019 04 18; 380(16):1525-1534.
Mamcarz E, Zhou S, Lockey T, Abdelsamed H, Cross SJ, Kang G, Ma Z, Condori J, Dowdy J, Triplett B, Li C, Maron G, Aldave Becerra JC, Church JA, Dokmeci E, Love JT, da Matta Ain AC, van der Watt H, Tang X, Janssen W, Ryu BY, De Ravin SS, Weiss MJ, Youngblood B, Long-Boyle JR, Gottschalk S, Meagher MM, Malech HL, Puck JM, Cowan MJ, Sorrentino BP. PMID: 30995372; PMCID: PMC6636624.
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HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
Dominant activating RAC2 mutation with lymphopenia, immunodeficiency, and cytoskeletal defects. Blood. 2019 05 02; 133(18):1977-1988.
Hsu AP, Donkó A, Arrington ME, Swamydas M, Fink D, Das A, Escobedo O, Bonagura V, Szabolcs P, Steinberg HN, Bergerson J, Skoskiewicz A, Makhija M, Davis J, Foruraghi L, Palmer C, Fuleihan RL, Church JA, Bhandoola A, Lionakis MS, Campbell S, Leto TL, Kuhns DB, Holland SM. PMID: 30723080; PMCID: PMC6497516.
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Newborn Screening for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency and T-cell Lymphopenia in California, 2010-2017. Pediatrics. 2019 02; 143(2).
Amatuni GS, Currier RJ, Church JA, Bishop T, Grimbacher E, Nguyen AA, Agarwal-Hashmi R, Aznar CP, Butte MJ, Cowan MJ, Dorsey MJ, Dvorak CC, Kapoor N, Kohn DB, Markert ML, Moore TB, Naides SJ, Sciortino S, Feuchtbaum L, Koupaei RA, Puck JM. PMID: 30683812; PMCID: PMC6361357.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
White matter microstructure among perinatally HIV-infected youth: a diffusion tensor imaging study. J Neurovirol. 2019 06; 25(3):313-323.
Sarma MK, Keller MA, Macey PM, Michalik DE, Hayes J, Nielsen-Saines K, Deville J, Church JA, Walot I, Albert Thomas M. PMID: 30610741; PMCID: PMC6609517.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Chronic rhinosinusitis with severe nasal polyposis in hyper-IgE syndrome. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2018 12; 121(6):738-739.
Huang E, Church JA. PMID: 30081087.
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Reply to letter to the editor. J Pediatr Surg. 2018 03; 53(3):581.
Church J, Gadepalli S. PMID: 29223671.
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Activating de novo mutations in NFE2L2 encoding NRF2 cause a multisystem disorder. Nat Commun. 2017 10 10; 8(1):818.
Huppke P, Weissbach S, Church JA, Schnur R, Krusen M, Dreha-Kulaczewski S, Kühn-Velten WN, Wolf A, Huppke B, Millan F, Begtrup A, Almusafri F, Thiele H, Altmüller J, Nürnberg P, Müller M, Gärtner J. PMID: 29018201; PMCID: PMC5635015.
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Genetic influences on hormonal markers of chronic hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function in human hair. Psychol Med. 2017 Jun; 47(8):1389-1401.
Tucker-Drob EM, Grotzinger AD, Briley DA, Engelhardt LE, Mann FD, Patterson M, Kirschbaum C, Adam EK, Church JA, Tackett JL, Harden KP. PMID: 28100283; PMCID: PMC5517361.
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Pilot Assessment of Brain Metabolism in Perinatally HIV-Infected Youths Using Accelerated 5D Echo Planar J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging. PLoS One. 2016; 11(9):e0162810.
Iqbal Z, Wilson NE, Keller MA, Michalik DE, Church JA, Nielsen-Saines K, Deville J, Souza R, Brecht ML, Thomas MA. PMID: 27622551; PMCID: PMC5021365.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Tolerability of Subcutaneous Immune Globulin Injection (Human), 10 % Caprylate/Chromatography Purified (GAMUNEX®-C) in Pediatric Patients with Primary Immunodeficiency Disease. J Clin Immunol. 2016 08; 36(6):600-9.
Heimall J, Chen J, Church JA, Griffin R, Melamed I, Kleiner GI. PMID: 27342758.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Long-Term Tolerability, Safety, and Efficacy of Recombinant Human Hyaluronidase-Facilitated Subcutaneous Infusion of Human Immunoglobulin for Primary Immunodeficiency. J Clin Immunol. 2016 08; 36(6):571-82.
Wasserman RL, Melamed I, Stein MR, Engl W, Sharkhawy M, Leibl H, Puck J, Rubinstein A, Kobrynski L, Gupta S, Grant AJ, Ratnayake A, Richmond WG, Church J, Yel L, Gelmont D. PMID: 27220317; PMCID: PMC4940441.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Supranormal thymic output up to 2 decades after HIV-1 infection. AIDS. 2016 Mar 13; 30(5):701-11.
Aguilera-Sandoval CR, Yang OO, Jojic N, Lovato P, Chen DY, Boechat MI, Cooper P, Zuo J, Ramirez C, Belzer M, Church JA, Krogstad P. PMID: 26730570; PMCID: PMC4767664.
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The Effect of Maternal Peripartum Anti-TNFα Use on Infant Immune Response. Dig Dis Sci. 2016 06; 61(6):1622-7.
Sheibani S, Cohen R, Kane S, Dubinsky M, Church JA, Mahadevan U. PMID: 26725061.
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Single amino acid charge switch defines clinically distinct proline-serine-threonine phosphatase-interacting protein 1 (PSTPIP1)-associated inflammatory diseases. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Nov; 136(5):1337-45.
