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Comment They are scared of less ability to steal (tax). (Score 1) 105

All these stories just reaffirm one thing. Governments and the Central bank cartel are scared of losing their ability to steal (tax) so easily. That's it. If you have any ability to sift bull, from siht, then this will be abundantly clear to you. ...Let's all wait for the 'crypto is a ponzi scheme' crew to roll in. Sorry guys. You either (a) Don't get it and don't want to or, (b) Know full well that you got it in the early days and chose not to mine or buy, and are now very salty.

Belief is irrelevant. Things either do or do not exist, which is where we are presently.

Comment Re:Keep the message simple (Score 1) 445

Jellyfish like you are why this incredible overreach of mask mandates, business closures and medical commercial continue on so long. You don't need to be given freedom by the government. You chose to give it away, so choose to have it back. Take of the mask (or not) and go about your life however you please. Make your own risk assessment and act accordingly.

Comment Re:I'm kinda surprised (Score 1) 81

Right. If we were all in this together, then the recipes would be being shared, all the vaccines would be open source (as much as is possible). But we're not really all in this together are we? Oxford University was going to open source its vaccine, then the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation stepped in and convinced them to sell exclusive rights to AstraZeneca. Now AstraZeneca is failing to deliver and poor countries are struggling to access vaccines. https://twitter.com/parismarx/... https://newrepublic.com/articl...

Comment Re:because your an idiot. (Score 1) 352

As a non-american who is somewhat removed from all this. The whole thing is an ideological witch-hunt, and anyone with intellectual honesty can see that. If you think a couple hundred people were enough to stage a coup on your actual government, by walking in the front door, lightly armed, that is embarrassing. It was neither a coup nor an insurrection. It was simply a group of people determined to voice their anger at their government. It didn't go so well, but if you think that was some grand coup, it's because you were told to think that and don't form your own conclusions on much of anything. Remember though, if you're going to burn things down and loot, call it a "peaceful protest", because then it's magically peaceful. THE FBI is posting wanted mugshots related to the 6th Jan, what about the people burning down courthouses, police buildings in other parts of your country. What about that ? Who cares what their political affiliation is, burning things down and trashing the city for months on end should be stopped.

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