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Station Information

Station ID: 2263
Latitude: -53.123611
Longitude: -70.860278
Coastline code: 850
Station code: 62
Country: CHILE
Time span of data: 1988 – 2023
Completeness (%): 85
Date of last update: 07 May 2024

Green Arrow: Current Station
Yellow Marker: Neighbouring RLR Station
Red Marker: Neighbouring Metric Station

Please note: In many cases, the station position in our database is accurate to only one minute. Thus, the tide gauge may not appear to be on the coast.

Additional Data Sources (guide to additional data sources)

Nearby GNSS Stations from SONEL: PARC, PTAR
Nearby Real Time Stations from VLIZ: ptar2, ptar

Station Documentation

Link to RLR information.

Documentation added 2015-07-13

PSMSL already holds an historic dataset for Punta Arenas id. 473 dataset is for 1964-1970 which is RLR and 1942-1991 which is Metric. This permanent gauge was established in 1988.

Documentation added 2016-10-11

Using information supplied by SHOA Punta Arenas has been made RLR. Primary benchmark is BM 04 4.151m above Gauge zero. RLR factor is 5.149m.

Data Authority

Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy
Errazuriz 254
Playa Ancha