Holzinger D, Fassl SK, de Jager W, Lohse P, Röhrig UF, Gattorno M, Omenetti A, Chiesa S, Schena F, Austermann J, Vogl T, Kuhns DB, Holland SM, Rodríguez-Gallego C, López-Almaraz R, Arostegui JI, Colino E, Roldan R, Fessatou S, Isidor B, Poignant S, Ito K, Epple HJ, Bernstein JA, Jeng M, Frankovich J, Lionetti G, Church JA, Ong PY, LaPlant M, Abinun M, Skinner R, Bigley V, Sachs UJ, Hinze C, Hoppenreijs E, Ehrchen J, Foell D, Chae JJ, Ombrello A, Aksentijevich I, Sunderkoetter C, Roth J. PMID: 26025129; PMCID: PMC6591125.
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A randomized, open-label study of the safety and efficacy of switching stavudine or zidovudine to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in HIV-1-infected children with virologic suppression. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2015 Apr; 34(4):376-82.
Saez-Llorens X, Castaño E, Rathore M, Church J, Deville J, Gaur A, Estripeaut D, White K, Arterburn S, Enejosa JV, Cheng AK, Chuck SL, Rhee MS. PMID: 25760565.
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HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
Clinical characterization of int22h1/int22h2-mediated Xq28 duplication/deletion: new cases and literature review. BMC Med Genet. 2015 Mar 14; 16:12.
El-Hattab AW, Schaaf CP, Fang P, Roeder E, Kimonis VE, Church JA, Patel A, Cheung SW. PMID: 25927380; PMCID: PMC4422130.
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Nijmegen breakage syndrome detected by newborn screening for T cell receptor excision circles (TRECs). J Clin Immunol. 2015 Feb; 35(2):227-33.
Patel JP, Puck JM, Srinivasan R, Brown C, Sunderam U, Kundu K, Brenner SE, Gatti RA, Church JA. PMID: 25677497; PMCID: PMC4352190.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Antibody levels to Bordetella pertussis and Neisseria meningitidis in immunodeficient patients receiving immunoglobulin replacement therapy. J Clin Immunol. 2015 Feb; 35(2):213-7.
Adam E, Church JA. PMID: 25631528.
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Vectored Immunoprophylaxis Protects Humanized Mice From Mucosal HIV Transmission. Pediatrics. 2014 Nov; 134 Suppl 3:S184-5.
Church JA. PMID: 25363996.
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Absence of Detectible HIV-1 Viremia After Treatment Cessation in an Infant. Pediatrics. 2014 Nov; 134 Suppl 3:S183-4.
Church JA. PMID: 25363994.
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Cell Death by Pyroptosis Drives CD4 T-Cell Depletion in HIV-1 Infection. Pediatrics. 2014 Nov; 134 Suppl 3:S184.
Church JA. PMID: 25363995.
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Synchronous HIV/AIDS-related Epstein-Barr Virus-associated smooth muscle tumors in a 20-year-old female. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2014 Oct; 33(10):1055-6.
Adam E, Wang L, Herrington C, Bliss D, Church JA. PMID: 24759574.
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Newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency in 11 screening programs in the United States. JAMA. 2014 Aug 20; 312(7):729-38.
Kwan A, Abraham RS, Currier R, Brower A, Andruszewski K, Abbott JK, Baker M, Ballow M, Bartoshesky LE, Bonilla FA, Brokopp C, Brooks E, Caggana M, Celestin J, Church JA, Comeau AM, Connelly JA, Cowan MJ, Cunningham-Rundles C, Dasu T, Dave N, De La Morena MT, Duffner U, Fong CT, Forbes L, Freedenberg D, Gelfand EW, Hale JE, Hanson IC, Hay BN, Hu D, Infante A, Johnson D, Kapoor N, Kay DM, Kohn DB, Lee R, Lehman H, Lin Z, Lorey F, Abdel-Mageed A, Manning A, McGhee S, Moore TB, Naides SJ, Notarangelo LD, Orange JS, Pai SY, Porteus M, Rodriguez R, Romberg N, Routes J, Ruehle M, Rubenstein A, Saavedra-Matiz CA, Scott G, Scott PM, Secord E, Seroogy C, Shearer WT, Siegel S, Silvers SK, Stiehm ER, Sugerman RW, Sullivan JL, Tanksley S, Tierce ML, Verbsky J, Vogel B, Walker R, Walkovich K, Walter JE, Wasserman RL, Watson MS, Weinberg GA, Weiner LB, Wood H, Yates AB, Puck JM, Bonagura VR. PMID: 25138334; PMCID: PMC4492158.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Regions of homozygosity identified by oligonucleotide SNP arrays: evaluating the incidence and clinical utility. Eur J Hum Genet. 2015 May; 23(5):663-71.
Wang JC, Ross L, Mahon LW, Owen R, Hemmat M, Wang BT, El Naggar M, Kopita KA, Randolph LM, Chase JM, Matas Aguilera MJ, Siles JL, Church JA, Hauser N, Shen JJ, Jones MC, Wierenga KJ, Jiang Z, Haddadin M, Boyar FZ, Anguiano A, Strom CM, Sahoo T. PMID: 25118026; PMCID: PMC4402629.
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Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency complicated by Mycobacterium avium complex in a boy of mixed ethnicity. J Clin Immunol. 2014 Aug; 34(6):677-80.
Dimitrova D, Ong PY, O'Gorman MR, Church JA. PMID: 24789686.
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Signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM)/SLAM-associated protein pathway regulates human B-cell tolerance. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Apr; 133(4):1149-61.
Menard L, Cantaert T, Chamberlain N, Tangye SG, Riminton S, Church JA, Klion A, Cunningham-Rundles C, Nichols KE, Meffre E. PMID: 24373350; PMCID: PMC4077428.
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School age children with HIV/AIDS: possible discrimination and attitudes against. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2013 Dec; 47(6):1305-10.
