Enum Behavior

Explains how enums currently work in Protocol Buffers vs. how they should work.

Enums behave differently in different language libraries. This topic covers the different behaviors as well as the plans to move protobufs to a state where they are consistent across all languages. If you’re looking for information on how to use enums in general, see the corresponding sections in the proto2 and proto3 language guide topics.


Enums have two distinct flavors (open and closed). They behave identically except in their handling of unknown values. Practically, this means that simple cases work the same, but some corner cases have interesting implications.

For the purpose of explanation, let us assume we have the following .proto file (we are deliberately not specifying if this is a syntax = "proto2" or syntax = "proto3" file right now):

enum Enum {
  A = 0;
  B = 1;

message Msg {
  optional Enum enum = 1;

The distinction between open and closed can be encapsulated in a single question:

What happens when a program parses binary data that contains field 1 with the value 2?

  • Open enums will parse the value 2 and store it directly in the field. Accessor will report the field as being set and will return something that represents 2.
  • Closed enums will parse the value 2 and store it in the message’s unknown field set. Accessors will report the field as being unset and will return the enum’s default value.

Implications of Closed Enums

The behavior of closed enums has unexpected consequences when parsing a repeated field. When a repeated Enum field is parsed all unknown values will be placed in the unknown field set. When it is serialized those unknown values will be written again, but not in their original place in the list. For example, given the .proto file:

enum Enum {
  A = 0;
  B = 1;

message Msg {
  repeated Enum r = 1;

A wire format containing the values [0, 2, 1, 2] for field 1 will parse so that the repeated field contains [0, 1] and the value [2, 2] will end up stored as an unknown field. After reserializing the message, the wire format will correspond to [0, 1, 2, 2].

Similarly, maps with closed enums for their value will place entire entries (key and value) in the unknown fields whenever the value is unknown.


Prior to the introduction of syntax = "proto3" all enums were closed. Proto3 introduced open enums specifically because of the unexpected behavior that closed enums cause.


The following specifies the behavior of conformant implementations for protobuf. Because this is subtle, many implementations are out of conformance. See Known Issues for details on how different implementations behave.

  • When a proto2 file imports an enum defined in a proto2 file, that enum should be treated as closed.
  • When a proto3 file imports an enum defined in a proto3 file, that enum should be treated as open.
  • When a proto3 file imports an enum defined in a proto2 file, the protoc compiler will produce an error.
  • When a proto2 file imports an enum defined in a proto3 file, that enum should be treated as open.

Known Issues


All known C++ releases are out of conformance. When a proto2 file imports an enum defined in a proto3 file, C++ treats that field as a closed enum. Under editions, this behavior is represented by the deprecated field feature features.(pb.cpp).legacy_closed_enum. There are two options for moving to conformant behavior:

  • Remove the field feature. This is the recommended approach, but may cause runtime behavior changes. Without the feature, unrecognized integers will end up stored in the field cast to the enum type instead of being put into the unknown field set.
  • Change the enum to closed. This is discouraged, and can cause runtime behavior if anybody else is using the enum. Unrecognized integers will end up in the unknown field set instead of those fields.


All known C# releases are out of conformance. C# treats all enums as open.


All known Java releases are out of conformance. When a proto2 file imports an enum defined in a proto3 file, Java treats that field as a closed enum.

Under editions, this behavior is represented by the deprecated field feature features.(pb.java).legacy_closed_enum). There are two options for moving to conformant behavior:

  • Remove the field feature. This may cause runtime behavior changes. Without the feature, unrecognized integers will end up stored in the field and the UNRECOGNIZED value will be returned by the enum getter. Before, these values would be put into the unknown field set.
  • Change the enum to closed. If anybody else is using it they may see runtime behavior changes. Unrecognized integers will end up in the unknown field set instead of those fields.

NOTE: Java’s handling of open enums has surprising edge cases. Given the following definitions:

syntax = "proto3";

enum Enum {
  A = 0;
  B = 1;

message Msg {
  repeated Enum name = 1;

Java will generate the methods Enum getName() and int getNameValue(). The method getName will return Enum.UNRECOGNIZED for values outside the known set (such as 2), whereas getNameValue will return 2.

Similarly, Java will generate methods Builder setName(Enum value) and Builder setNameValue(int value). The method setName will throw an exception when passed Enum.UNRECOGNIZED, whereas setNameValue will accept 2.


All known Kotlin releases are out of conformance. When a proto2 file imports an enum defined in a proto3 file, Kotlin treats that field as a closed enum.

Kotlin is built on Java and shares all of its oddities.


All known Go releases are out of conformance. Go treats all enums as open.


All known JSPB releases are out of conformance. JSPB treats all enums as open.


PHP is conformant.


After 4.22.0, Python is conformant.

In 4.21.x, Python is conformant by default, but setting PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION=python will cause it to be out of conformance.

Before 4.21.0, Python is out of conformance.

When a proto2 file imports an enum defined in a proto3 file, non-conformant Python versions treat that field as a closed enum.


All known Ruby releases are out of conformance. Ruby treats all enums as open.


After 22.0, Objective-C is conformant.

Prior to 22.0, Objective-C was out of conformance. When a proto2 file imported an enum defined in a proto3 file, it would treat that field as a closed enum.


Swift is conformant.


Dart treats all enums as closed.