Kurpas D, Mroczek B, Sochocka L, Church J. PMID: 24626355.
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Exome sequencing reveals RAG1 mutations in a child with autoimmunity and sterile chronic multifocal osteomyelitis evolving into disseminated granulomatous disease. J Clin Immunol. 2013 Nov; 33(8):1289-92.
Reiff A, Bassuk AG, Church JA, Campbell E, Bing X, Ferguson PJ. PMID: 24122031; PMCID: PMC3873094.
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Regional brain gray and white matter changes in perinatally HIV-infected adolescents. Neuroimage Clin. 2014; 4:29-34.
Sarma MK, Nagarajan R, Keller MA, Kumar R, Nielsen-Saines K, Michalik DE, Deville J, Church JA, Thomas MA. PMID: 24380059; PMCID: PMC3874468.
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Newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency: an opportunity for intervention. J Perinatol. 2013 Aug; 33(8):657-8.
Buchbinder D, Puthenveetil G, Soni A, Hsieh L, Nugent D, Church JA. PMID: 23897312.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency and T-cell lymphopenia in California: results of the first 2 years. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013 Jul; 132(1):140-50.
Kwan A, Church JA, Cowan MJ, Agarwal R, Kapoor N, Kohn DB, Lewis DB, McGhee SA, Moore TB, Stiehm ER, Porteus M, Aznar CP, Currier R, Lorey F, Puck JM. PMID: 23810098; PMCID: PMC3759317.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency does not identify bare lymphocyte syndrome. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013 Jun; 131(6):1693-5.
Kuo CY, Chase J, Garcia Lloret M, Stiehm ER, Moore T, Aguilera MJ, Lopez Siles J, Church JA. PMID: 23453137.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Newborn screening for SCID identifies patients with ataxia telangiectasia. J Clin Immunol. 2013 Apr; 33(3):540-9.
Mallott J, Kwan A, Church J, Gonzalez-Espinosa D, Lorey F, Tang LF, Sunderam U, Rana S, Srinivasan R, Brenner SE, Puck J. PMID: 23264026; PMCID: PMC3591536.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Subcutaneous Panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma in two pediatric patients: an HIV-positive adolescent and a 4-month-old infant. Fetal Pediatr Pathol. 2013 Jun; 32(3):175-83.
Acree SC, Tovar JP, Pattengale PK, Wang LL, Church JA, Gaynon PS, Cassarino DS. PMID: 23092204.
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Neuropsychological function and cerebral metabolites in HIV-infected youth. J Neuroimmune Pharmacol. 2012 Dec; 7(4):981-90.
Nagarajan R, Sarma MK, Thomas MA, Chang L, Natha U, Wright M, Hayes J, Nielsen-Saines K, Michalik DE, Deville J, Church JA, Mason K, Critton-Mastandrea T, Nazarian S, Jing J, Keller MA. PMID: 23065459; PMCID: PMC3557531.
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Hepatic veno-occlusive disease with immunodeficiency (VODI): first reported case in the U.S. and identification of a unique mutation in Sp110. Clin Immunol. 2012 Nov; 145(2):102-7.
Wang T, Ong P, Roscioli T, Cliffe ST, Church JA. PMID: 22982295.
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Acidomonas methanolica-associated necrotizing lymphadenitis in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease. J Clin Immunol. 2012 Dec; 32(6):1193-6.
Chase JM, Holland SM, Greenberg DE, Marshall-Batty K, Zelazny AM, Church JA. PMID: 22752310; PMCID: PMC4103907.
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Clinical, molecular, and cellular immunologic findings in patients with SP110-associated veno-occlusive disease with immunodeficiency syndrome. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012 Sep; 130(3):735-742.e6.
Cliffe ST, Bloch DB, Suryani S, Kamsteeg EJ, Avery DT, Palendira U, Church JA, Wainstein BK, Trizzino A, Lefranc G, Akatcherian C, Megarbané A, Gilissen C, Moshous D, Reichenbach J, Misbah S, Salzer U, Abinun M, Ong PY, Stepensky P, Ruga E, Ziegler JB, Wong M, Tangye SG, Lindeman R, Buckley MF, Roscioli T. PMID: 22621957.
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Safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics of a new 10% liquid intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) in patients with primary immunodeficiency. J Clin Immunol. 2012 Aug; 32(4):663-9.
Wasserman RL, Church JA, Stein M, Moy J, White M, Strausbaugh S, Schroeder H, Ballow M, Harris J, Melamed I, Elkayam D, Lumry W, Suez D, Rehman SM. PMID: 22392046; PMCID: PMC3389237.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Association of microbial IgE sensitizations with asthma in young children with atopic dermatitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2012 Mar; 108(3):212-3.
Ong PY, Ferdman RM, Church JA. PMID: 22374211.
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Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia and immunodeficiency with coincident NEMO and EDA mutations. Front Immunol. 2011; 2:61.
Keller MD, Petersen M, Ong P, Church J, Risma K, Burham J, Jain A, Stiehm ER, Hanson EP, Uzel G, Deardorff MA, Orange JS. PMID: 22566850; PMCID: PMC3341983.
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Functional analysis of HIV type 1 Nef gene variants from adolescent and adult survivors of perinatal infection. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2012 May; 28(5):486-92.
Zuo J, Suen J, Wong A, Lewis M, Ayub A, Belzer M, Church J, Yang OO, Krogstad P. PMID: 21861776; PMCID: PMC3332374.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Pharmacokinetics of subcutaneous IgPro20 in patients with primary immunodeficiency. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2011 Jun; 50(6):405-14.
Wasserman RL, Melamed I, Nelson RP, Knutsen AP, Fasano MB, Stein MR, Rojavin MA, Church JA. PMID: 21553933.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
A child with x-linked agammaglobulinemia and enthesitis-related arthritis. Int J Rheumatol. 2011; 2011:175973.
Sukumaran S, Marzan K, Shaham B, Church JA. PMID: 21760802; PMCID: PMC3134104.
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Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in children with chronic granulomatous disease. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2011 Mar; 56(3):460-2.
Parekh C, Hofstra T, Church JA, Coates TD. PMID: 21225928.
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Short communication: enhanced CD8+ T cell apoptosis in HIV-infected adolescents with virologic failure on protease inhibitor-based therapy. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2010 Jun; 26(6):681-4.
Zuo J, Church J, Belzer M, Kitchen C, Ank B, Schmid I, Krogstad P. PMID: 20507209; PMCID: PMC2932552.
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Skin-deep clues to a complex disease. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2010 Jan; 104(1):93-4.
Cho C, Ferdman RM, Church JA, Ong PY. PMID: 20143652.
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Late-onset of IgE sensitization to microbial allergens in young children with atopic dermatitis. Br J Dermatol. 2010 Jan; 162(1):159-61.
Ong PY, Ferdman RM, Church JA. PMID: 19849698.
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Pharmacokinetics of a new 10% intravenous immunoglobulin in patients receiving replacement therapy for primary immunodeficiency. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2009 Jun 28; 37(3-4):272-8.
Wasserman RL, Church JA, Peter HH, Sleasman JW, Melamed I, Stein MR, Bichler J, IgPro10 in PID Study group. PMID: 19491015.
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Safety and efficacy of Privigen, a novel 10% liquid immunoglobulin preparation for intravenous use, in patients with primary immunodeficiencies. J Clin Immunol. 2009 Jan; 29(1):137-44.
Stein MR, Nelson RP, Church JA, Wasserman RL, Borte M, Vermylen C, Bichler J, IgPro10 in PID study group. PMID: 18814020.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Association of staphylococcal superantigen-specific immunoglobulin e with mild and moderate atopic dermatitis. J Pediatr. 2008 Dec; 153(6):803-6.
Ong PY, Patel M, Ferdman RM, Dunaway T, Church JA. PMID: 18621391; PMCID: PMC2610473.
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HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
Down-regulation of atopic dermatitis-associated serum chemokines by wet-wrap treatment: a pilot study. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2008 Mar; 100(3):286-7.
Ong PY, Ferdman RM, Dunaway T, Church JA, Inderlied CB. PMID: 18426151.
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Safety and efficacy of enfuvirtide for 48 weeks as part of an optimized antiretroviral regimen in pediatric human immunodeficiency virus 1-infected patients. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2007 Sep; 26(9):799-805.
Wiznia A, Church J, Emmanuel P, Eppes S, Rowell L, Evans C, Bertasso A, T20-310 Study Group. PMID: 17721374.
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Leukocyte adhesion deficiency in a female patient without delayed umbilical cord separation. J Paediatr Child Health. 2007 May; 43(5):406-8.
Webber EC, Church J, Rand TH, Shah AJ. PMID: 17489834.
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Nonlinear pharmacokinetics of high-dose recombinant fusion protein CD4-IgG2 (PRO 542) observed in HIV-1-infected children. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007 Mar; 119(3):747-50.
Fletcher CV, DeVille JG, Samson PM, Moye JH, Church JA, Spiegel HM, Palumbo P, Fenton T, Smith ME, Graham B, Kraimer JM, Shearer WT, Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group, Protocol 351 Study Group. PMID: 17336619; PMCID: PMC1910693.
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HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
Pectin anaphylaxis and possible association with cashew allergy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2006 Dec; 97(6):759-60.
Ferdman RM, Ong PY, Church JA. PMID: 17201234.
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Case report: evidence for transplacental transfer of maternally administered infliximab to the newborn. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2006 Oct; 4(10):1255-8.
Vasiliauskas EA, Church JA, Silverman N, Barry M, Targan SR, Dubinsky MC. PMID: 17045211.
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Denial of insurance authorization at a subspecialty office as a cause of missed opportunities for influenza vaccination in children with asthma. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006 Sep; 160(9):987-8.
Ferdman RM, Church JA. PMID: 16953025.
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Mixed-up nuts: identification of peanuts and tree nuts by children. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2006 Jul; 97(1):73-7.
Ferdman RM, Church JA. PMID: 16892785.
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Susceptibility of pediatric HIV-1 isolates to recombinant CD4-IgG2 (PRO 542) and humanized mAb to the chemokine receptor CCR5 (PRO 140). J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006 Aug; 118(2):518-21.
Shearer WT, DeVille JG, Samson PM, Moye JH, Fletcher CV, Church JA, Spiegel HM, Palumbo P, Fenton T, Smith ME, Graham B, Kraimer JM, Olson WC. PMID: 16890780.
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Efficacy, safety and tolerability of a new 10% liquid intravenous immune globulin [IGIV 10%] in patients with primary immunodeficiency. J Clin Immunol. 2006 Jul; 26(4):388-95.
Church JA, Leibl H, Stein MR, Melamed IR, Rubinstein A, Schneider LC, Wasserman RL, Pavlova BG, Birthistle K, Mancini M, Fritsch S, Patrone L, Moore-Perry K, Ehrlich HJ, US-PID-IGIV 10% -Study Group10. PMID: 16705486.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Safety and immunogenicity of live varicella virus vaccine in children with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2006 Apr; 25(4):368-70.
Armenian SH, Han JY, Dunaway TM, Church JA. PMID: 16567993.
Thymic volume, T-cell populations, and parameters of thymopoiesis in adolescent and adult survivors of HIV infection acquired in infancy. AIDS. 2006 Mar 21; 20(5):667-74.
Lee JC, Boechat MI, Belzer M, Church JA, De Ville J, Nielsen K, Weston S, Geng Y, Dunaway T, Kitchen C, Krogstad PA. PMID: 16514296.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
A pediatric genetic disorder diagnosed in adulthood. PLoS Med. 2006 Jan; 3(1):e15.
Church JA. PMID: 16435889; PMCID: PMC1360621.
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Trichosporon pullulans as a complication of chronic granulomatous disease in a patient undergoing immunosuppressive therapy for inflammatory bowel disease. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2006 Jan; 25(1):87-9.
Lestini BJ, Church JA. PMID: 16395115.
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Genetic and stochastic influences on the interaction of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and cytotoxic T lymphocytes in identical twins. J Virol. 2005 Dec; 79(24):15368-75.
Yang OO, Church J, Kitchen CM, Kilpatrick R, Ali A, Geng Y, Killian MS, Sabado RL, Ng H, Suen J, Bryson Y, Jamieson BD, Krogstad P. PMID: 16306608; PMCID: PMC1316030.
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Selective survival of peripheral blood lymphocytes in children with HIV-1 following delivery of an anti-HIV gene to bone marrow CD34(+) cells. Mol Ther. 2005 Jul; 12(1):77-86.
Podsakoff GM, Engel BC, Carbonaro DA, Choi C, Smogorzewska EM, Bauer G, Selander D, Csik S, Wilson K, Betts MR, Koup RA, Nabel GJ, Bishop K, King S, Schmidt M, von Kalle C, Church JA, Kohn DB. PMID: 15963923.
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Bone measures in HIV-1 infected children and adolescents: disparity between quantitative computed tomography and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry measurements. Osteoporos Int. 2005 Nov; 16(11):1393-6.
Pitukcheewanont P, Safani D, Church J, Gilsanz V. PMID: 15702261.
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Variable presentation of disseminated nontuberculous mycobacterial infections in a family with an interferon-gamma receptor mutation. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Sep 15; 39(6):868-70.
Han JY, Rosenzweig SD, Church JA, Holland SM, Ross LA. PMID: 15472821.
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Long term tolerability and safety of enfuvirtide for human immunodeficiency virus 1-infected children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2004 Aug; 23(8):713-8.
Church JA, Hughes M, Chen J, Palumbo P, Mofenson LM, Delora P, Smith E, Wiznia A, Hawkins E, Sista P, Cunningham CK, Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group P1005 Study Team. PMID: 15295220.
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HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
Successful anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody treatment of severe autoimmune hemolytic anemia due to warm reactive IgM autoantibody in a child with common variable immunodeficiency. Am J Hematol. 2004 Jun; 76(2):152-5.
Wakim M, Shah A, Arndt PA, Garratty G, Weinberg K, Hofstra T, Church J. PMID: 15164382.
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Oxandrolone treatment of childhood hereditary angioedema. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2004 Mar; 92(3):377-8.
Church JA. PMID: 15049404.
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Rapid intravenous desensitization to antithymocyte globulin in a patient with aplastic anemia. Transplantation. 2004 Jan 27; 77(2):321-3.
Ferdman RM, Wakim M, Church JA, Hofstra TC, Thomas D, Genyk YS. PMID: 14743005.
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Population pharmacokinetics of enfuvirtide in pediatric patients with human immunodeficiency virus: searching for exposure-response relationships. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2003 Dec; 74(6):569-80.
Soy D, Aweeka FT, Church JA, Cunningham CK, Palumbo P, Kosel BW, Sheiner LB, Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group (PACTG) Study P1005 Investigators. PMID: 14663459.
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HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
Progressive outer retinal necrosis caused by varicella-zoster virus in children with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2003 Apr; 22(4):384-6.
Purdy KW, Heckenlively JR, Church JA, Keller MA. PMID: 12712978.
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Assessment of thymic activity in human immunodeficiency virus-negative and -positive adolescents by real-time PCR quantitation of T-cell receptor rearrangement excision circles. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 2003 Mar; 10(2):323-8.
Pham T, Belzer M, Church JA, Kitchen C, Wilson CM, Douglas SD, Geng Y, Silva M, Mitchell RM, Krogstad P. PMID: 12626462; PMCID: PMC150534.
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Reversible leukoencephalopathy in a patient with nucleoside analogue-associated mitochondrial DNA depletion and metabolic disease. AIDS. 2002 Nov 22; 16(17):2366-7.
Church JA. PMID: 12441822.
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Safety and antiretroviral activity of chronic subcutaneous administration of T-20 in human immunodeficiency virus 1-infected children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2002 Jul; 21(7):653-9.
Church JA, Cunningham C, Hughes M, Palumbo P, Mofenson LM, Delora P, Smith E, Wiznia A, Purdue L, Hawkins E, Sista P, PACTG P1005 Study Team. Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group. PMID: 12237598.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Short-term complications of central line placement in children with the human immunodeficiency virus. J Pediatr Surg. 2001 Dec; 36(12):1777-80.
Island ER, Church JA, Shaul DB. PMID: 11733905.
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Mitochondrial DNA depletion, near-fatal metabolic acidosis, and liver failure in an HIV-infected child treated with combination antiretroviral therapy. J Pediatr. 2001 May; 138(5):748-51.
Church JA, Mitchell WG, Gonzalez-Gomez I, Christensen J, Vu TH, Dimauro S, Boles RG. PMID: 11343055.
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Determination of dosing guidelines for stavudine (2',3'-didehydro-3'-deoxythymidine) in children with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2001 Mar; 45(3):758-63.
Kaul S, Kline MW, Church JA, Dunkle LM. PMID: 11181356; PMCID: PMC90369.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
A randomized, double-blind study of triple nucleoside therapy of abacavir, lamivudine, and zidovudine versus lamivudine and zidovudine in previously treated human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected children. The CNAA3006 Study Team. Pediatrics. 2001 Jan; 107(1):E4.
Sáez-Llorens X, Nelson RP, Emmanuel P, Wiznia A, Mitchell C, Church JA, Sleasman J, Van Dyke R, Richardson CG, Cutrell A, Spreen W, Hetherington S. PMID: 11134468.
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Failure of intravenous immunoglobulin to prevent varicella-zoster infection. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2000 Dec; 19(12):1219-20.
Ferdman RM, Church JA. PMID: 11144393.
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Gene therapy for pediatric AIDS. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2000 Nov; 918:318-29.
Bauer G, Selander D, Engel B, Carbonaro D, Csik S, Rawlings S, Church J, Kohn DB. PMID: 11131719.
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Neonatal urticaria as a symptom of a multisystem inflammatory disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2000 Nov; 106(5):986-7.
Ferdman RM, Shaham B, Church JA. PMID: 11080725.
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Recombinant CD4-IgG2 in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected children: phase 1/2 study. The Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol 351 Study Team. J Infect Dis. 2000 Dec; 182(6):1774-9.
Shearer WT, Israel RJ, Starr S, Fletcher CV, Wara D, Rathore M, Church J, DeVille J, Fenton T, Graham B, Samson P, Staprans S, McNamara J, Moye J, Maddon PJ, Olson WC. PMID: 11069253.
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HIV disease in children. The many ways it differs from the disease in adults. Postgrad Med. 2000 Apr; 107(4):163-6, 169-71, 175-6 passim.
Church JA. PMID: 10778419.
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Development of an instrument to assess nutritional risk factors for children infected with human immunodeficiency virus. J Am Diet Assoc. 2000 Mar; 100(3):323-9.
Heller L, Fox S, Hell KJ, Church JA. PMID: 10719406.
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Evaluation of the effects of oxandrolone on malnourished HIV-positive pediatric patients. Pediatrics. 1999 Dec; 104(6):e73.
Fox-Wheeler S, Heller L, Salata CM, Kaufman F, Loro ML, Gilsanz V, Haight M, Umman GC, Barton N, Church JA. PMID: 10586007.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Effects of high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin on virus load in HIV-infected children. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 1999 Nov 01; 22(3):309-11.
Church JA, Fox S, Gomperts E. PMID: 10770354.
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A clinical trial of retroviral-mediated transfer of a rev-responsive element decoy gene into CD34(+) cells from the bone marrow of human immunodeficiency virus-1-infected children. Blood. 1999 Jul 01; 94(1):368-71.
Kohn DB, Bauer G, Rice CR, Rothschild JC, Carbonaro DA, Valdez P, Hao Ql, Zhou C, Bahner I, Kearns K, Brody K, Fox S, Haden E, Wilson K, Salata C, Dolan C, Wetter C, Aguilar-Cordova E, Church J. PMID: 10381536.
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Severe combined immunodeficiency: otolaryngological presentation and management. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1999 Apr; 108(4):403-7.
Stocks RM, Thompson JW, Church JA, Kun S, Simms E. PMID: 10214790.
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Maggots are useful in treating infected or necrotic wounds. BMJ. 1999 Mar 20; 318(7186):807-8.
Thomas S, Andrews A, Jones M, Church J. PMID: 10082718; PMCID: PMC1115229.
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Ethical issues of placebo-controlled trials. J Pediatr. 1999 Feb; 134(2):251-2.
Ferdman RM, Church JA. PMID: 9931543.
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Serum and cerebrospinal fluid pharmacokinetics of intravenous and oral lamivudine in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1998 Dec; 42(12):3187-92.
Mueller BU, Lewis LL, Yuen GJ, Farley M, Keller A, Church JA, Goldsmith JC, Venzon DJ, Rubin M, Pizzo PA, Balis FM. PMID: 9835513; PMCID: PMC106021.
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Effects of noradrenaline on intracellular pH in acutely dissociated adult rat hippocampal CA1 neurones. J Physiol. 1998 Oct 15; 512 ( Pt 2):487-505.
Smith GA, Brett CL, Church J. PMID: 9763638; PMCID: PMC2231226.
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The application of cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression to people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Psychooncology. 1998 Mar-Apr; 7(2):78-88.
Church J. PMID: 9589506.
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Adenovirus viremia in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1997 Apr; 16(4):413-5.
Ferdman RM, Ross L, Inderlied C, Church JA. PMID: 9109147.
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Suitability of bone marrow from HIV-1-infected donors for retrovirus-mediated gene transfer. Hum Gene Ther. 1997 Feb 10; 8(3):301-11.
Kearns K, Bahner I, Bauer G, Wei SF, Valdez P, Wheeler S, Woods L, Miller R, Casciato D, Galpin J, Church J, Kohn DB. PMID: 9048197.
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Immunologic evaluation of the child with recurrent otitis media. Ear Nose Throat J. 1997 Jan; 76(1):31-4, 42.
Church JA. PMID: 9018932.
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Lamivudine in children with human immunodeficiency virus infection: a phase I/II study. The National Cancer Institute Pediatric Branch-Human Immunodeficiency Virus Working Group. J Infect Dis. 1996 Jul; 174(1):16-25.
Lewis LL, Venzon D, Church J, Farley M, Wheeler S, Keller A, Rubin M, Yuen G, Mueller B, Sloas M, Wood L, Balis F, Shearer GM, Brouwers P, Goldsmith J, Pizzo PA. PMID: 8655986.
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Resistance to (-)-2',3'-dideoxy-3'-thiacytidine (3TC) in HIV-1 isolated from paediatric patients. Antivir Ther. 1996 Apr; 1(2):98-104.
Wainberg MA, Lewis L, Salomon H, Gu Z, Keller A, Cammack N, Goldsmith J, Church J, Spira B, Wheeler S, Pizzo P. PMID: 11321185.
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Acquired protein S deficiency in children infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1996 Feb; 15(2):106-11.
Sugerman RW, Church JA, Goldsmith JC, Ens GE. PMID: 8822281.
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Frequent recurrence and persistence of varicella-zoster virus infections in children infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Pediatr. 1996 Jan; 128(1):52-7.
von Seidlein L, Gillette SG, Bryson Y, Frederick T, Mascola L, Church J, Brunell P, Kovacs A, Deveikis A, Keller M. PMID: 8551421.
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A phase I/II evaluation of stavudine (d4T) in children with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Pediatrics. 1995 Aug; 96(2 Pt 1):247-52.
Kline MW, Dunkle LM, Church JA, Goldsmith JC, Harris AT, Federici ME, Schultze ME, Woods L, Loewen DF, Kaul S, et al. PMID: 7630678.
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A rapid and sensitive chemiluminescence assay for evaluation of functional opsonic activity of Haemophilus influenzae type b-specific antibodies. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 1995 May; 2(3):286-90.
Ojo-Amaize EA, Church JA, Barka NE, Agopian MS, Peter JB. PMID: 7664173; PMCID: PMC170147.
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Oral zinc supplementation in the treatment of HIV-infected children. Pediatr AIDS HIV Infect. 1994 Dec; 5(6):357-60.
Reich EN, Church JA. PMID: 11361377.
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Sinusitis in status asthmaticus. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 1994 Dec; 33(12):712-9.
Fuller CG, Schoettler JJ, Gilsanz V, Nelson MD, Church JA, Richards W. PMID: 7874823.
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The diagnostic challenge of the child born "at risk" for HIV infection. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1994 Aug; 41(4):715-26.
Church JA. PMID: 8047368.
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Pharmacokinetic evaluation of the combination of zidovudine and didanosine in children with human immunodeficiency virus infection. J Pediatr. 1994 Jul; 125(1):142-6.
Mueller BU, Pizzo PA, Farley M, Husson RN, Goldsmith J, Kovacs A, Woods L, Ono J, Church JA, Brouwers P, et al. PMID: 8021765.
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A comparative study of transfusion-acquired human immunodeficiency virus-infected children with and without disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1994 Jun; 13(6):484-8.
Gleason-Morgan D, Church JA, Ross LA. PMID: 7915834.
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Immunologic and virologic effects of glucocorticoids on human immunodeficiency virus infection in children: a preliminary study. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1994 Mar; 13(3):212-6.
Ferdman RM, Church JA. PMID: 7909939.
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Mycobacterium avium complex in HIV-infected children. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1993 Oct 29; 693:288-90.
Gleason-Morgan D, Church JA, Ross LA. PMID: 8267282.
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Evaluation of families wherein a single male manifests a phenotype of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP). Am J Med Genet. 1993 Sep 15; 47(4):458-63.
Grierson HL, Skare J, Church J, Silberman T, Davis JR, Kobrinsky N, McGregor R, Israels S, McCarty J, Andrews LG, et al. PMID: 8256804.
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Correction of antigen-specific T-lymphocyte function by recombinant cytokines in children infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Pediatr. 1992 Oct; 121(4):565-8.
Petersen JM, Weinberg KI, Annett G, Church J, Gomperts E, Parkman R. PMID: 1357123.
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Comparison of cytobrush with Cervex-Brush for endocervical cytologic sampling. J Adolesc Health. 1992 Sep; 13(6):520-3.
Neinstein LS, Church J, Akiyoshi T. PMID: 1390820.
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Chronic arthritis in a 3-year-old boy. Ann Allergy. 1992 Mar; 68(3):215-8.
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Human immunodeficiency virus infection in children who received transfusions in Mexico. West J Med. 1991 Nov; 155(5):547.
Ferdman RM, Church JA, Mascola L, Sato JK. PMID: 1815413; PMCID: PMC1003090.
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An inherited defect of neutrophil motility and microfilamentous cytoskeleton associated with abnormalities in 47-Kd and 89-Kd proteins. Blood. 1991 Sep 01; 78(5):1338-46.
Coates TD, Torkildson JC, Torres M, Church JA, Howard TH. PMID: 1878595.
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CD4 T-lymphocyte counts and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in pediatric HIV infection. JAMA. 1991 Apr 03; 265(13):1698-703.
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Underdiagnosis and undertreatment of chronic sinusitis in children. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 1991 Feb; 30(2):88-92.
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Complications of central venous catheters in pediatric patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1991 Jan; 10(1):11-4.
Gleason-Morgan D, Church JA, Bagnall-Reeb H, Atkinson J. PMID: 1672230.
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Lymphocyte phenotype does not predict immune function in pediatric patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Pediatr. 1989 Dec; 115(6):944-8.
Petersen J, Church J, Gomperts E, Parkman R. PMID: 2585232.
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Immune functions in children treated with biosynthetic growth hormone. J Pediatr. 1989 Sep; 115(3):420-3.
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Comfort of male adolescents during general and genital examination. J Pediatr. 1989 Sep; 115(3):494-7.
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Lack of functional asplenia in HIV infection. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 1989 Jun; 5(3):257-8.
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Recurrent fever and abdominal pain in a 4-year-old boy. Ann Allergy. 1989 May; 62(5):393-4, 441-4.
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Lymphomatoid granulomatosis in a 13-month-old infant. J Rheumatol. 1989 Feb; 16(2):235-8.
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Evaluation of a new, shorter method of administration of adrenergic aerosols in the treatment of asthma. Ann Allergy. 1988 Aug; 61(2):147-50.
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Cardiac arrest associated with halothane anesthesia in a patient receiving theophylline. Ann Allergy. 1988 Aug; 61(2):83-4.
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OKT4 epitope deficiency as a cause of reduced "helper" T cells in children at risk for human immunodeficiency virus infection. J Pediatr. 1988 Jul; 113(1 Pt 1):79-82.
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Severe recurrent pneumonia and wheezing in a young infant. Ann Allergy. 1987 Apr; 58(4):241-2, 271-2.
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Human immunodeficiency virus-associated Kaposi's sarcoma in a pediatric renal transplant recipient. Nephron. 1987; 47(1):62-5.
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Pediatric dentistry and the child with asthma. Spec Care Dentist. 1986 Nov-Dec; 6(6):270-3.
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New scarlet letter(s), pediatric AIDS. Pediatrics. 1986 Mar; 77(3):423-7.
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Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia and rheumatoid arthritis. J Pediatr. 1985 Sep; 107(3):485.
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Therapy of acute asthma: I. Evaluation of successive bronchodilator treatments. Ann Allergy. 1985 Sep; 55(3):472-5.
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Recurrent abscess formation following DTP immunizations: association with hypersensitivity to tetanus toxoid. Pediatrics. 1985 May; 75(5):899-900.
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Theophylline-associated seizures in children. Ann Allergy. 1985 Apr; 54(4):276-9.
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Transfusion-associated acquired immune deficiency syndrome in infants. J Pediatr. 1984 Nov; 105(5):731-7.
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Abnormal T-cell subsets and mitogen responses in hemophiliacs exposed to factor concentrate. Am J Dis Child. 1984 Jul; 138(7):645-8.
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Immune functions in methylmalonicaciduria. J Inherit Metab Dis. 1984; 7(1):12-4.
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Induction of tolerance to factor VIII in a child with a high-titer inhibitor: in vitro and in vivo observations. J Pediatr. 1984 Jan; 104(1):70-5.
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Administration of metered-dose inhalers: comparison of open- and closed-mouth techniques in childhood asthmatics. Ann Allergy. 1983 Dec; 51(6):571-3.
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Plasma fibronectin levels after splenectomy and splenic autoimplantation in rats with and without dietary ascorbic acid supplementation. J Pediatr Surg. 1983 Dec; 18(6):805-10.
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Antimuscle antibody in infantile botulism. West J Med. 1983 Feb; 138(2):266-7.
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Self-help for asthmatic children. Respir Ther. 1982 Nov-Dec; 12(6):45-50.
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An allergy-clinical immunology training program for pediatric residents. Ann Allergy. 1982 Apr; 48(4):227-9.
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Isoetharine-isoproterenol: a comparison of effects in childhood status asthmaticus. Ann Allergy. 1982 Apr; 48(4):230-2.
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The effects of in vitro antigen exposure upon suppressor cell function in atopic disease. Ann Allergy. 1982 Apr; 48(4):199-204.
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Los Angeles air pollution and asthma in children. Ann Allergy. 1981 Nov; 47(5 Pt 1):348-54.
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Lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis and hypogammaglobulinemia in children. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1981 Oct; 124(4):491-6.
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A self-help program for childhood asthma in a residential treatment center. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 1981 Jul; 20(7):453-7.
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Neutrophil and monocyte chemotaxis in acutely infected patients with cystic fibrosis. Ann Allergy. 1980 Oct; 45(4):217-9.
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Abnormal absorption of a sustained-release theophylline preparation. Ann Allergy. 1980 Aug; 45(2):95-6.
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Eosinophilia in the hospitalized neonate. Ann Allergy. 1980 Jun; 44(6):349-52.
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Partial immunologic reconstitution and hyperimmunoglobulinemia-E in neonatally-acquired graft-versus-host disease. Ann Allergy. 1980 Apr; 44(4):212-6.
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Immunological mechanisms in the maintenance of pregnancy. Ann Allergy. 1980 Mar; 44(3):166-73.
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Inhibition of polymorphonuclear leukocyte chemotaxis by streptokinase-streptodornase. Ann Allergy. 1979 Dec; 43(6):333-6.
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Normal neutrophil and monocyte chemotaxis in patients with cystic fibrosis. J Pediatr. 1979 Aug; 95(2):2724.
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Review of intensive care unit admissions for asthma. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 1979 Jun; 18(6):345-52.
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Agammaglobulinemia and poliomyelitis-like illness. Ann Allergy. 1979 Feb; 42(2):86-7.
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Cow's milk allergy in a premature infant with hypereosinophilia and hyperimmunoglobulinemia E. Ann Allergy. 1978 Nov; 41(5):307-10.
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Steroid-dependent asthma treated with inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate in children. Ann Allergy. 1978 Nov; 41(5):274-7.
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Routine laboratory determinations in pediatric allergic disease. Ann Allergy. 1978 Sep; 41(3):136-9.
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Hyposmia associated with atopy. Ann Allergy. 1978 Feb; 40(2):105-9.
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Air leak syndromes as complications of respiratory disease in infancy and childhood. Ann Allergy. 1977 Dec; 39(6):393-6.
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Improvement of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome following allergy therapy. Ann Allergy. 1977 Nov; 39(5):332-3.
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Use of dish-washing liquids for bathing: a cause of generalized pruritus. Ann Allergy. 1977 Oct; 39(4):284.
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Selective food-specific IgE antibodies in a patient with hyperimmunoglobulinemia E, recurrent infections and severe eczema. Ann Allergy. 1977 Aug; 39(2):137-8.
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The allergic disease flow sheet in the management of pediatric allergy. Ann Allergy. 1977 Mar; 38(3):161-2.
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T lymphocyte dysfunction, hyperimmunoglobulinemia E, recurrent bacterial infections, and defective neutrophil chemotaxis in a Negro child. J Pediatr. 1976 Jun; 88(6):982-5.
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Serum immunoglobulin E concentrations and radioallergosorbent tests in children with atopic dermatitis. Pediatr Res. 1976 Feb; 10(2):97-9.
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A quantitative fluorochromatic assay for alloantibodies. Transplantation. 1968 Dec; 6(9):1010-4.
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